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Choose the correct answer:

1.What is the main focus of Human Resource Management?

A) Marketing products
B) Managing finances
C) Hiring and managing workforce
D) Research and development
Answer: C) Hiring and managing workforce

2. According to Armstrong (1997), how does he define Human Resource

A) A tactical approach to acquiring and managing resources
B) A strategic approach to acquiring, developing, and managing people
C) A financial approach to managing employees
D) A technological approach to developing workforce
Answer: B) A strategic approach to acquiring, developing, and managing people

3.Which of the following is NOT a part of Human Resource Management

A) Training and development
B) Marketing strategies
C) Compensation management
D) Communication
Answer: B) Marketing strategies
4. What is the goal of Human Resource Management in relation to employees?
A) To decrease employee satisfaction
B) To minimize employee contribution
C) To ensure employee satisfaction and maximize contribution
D) To ignore employee needs
Answer: C) To ensure employee satisfaction and maximize contribution

5. Which of the following is a key resource in an organization, according to

Armstrong's definition of HRM?
A) Technology
B) Products
C) Processes
D) People
Answer: D) People

6. Which function is NOT a part of Human Resource Management?

A) Hiring
B) Production
C) Motivating
D) Administration
Answer: B) Production

7.What is the role of Human Resource Management in acquiring and managing

A) Ignoring resources
B) Strategically acquiring and developing resources
C) Minimizing resources
D) Managing resources without a strategy
Answer: B) Strategically acquiring and developing resources

8. What is the significance of gaining the commitment of employees in Human

Resource Management?
A) It is not important
B) It hinders organizational objectives
C) It enhances organizational success
D) It leads to employee turnover
Answer: C) It enhances organizational success

9. Which aspect is NOT included in Human Resource Management

A) Developing workforce
B) Managing finances
C) Maintaining workforce
D) Communication
Answer: B) Managing finances

10. How does Human Resource Management contribute to the achievement of

organizational objectives?
A) By ignoring employee needs
B) By minimizing employee satisfaction
C) By ensuring employee satisfaction and contribution
D) By isolating employees
Answer: C) By ensuring employee satisfaction and contribution

11. With regard to planning, organizing, directing, and controlling, HRM is

classified as ______.
A) operative functions
B) managerial functions
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the
Answer: B) managerial functions

12. In regard to development, compensation, integration, and maintenance, HRM

is categorized as ______.
A) operative functions
B) managerial functions
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the
Answer: A) operative functions

13. HRM is a subset of management, which includes the following goals except:
A) employees’ motivating
B) employees’ attracting
C) employees’ retaining
D) employees’ turnover
Answer: B) employees’ turnover

14. Why are strong employees considered a source of competitive advantage in a

global environment?
A) Because they work long hours
B) Because they have high salaries
C) Because they can adapt to change at a rapid pace
D) Because they have few years of experience
Answer: C) Because they can adapt to change at a rapid pace
15. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a challenge that HRM must be
prepared to deal with in a global environment?
A) Workforce diversity
B) Changing skill requirements
C) employee exclusion
D) Company mergers
Answer: C) employee exclusion

16. Compensation as a part of operative functions includes all the following

A) Bonus and Incentives
B) Payroll
C) Social security
D) Wage and Salary
Answer: C) Social security

17. In operative functions, development involve all of the following except:

A) performance appraisal
B) Training
C) career development
D) collective bargaining
Answer D) collective bargaining

18. Maintenance as a part of operative functions contain all of the following

A) participation of employees
B) Social security
C) Safety
D) Welfare schemes
Answer A) participation of employees

19. Which of the following statements is NOT describing globalization:

A) cross-border flows of goods and services
B) driven by international trade and investment
C) interaction between companies of same nations
D) accelerated by information technology
Answer C) interaction between companies of same nations

20. As a part of rapidly changing environment, organizations________.

A) face more globalized business
B) are constrained by national borders
C) avoid using technology in their businesses
D) isolate themselves from interacting with global companies
Answer A) face more globalized business

21. _______ are corporations with significant operations in more than one
A) Domestic corporations
B) localized organizations
C) Foreign organizations
D) Multinational corporations
Answer D) Multinational corporations
22. Organizations are no longer constrained by national borders in producing
goods and services means______.
A) they are not affected by globalization
B) they should adapt in accordance with globalization
C) they focus only on national borders
D) they are free from globalization
Answer B) they have to adapt in accordance with globalization

23. HRM operates in a global business environment which means:

A) countries have similar customs
B) countries share same values
C) countries have identical political and legal systems
D) countries have diverse morals
Answer D) countries have diverse morals

24. HRM can be an effective tool for employees in globalization by_______.

A) forming a constrained view of other’s countries conditions
B) reducing their interaction with cross country operations
C) understanding other countries political and economic conditions
D) being restricted with national borders in their businesses
Answer C) understanding other countries political and economic conditions

25. Globalization can be simply referring to______.

A) flow of goods, services, materials, people within country borders
B) movement of goods and services across borders ignoring technology effect
C) interaction among people, companies, and governments of diverse nations
D) is the trade of goods and services between nationals
Answer C) interaction among people, companies, and governments of diverse

26. In which of the following area the technology impact HRM:

A) Technology gives employees instant access to information
B) Technology change skill requirements of employees
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: C) both (a) and (b)

27. ________ are individuals whose jobs are designed around the acquisition and
application of information.
A) Skilled workers
B) Knowledge workers
C) Task worker
D) none of the above
Answer: B) Knowledge workers

28. _________ have become the primary source of information in many

A) HRM professionals
B) Finance supervisors
C) Marketing mangers
D) none of the above
Answer: A) HRM professionals
29. How does technology help strengthen communications for organizations?
A) By limiting communication with employees
B) By reducing access to information
C) By improving communication with the external community and employees
D) By creating barriers to information sharing
Answer: C) By improving communication with the external community and

30. What is one of the benefits of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)
for HRM professionals?
A) Slowing down decision-making processes
B) Creating job ambiguity
C) Facilitating human resource plans
D) Increasing employee turnover
Answer: C) Facilitating human resource plans

31._______ is about contacting a pool of qualified applicants through advertising

vacant jobs on firm’s website or any other tool.
A) Recruiting
B) Employee selection
C) Training
D) none of the above
Answer: A) Recruiting

32. _______ is about screening final candidates to hire good people in the suitable
A) Employee training
B) Employee turnover
C) Employee recruiting
D) Employee selection
Answer: D) Employee selection

33. _______ allows employees to train and collaborate in groups regardless of

their location.
A) Online training
B) Teleconferencing
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: C) both (a) and (b)

34. ________ refers to how far an organization should go in monitoring

employees’ behaviour who work on computers.
A) Ethical control
B) Ethical issue
C) Ethical dilemma
D) none of the above
Answer: C) Ethical dilemma

35. ________ breaks down historical organizational communications pattern

A) Imitative communication systems
B) Traditional communication systems
C) Open communication systems
D) none of the above
Answer: C) Open communication systems

36. The skills implications of vast spread of technology require employees being
A) incompetence to read technical journal
B) inability to comprehend software
C) uncapable to handle hardware manuals
D) none if the above
Answer: D) none if the above

37________ allowing people in geographically dispersed locations to meet

A) Physical meeting
B) Virtual meeting
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: B) Virtual meeting

Choose the correct answer:

1. ___ refers to a set of rules or principles that defines right and wrong conduct.
A) Ethical responsibility
B) Code of ethics
C) Ethic document
D) Ethics
Answer: D) Ethics
2.__ can be defined as a formal document that states an organization's primary
values and the ethical rules.
A) Code of vales
B) Code of ethics
C) Code of morals
D) none of the above
Answer: B) Code of ethics

3. Code of ethics is a formal statement that states ___.

A) ethical rules
B) primary values
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: C) both (a) and (b)

4. __ means job can move overseas.

A) Outsourcing
B) Onshoring
C) Offshoring
D) none of the above
Answer: C) Offshoring

5. Which one of the following describes the challenges that recession has brought
to HRM ____.
A) decreased layoffs
B) maximize morals
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: D) none of the above

6. ___ means joining ownership of two organizations.

A) Acquisition
B) strategic alliances
C) merger
D) none of the above
Answer: C) merger

7. __ means transferring of ownership of one organization to another.

A) Joint venture
B) Acquisition
C) merger
D)none of the above
Answer: B) Acquisition
8. Workforce diversity is about varied personal characteristics that make the
workforce ___.
A) homogeneous
B) heterogeneous
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: B) heterogeneous

9. ______ is an organizational activity aimed at creating greater efficiency by

eliminating certain jobs.
A) Rightsizing
B) Downsizing
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: B) Downsizing

10. All of the following is describing contingent workforce EXCEPT:

A) part time workers
B) temporary workers
C) permanent workers
D) contract workers
Answer: C) permanent workers

11. The term "contingent workers" is NOT described as____.

A) Core workers
B) part-time workers
C) temporary workers
D) none of the above
Answer: A) Core workers

12. ___ is about linking employee needs to organizational strategy.

A) Outsourcing
B) Downsizing
C) Rightsizing
D) none of the above
Answer: C) Rightsizing

13. __ means sending work "outside" the organization to be done by individuals

not employed full time with the organization.
A) Offshoring
B) Outsourcing
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: B) Outsourcing

14. ___ means that human resource managers will need sophisticated recruitment
and retention strategies.
A) The labor surplus
B) The labor programs
C) The labor shortage
D) The labor systems
Answer: C) The labor shortage

15. _____ becomes an important source as HR struggles to balance the supply of

workers available yet maintain cost control.
A) Downsizing
B) Rightsizing
C) Outsourcing
D) Contingent workforce
Answer: D) Contingent workforce

16. Trend is to ______ that aims to fit company goals to workforce numbers.
A) downsize
B) rightsize
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: B) rightsize
17. _______ refers to the varied personal characteristics that make the workforce
different or heterogenous.
A) Workforce identity
B) Workforce diversity
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: B) Workforce diversity

18. ______ is an organizational commitment to continuous improvement that

include everyone involved in the organization.
A) Quality management
B) Continuous improvement
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: A) Quality management

19. ______ is an organizational commitment to constantly improving quality of

products and services.
A) Quality management
B) Continuous improvement
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: B) Continuous improvement

20. Kaizen, the Japanese term for an organization’s commitment to ______.

A) Quality management
B) Continuous improvement
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: B) Continuous improvement

21. A quality revolution continues in ______.

A) private sector
B) public sector
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: C) both (a) and (b)

22. HR managers help workers adapt to continuous improvement changes

A) raising questions
B) neglecting expectations
C) both (a) and (b)
D) none of the above
Answer: D) none of the above

23. Rightsizing as an implication of labor shortage can be described as ______.

A) fit company goals to customer numbers
B) creating greater efficiency by eliminating certain jobs
C) linking employee needs to organizational strategy
D) both (a) and (c)
Answer: C) linking employee needs to organizational strategy

24. It’s all about _______ through involvement, which increases worker
productivity and loyalty.
A) employer empowerment
B) customer empowerment
C) employee empowerment
D) both (a) and (c)
Answer: C) employee empowerment

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