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Paper / Subject Code: 40521 / Engineering Mathematics-IV

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(Time: 3 hours) Max. Marks: 80

N.B. (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Answer any three questions from Q.2 to Q.6.
(3) Use of Statistical Tables permitted.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

a) Numerical on Properties of Eigen values/vectors [5]
b) Path integral based numerical [5]
c) Test of Hypothesis, Level of Significance, Critical region, One-tailed, and two-tailed test OR [5]

Z transform based numerical

d) Poisson/Normal distribution OR finding basic solutions of LPP [5]

a) Numerical Based on Cauchy’s residue theorem [6]
b) Convolution based Z transform [6]
c) Solve by Simplex Method/Big Method [8]

a) Chi-Square Test [6]
b) Obtain Laurent’s/ taylor’s series expansion of [6]
Or [8]
c) Using the method of Lagrangian multipliers solve the following N.L.P.P [8]

a) NLPP with two equality constraints /Using the method of Lagrange’s multipliers solve the [6]
following N.L.P.P
b) Inverse Z transform based numerical [6]
c) Show that the matrix 𝐴 is diagonalizable. [8]

a) finding basic solutions of LPP/ Find the Eigen values and Eigen Vectors/ One-tailed, and two- [6]
tailed test
b) Find the Eigen values and Eigen Vectors / Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem & find 𝐴−1 [6]
c) Solve by the dual Simplex Method [8]

a) Standard function Z transform based numerical [6]
b) Poisson/Normal distribution [6]
c) Using Kuhn Tucker conditions, solve the NLPP [8]
1. Linear Algebra (Theory of Matrices): Min: 19 Marks, Max: 25 Marks
2. Complex Integration: Min: 17 Marks, Max: 19 Marks
3. Z Transform: Min: 17 Marks, Max: 18 Marks
4. Probability Distribution and Sampling Theory: Min: 17 Marks, Max: 23 Marks
5. Linear Programming Problems: Min: Marks, Max: Marks
6. Nonlinear Programming Problems: Min: 20 Marks, Max: 22 Marks

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