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Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 8

Reading and Writing Numbers up to 100 000 in words and in

1. Reads any numbers up to hundred thousand in symbol and in
2. Writes any numbers up to hundred thousand in symbol and in


 35 pieces work sheets
 7 pieces Manila paper & Marker
 1 Problem chart
 1 unit Bluetooth speaker
 Paper Cabbage ball
 Binggo Cards


 Activity 1: Review/Drill (5mins)

÷What to ask (Teacher)
• How do you write numbers in words?
÷ What to do (Teacher)

1. Using Number Binggo Game.

2. Provide learners Binggo Cards 5x5 number from 1 to
100 000.
2. Call out number and let the learners mark on their cards.
3. Let the learners write the figure on the board.

÷ What to do (Learner)
Learner play the Bingo Game.

 Activity 2: Mathematical Language/Vocabulary Development

(5 mins)
Unlocking of Difficult Words
•Paper Cabbage Game
÷ What to ask (Teacher)

• Using a cabbage game.

• Play a music entitled “Mathdali”
• Play and pause the music
• When the music stop, open the leaf of the paper
cabbage, read it aloud and write the figure on the boar
÷ What to do (Learner)

Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 8

• Perform the given activity

Words found in the paper cabbage:

One hundred twenty, Four hundred fifty, One thousand three hundred fifty, eight hundred forty,
One thousand ten

 Activity 3: Presentation & Discussion (20mins)

A. Presentation of the Problem (5mins)

÷ What to do (Teacher)
•Divide the learners into 5-6 groups with 5-6 members in each group.
• Present and discuss the problem.
Alejandra is a cashier of Gaisano Malaybalay. One day she noticed
that the cash register was not display the total amount correctly. She
decided to manually calculate the total amount of the customer’s
purchase. The customer had bought various item, and Alejandra needed
to read and write the total amount in symbols and in words.
The customers purchase included:
Six kilos of mangoes, each coasting one hundred forty pesos.
Three boxes of milk, costing Four hundred fifty pesos per box
Five trays of egg, costing Two hundred ten per tray.

÷ What to ask (Teacher):

•Let the pupils by group answer the following given questions.
1. What is the total amount of the customer’s purchase in
2. What is the total amount of the customer’s purchase in words?

B. Collaborative Problem-Solving (10 mins)

÷ What to do (Teacher): ▪

• Guide learners how to accomplish the task.

• Provide the materials needed.
• Roam around, observe each group and listen carefully to
learner’s new and brilliant ideas.
• Record your relevant observations
÷ What to do (Learners):
• Share ideas in the group.
• Answer collaboratively the word problem.
• Come up with at least one solution.
C Comparison and Discussion (5 mins)

Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 8

÷What to do (Teacher):
• Continue roaming around to check progress.
• Observe learners/groups and listen carefully.
• Manage the time and groups.
• Provide support to learners/groups.
• Assign a learner to present their work.
• Record new and correct solution from the learners, if any.
• Encourage rethinking/redoing to solve the problem.
• Detect learners’ difficulty in accomplishing the task.

÷ What to do (Learners):

• Discuss the solution (s) within the group.

• Identify the best or correct solutions.
• Group output be presented in the class.

D.Presentation of Possible Solutions

÷ What to do (Teacher):
• Show and discuss all the possible solutions below.
• Help learners understand how to solve the problem.
• Organize how the possible solutions be presented and discussed
in the class.
• Widen learners’ understanding on having more than one

Possible Solutions:
Solution 1:
6 kls of 3 boxes of 5 trays @
Mangoes milk @ Php 450 Php 210
@ Php 140
140 450 210
140 450 210
140 450 210
140 1350 210
140 210
140 1 050

840 + 1350 + 1 050 = Php 3,240 total amount purchased by the customer
Number in symbol: 3 240
Number in Words: Three thousand two hundred forty pesos

Solution 2:

Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 8

1. Customer’s purchase in symbols: Php 3240
2. Customer’s purchase in words: Three thousand two hundred
Six kilos of mangoes X Php: 140.00= Php 840
Three boxes of milk X Php: 450.00= Php 1350
Five trays of egg X Php. 210.00 = Php 1 050
Total: Php 3240
Number in symbol: 3 240
Number in Words: Three thousand two hundred forty

Solution 3

(140 x 6 ) + (450 x 30) + (210 x 5 )

840 + 1350 + 1 050
= 3 240 total amount purchased by the customer
Number in symbol: 3 240
Number in Words: Three thousand two hundred forty pesos.

E. Whole Class Discussion/Summary

÷ What to ask (Teacher)
• How did you arrived the answers?
• Call learners to summarize how the problem is solved.

÷ What to do (Learner)
• Share how the problem is solved.
• Learners give example of daily activities in their life
requires the skills in reading and writing numbers in
figures or words.

Reflective Thinking
÷ What to ask (Teacher)
•What daily activities in your life requires the skills in
reading and writing numbers in figures or words?
÷ What to do (Learner)
•Learners give example of daily activities in their life
requires the skills in reading and writing numbers in
figures or words.

IV. Assessment ( 10 min)

A. Read the following words in Column A and match it in its figure in
column B.

Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 8

Column A Column

1. Twenty-five thousand six hundred one A. 98 500

2. One thousand three hundred fifty B. 3 240
3. Three thousand two hundred forty C. 25 601
4. Ninety-eight thousand five hundred D. 1 840
5. One thousand eight hundred forty E. 1 350

B. Write the following figures in words.

6. 75 650 ______________________________________________________
7. 89 101 ______________________________________________________
8. 44 009 ______________________________________________________
9. 81 700 ______________________________________________________
10. 40 298 ______________________________________________________


 Remarks
No. of learners who needs additional :
No. of learners who improved their :
Decision (Check : ___Re-teach; ___Review/Re-assess;
which applies) ___Continue

 Reflection
What impact did my teaching have on student learning?"
How well did I differentiate my instruction to meet
individual student needs?"

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Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 8

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