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1. Democracy: meaning/definition of Democracy

a) Origin and types of Democracy
b) Characteristics of Democracy
c) Explain the meaning of representative democracy
2. Rule of law: meaning/ definition of rule of Law
a) Element or attributes of rule of Law
b) Characteristics of rule of Law
c) Advantages and Limitations of rule of Law
3. Rule of law continues:
a) Rule of majority and protection of minority
b) Explain maximum liberty to the benefit of the citizens.
4. Major pillars of Democracy:
5. Federalism: meaning/definition of federalism
a) The three tiers of government
b) Constitution divides government powers into:
c) Advantages and disadvantages of federalism.
6. Citizens responsibility: meaning/ definition of citizen.
a) Duties and responsibilities of citizens
b) Requirements to become a citizen (acquisition)
7. Political parties and freedom of the press : meaning/definition of
political party and their functions.(a) Party system: parties of 1 st, 2nd and
4th republic .b)The press and its function. INEC.
8. UDHR: meaning and definition of UDHR.(a)Brief history of UDHR.(b)
The thirty (30) articles of UDHR. 9. Core
freedom of UDHR. Meaning of seven core freedom of UDHR.
10. Roles of individual and groups in UDHR e.g. Advocacy through print
and electronic media awareness, etc. 11.Roles of
Government in UDHR e.g. enactment of law, Establishment of agencies
like NAPTIP etc. 12. Revision and examination.
Wk1. Democracy
Democracy simply means “rule by the people ‘’. It is a form of government
where majority of the people rule directly or indirectly.
Democracy is a system of government where all qualified citizens vote for
those that will represent them in decision making. It is a system where the will
of majority of people dominant. It is referred to as the rule of the masses.
Democracy, according to Abraham Lincoln the 16 thpresident of USA. He
defined Democracy as ’government of the people, By the people and For the
people are allowed to be directly or indirectly involved in the making of
important decisions that affect them.
Origin of Democracy
Democracy originated from Ancient Greece Anthem. Democracy has its root
meaning from the Greek word “Demo” which means the people” and “Cracy”
which means “Rule”. It is a form of government that originally started in
Athens an ancient city of Greek where every adults citizens meet regularly in
the town hall to make necessary decisions.
The only adults men born in the community were allowed to participate
excluding women and slaves. This was practiced then in the eastern part of
Nigeria by the Igbos during pre-colonial era. It was after the amalgamation that
Nigeria become a federation that we started the presidential system.
Types of Democracy
Democracy is basically divided into two types
A. Direct or classical democracy
B. Indirect or representative Democracy
Features/Characteristics of Democracy:
-Sovereignty of the people.
-Respect for human rights.
-Rule of law
-Independence of the judiciary.
-Existing constitution. Etc
Representative Democracy
This is a system where adult citizens elect the persons who will represent their
interest and opinion at the centre where decisions are made and resources of
the state are managed. It means that people or electorate voters have power
to recall their elected officials if they are not acting in the interest of those who
elected them into office. This type of Democracy is practiced in Britain France,
Canada, Nigeria and United State of America.
Features of Representative Democracy
-Free and fair election
-Periodic election
-Appointment of an independent electoral body
-Respect of human Right

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