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NOVEMBER 8, 2011

Newsletter etter Ro ta r y N ew s l
Rotary Club of Campbell
Dr. Jennifer Carraudo

Sweet Cravings

THURSDAY, NOV. 10: ROTACARE DINNER This Benet Dinner will be at the SJ DoubleTree. See yer in this newsletter MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 HOMELESS DINNER SERVICE We will be serving dinner at the Emergency Housing Consortium starting between 4:30 and 5:00. Sign up with Jerry Cummings. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16: SERVICE CLUB DAY @ THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Join a group for lunch and share the joy of Rotary. SATURDAY, NOV. 19: TREE PLANTING WITH THE GIRL SCOUTS. Bob Carlson has info on time and place. THURSDAY, NOV. 17: BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15: NEXT SPEAKER Subash Khanijow talking about Taking Care of Yourself Through Mediation. Barbara Brann will do the introduction.

With holidays rounding the corner who of us is not thinking of all the calories up and coming? What about moms pie or grandmas fudge? So inevitably some of us will try to cut calories by turning to artificial sweeteners. But are these safe? This article may have you thinking twice before grabbing that tasty diet cola at the next Rotary meeting.
Artificial sweeteners were designed to be sugar substitutes. Sounds great right? But what does the artificial imply? There are five artificial sweeteners in the marketplace including: saccharin, neotame, acesulfame potassium, aspartame, and sucralose. Of the five sucralose and aspartame are the most common. Sucralose is a relatively new additive. It is marketed under the name Splenda. Its preparation involves chlorinating sucrose. Yes, you did read chlorinating. But isn't chlorine a known carcinogen, you ask? Why would the FDA allow toxic materials to be used in our food and beverages? A recent study, which was published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, found that Splenda reduces the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50%, increases the pH level in the intestines, and contributes to increases in body weight. Wait a second so this chemical may cause weight gain? Is anyone confused here? It also may interfere with medications. Instead of being absorbed as intended, medicines could go right to the intestines and bypass their target. In a study performed at Purdue University, researchers compared rats who were given plain sugar versus artificial sweetener. The rats given artificial sugar gained more weight, put on more body fat, and didn't make up for it by cutting back later. Basically, artificial sweeteners alter the way our body regulates sugar. Problems with self-regulation might explain in part why obesity has risen in parallel with the use of artificial sweeteners. So grab a water or even a natural juice beverage. Stay clear of artificial sweeteners. If you must have soda opt for regular (although these have high fructose corn syrup, also toxic). One great way to cut back on calories during the holiday season is to avoid all those beverages we consume on a daily basis that are full of empty calories. This includes Frappuccinos, lattes, colas, and yes even those large sized Jamba juice smoothies. Opt for water, and you wont have to change your belt positioning during the Holiday season!


NOVEMBER 8, 2011

In 1917 the RI President proposed that an endowment be set up for the purpose of doing good in the world.

As Mike Anderson announced both in an

email and at last weeks meeting, November is Rotary Foundation (TRF) month. When I rst started in Rotary, not that long ago, I wondered so what. Why do they ask me for money and I dont really understand what it is for. Maybe I wasnt listening as I should have been or there was so much information coming at me, it was hard to gure out this from that. So because of my earlier confusion, I decided to look into the history, what TRF does, and why should I give. ! In 1917 the RI President proposed that an endowment be set up for the purpose of doing good in the world. In 1928, when the fund had grown to $5000, it was renamed The Rotary Foundation and became a distinct entity within RI. 5 trustees were appointed to hold, invest, manage, and administer all of its property . . . as a single trust, for the furtherance of the purposes of RI. 2 years later, the Foundation made its rst grant of $500 to the International Society for Crippled Children, later known as Easter Seals. In 1947, after the Depression and WWII, Paul Harris, Rotarys founder, died and contributions began pouring into RI and the Paul Harris Memorial Fund was created to build the Foundation. That year the rst Foundation program, the forerunner to Ambassadorial Scholarships, was established. Although it is the oldest and purported best-known program, I was unfamiliar with it. Since its inception, more than 40,000 men and women from about 100 counties have studied abroad under its auspices. Today, it is one of the worlds largest privately funded international scholarships programs. The purpose of the program is to further international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries and geographical areas. The program sponsors academic year scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students as well as for qualied professionals pursuing vocational studies. While abroad, scholars serve as goodwill ambassador to the host country, and give

presentations about their homeland to Rotary clubs and other groups. TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK, since we have the full month of November as Foundation month. Look for Ambassadorial Scholars to come to our club to talk with us. Jerry is working in squeezing one or all into his booked scheduling. We currently have three scholars studying at Stanford during the 2011-2012 academic year. Toby Futer, from New Zealand, studying Law; Jack Sujin Ko, from South Korea studying Education; and Pia-Maria Zottl from Austria, also studying law. ! I received an email from a young man, Felmer Lenida, the Interact District 5170 CoOutreach Coordinator 2011-2012. He is also the Livermore High School Interact Co-President and Livermore High Hip-Hop President. He received a phone call from a Willow Glen High School student, Matt Malani, who along with other students at the school, are interested in starting an Interact Club and all they need is a sponsoring Rotary Club, OURS, to begin. The Willow Glen Club had been working with the high school and the Interact Club as I understand. Either that or the high school students are wanting to start a club and are looking for us and remember the Willow Glen Rotary Club!! I did mention to him that we are interested in starting one at junior high level, Citizen Schools, as well and he said that there is no problem at all in having one club with two Interact Clubs. The main thing we need is willing club members to go to their meetings once per week. The attendees can alternate between members. Again, this is more reason that club members MUST have the Youth Protection Training and ngerprinting. Speaking of that, Janine mentioned that ngerprinting can be done at the Sheriffs Department for about $10. Janine, would you conrm this and let us know the address for those who would prefer to go there.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS MONTHLY MEETING Date: 10/13/2011, 6:00pm Winchester Plaza Location: 1101 S. Winchester Blvd., Suite M250

1. 2. 3. Meeting called to order at 18:09. In attendance: Dr Susan Klear, Bill Ellington, Dr. Jennifer Carauddo, Ravi Chari, Jerry Ross, Marv Bamburg, Mary Beth Seratt. Minutes of 15-September-2011 (FY3) approved. Treasurer Report Carl Middione Motion to terminate David Tripps membership based on non-participation and attendance. Motion withdrawn. Motion to reinstate Frank Cliff as honorary member for period NTE ve years. Motion passes. Club Secretary to draft Letter expressing Clubs gratitude for Franks past service to club. Will not be billed for dues. Solicit foundation contribution. Board reviewed nancial results for month of September. Business a. President 1. Status of Boy Scouts Pete Constants son is member of club in which weve been involved. Carl Middione will check with Jim Morelan about our Clubs involvement with the Scout troop. 2. Wireless Internet Connection In spite of 24 months of trying to make it work, weve had continuous trouble with Internet connection through EMQs network. Motion for board to authorize $30/month expenditure for wireless internet service (3G, non-location dependent). Fixed cost NTE $200 for 3G card. Monthly service is $50. Ravi suggested that he and/or others should volunteer to share portion of monthly cost with Club; $20 members; $30 for Club. Involves 2-year commitment for monthly service. Motion Passes. 3. Rule of 85 (entitles members to pay for lunches of meetings attended only). Rule of 85 members do not affect attendance statistics when they dont attend, but are included when they attend. Current Rule Of 85 Members include: Burgard, Meyer, Davis, Ellington. POST MEETING UPDATE: this list has been expanded to include all previously qualied Rule Of 85 Members:


Bacosa, Paul Gilbert, Warren Garland, Dick Ellington, William Tannenbaum, Alan Bamburg, MarvinMeyer, Fred Morelan, James Nielsen, Philip Osborne, Rex Cliff, FrankDavis, RichardScott, GeraldCummings, GeraldCrowley, David ii. President-Elect 1. Motion to charge new members an admission fee of $50 to cover costs for Cap, Apron, pins, etc. Motion passes. 2. Amendment to motion by Ravi: admission fee be reviewed and board determine appropriate application fee at that time. Motion passes. 3. Request for President to appoint nominating committee to set forth list of ofcers for FY2012-13. Responsibility for committee handed to President elect. 4. Bylaws review progressing. Will present to board before presenting to membership. iii. Past President 1. Traveling Mics motion to approve $649 for purchase of travelling mics. Motion passes. 2. Motion to make 408-357-4566 the ofcial Campbell rotary telephone number. President and Membership chair will be target of phone calls. Permission for Ravi to act as administrator. Email address associated with tel # is Motion passes. iv. Chairpersons 1. Club Service a. By-laws mtg after next Tuesday luncheon. Will nalize after this meeting and bring to board b. Social schedule target one event per quarter; after-hours, drop-in social and membership development event. (Membership development fund.) Motion to poll members on convenient day to meet. Motion passes.

2. Community Service a. Report from Jerry Ross on Broadway High School, a continuation high school for kids who dont work well in public school system. Mentoring program highly desirable, but nancial assistance needed and welcome. Jerry agreed to invite director to attend and discuss mentoring needs. b. DDF for Campbell Marv will sit down with Bob Carlson to understand scope of Campbell Parks Foundation project after he receives input on #s from Carl. c. 21st Century Learning Skills project; 250 students desired; est cost $20/student. Dr Sue to follow up with Bob Carlson. Need written proposal. d. Carol of Lights need to discuss with Bill Ellington. 3. New Generations a. ELC Bill Ellington report to board. b. Committees: i. Holiday Party -- Social committee met and will be comprised of Ravi, Jennifer, Marv, Megan, Bob, Kit and Jerry Cummings. Motion for Board to subsidize the holiday event up to $600. Seconded. Motion passes. This will cover cost of room and cleanup. Dr. Jen will put together a short survey for Club input. 5. New Business: MBS to advise Dr Sue cost of Vest/Crossing Guard apron-alternative.

Future Featured Guests

11/15/11 11/22/11 11/29/11 12/6/11 12/13/11 12/20/11 12/27/11 1/3/12 1/10/12 1/17/12 1/24/12 1/31/12 2/7/12 2/14/12 2/21/12 2/28/12 3/6/12 3/13/12 3/20/12 3/27/12 4/3/12 4/10/12 4/17/12 4/24/12 5/1/12 5/8/12 5/15/12 Subash Khanijow, Taking Care of Yourself Through Meditation THANKSGIVING FELLOWSHIP--no speaker Sue Runsvold, Turning Wheels for Kids DR. SUES CHOICE Larry Hayes, Editor of Active Over 50 magazine HOLIDAY FELLOWSHIP--no speaker DARK--NO MEETING Chris Finn, Wheelchair Sports/Power Soccer Hank Trisler, No Bull Selling Tom Sidle, Silicon Valley Elec. Auto Assoc. //Electric Cars Bob Carlson, Citizens Schools Dr. Sues Choice Student Speech Contest Valentines Day Sweetheart Luncheon TBD, Santa Clara Valley Water District Dave Weller, Wellness Area 8 Student Speech Contest David Rader, The Saga of the Space Frontier Dr. Sues Choice Andres MacKinzie, Santa Clara County Open Spaces Susan Krane, Director, San Jose Museum of Art Tammy Janosik, Executive Director, RotaCare Bay Area Bill Murphy, Clos La Chance Winery San Jose Councilman, Pete Constant Barbara Brann Neil Reid John Shannon

David Keller Kay Chelboun Jerry Cummings Janine Payton Janine Payton Fred Meyer Sharon DAmico Janine Payton Rex Osborne Janine Payton Alan Tannenbaum Bill Highley Marv Bamburg Jerry Cummings

Dr. Sues Choice

5 Minute Vocational Talks Nov. 15 Nov. 29 Dec. 13 Nov. 8 Bill Ellington Jim Morelan Nov. 22 Jim Neal Mike Anderson Dec. 6 Megan Hill Dave Crowley Dec. 20 Barbara Brann

Club Roster

Business #
Mike Anderson (Nancy)" Safeguard Bus. Syst." 408-938-4204" Paul Bacosa (Mary Lou)" Retired" 408-773-8233" Jason Baker (Mairead)" Audet & Partners, LLP" 415-568-2555" Marv Bamburg (Bonnie)" MBA Architects" 408-297-0288 " Adam Beck" Becks Shoes" 408-559-1601" Marj Bonsall (Gary)" Foot Solutions" 408-376-0495" Barbara Brann (Mitchell)" Bank of the West" 408-998-6549" James Burgard (Helen)" Environetics" 408-727-4274" Jennifer Carauddo(Matthew)"Chiropractor" 408-371-6003" Bob Carlson (Wendy)" Retired" " Ravi Chari (Meera)" Oracle" 408-341-6618" Kay Chleboun" BBB" 408-278-7420" Frank Cliff" " 415-494-2826 Dave Crowley (Carolyn)" Pacic News Bureau" 408-997-0819" Jerry Cummings (Patty)" Robinson Oil Corp." 408-517-4333" Sharon DAmico" BBB" 408-278-7440" Debbie Davis" Property Management" " Rick Davis (Doris)" " 408-209-4091" Bill Ellington (Pat)" Devco Inc." 408-288-6928" James Evertts" Trust Admin Atty." 408-292-1692" Derek Fujikawa (Mari)" CPA" 408-260-7977" Dick Garland (Pat)" Casualty Insurance" 408-268-7874" Warren Gilbert (Terttu)" Architecture" 831-722-6770" Ann Height" Banking" 408-248-8824" Bill Highley (Emilie)" " 408-892-0205" Megan Hill" Becks Shoes" 408-559-1601" Del Hocker" Business Retired" " David Keller (Karen)" " 408-373-7702" Sue Klear (Robert)" Klear Your Mind" 408-249-3270" Ruth Kohan" SJ Public Library" 408-996-1536" Bettina Kohlbrenner (Carmelo)EMQFamiliesFirst" 408-364-4051" William Mahan (Sherri)" Attorney" 408-371-4211" Fred Meyer (Alice)" " 408-268-4712" Carl Middione (Helen)" The Property Network" 408-374-9500" Jim Morelan (Milly)" Architect" 408-247-3322" Jim Neal" Real Estate" 408-370-1020" Phil Nielsen (Linda)" Attorney" 408-294-9700" Rex Osborn (Gerri)" " 408-268-2246" Janine Payton (Don)" Moreland Ed. Found." 408-378-3493" Neil Reid" Wells Fargo Mort." 408-335-2533" Jerry Ross (Judy)" WG Insurance Comp." 408-369-9090" Steve Salmon" Real Estate Investor" 415-601-0797" Jerry Scott (Jo-Ann)" Probate Referee" 408-295-5468" Mary Beth Seratt (David)" Dermatology" " John Shannon (Pamela)" " 408-204-2604" Alan Tanenbaum (Georgette)" 408-358-3160" David Tripp " Jeweler" 408-296-0808" Marc Wagner (Cindy)" CPA" 408-283-9631" Kit Whitney (Robb)" " 408-515-3441" Kathy Williamson" C.L. Lott & Assoc." 408-264-5680" Bob Yager (Marion)" Financial Advisor" 408-978-2214" Chris Young" Petrinovich Pugh & Co." " President: Susan Klear President-elect: Marvin Bamburg Past President: Ravi Chari Secretary: Mary Beth Seratt Treasurer: Carl Middione Home/cell # 408-972-1184" 408-480-6235" 408-839-6669" 408-375-8103" 408-464-0286" 408-218-5210" " 408-313-9696" 510-579-0925" 408-504-8616" 408-375-4293" 408-396-7420" " 408-639-3172" 408-255-8741" 408-691-6903" " 408-629-6794" 408-578-2576" 408-832-4519" 408-307-2762" 831-722-2668" 408-345-1553" 408-892-0205" 562-805-1283" 408-921-0069" " 408-307-9033 " 408-768-4226" 408-623-4886" " " 408-377-1040" 408-464-4436" 408-313-7973" 408-252-8284" " " 408-391-6244" 408-687-5542" " 408-266-7909" 408-368-1938" 408-294-8050" " 408-655-4350" 408-666-1719" " 408-832-3307" 408-867-9747" 408-287-7911"""""""""

Club Ofcers 2011-2012 Club Service: Marvin Bamburg International Service:Bill Mahan Vocational Service: Jerry Ross Community Service: John Shannon New Generations: Janine Payton

Membership: Adam Beck TRF: Mike Anderson Financial Strategy: Carl Middione

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