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Đề ngày 26/03/2024

1. Why did all the customers at the Red Lion have to pay of their beer that week? Of => Pay sth
2. He had to admit that there were something in what mother kept saying . Were => was
3. He had so a difficult exercise that he couldn’t do it. So => such
4. Hard work always brings success. (succeed)
5. We didn’t agree with his decision. (decide)
6. You are quite so thin that you can slip between the bars.quite so => so
7. The teacher was pleasing with the result of your examination. Pleasing => pleased
8. Friends advised her to stop doing the housework because her old age. Because => because of
9. Thank you very much of the present that you sent me. Of => for
10. Ky Hoa lake is one of the areas of entertainment. (entertain)
11. This exercise seems(+adj) difficult. (difficulty)
12. In April 1984, David Hempleman - Adams walked through northern Canada to the North Pole
with himself. With => by
13. Polluted air and water are not good for our health. (pollute)
14. He worked hard to produce good crops from poor soil. (product)
15. Two of these tables should be taken daily. (day)
16. Someone else put 49,999 dominoes in a line and knocking them all down. Knocking =>
17. She has finished her best performance. (perform)
18. Television is one of man’s most important ________ of communication. Means
19. The dentist gave me a check up and then telling me I need two fillings. Telling => told
20. What a naughty boy! He always does things noisy. (noise)
21. The competition was followed with great excitement.(excite)
22. They ride their bicycles to the countryside for please. Please => pleasure
23. Thousands of people have been made homeless by the war.(home)
24. I would rather live on a fram than to live in a city. To live =>live
25. I would recommend that you should be interested in reading ________ books and magazines.
26. You want me to tell you about what I was doing here and how was my life. Was => my life
27. The peel were actually 52 meters longs. Were => was
28. The first May Day celebrated in England in 1890. celebrated => was celebrated
29. The international working class made the one of May their day of solidarity. One => first
30. His laziness makes his parents feel sad. (lazy)
31. Mrs.Brown lived lonely in her poverty. (poor)
32. The school library is fress and open for all the pupils and teaching staff. For => to
33. The cartoon last night was very interesting. (interest)
34. Dickens’s novels were first published in 1938. (publish)
35. The love for books is helpful in developing the pupil’s knowledge.
36. The workers are building a new bridge which is 150m in high. High => height
37. The man who I was waiting for didn’t turn up. Who => whom
38. Rubber trees are very useful. (use)
39. We should learn all the new words by heart in order to enrich our vocabulary.
40. Most of the large industries in the country are well organised and structured and are sometimes
backed up internationally reputable mother companies. Backed up => backed up by
41. The minimum wage bill provides for a gradual reduction of the minimum wage from $5.15 an
hour to $7.25 an hour over two years. Reduction => increase
42. The increase population, and rapid economic growth in recent years, have put a large and
increasing strees on the water resources and environment in HCM City, Vn. Increase =. increase
43. Should we really speak of the “breakdown” of families when we are perhaps witnessing new
famili forms and a new socical structure arising late capitalsm? arising
44. Public opinion polls have consistently damonstrated the public’s willingness for ‘trade off’
economic growth for environmental protection. For => to
45. The master gave Oliver Twist a terrible punishment.(punish)
46. I wish my mother gives me presents more often. Gives => gave
47. All the pupils have done the exercises easily.(easy)
48. There are ten competitors in the race.(compete)
49. On Chirstmas Day, I often send my friends greeting cards.(greet)
50. We can keep the land in good condition by killing weeds.(well)
51. I was excited to see the match.(excite)
52. I don’t think it’s advisory to take on any more staff at present. There has been a considerable
increase in our rates due to the current economic climate, so I don’t think we can afford an
extensive recruiment program. Advisory => advisable
53. It’s no use asking them keep quite. Keep => to keep
54. His play were performed on the stages in London.
55. Manchester players have been trying to score another goal, but their efforts are unsuccessful.
56. Keep silent, please. Our teacher is explaning the lesson.(explain)
57. The representatives joining the festival were of different nationalities. (national)
58. They usually took a tree back with them and put it on the centre of the village. On=>in
59. We have a weekly newspaper in this town.(week)
60. Nothing could satisfy(v) him.(satisfaction)
61. Around the age of sixteen, you must make one of biggest decisions of your life.
62. I only had a day to visit all the tourist attractions there.
63. Time passes slowly when you are alone.(slow)
64. An unknown man has stolen all our money.(know)
65. He has great belief in God.(believe)
66. My new car is more economical then the one I had before.
67. They were happy because their work was finished successful. Successful=>ly
68. The noise on the roof of the trailer woke Bill and Fred up very quick. Quick =>quickly
69. He is famous actor in this country.
70. The rubber farms will make a lot of money and give jobs to a great deal of people. A great
deal of (dung cho N k dem dc) =>a great number of (dung cho N dem dc)
71. Illustration is often more useful than definition for giving meanings of words.(illustrate)
72. During their meat, they dicussed what to do at the weekend. Meat=>meal
73. She smile so attractive, doesn’t she? (attract)
74. We must make allowance for his youth. (allow) (make allowance(s) for sb or sth: cb day du,
xem xet)
75. Many people say that child is the happiest time. (child)
76. His long speech made us bored and sleepy. (speak)
77. Junko Tabei, is a Japanese from Hokkaido, was the first woman to make this difficult climb. is
78. How beautiful those shop window are! (beauty)
79. Please don’t make nose. (noisy)
80. The teacher streaked the need for regular attendance.(attend)
81. The cooperation of the people in our community with the government is very necessary.
82. He left for a variety of reasons.(vary)
83. Helen speaks English very fluently.(fluent)
84. Jack is proud of his essay on the Thames.(pride)
85. The form teacher has asked Jack to write an essay on the Thames.(write)
86. The man that wife and family are away seems very lonely. That => whose
87. Nobody showed them to their seats.(sit)
88. Books help people to get more knowledge.(know)
89. I really don’t think he has the ability to do this job.(able)
90. Mai and Lan have a row because they have misunderstood one another. One another =>each
91. If you make a five-days trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone
everyday. Five-days=> five-day
92. Education should emphasize our interdependence with peoples, with other species and with the
planet as a whole.
93. Each year more and more people try setting new and unusual records. Setting => to set
94. Poverty desert countries in Africa can grow guayule. Poverty => poor
95. Where were the competitions organized? (organization)
96. I can’t get used to doing so difficult exercises. So => such
97. What is the real width of the house? (wide)
98. To turn on the light, I was surprised at what I was. To turn on => turning on
99. The girl who were injured in the accident is now in hospital. Were => was
100. He has recently bought a new car. (recent)
101. The Thames flows gently through green meadows. (gentle)
102. She lives happily although she is very poor. ( happy)
103. Who will take care of the baby when you go away? (careful)
104. Darkness covers the sky at night. (dark)
105. Many of building in the city were moved to make way for developing. (develop)
106. The paper mill production is one of the highest in our province. (produce)
107. To my amazement, the monkey peeled a banana and offered it to me. (amaze)
108. The heavy rain made it possible for us to have our picnic. Possible => impossible
109. Though TV, home viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in faraway lands.
Though => thanks to
110. Mrs Green can help Alice to make a good choice. (choose)
111. She got great satisfaction from helping people learn. (satisfy)
112. In May the days often lengthen. (long)
113. Red symbolizes communist countries. (symbol)
114. John is old enough to be independent of his parents. (depend)
115. He is a curious boy. He is always asking questions. (curiosity)
116. May Day is celebrated regularly in socialist countries. (society)
117. The cost of the carriage must be paid by the buyer. (carry)
118. Ordinary Americans are friendly and not afraid to show its feelings. Its => their
119. Ho Chi Minh city is an important commercial center. (commerce)
120. If you write the essay careful, you will get good mark. Careful => carefully
121. A Tokyo newspaper-television company had organized the climb in 1975. had organized =>
122. My admiration for your skill is great. (admire)
123. The economy is heavy dependent on industry, and economic growth has always been of
greater concern than environmental preservation. Heavy => heavily
124. He got rid of the smell by opening a window. (smell)
125. No one have solved such a difficult problem. Have => has
126. The course is good, but more hard than I thought. More hard => harder
127. They sat quietly by the stream. (quiet)
128. When he arrived at the furniture shop, they had been sold the table he wanted. Had been =>
had sold
129. The Sword Lake is one of historic places in Hanoi. (history)
130. In 2004, a team led by the government environment ministry say that chemicals from the
factory had contaminated sediment in the bay and entered the food chain. Say that chemicals =>
said that chemicals.
131. Dogs are very faithful pets.
132. Water has no colour. It is a colourful liquid. (colour)
133. I want to know how people celebration New Year in your country.
134. Don’t worry about her complaint. (complain)
135. Tv provides many more entertainment programs as any other kind. As => than
136. Be careful in your work! (care)
137. Many people think that Faraday is the greatest inventor in history. (invent)
138. Make sure that your time isn’t spent uselessly. (use)
139. How expensive the dress is! (expensive)
140. I’ll help you to choose some beautiful paintings. (choice)
141. Why don’t you borrow books in the local lending library? In => from (borrow sth from)
142. He gave no explanation for his absence.
143. She frequently goes to the pictures with her younger sister. (frequent)
144. Scientific methods of farming have helped to increase rice production a great deal. (science)
145. If airplane ticket wasn’t expensive, I could fly to Singapore for my holidays. Wasn’t =>
hadn’t been
146. The police are interested in the sudden appearance of the valuable painting. (appear)
147. The little boy didn’t know how lacing his shoes. Lacing => to lace
148. Women wear make-up to beautiful themselves. Beautiful => beautify
149. The technology, developed in coal-rich Germany in the 1920s, involves partly burning coal
to turn it into a gas, then using a catalyst, usually a metal, make it a liquid. Make it => to make it

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