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Yarmouk University

Al-Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology

Civil Engineering Department

Materials of Construction Laboratory CE 326/Spring Semester 2023-2024

Experiment Name: Mechanical Properties of Mortar

Student Name:Eman Qasem AL-Qudah

Student Number:2021990007

Submitted to: Eng. Saeed K. Thiabat

Submission Date:28.mar.24

This experiment investigated the mechanical properties of mortar, specifically focusing on its compressive strength. Mortar is a
composite material consisting of cement, fine aggregate (sand), and water.The mechanical strength of hardened cement is the most important
property for its structural use. Test for structural strength is not made on a neat cement paste because of difficulties in molding and testing
with consequent large variations in results. This test is carried out to indirectly find out the compressive strength of cementpaste. As
shrinkage cracks are formed in dried cement paste, testcannot be properly carried out on a block of cement paste. The test is thereforecarried
out on blocks of mortar made of cement, sand and water, cured for 28 days. Several tests are performed to determine the tensile,
compressive, flexural and shear strength of cement of mortar of certain portion. The tensile strength test includes materials such as mortars,
brick and tile grouts, machinery grouts, and monolithic surfacings. These materials shall be based on resin, silicate, silica, or sulfur
.binders.Cement mortar of concrete gives a compressive strength of about ten times its tensile strength


This experiment investigated the mechanical properties of mortar, specifically focusing on its compressive strength. Mortar is a
composite material consisting of cement, fine aggregate (sand), and water.


1.Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

2.Standard Graded Sand
3.Clean Water

1.Molds (typically cubic) for casting specimens

4.Compressive Testing Machine
5. Mixsing bowel and spatula

1. Mix water, cement, and sand in specified proportions.

2. Pour all the mixing water into a bowl, Add cement to the water and start mixing at low speed for 30 seconds.

3. Gradually add sand over a 30-second period while continuing to mix at low speed.

4. Stop the mixer, switch to medium speed, and mix for another 30 seconds.

5. Pause the mixer and let the mortar sit for 1.5 minutes. Within the first 15 seconds, quickly scrape any mortar collected
on the bowl's sides back into the mix.

6. Finish mixing at medium speed for 1 minute.

7. Transfer the mixture onto a flow table, layer it twice, and compact it 20 times.

8. Fill a cube mold in two layers, compacting each layer 16 times.

9. Fill a prism mold in two layers, compacting each layer 12 times.

10. After 24 hours, remove specimens from molds and submerge them in water for either 7 or 28 days.

11. Every sample underwent testing in the compression apparatus, where a force was steadily applied until the specimen

12. The highest amount of force that the specimen endured prior to failure was documented.
Part 1 : Flow Table Test

Group # w/c D1 D2 D3 D4 Flow Table Value

1 0.5 25 25 25 25 100
2 0.55 26 26 26 27 105

Part 2: Compression and Flexural Tests

Compression Test Compression Test (for Part of Prism) Flexural Test

(for Cubes) POP (For Prisms)
Group #
Specimen # Load (KN) Specimen # Part I Part II Average load Specimen # Load (KN)
1 1 45.69 1 30.925 32.191 31.56 1 0.944
2 47.62 2 37.796 36.803 35.82 2 1.32
3 40.09 3 35.804 36.12 35.96 3 0.919
2 1 43.23 1 34.592 37.786 36.19 1 0.894
2 45.12 2 35.592 33.819 34.74 2 0.996
3 49.37 3 36.909 36.975 36.44 3 0.828
.Table (1): Strengths Measurements of Hardened Standard Cement Mortar

Compression Test Compression Test (POP) Flexure Test

mm2 )A= 50*50( mm2 )A= 50*40( mm )L=100, C=20, b=40, h=40(
Load CS AVG σi COVi
CS AVG σi COVi Load FS AVG σi COVi
)kN( )MPa( )MPa( )MPa( )%( )MPa( )MPa( )MPa( )%( )kN( )MPa( )MPa( )MPa( )%(
1 45.69 31.558 15.779 0.944 2.21
І 18.276
47.62 17.79 1.562 8.7 17.45 1.50 8.6 1.32 2.49 0.55 21.29
2 19.048 37.3 18.65 3.1

3 40.09 35.96 17.98 0.919 2.15

1 43.23 36.189 18.094 0.894 2.09
ІІ 2 45.12 18.36 1.26 6.8 34.71 17.355 17.97 0.57 3.1 0.996 2.33 2.12 0.19 9.25
3 49.37 36.942 18.471 0.828 1.94
;CS: Compressive strength; AVG: Average; SD: Standard Deviation; COV: Coefficient of variation
POP: Part of Prism

Σ ( x i − x )2 σi ¿
σ i= , COV i= ¿ , x =The average reading of each group
n−1 x
n= Number of Specimens for each group
Table (2): Statistical Analysis of Strength Measurements-Hardened Cement Mortar

Compressive Strength
Parameter Compressive Strength Flexure Strength
Average within Batches
Standard Deviation
1.41 1.03 0.36
( σ AVG =
Σσ i
N )
Average within batches

N ) COV 7.81 5.88 15.27

( )

− Σ xi 18.07 17.71 2.30
N Grand Average
Between batches Standard

( √ )

− Σ( x i −X )2 0.403 0.36 0.26
N −1 Deviation
Between batches COV

( )

σ 2.23% 2.1% 11.37%

×100 %

N= Number of Group

.Compare your flow table results with the standards )1

.Group 1 fail because it wasn’t reach the standard range ,but group 2 was pass

.What is the gradation of sand should be used in mortar preparation )2

?Why do we need to compact mortar )3

Air voids within the mortar significantly weaken its strength. Compaction expels trapped air and ensures a dense, homogenous mixture.
:Here's why compaction is crucial
Reduces Air Voids: Air pockets act as weak points in the mortar, reducing its ability to resist compressive loads. Compaction forces out air,
.creating a more solid structure
Improves Strength: By eliminating air voids, compaction brings the cement particles and sand grains closer together, leading to a stronger
.bond and higher overall strength
Enhances Workability: Proper compaction can improve the workability of fresh mortar, making it easier to place and spread during

?Why it is necessary to cure mortar properly after specimens were made )4

Curing is essential for ensuring that cement can properly mix with water to complete its hydration process. This process involves a chemical
reaction between cement and water, creating a strong binding gel essential for holding mortar together. Proper curing is crucial for several
reasons: firstly, it promotes the development of strength in the mortar; secondly, it helps minimize shrinkage during drying, which can
otherwise lead to cracks and structural weaknesses; and finally, it enhances the mortar's durability by increasing its resistance to
.environmental factors such as freezing and thawing cycles, thereby contributing to the longevity of the structure

.Arrange the strength types in ascending order )5

:Strengths of Mortar

.Tensile Strength: This measures how well the mortar can resist being pulled apart. It's usually not very high in mortar

.Flexural Strength: This shows how well the mortar can handle bending forces. It's generally higher than tensile strength

Compressive Strength: This indicates how much squeezing or crushing force the mortar can withstand. It's usually the highest strength in

6) Discuss the variance in strength results within the group and between groups.

Strength results can vary among samples within the same group (made from the same mix) and between different groups (made from
different mixes). Several factors contribute to these differences:

1. Mixing: If the mixing isn't the same every time, the cement and sand might not be spread out evenly, which affects strength.
2. Compaction: If the compaction isn't done properly, there might be air spaces left, making the samples weaker.
3. Curing: Differences in how the samples are cured, like temperature, humidity, or how long they're cured for, can affect how strong they
4. Material Properties: Even small differences in the cement or sand used can change how strong the samples end up being.
5. Testing: Small differences in how the tests are done or how the machines are set up can lead to slight differences in the results.

To make sure the strength differences are as small as possible, it's important to mix, compact, and cure the samples consistently. Using the
right materials and testing methods also helps ensure the results are reliable.
.Draw the mode of failure for cubes after compression and prisms after flexural test )7

cubes after compression

prisms after flexural

:Sample of Calculations

=√ {(×−×)2+(×− ×)2 +(× −×)2 ÷(n− 1) }

0.55 =√ {(2.21− 2.49)2+(3.1− 2.49)2+(2.15 −2.49)2 ÷ (n −1)}



This experiment provides valuable insights into the mechanical properties of mortar, essential for its effective use in construction.
Understanding these properties aids in selecting appropriate mixes, optimizing structural designs, and ensuring the durability and safety of
building structures. Further research could explore the effects of additives or alternative mix designs on mortar properties, expanding its
.range of applications and improving overall performance

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