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Yarmouk University

Al-Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology

Civil Engineering Department
Materials of Construction Laboratory CE 326
Spring Semester 2023-2024

Student Name: Eman Qasem Alqudah

Student I.D: 2021990007
Experiment No.: 1
Experiment Title: Normal Consistency and Setting Time of Cement
Submission Date: 21.mar.24
Instructor Name: Eng. Saeed K. Thiabat
The amount of water content that brings the cement paste to a standard condition of wetness is
called “normal consistency”. It has a marked effect upon the time of set as well as upon other
properties of cement. The paste at normal consistency is fairly stiff and is used only for the
determination of time of set and soundness of cement. It is necessary to fix the quantity of water
to be mixed in cement while experimenting on it. The normal consistency of a cement paste is
defined as that consistency (% of water) which will permit the vicat plunger to penetrate to a
point 10±1 mm from the top of the vicatmould. The usual range of values being between 24 to
30 percent by weight of dry cement. Normal consistency is also called standard consistency.

The objective of this experiment is to determine the required amount of water to beadded to a
certain amount of cement to achieve a cement paste of normal or standardconsistency, which
refers to the amount of water for obtaining plastic cement paste.Cement paste of standard
consistency is to be used for the determination of cementinitial and final setting times; soundness;
and tensile and compressive tests

1.Portland Cement

Devices and Apparatus

1. Mixsing bowel and spatula
2.Vicat apparatus (consisting of a mold, plunger, and frame)
1) Prepare a sample of cement of 500 gm.
2) Take several trials of different W/C ratios, then simply determine the amount of
water required for mixing.
3) Mixing is done using a mechanical mixer.
4) Place the dry paddle and the dry bowl in the mixing position in the mixer. Then
introduce the materials for a batch into the bowl and mix in the following manner:
a) Place all the mixing water in the bowl.
b) Add the cement to the water and allow 30 seconds for the absorption of the
c) Start the mixer and mix at slow speed for 30 seconds.
d) Stop the mixer for 15 seconds and during this time scrape down into the batch
any paste that may have collected on the side of the bowl.
e) Start the mixer at medium speed and mix for 60 seconds.
5) At the completion of, the mixing cycle, the paste shall be removed from the
bowl and pressed into the large end of the Vicat mold. The excess paste at the large
end shall be struck off with trowel.
6) During cutting and smoothing, take care not to compress the paste.
7) Center the paste confined in the ring, resting on the plate, under the rod, the
plunger and shall be brought in contact with surface of the paste and tighten the set
8) Set the movable indicator to the upper zero mark of the scale and release the rod
9) The paste shall be of normal consistency when the rod settles 10 ±1 mm from
bottom of mold in 30 seconds after being released.
 Data and Results
- Normal Consistency Results
Cement Weight= …500…. g
Group % of Amount Initial Final Penetration Comment
No. water of Water Reading Reading (mm) (Pass/Fail)
(ml) (mm) (mm)
1 26% 130 40 33 7 fail
2 29% 145 40 31 9 pass
3 31% 155 40 27 13 fail
Note: Initial reading in Normal Consistency Test means the mark’s reading when the plunger
is in contact with the cement paste surface

- Setting Time Results

Group # 1 Group # 2 Group # 3
% of water added = 26%. % of water added = 29%. % of water added = 31%.
Amount of water = 130 ml Amount of water = 145 ml Amount of water = 155ml
Time Penetration Time Penetration Time Penetration
(min) (mm) (min) (mm) (min) (mm)
30 38 30 37 30 40
45 31 45 33 45 34
60 27 60 29 60 30
75 23 75 26 75 27
135 18 135 20 90 25
195 9 195 13 150 16
255 0 255 6 210 7
315 0 270 0
Initial Setting Time (by Initial Setting Time (by Initial Setting Time (by
Interpolation) = 67.5 min Interpolation) = 85 Interpolation) = 90
Final Setting Time (by Final Setting Time (by Final Setting Time (by
Observation) = 260 Observation) = 315 Observation) = 272
Decision (Pass/Fail)
“ Compare the initial and final setting time for each group with the standard values”
I.S.T=67.5> 45 I.S.T=75 > 45 I.S.T=90> 45

F.S.T=260< 375 F.S.T=315< 375 F.S.T=272<375

pass pass pass
 Graphs
For each group, Using Excel, draw the relation between setting time, min (X-axis) and the needle
penetration, mm (Y-axis) showing the best fit line for data and the line equation.
(Note: Show the axes names on the graph)
Group # 1

Group # 2
Group # 3

1) What is the significance of performing tests on materials?
Ensure safety and reliability:Material testing helps identify properties like strength, durability, and
performance under stress.expand_more This knowledge is essential to guarantee the safety and reliability
of products made from those materials, especially in critical applications like buildings, bridges, and

Building under construction

Optimizes material selection: Material testing allows engineers and designers to choose the most suitable
material for a specific application.expand_more By understanding the properties of different materials,
they can select the one that offers the best combination of strength, weight, cost, and other relevant factors.
Maintains quality control: Material testing helps manufacturers monitor and maintain consistent quality in
their products.By regularly testing raw materials and finished products, they can identify and address any
potential issues that could affect product performance.
Drives innovation: Material testing plays a vital role in developing new and improved
materials.expand_more By testing new formulations and compositions, researchers can create materials
with enhanced properties that can be used in novel applications.

2) What are the ASTM specifications that discuss the cement consistency and
setting tests?
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International publishes a wide range of
standards related to construction materials, including cement.Here are some relevant ASTM
specifications for cement consistency and setting tests:
ASTM C187 - Standard Test Method for Constant Water-Cement Ratio Normal Consistency of Hydraulic
Cement Paste This test method determines the normal consistency of cement, which is the water content
required to produce a paste with a specific consistency.
ASTM C191 - Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Apparatus This
test method measures the setting time of cement paste using the Vicat apparatus. Setting time is the time it
takes for the paste to stiffen and lose its plasticity.

3) Demonstrate a photo for vicat apparatus showing its parts and constituents.

It consists of the following parts:

Mold: A cylindrical mold with a flat bottom where the cement paste is placed.
Plunger: A weighted rod with a flat tip that penetrates the cement paste.
Frame: A metal frame that holds the mold and plunger in position.

4) Describe the factors affecting the normal consistency of cement.

factors can influence the normal consistency of cement:
Type of cement: Different cement types, such as Portland cement, pozzolanic cement, and blended
cement, can have varying water requirements due to their chemical composition.
Fineness of cement: Finer cement particles require less water to achieve normal consistency
compared to coarser particles. This is because finer particles have a larger surface area that needs to
be wetted by water.
Mixing temperature: Higher mixing temperatures can lead to increased water demand for normal
Mixing time: Extended mixing time can slightly decrease the water requirement due to improved
hydration of the cement particles.
Presence of admixtures: Certain admixtures, such as water reducers or plasticizers, can lower the
water needed to achieve normal consistency.
5) What are the precautions should be taken into consideration while using
Here are some safety precautions to consider when using cement:
Wear protective gear: Wear gloves, eye protection, and long clothing to minimize skin contact with
Work in a well-ventilated area: Cement dust can irritate the lungs. Always work in a well-ventilated
space or wear a respirator to avoid inhaling dust particles.
Wash thoroughly after use: Wash your hands and exposed skin with clean water after handling
Store cement properly: Store cement in a dry and cool place to prevent moisture absorption and lumps
Dispose of cement waste responsibly: Do not dispose of cement waste in drains or waterways. Allow
leftover cement to harden completely and dispose of it according to local regulations.

Sample of Calculations (For your group only)


In this test we determine the normal consistency of Hydraulic Cement three Times
with the same quantity of cement and different W/C ratio and finally we will get a
result after doing all procedure accurate which is three different penetrations in
mm, we know that if we do many tests of consistency we get the average and the
result will be very accurate.
In conclusion the purpose of this test is to determine the normal consistency of
hydraulic cement and compare the result with standard And finally we measure the
penetration and get a best W/C ratio of cement and we can use a cement paste with
our W/C ratio's result and this paste can be used for construction or another test.

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