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1 Write the verbs in brackets in Present Simple

1. My sister (read) a book.

2. Frank (like) dogs.
3. My parents (do) the shopping.
4. We sometimes (meet) in front of the cinema.
5. Uncle George (go) to the doctor's.
6. Our friends (play) football in the park.
7. She (go) to the park every Friday.
8. He (ride) his bike every day.
9. We (have) the best ideas.
10. Carol (say) good bye.
11. She (be) the best singer in our class.
12. My sister (try) to be better.
13. The children (wash) hamburgers.
14. Bill (have) got two notebooks.
15. I (be) at home.

2 Make sentences 1, 3, 9, 11 and 15 negative






3 Write the same sentences as questions





4 Write do or does

1_________________ he have any glue?

2_________________ they have any paint brushes?
3_________________ we have any paint?
4_________________ I have any string?
5 ___________________ my mother and sister have long hair?
6___________________ you have any popcorn?

5 Use the verbs in bracket to make sentences

1Michael (not, have) _____________________four brothers.

2We (live)_______________________in London.

3She (not, live) __________________________in Manchester.

4My cat (love)____________________fish.

5Where (you/work)__________________________?

6Where (he/work)_______________________?

7What time (you/start) _______________________school?

8What kind of music (you/like) _________________________________________?

9What kind of music (your brother/like) ________________________________?

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