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ee | rs ce) Simple Harmonic Motion 1 ‘The displacement of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is given by y= Ay + Asinot + Bcosox. ‘Then the amplitude of its oscillation is given by (b) Ag+ Vata @ ¥ (a) A+B +(A+B (2019) The distance covered by a particle undergoing SHM in one time period is (amplitude = A) (a) zero (b) A (©) 24 (d) 44 (Odisha NEET 2019) Out of the following functions representing motion ofa particle, which represents SHM ? () y=sinwt— cost (2) y=sin'ot @) y=5en(2¥—sor) @) y=14 00408 (a) Only (1) (b) Only (4) does not represent SHM. (©) Only (1) and (3) (@) Only (1)and (2) (2011) ‘Two particles are oscillating along two close parallel straight lines side by side, withthe same frequency and amplitudes. They pass each other, moving in opposite directions when their displacement is half of the amplitude. The mean positions of the two Particles lie on a straight line perpendicular to the paths ofthe two particles. The phase difference is ® an @2 wo @* @x ° (Mains 2011) ‘he displacement of a particle along the x-axis is given by x = asin*ot. ‘The motion of the particle corresponds to (a) simple harmonic motion of frequency /n (2) simple harmonic motion of frequency 30/2 | (6) non simple harmonic motion | (@) simpleharmonic motion of fequency/2x (2010) A particle executes simple harmonic oscillation with an amplitude a, The period of oscillation is T. The ‘minimum time taken by the particle to travel half of the amplitude from the equilibrium position is @) 78 @)T™!2 (TR (a) Ti (2007) 11. ‘The radius of circle, the period of Oscillations ‘The circular motion of a particle with constant speed is (a) periodic but not simple harmonic (b) simple harmonic but not periodic (©) period and simple harmonic (@) neither periodic nor simple harmonic. (2005) Two SHMS with same amplitude and time period, when acting together in perpendicular directions with a phase difference of 7/2, give rise to (@) straight motion —(b) elliptical motion (© circular motion (4) none ofthese. (1997) A simple harmonic oscillator has an amplitude A and time period T. The time required by it to travel from x= A tox= A/2is @) 16 (b) TA () TI3 (@) TI2 (1992) 10. ‘The composition of two simple harmonic motions of equal periods at right angle to each other and with a phase difference of results in the displacement of the particle along (a) circle (©) straight line (b) figure of eight (4) ellipse (1990) [ma Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion revolution, initial position and sense of revolution are indicated in the figure. y-projection of the radius vector of rotating particle Pis @ 10)=3009(%) where yin m ©) (©) 9t)=4sin( where yin m 3 cos2nt, where y in m Snr @ rt) =3co9(™) where yin m (2019) [tas Velocity and Acceleration in Simple Harmonic Motion 12. The phase difference between displacement and acceleration of a particle in a simple harmonic motion is Osoilations (a) mrad (b) 3r/2 rad (©) m2rad (d) zero (2020) . dicey velocity of a particle executing SHM in one vibration is Aw @ 20 6) 2 Aw (@) “F cos) ‘A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion ‘with an amplitude of 3 cm. When the particle is at 2 cm from the mean position, the magnitude of its ‘elocity is equal to that of its acceleration. Then its time etd in seconds is ® is an an 5 OF OF OF oF eon ‘A particle is executing. simple harmonic motion. Is ‘maximum acceleration is and maximum velocity is B. Then, its time period of vibration will be EF wt oF “ of ook oF cos A particle is executing SHM along a straight line. Its ‘velocities at distances x, and x, from the mean position glee (@) on, a () 2m, fl (@ on, Vitve W-vyE (2015 Cancelled) '. The oscillation of a body on a smooth horizontal ‘surface is represented by the equation, X= A cos(wt) ‘where X = displacement at time t w = frequency of oscillation Which one of the following graphs shows correctly the variation of a with t? ee acceleration at time t, T= time period @o 18. A particle of mass m oscillates along. 105 axis according to ‘equation x = asinost. The nature of the graph between ‘momentum and displacement ofthe particle is (a) Circle (b) Hyperbola (c) Ellipse (@) Straight line passing through origin. (Karataka NET 2013) ). ‘Two simple harmonic motions of angular frequency 100 and 1000 rad shave the same displacement . The ratio oftheir maximum acceleration is (@) 1:10? (b) 1:10*(€) 1:10 (@) 1:10? (2008) ‘A point performs simple harmonic oscillation of period T and the equation of motion is given by x=asin(ct + 1/6). After the elapse of what fraction of the time period, the velocity of the point will be equal to half of its maximum velocity? GG) 15) THE) THe A) T6 _ (amas), | The phase difference between the instantaneous, velocity and acceleration of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is @n (b) 0.707" (©) rer0 (@) 05n (2007) ‘A particle executing simple harmonic motion of amplitude 5 cm has maximum speed of 31.4 emis. ‘The frequency ofits oscillation is (a) 4H (b) 3Hz (©) 2Hz @ 1h, (2004) Which one ofthe following statements is true for the speed v and the acceleration a of particle executing simple harmonic motion ? (a) When vis maximum, ais maximum, (b) Value of ais zero, whatever may be the value of v. (©) When vis zero, ais zero, (@) When vis maximum, a is zero, (2003) A particle starts with S.H.M. from the mean position asshown in the figure. Itsamplitude is A and its time period is T- At one time, its speed is half that of the ‘maximum speed. ‘Whats its displacement? 2A 3A ( (b) a5 OF © pie qa aa re 1996) Ifa simple harmonic attache eters ‘of 0.02 m and acceleration equal to 2.0 m/s? at any time, the angular frequency of the oscillator is equal to (a) 10 rad/s (b) 0.1 rads (© 100 rad/s (@) Lradis (4992) A body is executing simple harmonic motion. When. the displacements from the mean position is 4 cm. and 5m, the velocities of the body is 10 cm/sec and 8 cm/sec. Then the time period of the body is 106 (a) 2msec (©) msec (b) w/2 sec (d) 3n/2 sec (1991) 41436) Force Law for Simple Harmonic Motion 27. Which one of the following equations of motion represents simple harmonic motion? Ke +-a) (©) Acceleration = kx (4) Acceleration = -kpx + kya? ‘where k, ko ky and a are all positive. (2009) 28. A particle executes S.H.M. along x-axis. The force acting on itis given by (a) Acos(kx) (0) Ae* (©) Ake (@) ~Akx, (1994, 1988) [an Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion 29, A body is executing simple harmonic motion with frequency “n; the frequency of its potential energy is (@) 4n (b) (©) 2n (@) 30 (2021) 30. Aparticleofmassmisreleased —_V#) from rest’ and follows a * parabolic path as shown. Assuming that —_the cos(-0)=c0s6) Terepresnts a SHM wih ime period, = 2% yeltor+ ore represents a non-periodie motion. Also iti not physically acceptable as y= a5 9, 4: ee ‘The time taken by the particle to travel from Phase diference, = 2E crime dteence = 2 c5 = 2% Hence, the motion of the parte is non simple harmonic Tegeipetia a psc uss Miao pad palt = 20 @ 6. (b) + x(t) = asin (from the equilibrium position) Atx(i) = a2 « ® sin(os) > an(Z) or t=™2 sin(or) or, £= 2% yy 2 & © Btpad tis an equation of a circle, 9) For SHiM, x= Asi: maa sino y= asin((r + 2/2) = acosent when x= =T4-Th2=T16 10, (©): x=asinot and y= bsin(oot +n) = ~bsinet, or *. oy 1Risan equation of straight line. AL @) :HereT=45,A=3m Time period T= 2% As the times noted from the extreme postion, 50,9 =A cos (ot) => yo seoe(E] Tagine gape v= amcoset at Acederation, «= & = asin at ‘So, phase difirence between displacement and acceleration ist. 13. (a) : Since the displacement for a complete vibration is 2210, therefore the average velocity will be zero. 14. (b) : Given,,x=2cm of a particle in simple harmonic motion is given [at — 3? and magnitude of ts acceleration is a = ox Given j= lal Va? =? =0%x & 2 ay 2a Tine peiod, 7-2 = an. 5 = ME o Ss v5 15. (b) : IFA and @ be the amplitude and angular fre se ine amplit angular frequency 0 alii) 110 Dividing eqn. (i) by ego. (il), we get an __2n + Time period of vibration is 7-=2% a 16, (d) : InSHM, velocities of a particle at distances x, and x, ‘from mean position are given by Vp =a? (a? — x7) V2 war (a? -x3) ‘From equations (i) and (ii), we get ve-V2 =a (x3 -x) wll) i) ViVi ao 17, (¢) + Here, X'= Acosot 4 (Acostar)=—Aasiner = T=2n, aX Velocity,» = 5 ged, r Acceleration, «== T(-A@sinO) = Aacosot Hence the variation of a with tis correctly shown by graph (e). 18, (6): xsasinoror*=sinor Velociy, = = coset = scoset or, P= cost ao mao Squaring and adding (i) and (ii), we get 1 = 100 rads"; ©, = 1000 rad ‘Maximum acceleration of (1) = «074 ‘Maximum acceleration of 2) = Acceleration(1) ef _ (100) _ 1 ‘Acceleration (2)? (1000)? 100 a1): a(2) = 1: 100, 20. (b) 2 = asin(ot +m16) Faocosor +n/6) Max. velocity = ae aeacos(@t+%!6) or, cos{cot + 1/6) = Acceleration = ~Aay'sinot “The phase difference between acceleration and velocity is 2. \ce@ NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Topicwise Solutions [INS 22, (A) $4 =5eM, Ypgg = 31-4 cm/s Von =00@ => 314=2R0x5 = 314=10x3.14x0 = D=1He y= Aasin(oi + 7/2), a= Aay'sin (ot + 7). From this we can casily find out that when y is maximum, then ais zero, 25. (a) + Acceleration = 0? displacement oo! = Seceleration. 20 = 100 or w= 10 rads “displacement 0.02 26, (0) + For simple harmonic motion velocity at displacement x, y= @va? = x? =e -16 (5 0-16 s Eguationti) Gv) gies 2 = 0=2radis or rece @ 2 (°) + Simple harmonic motion is defined as follows ‘The negative signs very important in simple harmonic motion. Acceleration is independent of any initial displacement of equilibrium position. ‘Then aceleation =-07x. isnot given, 28" (@ Ter agleleensiac onc éx at “Therefore force acting on the particle = Ak. 29, (c) : The equation for the SHM is ‘y= Asinost = Asin ant) i) where, A is amplitude, «@ is angular frequency and y is at time t ‘The formula of potential energy is KAP sin? oot rom eqn. (i) and (i, we get Frequency of potential energy = 2n sciations 30. (a) 31, (@) + Kinetic energy + potential enengy =total energy ‘When kinetic energy is maximum, potential energy is zero and vice versa. ‘Maximum potential energy = total energy O+Ky=K 52. (6): Potential energy of simple harmonic oscillator “y 33. (a): Potential energy of particle performing SHM varies parabolially in such a way that at mean position it becomes ero and maximum at extreme position. 34. (6) : Fora simple harmonic motion between A and B with O as the mean position, maximum kinetic energy ofthe particle executing SHM ill be at O and maximum potential energy willbe at A and B, mac mac KE map RE aS Displacement between maximum potential energy and ‘maximum kinetic energy is . 35.) Tt energy = naa =a? 36. (¢) : Force constant (k) = 2 x 10° N/m; displacement (x) = 0.01 mand total mechanical energy = 160). Potential energy gh =5x(2x10° 001)? = 100) 37. (b) : Displacement (x) Toa energy =!" and kinetic energy when displacement is (x) =a? (et—22) wLpen?(A 2 rete) =} ) 34 ‘Therefore fraction of the total energy at x, 3(Gmoe) Late 38, (a): Time period = sec. In one compete oscilation, the same kinetic and potential energies are repeated two times, So the difference will vary with a period of 2 seconds. 99. (0) RE=tMots + (Lata?) 40. (c) : PE, sad KE,T=Lmai(@! —?) an | (a) Let, =120 m= 2 =1.21m, 41, (a) Let «n= 1, =100em= aim oT] Let T; = longer pendulum ; T;= shorter pendulum 101-117 10 vibration of longer pendulum = 11 vibration of shorter pendulum. 42, (a) : Force constantof spring, k= Here, = 10 Nya Sem; k= = 200i If the mass of 2 lg is suspended by the spring, then period of k oscillation is 2 so0 <2 Ol T= 0028s 43. (b) : Magnitude of acceleration of a particle moving in a SUIMis, Jl = 0735 where yis amplitude, = 0-016) @=2nds! “+ Time period ofosilition, T= 2% =2% 44. (b) + Letusassume the length of spring be ‘When we cut the spring into ratio of length 1:2: 3, we get three ire Taam ; Rs springs oflenghs 2,2 and 2 with force constant, HH Hk HH eg, HM a ‘ i 6 x hb 26 we and y= gn it ‘ 1 1243 ap tera a ao ‘When connected in parallel, K” = 6k + 3k + 2k= 11k » Ee 45. (8) Tine eid of sing block system, T= 2m Forgiven spring, T= Vm ‘ a Th Ym Here, 7, =3,mm, =m, T,= 5, m,=m +1, 112 46. (d) ; A-mass M is suspended from a massless spring of spring constant kas shown in figure (a). Then, time period of oscillation is i Ts an ai) ‘When a another mass M isalso suspended with it as shown in figure (b). Then time period of| cscilation is, +n, [MR _ 4, [BE Pada re = (ox (Mar (Using (i) 467. (@): For simple harmonic motion, @ ©) ‘The spring has a length 1. Whem m is placed over it, the ‘equilibrium position becomes 0”, Ifit is pressed from 0’ (the equilibrium postion) to 0”, O°” mg= If the restoring force mA? > mg, then the mass will move up swith acceleration, detached from the pan. £ 20 je, A> > A> >010m. kim 200 ‘Theamplitude > 10 cm. ic the minimum is just greater than 10 cm. (The actual compression will inckade xy also, But when talking ‘of amplitude, iis always from the equilibrium position with respect to which the mass is oscillating. 49, (0): Let be the length of block immersed in liquid shown inthe igure. ‘When the bloc is oating, img = Alog: If the block is given vertical displacement y then the effective restoring force is F=-[All+ ypg~ mg] =-LAU+ ype Alps] = App: Restoring force = ~[Apely. As this F is directed towards equilibrium position of lock, so it will execute simple harmonic motion. Here inertia factor = mass of block = m Spring factor = Apg i @ k i | © “Wb NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Topiewise Solutions Siig) Time period, T=2n, apg THT 50._(d) : When the spring joined in series, the total extension in spring i soi Pea “Thus spring constant in this case becomes Si. (@) : Letkbethe force constant of spring. If isthe force constant of each part then sof 52, (bh): The time period of a spring mass system as shown in figure 1 is given by T=2nVmTk, ‘where ks the spring constant. 2s =andnih “i and t, =2n/im/ky fii) | Now, when they are connected in parallel as shown in figure 2(a), the system can be replaced by a single spring of | seca reece! as shown in figure 2(b).. Since mg = kx + ke = ky x ty = anny er =2n mith +h) From (i), Pigs (ii) iv) 5. Wih-%e we Slee IE se. aI," 2RViy cor, 1, = 1%, which does not depend on mass. 4 54, (a) : InAOAC, cosd = OAM (07, OA = cos AB=I(1~cos0)=it Oscilations 113 55. (dl) Time period of a simple pendulum is given by = Tet iz 5 ik. fia 6 (0): Peso fosctton T=26 [Ether Twi he Bo fled w gametm Fi 42 decrease when acceleration (g) increases. And g will increase ‘when the rocket moves up with a uniform acceleration. 56. (a) : Frequency of the pendulum Uj. -iyt en era WP +g): 1 fx Yea = Fe V30 8. a eee rrens net ote inka he B= PPare ys tm kth As hore gh ped as funy ou the ge Tine perio T= 2m =2n [SED lpr or pe ee ee 2 before they willbe again in 2 Thisisa cas of oscillation as ee ‘of oscillation is decreasing with time. 7. 0): neh [Eo Amplitude of oscillations at any instant ris given by ane a= age, where ao s the initial amplitude of oscillations and b 2 tami is the damping constant. 58. (a) = 1.02). ‘Now, when # = 1007, a = ap/3 [Tis time period] Te perod T= 2a | evi ‘Therefore ae “Thus time period increased by 1%, 59. (b) + Potential energy at A or C= Kinetic energy at B. ‘Therefore decrease in length (D) Fn 3B = g mes Thus, ms = mgt org = VigH ‘4 The amplitude will be reduced to 1/9 of initial value. 60, (@) Mass (m)=Skgand time period (T)= 2 sec. | 0): Sealer damping gives a taller and narrower Therefore ine pend P=20 = fa 6 () 2 The amplitude and vlocyrecmance occur at the ork=5Nim, According to Hooke’ Law, F= ~Ki. ‘energy of the particle would be maximum. coed

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