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Chapter One

We are facing very tough situations because it is very difficult to survive in
this type of disturbed times. The refugees are not crossing the borders for the
financial gains like to migrants. The refugees leave their mother land because
they have no other suitable option. This migration from one country to other
country aims to seek the safety and better facilities of health. In this way
they are crossing the borders of adjacent countries. Historical documents are
evident that there are many political communities were established by the
refugees in the history. The people who had the need of safe heavens have
to flee to city states in Ancient Greece and Rome. Since the founding of the
nation-state and the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, many factors such as
revolution, religious persecution, state formation, and conflict have often for
ced people to seek refuge outside their countries in order to survive.
The basic principle of asylum is that when people face a serious threat at ho
me, they should be allowed to escape and enter a safe haven until
they can return voluntarily or return to society permanently.
Today's most pressing humanitarian challenges include the plight of
asylum seekers, from serious human rights violations to torture,
by the fact that one in 122 people is a refugee, internally displaced or
The figures found in the report are alarming to say the least. One in 122
people worldwide are currently refugees, internally displaced or seeking
asylum. At the end of 2014, 59.5 million people had to move.
This figure was 51.2 million a year ago and 37.5 million ten years ago
(Parater, 2015)1. The state of Pakistan is hosted more than 1.4 million
registered Afghans refugees who have been forced to flee their homes
(UNHCR, 2024)2.
In this context, sovereignty is important in any situation where people
emigrate from the state, whether refugees or immigrants, and the
feature of sovereignty can ensure that the state seemingly has the righ
t to
judge only within its own spheres, entering into an area where people
will then decide. Will they be allowed to stay or will they be forced to
leave? However, each state has the authority to exercise this authority

(Parater, 2015)
(UNHCR, 2024)
within the limits provided by law, and rules governing non-citizen acce
ss must clearly follow the rules for asylum seekers (Brownlie, 2010)3.

(Brownlie, 2010)

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