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TOPIC: What is Democracy ? Why Democracy?

General Aim:
• Formation of civil qualities on the basis of new knowledge, skills and values that
help individuals to solve emerging problems.
• adapt to changing socio-economic and political conditions, represent and protect their
rights and interests.
• respecting the interests and rights of others

Specific Aim: Students will be able to :

1. Analyze why democracy is a better form of government.

2. Define democracy, dictatorship ,broad meaning of democracy

3. Distinguish between a good democracy and a bad democracy

Vocabulary Words:




( difficult words will be discussed side by side with the concepts)

Skills: Social Norms: Multiple Intelligence:

1. Thinking 1. harmony and peace 1. Auditory

2. sense of sharing 2.Visual
2. Observation 3.collective responsibility 3. linguistic
3. Social 4. patriotism
4. kinesthetic
4. Critical Reasoning 5. Decision Making

6. Mutual Interdependence
5. Creative

Teaching Aids: mind map , videos, PPT

Art Integration:
Geography Labeling of places on world map

English Story writing

Maths Draw a bar graph showing number of countries became democratic in all the
three stages of democracy

Economics Compare the economic growth of a democratic and a non-democratic country.

P.K. Testing:
The learners would have the previous knowledge of students :
1. Why rules and regulations are important in society?
2. If there are no rules and regulations than what will happen?
3. Who makes rules for coutry ?
4. How representatives elected in India ?
5. When does elections held in India?

Announcement of the Topic: Teacher will announce the topic to the students and say“Today
we will discuss more about What is Democracy ? Why Democracy?

Teaching Strategies: discussion, questioning method

Individual task - . some paper cutting will be used which will show involvement of
larger number of people in policy formation on Broader meaning of democracy
After that teacher will explain the broader meaning of a democracy and a good democracy.

Flash Card
● Team work - A debate will be held on the topic ‘Argument for democracy /
Argument against democracy.
● Reference material :
NCERT textbook, MBD social science , Evergreen S.Sc.,

Learning outcomes : Students are able to

1. Analyze why democracy is a better form of government.

2. Define democracy, dictatorship ,broad meaning of democracy

3. Distinguish between a good democracy and a bad democracy

Home work : Compare between unitary form of government and democratic

form of government

Evaluation tool:
o Written test
o Quiz
o Discuss

Evaluation :

Written Test Total Marks:15
1. What will happen if India become a non-democratic country.(5)

2. Analyze cases of non-democratic country. And mention which democratic features are
absent in those non-democratic country. .(5)

3. Compare between unitary form of government and democratic form of government.(3).

4.Write features of a good democracy. .(2)

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