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Jurnal LPPM UGN Vol. 9 No. 4 Juni 2019 p-ISSN.

e-ISSN. 2541 -5522
Teaching English by Using Song
Fitriadi Lubis
Dosen IAIN Padangsidimpuan


Pelajaran bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang wajib dipelajarai di
sekolah di Indonesia. Salah satu ujuan pengajaran Mata Pelajaran bahasa Inggris dalam
Kurikulum yang berlaku saat ini adalah mengembangkan kemamupuan berkomunikasi
dalam bahasa tersebut baik lisan maupun tulis. Kemampuan tersebut meliputi
mendengarkan (listening), berbicara (speaking), membaca (reading), dan menulis
(writing). Banyak media yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan
tersebut, salah satu diantaranya adalah lagu (song). Lagu dianggap sangat cocok
digunakan dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris, sebab lagu tidak saja dapat digunakan
sebagai media utama pembelajaran, tetapi lagu dpat juga digunakan guru sebagai media
alternative dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris bila masih ada waktu tersisa di akhir
pembelajaran. Disamping itu, Lagu juga dapat digunakan meningkatkan motivasi belajar
siswa, sebab lagu dapat meredakan ketegangan belajar, meingkatkan kegembiraan,
kerjasama, serta menyenagkan hati dalam belajar. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah
menggambarkan tentang bagaimana mengajar bahasa Inggris melalui media lagu,
kriteria dan dan prinsip-prinsip memilih lagu, kelebihan dan kelemahan lagu, langkah-
langkah mengajar deng lagu, dan latihan-latihanbelajar dengan lagu.
Key words: Teaching English, Song

I. Introduction certain role to overcome the

English becomes a problems.
compulsory subject in Indonesia. It The roles played by the
has an important role to the teacher in creating a lively
development country, such as our classroom is essential. One of the
county. In this country English is roles is creating enjoyable
studied from elementary school up classroom atmosphere by choosing
to university level. Even in some media for teaching. There are a lot
kindergarten in big cities have of media that can be used by the
introduced is as a local curriculum. teacher in English teaching. The
Teaching English is not easy most important thing is how the
job. There are many factors that teacher selects the interested media
influence the succeed of teaching for teaching without ignoring the
program. The students sometimes students’ needs. The interested
do not have motivation to learn, media should create a lively,
they are bored to study during the enjoyably and meaningful teaching.
class processing. Consequently, the One medium which is expected
teacher should be active and play a has a high effect on students

Jurnal LPPM UGN Vol. 9 No. 4 Juni 2019 p-ISSN. 2087-3131
e-ISSN. 2541 -5522
motivation in learning English is In studying songs and
using song. Classes by using song songwriting, there seem to always
can create an atmosphere more be common threads to the basic
conducive to learning. (Lems; components of successful songs.
2018) They are melody, beat and rhythm,
Songs have been more and chord, genre and style, concept and
more popular in language learning story, hook, song section,
for decades because song can also arrangement, length, and lyrics
give learners the opportunity to (Steve, 2014). The most common
listen to someone other than (you), discussion by people on song is the
their teacher. Song is a fantastic words. The words of a song are
media for teaching English as a called lyrics. The lyrics describe
foreign language (EFL). It is not the concept, theme and/or title of
only used for fun and the song. They can include a series
entertainment but it also can of verses, the longer sections of the
provide a great effect for language song that tell the story, and a
teaching and learning. All skills, refrain, a short phrase repeated at
such as listening, speaking, reading the end of every verse.
and writing can be taught by using Song have been parts of the
song. human experience for as long as we
Considering the fact above, can remember. Song cannot be
there are many teachers still focus separated from human life, because
their teaching on the hand book according to Gugliemino (1986)
used. Meanwhile there still many adult sing at religious service, bars,
materials that can be used in in the shower and listening to the
teaching English which provide car audio. Kuśnierek (2016)
teachers with many materials or Songs play a meaningful role in
media to improve the teaching life. it can be heard almost in every
process, such as song. place around the world. Such kind
Based on the explanation of entertainment as song may be
above, this article tries to discuss applicable for students’ to learn,
about the use of song in teaching efficiently and enjoyably.
English which entitled “Teaching The purpose of song is to
English as a Second Language express and modulate emotions. It
(ESL) by Using Song”. is used to soothe, psych up, woo,
enrage, sadden and cheer each
II. Overview of Song other, or ourselves (Hein, 2012).
Basically, song can be Song is a wonderful tool to
defined as a short piece of music, learn a language. As mention above
usually with words. According to that song is filled with lyrics,
Hornby (1990) “Song is a piece of rhymes, sound patterns,
alliterations and so on. Through
music with words that is sung”.
song students will be aware of
how sounds can be manipulated.

Jurnal LPPM UGN Vol. 9 No. 4 Juni 2019 p-ISSN. 2087-3131
e-ISSN. 2541 -5522
Students can repeat a sound. Song learning English media is song. Learners
gives children the sound awareness can directly listening to the song, and they
skills that are critical to learning to also many of them interest to learn the
read successfully.
value of English language from it. Songs
Listening to the song means
letting the students hear the song are good media for learning English,
over and over again. Practicing because wherever we are, songs always
listening to the song can develop a follow us, at home, at school, at car and
love of language and excellent anywhere we like, can enjoy it while
foundation for learning to read. learning the language aspects and
contents of the song.
III. Song as English learning Media Related to the essential of using
and Material song as media of teaching English, some
Good teachers should be creative. experts has suggestions. One of them is
They must have initiative in creating the Eken (1996), he gives us nine reasons why
most effective way to help the students to song should be included in the English
understand the lesson. There are also teaching process;
expected to be able to prepare and choose 1. Add variety to a lesson
the media in such way so that they can 2. Increase motivation and create a relaxed
create a good class atmosphere. Using atmosphere in an ELT classroom
song in teaching English is one way of involve the whole class participation
doing creative teaching. 3. Encourage creativity and use of
Song is an important role in learning imagination
second language, because song is also a 4. Help in practicing pronunciation, stress,
great language package that bundles rhythm and intonation
culture, vocabulary, listening, grammar 5. Help in practicing grammar items
and a host of other language skills in just a 6. Help in practicing new vocabulary
few rhymes (Futonge, 2015). Song can 7. Help learners remember language in
also be useful tool in learning of chunks
vocabulary, sentence structure, and 8. Provide reinforcement of language
sentence pattern, not to mention their learning
reflectivity of mother tongue culture 9. Encourage practicing listening skill.
(Murphey,1992). The believe that song It is clear that song can not only be
provides enjoyment and develop language used to improve students language skills,
skills is also noted by several other authors motivation, activities but song can also be
(Adamowski, 1997; Domoney & Harris, used for fun. If the song is used for
1993, Griffee, 1992). Cullen (1999) affirm improving language skill, song means as
that song is a significant teaching tool in main material of teaching. On the other
teaching ESL/EFL because as most hand, if the teacher do not uses song for
teachers find out, students love listening to improving language skill, but just for fun
the song in the language classroom and the and relax, such as the teacher teaches song
often hold strong views about music or when the class still have more time about
song. five to ten minute left. It means that song
Song is an authentic media. Ross is as an alternative material. In short song
(2006) says that an example of authentic

Jurnal LPPM UGN Vol. 9 No. 4 Juni 2019 p-ISSN. 2087-3131
e-ISSN. 2541 -5522
can be used as a main material or as an 6. Suitable subject matter; adjust the
alternative material for teaching English. vocabulary, grammar, story or content
to the lesson in the curriculum.
IV. Criteria and Principles of 7. Suitable to level of difficulties; adjust
Choosing Song the song to the learners level such
Song is a great source of elementary, intermediate or advance .
‘real-life’ language. Very often These criteria should be
song is the main source of English remembered by the teacher
outside the classroom. Thus, using whenever he/she want to select the
it in the lesson seems to be a good song for teaching English by using
idea. Most of all, song is a fun way song. These criteria are expected
to learn English. Song helps can cover the students’ needs for
students develop cognitive skills, as song in teaching English. The
well as enhance language skills. quality of the singer’s voce and the
with song students can learn quality of recording should also be
language appreciation, vocabulary taken into consideration of the
and rhyme (Shipely, 1998). Song is teacher. Because, sometimes even
a fantastic media for the English though the singer is a native
teachers to use with any level of speaker the lyrics are still difficult
students. So the if teacher wants to catch by the students.
to teach English by using song, Another aspect that is
he/she should to choose certain expected can determine the
songs that suitable for the students. succeed of using song in teaching
This is very important because English is the principles of song
there many types of song, and it is selection criteria. To be effective of
obvious not all types fix for teaching and learning English with
students’ level and needs. song the teacher should consider
Related to the choosing song, some principals. These principles
there are some criteria of best song are considered very useful for
for learning English, namely; teachers before starting teaching
1. Everyday English, it means not too English by using song. The
many difficult or new words, principles are;
2. Clear, it means the pronunciation and 1. The Songs should have an appropriate
the recording are clear, so that it can theme. There’s enough bad news,
easily hear the words, negativity and violence in the world
3. The song is not long, it means just already. Songs with any type of
about 2-3 verses. negative theme should be avoided.
4. The song is not fast, because if the song There are plenty of positive, upbeat,
is too fast you find difficulties to sing even humorous songs available.
along. 2. The songs should be popular songs
5. Interesting to learners, find the song that with the students whenever possible.
the learners like, Unfortunately, students frequently
select songs for classroom use which

Jurnal LPPM UGN Vol. 9 No. 4 Juni 2019 p-ISSN. 2087-3131
e-ISSN. 2541 -5522
are objectionable in some way making the learning of vocabulary
the song unusable. (Murphey, 1992). It means song
3. The songs should be clear and can be used as a tool to enrich
understandable lyrics. Nothing is worse vocabulary.
than a song almost nobody can 2. Practicing pronunciation
understand. If you have trouble Song provide excellent
understanding the lyrics by listening, opportunities for practice and
then another song needs to be selected. repetition that might otherwise be
Whoever wants to teach tedious. When listening to the
English by using song should take song, there are a lot of unusual
these principles as a consideration. sounds your mouth isn’t used to
Because the theme of song making. Song help your mouth to
sometimes is very popular for practice the right shapes and make
students, but the recording is not the sounds loudly and clearly. Song
clear, or the lyrics are not ethics also help you practice how weaker
for student. It also becomes the and stronger sound are pronounced
problem in teaching. differently in English.
3. Creating enjoyable class atmosphere
V. Advantages and disadvantages of Probably the most obvious
Song advantage to using songs in the
Based on reasons of using classroom is that they are
song in teaching English above, enjoyable. Most learner enjoy
song can be split into five singing and usually respond well to
advantages. These are practicing using songs in the classroom. Song
pronunciation, enriching can help to create a relaxed and
vocabulary, creating enjoyable informal atmosphere that makes the
class atmosphere, motivating to classroom a nonthreatening
learn English, and developing the environment. Learners often think
sense of togetherness among of songs as entertainment rather
students. Each will be discussed in than study and therefore find
turn. learning English through songs fun
1. Enriching vocabulary and enjoyable (Millington; 2011).
Vocabulary is a list or set of 4. Motivating to learn English
words for particular language or a Song can bring variety to the
list or set of word that individual everyday classroom routine. This variety
speakers of language might use stimulates interest and attention, which
Hatch and Brown (1995). Song can help maintain classroom motivation,
provide various vocabularies. thereby helping learners to reach higher of
Learners who listen the English achievement (Millington; 2011).
song, they will improve mastery 5. Developing the sense of togetherness
vocabulary because they get more among students.
vocabularies from the song that Singing together makes you
hear. Songs can be useful tools in feel good and provides excellent

Jurnal LPPM UGN Vol. 9 No. 4 Juni 2019 p-ISSN. 2087-3131
e-ISSN. 2541 -5522
stress relief. It also gives the joy of which touch taboo topics like
success when you are always violence and sexism and thus such
learning new things. songs may confuse the learners or
Research led by psychologist embarrass them.
Nick Steward of Bath University
indicates that people who V. Steps of Teaching Eng by Using of
participate in choir enjoy a greater Song
feeling of togetherness and being There is no permanent steps
part of collective endeavor than for teaching English with song,
others involved in different social different experts has different
activities. It means through song as opinions about the steps. Here are
a subject matter can be used as tool some ideas that collected from
to tie the sense of togetherness various sources about the steps
among them and degrease which can be applied in teaching
individualize in learning. English by using song.
Based on the explanation The general steps of teaching
above it can be concluded that English by using song can be
song has big advantages for describe as below;
students learning, for instants; 1. Listen the song
language skills mastery, Listen to the song is the first
motivation, interest and readiness step in the teaching song activities.
for work together in learning. Here the students are asked to listen
Although, songs have many carefully for several times, use
good aspects, there are some less background knowledge to get the
positive concerns about song that theme and general understanding
the teachers should regard in the from the song. But before that the
language classroom. Murphey teacher should choose a certain
(1992) writes that song that suitable for students. He
1. Loudly playing songs may disturb or she may selects song not only
neighbouring classes. entertains students but also helps
2. Some learners get too excited and may them with learning English. There
forget about the discipline. are a lot of songs that can be taken
3. Some students may disagree about into consideration, but only a
musical pieces and they have dissimilar limited number of songs is
musical tastes. acceptable. The theme, grammar,
4. Teachers often complain that the and vocabulary items should
learners just want to listen, not work. conform with the curriculum and
5. Many songs may be intelligible for the students’ level.
students since they contain many 2. Write down the lyrics of the song
colloquial expressions and the pace is Once the students have
too fast. listened the song a few times. They
Siek-Piskozub and Wach are asked write down the lyrics as
(2006) add that there are songs they listen. Pause the song to give

Jurnal LPPM UGN Vol. 9 No. 4 Juni 2019 p-ISSN. 2087-3131
e-ISSN. 2541 -5522
themselves time to catch up, and the more fluent you will become
rewind when needed. This will (Lizzy,2017).
teach them the written portion and 7. Do the exercises
reiterate the words they are hearing. Remove some words from
The teacher should also highlight the song. Ask the students to listen
unknown words or phrases and to the song then ask them to fill in
look up them to have a deeper the words that have been left out.
understanding of the song’s The teacher may also give a variety
meaning. This step is also an of tests, such as; True-False
important step that helps to statement, dictation, multiple
improve vocabulary. Hence, the choice, circle the synonym of the
teacher does not need to rush, just given words, matching, essay or
take it slowly (Lizzy,2017) questions.
3. Read aloud the lyrics of the song These steps may apply in
As soon as the students get teaching English by using song in
the lyrics, the teacher asks the classroom. There are many steps ,
students to read loudly to practice so the teacher should be smart to
correct pronunciation. Of course spend the time in each step as
students probably familiar with for efficient as possible, because some
most vocabulary but for some of these steps need more time in
vocabularies students should read applying than others.
loudly to check the pronunciation These steps should be
4. Memorize the lyrics of the song integrated into the while teaching
The teacher asks the students activities. Teaching activities can
to memorize the lyrics of the song be divided into three categories
as frequently as possible : in the namely pre-teaching activities,
classroom or out side the while teaching activities and after
classroom, teaching activities. In the while
5. Recite aloud the lyrics of the song teaching activities the teacher
The teacher asks the students should also has techniques to apply
to recite aloud the lyrics of the song these steps effectively. Because
individually or together by heart. different object of teaching has
6. Sing along with the lyrics of the song different techniques teaching to be
Singing is the most important applied.
part of using song to improve your
English! Singing the lyrics out VI. Learning English by Song
loud to the songs you listen to is the exercises
best way to improve pronunciation, Listening exercises are pretty
vocabulary, grammar, and other straightforward. it’s important to
language elements. And you can remember that the students need
have fun at the same time. The exercises or task, but the most
more you can sing from memory, important thing to remember by
the teacher is he or she should

Jurnal LPPM UGN Vol. 9 No. 4 Juni 2019 p-ISSN. 2087-3131
e-ISSN. 2541 -5522
give an interested and various How your garden …….
kinds of exercises. They know the I just ….. to fly
purpose, advantages, and how to Lately did you ever feel the pain
do well the exercises. In general, In the morning rain
the English teaching exercises As it soak to the bone
can be for practicing such as;
finding the main idea, finding the e. Listen to the song and correct the
detail information, underlined words !
understanding the sequence, I’m standing here in a boring room
vocabulary, cultural interest, It’s just another sunny Monday afternoon
attitude and opinion, and I’m wasting my time I got so much to do
functional language (Pesce: 2018). I’m hanging around I’m waiting for Sue
In teaching English by using song
also can be about finding the main f. Listen to the song then answer these
idea, vocabulary, functional questions!
language as mentioned above. What does the title of the song suggested?
Here some examples of listening How many person are there in the song?
to the song exercises. There are still many types of
a. Listen to the song and complete the exercises that can be use in teaching
lyrics with the following words; English by using song. The teachers can
depths – heard - reminds – make – chose the best type of exercises on
story. condition the exercises should be
Baby I have no ………. meaningful to improve the students’
But I’ve ……. One of you competencies about English. The teacher
And I’m gonna…… your head burn can create certain exercises freely to enrich
the students knowledge about English
b. Listen to the song and put the subject.
following lines in order
I’m not one of those …… VII. Conclusions
I don’t have much money …… Nowadays, there are many
Who can easily hide …… ways to improve the English
It’s a little bit funny …… teaching and learning process, one
of them is by using song. Song may
c. Listen to the song and complete the become a great help in teaching
lines with full sentences English. It cannot be separated
And you…………. from English teaching. It can be
It may be ……….. used as a core as well as alternative
I………. tool for teaching English. Through
I hope you………. song, students can improve their
language skills and language
d. Listen to the song and complete the knowledge , such as pronunciation,
lyrics vocabulary, grammar, listening,
May be I …. Really …. To know speaking, reading and writing. So it

Jurnal LPPM UGN Vol. 9 No. 4 Juni 2019 p-ISSN. 2087-3131
e-ISSN. 2541 -5522
is recommended to the English Eken, Denis Kurtoglu, 1996. Ideas for
teachers to use song as media in Using Songs in English Language
the English teaching and learning Classroom, English Teaching
Forum 34, 1 : 46.
Ethan, Hein (2012)
The most important thing, /What-purpose-does-music-serve
before the teacher want to teach Gugliemino, L.M. 1986. The Effective
English by using song, there are Edge: Using Song and Music in
some considerations that the ESL instruction. Adult Literacy and
teachers should thinks, namely; Basic Education, 10, 19-26.
remembering the criteria and Hornby, A.S. 1990. Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary of Current
principles of good song for
English. Oxford: Oxford University
teaching, use various techniques Press.
and strategies in applying the steps Kuśnierek, Anna. 2016. The Role of Music
of teaching, focus on not one skill and Song in Teaching English
or aspect of language but also on Vocabulary to Students. World
Scientific News, WSN 43(1),pp.
others skills and aspects such as
Lizzy,2017, 4 Easy Steps to Learn English
reading, speaking, pronunciation, Through Songs Effectively,
or vocabulary. Song can create a
relaxing atmosphere in the english-songs/
classroom that sometimes really Lems, K. 2018. Music across The ESL
important for the students to make Curriculum. Paper Presented at The
conversation in certain ways. Annual Meeting of The TESOL,
San Francisco, CA.
Millington; 2011, Using Songs Effectively
References to Teach English to young
Learners, Language Education in
Adamowski, E. 1997. The ESL Songbook. Asia, Issue 1.
Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Murphey,1992. Music and Song. Oxford,
Press. England: Oxford University Press.
Anna, Kuśnierek (2016) The role of music Pesce, Caludia. 2018. Listening with a
and songs in teaching English Purpose; 7 Types of ESL Activities .
vocabulary to students, World https://busyteacher. org/17878-esl-
Scientific News 43(1) (2016) 1-55,
m/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/WS Ross, J. 2006. ESL Listening
N-431-2016-1-55.pdf Comprehension: Practical
Cheeks, Steve. 2014. Songwriting Tips: 10 Guidelines for Teachers. The
Elements of a Song Internet Journal.
bid/207465/Songwriting-Tips-10- worksheets/search/song+exerc
Cullen, B. 1999. Song Dictation. The
Internet TESL Journal.
Song Dictation.html

Jurnal LPPM UGN Vol. 9 No. 4 Juni 2019 p-ISSN. 2087-3131
e-ISSN. 2541 -5522


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