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5 Qualitative and quantitative research into the development and feasib, by Publication
Corneel Vandelanott- 2011

6 Publication
To study the Impact of Influencer Marketing in Encouraging Consumer
Behaviour and Sustainable Lifestyles
*Ms. Shikha Singh
**Dr. Karan Veer Singh
ABSTRACT: Influencer marketing is a type of social media platform marketing that involves product
placement, support, suggestions, and endorsements from influencers. Influencers are often online
personalities with a sizable social media following who use their platform to sway the beliefs and actions
of their audience. Influencer marketing is an effective strategy for connecting with members of this
generation and for encouraging environmentally friendly choices and also changing the buying behavior
of the consumer towards sustainable products. Influencers have the power and ability to change the
attitudes of their followers. Influencers may positively impact the environment and reach a big audience
by promoting sustainable products and activities. Influencers' reliability and dependability, the message
they provide, and their target demographic are some of the variables that determine how effective
influencer marketing is, but the impact is still enormous. For this study the data has been collected
through primary and secondary source both. A survey questionnaire is used in this study to collect
information from 200 customers. Using a systematic questionnaire with questions on consumer
behaviour, sustainability, and the function of influencer marketers, the initial responses were gathered
from the city Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). It looks at brand impression, purchasing behaviour, and exposure
to influencer marketing. The article examines people's reactions to the acceptability of a sustainable
lifestyle, as well as some of the ethical issues and obstacles surrounding influencer marketing. The
efficacy of influencer marketing in encouraging sustainable lifestyles and consumer behaviours was
another area of attention for the empirical investigation.
Keywords: Social media, sustainability, influencer marketing, consumer behaviour, and brand awareness

*Ms. Shikha Singh, Research Scholar, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur
**Dr. Karan Veer Singh, Assistant Professor, Sherwood College of Professional Management, Lucknow

The globe has seen a dramatic shift in consumer tastes in recent years, with a greater focus on
environmentally friendly options and sustainable living. This trend is reinforced by the impact of
what consumers see online. Due to the ecological challenges facing the globe, such as resource
depletion, climate change, and global warming, customers are becoming more picky about the
goods they purchase. Influencer marketing has b The globe has seen a dramatic shift in consumer
tastes in recent years, with a greater focus on environmentally friendly options and sustainable
living. This trend is reinforced by the impact of what consumers see online. Due to the ecological
challenges facing the globe, such as resource depletion, climate change, and global warming,
customers are becoming more picky about the goods they purchase. Influencer marketing has
become a formidable force in the marketing industry as a result of this. Although the phrase
"influencer marketing" is relatively new, it has significant implications. Influencers are persons
or organisations who either have a high degree of knowledge or social influence in the industry.
Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that takes place on social me ecome a formidable
force in the marketing industry as a result of this. Although the phrase "influencer marketing" is
relatively new, it has significant implications. Influencers are persons or organisations who either
have a high degree of knowledge or social influence in the industry. Influencer marketing is a
type of marketing that takes place on social media platforms and includes recommending items
or companies. They could be little-known celebrities who rose to prominence on websites like
YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and others. The ability of these influencers to persuade their
audience is enormous.
Social media influencers have a significant impact on the decisions made by their followers in
the digital age, and this has an impact on consumer behaviour and the trend of sustainable
lifestyles. This is the best instrument available for bridging the gap between customers and
brands. This is a fresh approach to communicating. Influencer marketing has become easier to
use as a result of consumers' growing scepticism and mistrust of traditional marketing.
Influencers are a popular tool used by businesses, enterprises, and brands to advertise their
products. "Consumers are increasingly looking to influencers for guidance and inspiration on
living sustainably, creating an enormous chance for brands". [1] In 2023, Audrezet et al. It is
possible to research how well influencer marketing works to promote sustainable lifestyles and
change customer behaviour. In conclusion, influencer marketing has a great deal of potential to
encourage environmentally friendly conduct on the part of consumers. Influencers may
encourage a good change in the environment and influence people's decisions by using the power
of authenticity, something traditional marketing lacks. Influencer marketing is expected to be a
powerful tool for promoting eco-friendly lifestyles and influencing consumer behaviour as long
as sustainability remains a top concern for businesses and consumers alike.
Statement of problem
While influencer marketing is recognised for its potential to promote sustainability and influence
consumer choices, there is a need for a deeper understanding of its effectiveness in producing
noticeable changes in behaviour and fostering enduring sustainable practices. The current study
focuses on the need to investigate and analyse the specific strategies, types of content, and
methods of engagement that influencers employ to successfully promote sustainable lifestyles.
Addressing this disparity can aid in creating more targeted and efficient strategies, as well as
providing guidance on enhancing influencer marketing efforts for long-term success.
 To evaluate the influence of influencer marketing on customer behaviour regarding
 To determine the obstacles and possibilities for influencer marketing in advocating for
sustainable lifestyles.
 To examine the ethical issues of using influencer marketing to promote sustainable
No further information provided.
 Analyse the impact of influencers on enhancing consumer awareness and promoting
beneficial environmental and social transformations.

The research is conducted by collecting and analyzing how and what events occurred during the
year gaps between 2000-2023. Both primary and secondary data will be triangulated to attain a
comprehensive understanding of the impact on consumer behavior and sustainable lifestyles that
are controlled by influencers.
Research type:-It is a descriptive and empirical study.
Sampling method: - A convenience sampling technique (non-probability sampling) has been
used in this study for collecting data efficiently.
Sampling size:-200 consumers aged between 10 to 60 years.
Data source:- Based on primary data and secondary data. The primary data has been collected
through survey questionnaire involves selecting 200 consumers aged 10 to 60 years, both male
and female, within the city Lucknow. .Secondary data is gathered through a thorough literature
review on influencer marketing, sustainable living, and consumer behaviour, providing a
foundation for the study.
Data analysis:- For analysis, statistical tools like Google Forms, and Microsoft Excel are used to
interpret the quantitative data collected through the survey questionnaire. Additionally,
qualitative data from the literature review and other secondary sources could be analyzed using
content analysis methods to extract meaningful insights.

Review of Literature
Shravya, 2022), The use of influencer marketing as a venue for advertising is growing quickly.
In the Indian market, sustainability is starting to have( an effect. One of the main reasons for this
spike is the sudden rise in consciousness. This study examines the relationships between
consumer attitudes, beliefs, and intentions to purchase sustainable clothing that are influenced by
social impact, influencer credibility, recognised consumer efficiency, and influencer marketing.
Masuda, H., Lee, J., and Han, S. H. (2022), Influencer marketing on social media has become
very popular recently and is getting a lot of attention. Three characterizations—credibility,
perceptivity experience, and PSR—as well as three human attributes—attitude asociality,
allurement, and social mystique—are discussed in this paper. Social media users may develop
into well-known content producers by writing and sharing product and service evaluations,
personal narratives, and experiences. These individuals are referred to as social media
influencers; this is not a novel idea. Stars used to be the main determinants of customer
Jan, C., Chuang, C., and Lin, R. (2019), The world has changed to a digital one, where people
rely on social media and consider other consumers when making selections about what to buy.
They now glance at their favourite characters as well as at each other. Social media influencers
are a contemporary class of independent middlemen who use digital tools to shape, mould, or
alter popular opinion or conduct. Here, credibility is quite important. Consumers' intentions and
choices about purchases are influenced by influencer trustworthiness, which is the viewpoint of
user-generated content and brand. Online, a candidate's perceived honesty and credibility are two
qualities that make them an effective brand ambassador.
In 2019, Belanche, D., Flavián, M., Casaló, L. V., and Ibáñez-Sánchez, S. Influencers are
increasingly acting as informational and innovative sources for their followers, which is why this
new kind of persuasive communication works so well. Influencers may help firms capitalise on
these strong ties or associations by promoting their goods to consumers who have already
adopted their beliefs or ideals.
Liu, H., Cartwright, S., and Davies, I. A. (2022) In the business-to-business space, influencer
marketing discusses organisational endorsement theories, consumer referral marketing, and staff
participation. Influential marketing in business-to-business (B2B) indicates that the most crucial
elements for sustaining commercial connections are professionalism, trustworthiness, and
knowledge sharing. Relationship marketing in business-to-business (B2B) refers to a lifelong
system of interconnected connections among different stakeholders. Even in the virtual world,
relationships—both internal and external—are as important.
Li, Y., Zhang, J. Z., Leung, F. F., Gu, F. F., & Palmatier, R. W. (2022) Companies using
influencer marketing programmes must pick online influencers carefully before hiring them to
use their followers as advocates on social media to advertise their products. Determining if
influencers that marketers specifically select and the information that reaches them boost
consumer involvement in response to influencer marketing. Typically, the brands or corporations
provide these influencers total autonomy to create content in a structure and style that suit them.
Duncan J. Watts, Jake M. Hofman, Winter A. Mason, and Eytan Bakshy. 2009 In this work, the
researcher tracked 74 million diffusion events that transpired on the Twitter follower network
during two months in 2009 in order to analyse the traits and relative impact of 1.6 million
Twitter users. As anticipated, they discovered that people with a significant number of followers
and a history of influence are the ones that start the biggest cascades. Additionally, they
discovered that URLs with higher unique ratings and higher ratings of happy feelings from
Mechanical Turk workers had a higher chance of spreading.
5 1
Choi Sungchul and Ng Alex. (2011) Due to a lack of focus on sustainability as a concept with
several facets, a developmental gap has been noted in the literature on green marketing,
sustainability, and marketing for many years. Based on the well-established theory of customer-
corporate (C-C) identification, which holds that consumers respond favourably to businesses that
they recognise as engaging in corporate social responsibility, the researchers hypothesised that
consumers would react similarly to companies with sustainability initiatives.
Rahul Singh, Aikaterini Manthiou, and Bruno Godey. (2016) This study provides information
about the effects of social media marketing on the development of brand equity and customer
perception of a brand. Through an examination of luxury brands such as Burberry, Dior, Gucci,
Hermès, and Louis Vuitton, this research explores the ties between these companies and
consumers. In order to fill in the gaps left by earlier social media branding, a structural equation
model was developed by conducting a survey of 845 luxury brand customers of Chinese, French,
Indian, and Italian enterprises through the use of social media.
David Lopez, Rafael Anaya-Sánchez, Marisel Fernández Giordano, and Francisco J. Martínez-
López. (2020) A common promotional tactic on social networking sites like Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter is influencer marketing. Through two distinct experimental experiments,
four key influencer marketing-related aspects are examined in this study. It was discovered that it
is crucial to link to the influencer's celebrity status and personal experience with the item or
service they are endorsing.
In 2009, Mangold, W. G., and Faulds, D. J. Social media is becoming a crucial component of the
promotion mix due to its considerable influence on consumer-to-consumer contacts brought
about by technological advancements. Customers may engage directly with one another and with
enterprises, providing a platform for communication. Managers are educated to modify customer
preferences based on the mission and performance goals of the organisation through the use of
social media platforms and blogs. The research talks about how various social media platforms,
such as blogs and Facebook, may assist in informing clients about the business and provide them
with the opportunity to learn in-depth details about the items offered by the organisation.
Jones, P., Comfort, D., Hillier, D., and Clarke?Hill, C. (2008) Two ideas that are sometimes seen
as being in opposition to one another are marketing and sustainability. Marketing is the
necessity, whereas sustainability is the objective of meeting fundamental needs and demands
while preserving a high standard of living for future generations. Marketing has the power to
direct an organization's thought process. Marketing understands a person's requirements in two
ways: first, by persuading them to buy a product they don't need, and second, by helping them
understand why the product is necessary.
In 2017, Glucksman, M. According to this study, influencer marketing is a tactic that
concentrates on a small number of target customers as opposed to a large one. The firm attracts
clients based on their interests and preferences, concentrating mainly on these chosen individuals
and encouraging them to try their products and services. This study looks at how influencers may
engage with customers and use various promotion techniques.
Austad, B., and Silvera, D. H. (2004) When a celebrity or influencer endorses a product, it can
lead to consumers believing that the product is something they use or that the celebrity really
loves the brand. However, in actuality, the celebrity is paid by the companies promoting the
product to promote the brand. The article centres on the necessity for any company selecting a
celebrity to ensure that the endorser is a good match for the brand, i.e., there should be a strong
bond between the endorsers
Data Analysis and Interpretation

The respondents' gender-based categorization is shown in Figure 1. There are 131 (65.5%)
female respondents and 69 (34.5%) male respondents in this survey. Most of the study's
participants were females.

The respondents' age-based categorization is shown in Figure 2.The study includes 78 (39%)
respondents who are between the ages of 10 and 20, 69 (34.5%) respondents who are between
the ages of 20 and 30, 10 (5%) respondents who are between the ages of 30 and 40, 24 (12%), 19
(9.5%), and respondents who are between the ages of 50 and 60. Most of the study's participants
were in the 10- to 20-year-old age range.
Figure 3 show how the respondents were categorised according to how familiar they were with
the idea of influencer marketing. The study includes 150 respondents (75%) who are familiar
with the notion of influencer marketing, 28 respondents (11%) who are not familiar with it, and
the other 22 respondents (14%), who have no opinion. Most of the responders to the research had
some familiarity with the idea of influencer marketing.

The respondents are categorised according to whether or not their purchasing behaviour was
affected by others in Table 4 and Figure 4. According to the poll, 134 respondents (or 67% of the
total) favour, 36 respondents (18%) do not prefer, and 30 respondents (15%) have no opinion on
being influenced by others to make purchases. The majority of research participants preferred to
have their purchasing decisions affected by others.
The respondents' perspectives about consumer purchasing behaviour based on influencer
marketing are shown in Figure 6. According to the survey, 166 respondents (83%) prefer, 5
respondents (2.5%) do not prefer, and 29 respondents (14.5%) have no opinion at all about how
influencer marketing affects customer purchasing behaviour. The majority of research
participants preferred influencer marketing as a means of influencing consumers' purchasing

Figure 7 illustrates how influencer marketing contributes to constructive social and

environmental impact. Of the respondents in the survey, 133 (66.5%) had favourable thoughts,
14 (7%), had negative opinions, and 53 (26.5%) had neutral opinions about the contribution of
influencer marketing to constructive social and environmental change. The bulk of research
participants were those who positively impacted influencer marketing's contribution to beneficial
social and environmental development.

The respondents' segmentation according to consumer behaviour and desires for sustainable
lifestyles is shown in Figure 8. The study includes 175 respondents (87.5%) who say they prefer
sustainable lifestyles and consumer behaviour, 4 respondents (2%), who say they do not prefer,
and the other 21 respondents (10.5%) who are unsure. Most of the respondents to the research
preferred sustainable lifestyles and purchasing behaviour.

The views expressed by participants in Figure 9 are based on the customer's unfavourable post-
purchase experience. In terms of disliking the post-purchase experience, 98 (49%) of the study's
respondents had unfavourable attitudes, 71 (35.5%) have good thoughts, and the balance of 31
(15.5%) have neutral feelings. Most of the respondents in the survey regretted their post-
purchase experience and had a negative influence.

The thoughts of the respondents based on the information dependability of the influencer are
shown in Figure 10. Regarding the influencer's information dependability, the survey includes 83
(41.5%) respondents who have neutral thoughts, 88 (44%) respondents who do not favour, and
29 (14.5%) respondents who strongly prefer. The majority of survey participants did not like
having trustworthy information from influencers.
The respondents' perceptions of influencers' possible detrimental effects on consumer awareness
are shown in Figure 11. In the poll, 91 respondents, or 45.5%, had indifferent thoughts on the
idea that influencers may have a detrimental impact on consumer awareness, compared to 24
respondents, or 12%, who do not accept it. The majority of survey participants had indifferent
views on the influencer's possible detrimental effect on awareness among consumers.

The respondents' classification according to the superiority of contemporary influencers over

conventional marketing techniques is shown in Figure 12. According to the survey, there are 100
(or 50%) respondents who believe influencer marketing is effective, 31 (15.5%) respondents who
disagree, and 66 (34.5%) respondents who are unsure about the superiority of influencer
marketing over traditional marketing. The majority of research participants thought that modern
influencers are more effective than conventional marketers.
The relevant graphs used for the findings are presented above under interpretation. It was shown
through graphs and answers from the questionnaire that:
1. The bulk of research participants were female, with an average age of 10 to 20 years old, and
familiar with the idea of influencer marketing.
2. Instead of celebrity endorsements, they would rather have their purchasing decisions affected
by others.
3. The majority of respondents said that customer purchasing behaviour was positively impacted
by influencer marketing.
4. They improved the function of influencer marketing, but they did not heavily rely on the
knowledge of influencers.
Regarding the possible detrimental effects of influencers on consumer awareness, their views
were unbiased.
6. The majority did not want to repurchase items advocated by influencers, despite their belief
that influencers nowadays are more successful than traditional marketers.
7. They had differing opinions on how important it is to see influencers as being associated with
a certain brand.
8. While a few participants regretted their afterwards experiences, the majority of respondents
favoured sustainable lives and consumer behaviour.
To sum up, this study looked at how well influencer marketing works to encourage sustainable
lifestyles and consumer behaviour. Based on a review of the literature and empirical data, it can
be concluded that influencers have the power to positively impact societal shifts in attitudes
towards sustainability. Influencer marketing has repeatedly shown itself to be a successful tool
for encouraging sustainable lifestyles and influencing customer behaviour in a good way.
By utilising the reach and influence of social media influencers for sustainable initiatives, we can
make major progress towards developing a more environmentally conscious and responsible
consumer society. To optimise the efficacy of influencer marketing in advancing a sustainable
future, continuous research and plan adaption will be necessary as the social media and
sustainability environment change.
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