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ument licensed for the sole use of the purchaser. It may not be shared with any other persor express written permission of the CGA. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, page will result in a $5,000 liquidated damages fee plus loss of access to CGA publications for one year for your company. CGA C-8—2005 STANDARD FOR REQUALIFICATION OF DOT-3HT, CTC-3HT, AND TC-3HTM SEAMLESS STEEL CYLINDERS SEVENTH EDITION COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. 4221 Walney Road, 5th Floor Chantilly, VA 20151 Phone: 703-788-2700 Fax: 703-961-1831 E-mail: used after the expiration date or modification of this printed Pace COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. CGAC-8—2005 PLEASE NOTE: The information contained inthis document was obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is based on tech- ical information and experience currently available from members of the Compressed Gas Association, inc. and thers. However, the Association or its members, jointly or severally, make no guarantee of the resulis and assume. liability or responsiblity in connection withthe information or suggestions herein contained. Moreover, it should not be assumed that every acceptable commodity grade, test or safely procedure or method. precaution, equipment or device is contained within, or that abnormal or unusual circumstances may not warrant or suggest furor require: 8 or additional procedure. ‘This document is subject to periodic review, and users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition. The Association in- viles comments and suagestions for consideration. In connection with such review, any such comments or sugges: tions will be fully reviewed by the Association after giving the party, upon request, a reasonable opportunity ts be heard. Proposed changes may be submitted via the Internet al our web site, www eganet com, This document should not be confused with federal, stato, provincial, or municipal specications or regulations; insur- {ance requirements; or national safety codes. While the Association recommends reference to or use ofthis document by government agencies and others, this document is purely voluntary and not binding A listing of all publications, audiovisual programs, safety and technical bulletins, and safety posters is available via the internet at our website at For more information contact CGA at Phone: 703-788-2700, ext. 799. E-malt: customerservi Docket 03.03 nor specications Commit NOTE—Technical changes from the previous edition are undertined. NOTE—Appendix A (Normative) isa requirement. NOTE—Appendix B (Informative) is for information only. SEVENTH EDITION: 2005 ‘SOXTH EDITION: 1997, FIFTH EDITION: 1985 FOURTH EDITION: 1978, © 2005 The Compressed Gas Associaon, inc. All ights reserved. ‘Al materais contained in this work are proected by United States and international copyright laws. No part ofthis work may be reproduced or transmitted in any fom or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying. tecording o any inion, tion storage and relieval system without permission in wring from The Compressed ‘Gas Asoociaton, Inc Al requests or ermission to reproduce material rom this work should be drecied to The Compressed Gas Association, ne. 4221 Walfey Roos, Suite 00, Canty VA 20151. You may not alter or remove any tademark, copyright or cher notes tom ie wor Licensed forthe sole use of the purchaser. See license agreement penalties for distribution, CGA C-8—2005, COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. Pace ii U.S. Department of Transportation and Transport Canada regulations... 2 3 4 Shipping 5 6 Service ie, 1 Visual inspection .. 2 6.1 Preparation for inspection 2 6.2 Design minimum wall thickness calculations... 2 7 Retest. 3 8 Disposition. 3 8.1 Accept. 3 82 Reject ag 83 Condemn. 3 8 Recordkeeping 4 10 References. 4 Appendices ‘Appendix A—Visual examination disposition criteria (Normative) atts 5 ‘Appendix B—Background information on series 3HT cylinders (Informative) 6 This document licensed forthe sole use ofthe purchaser. It may not be shared with any other person or used after the expiration date without the express written permission ofthe CGA. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or modification of this printed ‘Page will result in a $5,000 liquideted damages fee plus oss of access to CGA publications for one year for your company. sleereetmmieereeeniienteimmnnnnsitiiniiAM i ita Licensed forthe sole use of the purchaser. See license agreement penalties for distribution This page is intentior ly blank ‘This document licensed forthe sole use ofthe purchaser. It may not be shared with any other person or used after the expiration date ‘Without the express writen permission of the CGA. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or modification of this printed age will result in a $5,000 liquidated damages fee plus loss of access to CGA publications for one year for your company, NN EE el Licensed forthe sole use ofthe purchaser. Se license agreement penalties for distribution, CGAC-8—2005, PRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. Pace 1 1 Introduction ‘This standard provides information on the requalifcation of DOT-3HT, CTC-SHT, and TC-3HTM seamless steel ‘ovinders. 2 Scope This standard has been prepared to advise cylinder users and requalification facilities regarding the require- ments for establishing their own cylinder inspection procedures and standards. Of necessity, this standard is general in nature, although some specific limits are given. Rejection or acceptance for continued use, in accor. dance with these limits, represents accepted practice, which has proven salisfactary for the continuance of these cylinders in service. 3 U.S. Department of Transportation and Transport Canada requlations ‘The Hazardous Materials Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) (Title 49 of the USS. Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR] Part 180 Subpart C) and Transport Canada (TC) (Section 24 of CSA B339, Cylinders, Spheres, and Tubes for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods) require thal cylinders be periodically requalified to ensure their suitabilty for continued safe service [1, 2].' The regulations and this ‘standard require that a cylinder shall be condemned when it leaks; when intemal of external corrosion, denting, bulging, or evidence of rough usage exists to the extent that the cylinder is likely to be weakened appreciably, (or when i fails to pass the hydrostatic retest. Seamiess steel cylinder requaification requirements in the regulations or this standard vary depending on de- sign and the type of service (pressure, commodity, etc.) for which the cylinder is authorized, All seamloss stocl cylinders require a periodic visual examination and most require a periodic hydrostatic retest, The relest criteria for acceptance or rejection also vary. For the great majority of steel cylinders, including specifications DOT-SHT ‘and CTC-3HT cylinders, the permanent expansion limit shall not exceed 10% of the total expansion. For cylin- ders manufactured to TC-3HTM, the permanent expansion shall not exceed 5% (see CSA 8339, clause [2]. Additional requirements for all series 3HT cylinders are that the elastic expansion (total expan. sion less permanent expansion) at retest shall not exceed the elastic expansion al manufacture by more than 5% ‘Requaliication of cylinders shall be performed only by an authorized DOT or TC facily 4° Shipping Filled series SHT cylinders shall be shipped in suitable outside containers such as corrugated cartons or ‘wooden boxes, which are considered sufficient to protect the cylinders from the adverse effects of rough han. ling during shipment, It is strongly recommended that empty series SHT cylinders also be stored and trans- ported in the same type of outside container to prevent damage to the cylinder. 5 Service life Series 3HT cylinders shall be removed from service and condemned at the end of a 24-year period following the date of the original test marked on the cylinder or after 4380 pressurizations, whichever occurs fst. If 2 cylinder is recharged more than once every other day, an accurate record of the number of such rechargings shall be maintained by the cylinder owner or the owner's agent. " Referencos are shown by bracketed numbers and are sted in order of appearance in the reference section This document licensed forthe sole use of the purchaser It may not be shared with any other person or used after the expiration date without the express written permission of the CGA. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or modification of this printed Page will result in a $5,000 liquidated damages fee plus loss of access to CGA publications for one year for your company, i i i Licensed forthe sole use of the purchaser. See license agreement penalties for distribution. Pace2, COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. GAC-8—2005 6 Visual inspection Cylinders shall ly Inspected in ix A. CGA C-8, Standar ual I =! Compressed G used as a reference for visual ion 61 Preparation for inspection Cylinders shall be cleaned for inspection to permit the interior and exterior surfaces to be clearly observed, This shall include the removal of excessively heavy paint build-up from the exterior ~ 62 Design minimum. ni ulations 62.4 T-3HT and CTC-3HT seri For DOT-3HT and CTC-3HT series cylinders, the design minimum wall thickness (0) can be obtained from the eylinder manufacturer or by calculation using the following formula derived from DOT Specification 3HT found in 49 CFR 178.44(9 [1 NOTE—-P is 5/8 times service pressure for DOT-3HT and CTC-3HT. o,_ [S=3F ‘S+04P Where. S__= Maximum design wall stress; shall not exceed 75% of the minimum tensile strength or 105 000 psi (723975 kPa)* P= 513 times service pressure in psi (kPa) D = Outside diameter in inches (mm) {= Minimum design wail thickness in inches (mm) 62.2 TC-3HTM series For TC-3HTM series cylinders, the design minimum wall thickness can be obtained from the cylinder manufac- turer or by using the following formula derived from Sections 4.2 and 10.3 of CSA B39 (2) NOTE—Piis 1.5 times service pressure for TC-3HTM. t= Minimum design wall thickness in mm, o Maximum design wall stress; shall not exceed 67.5% of the minimum tensile strength or 652 MPa, whichever is less { kP shall indicate gauge pressure unless otherwise noted as (kPa, abs) for absolute pressure or (kPa, diferent for di- ferential pressure. All KPa valves are rounded off per CGA P-11, Metis Practice Guide forthe Compressed Gas Indust i ‘This document licensed for the sole use of the purchaser. It may not be shared with any other person or used after the expiration date without the express written permission of the CGA. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or modification ofthis printed Page will result in a $5,000 liquidated damages fee plus loss of access to CGA publications for one year for your company, a Licensed for the sole use ofthe purchaser. See license agreement penalties for distribution, CGAC-8—2005, COWPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. Paces P 1. times the service pressure in MPa (the marked service pressure unit is in bar) . Outside diameter in mm a Inside diameter in mm NOTE. n= 254mm 1p = GA04787APa and tpl = 6804757 x 0° MPa When metic cuvette, ty Il eine conaelonty ouput he mela 7 Retest At least once every 3 years, a series SHT cylinder shall be subjected to a retest by hydrostatic pressure in a water jacket for the determination of the expansion of the cylinder in accordance with the requirements of CGA C-1, Mothods for Hydrostatic Testing of Compressed Gas Cylinders {5}. A cylinder shall be condemned if The permanent volumetric expansion exceeds 10% ofthe total expansion for DOT-3HT and CTC-3HT; The permanent volumetric expansion exceeds 5% of the total expansion for TC-3HTM; or ‘The elastic expansion exceeds the marked rejection elastic expansion (REE) stamped on the cylinder by the manufacturer. The REE is 1.05 times the original elastic expansion (EE) at manufacture. Cylinders manufactured before January 17, 1978, are required to have the EE in cubic centimeters stamped on ‘the cylinder near the original test date. At retest the cylinder shall be restamped to show the REE. For example: EE 10.0 7x74 REE 105 7Y78 X and ¥ represent inspector symbols, Cylinders manufactured on or after January 17, 1978, also are required to have the REE stamped near the {ate of the original test. Therefore, at requalifcation, only the retest date and the inspector's symbol are ro- ‘quired Retest dates and inspector symbols shall be applied by low-stress type steel stamping using round-faced stamps to a depth no greater than that of the original marking at the time of manufacture. Stamping on the sidewall is prohibited, 8 Disposition Accylinder shail if ted, rejected, or 8.1 Accept A.cylinder that passes the inspection and tests pres in thi tion shall be considered a id hall be marked in accordance with 49 CER 1 use 24,6 of CSA 8339 [1 82 — Reject When a cylinder is rejected, the requaiifier shall notify the cylinder owner in writing that the cylinder has been rejected and may not be filed with a hazardous material for transportation in commerce where use of a specif cation packaging is required. However, a rejected evinder may be repaired in accordance wih Appendix & licabs 83 Condemn When a cylinder is condemned, the requalifier shall notify the cylinder owner in writing that the cylinder is con-

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