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Shruti Dhakarwal MBAA23061

Assignment 4

Ques) The government of India wants to get feedback from people, keeping in mind 3
questions: 1) To what extent has UPI adoption impacted financial inclusion in rural areas?

2) how has UPI transformed the lives of small businesses in India?

3) what are the factors influencing the gender gap in upi usage in India for each question
above give the research type(qualitative/quantitative or mixed), research questions,data
collection method , and analytics


1) To what extent has UPI adoption impacted financial inclusion in rural areas?

Type of Research: Quantitative(Because gathering and analyzing numerical data is a necessary

component of quantitative research. It is crucial to quantify the changes and determine the extent of
impact using statistical analysis in order to evaluate the effect of UPI adoption on financial inclusion
in rural areas.)

Research Questions:

1. What is the impact of UPI acceptance on the expansion of financial services accessibility in
rural areas?
2. How financially included were rural areas both before and after the introduction of UPI?
3. Do various socioeconomic classes in rural areas use UPI at different rates?

Method of Data Collection:

• Residents in rural areas received questionnaires and surveys.

• Gathering transaction information from banks and UPI service providers.


 Descriptive statistics to analyze the overall adoption rate.

 Comparative analysis to measure changes in financial inclusion pre and post-UPI.
 Regression analysis to identify factors influencing UPI adoption in rural areas.

2) How has UPI transformed the lives of small businesses in India?

Mixed research (qualitative and quantitative components combined)(Because: A mixed-methods

approach enables the mixing of quantitative data and qualitative insights, offering a more thorough
view of the impact on small enterprises, in order to fully comprehend the transition.)

Research Questions:

1. How has UPI helped small firms with their financial operations?
Shruti Dhakarwal MBAA23061

2. Have certain industries or categories of small enterprises profited more from UPI than
3. What obstacles or disadvantages have small firms encountered when implementing UPI?

Data collection method:

• To obtain qualitative insights, small business owners are surveyed and interviewed.
• Examining financial reports and transaction data for quantitative information.


 Qualitative thematic analysis of interview responses.

 Quantitative analysis of transaction volumes, revenue changes, and growth rates.
 Comparative analysis to identify correlations between UPI adoption and business

3) What are the factors influencing the gender gap in UPI usage in India?

Research Type: Qualitative research (Because Qualitative research methodologies are best suited for
conducting in-depth explorations of attitudes, actions, and cultural norms that are necessary to
comprehend the causes impacting the gender gap.)

Research Questions:

1) What perceived obstacles exist that keep women from utilizing UPI services?
2) What role do cultural norms and society expectations play in the gender disparity in UPI
3) Are there any particular UPI features or components that women could find harder to
use or obtain?

Method of Data Collection:

• Focus groups and in-depth interviews with UPI users, both male and female.
• Surveys aimed at people of various genders to learn about attitudes and difficulties.


 Thematic analysis to identify recurring themes and patterns in qualitative data.

 Qualitative comparative analysis to understand differences in perspectives between genders.
 Recommendations for policy changes or targeted interventions based on qualitative findings.

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