Assignment 3

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Subject: Web Technology (KCS-602) MM: 20

Date of Delivered: 30-04-2024 Date of Submission: 3-05-2024

Q.No. Questions CO PO Remark

1 What is AJAX? Explain how to implement AJAX with

example. CO3

2 Define Session and Cookies. Explain with an example

program CO5

Explain about DOM based XML processing

3 CO4,3
Explain in detail of how to use Java Beans in JSP
pages with suitable example

4 List and explain the web servers that support CGI

programming.[ CO5

5 What is Servlet? Write servlet program for displaying

“Hallow World”. CO5

What are the two objects that a servlet receives when

6 it accepts a call from client? b) How does server side CO5
programming differ from client side programming?

Collect the student’s details such as, register number,

name, subject and marks using forms and generate a
DTD for this XML document. Display the collected CO3
7 information in the descending order of marks. Write
XML source code for the above.

With an example program, explain form validation

8 concept in JavaScript. b) Write a short note on Event CO5
handlers in JavaScript.

9 How to use Cookies and session for session tracking?

Explain with an example program. CO5

10 How to use Scripting Elements in JSP ? Explain.b)

Write the steps in connection database to the JSP page CO5

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