Software Requirements Specification PW PDF

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Assignment – document based

Topic: physics wallah

Lovely Professional University

`Jalandhar, Punjab, India.

Submitted by: Submitted To:

Name of the Student : rajiv kumar Name of the faculty:
Reg. No. : 12308874 kamini sharma
Roll No. : 52 Signature:
Software Requirements
Specification (SRS)


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pg. 5
Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
for Physics Wallah (PW)

## Table of Contents

1. **Introduction**
- 1.1 Purpose
- 1.2 Overview
- 1.3 Scope
- 1.4 Document Conventions
- 1.5 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestion

2. **General Description**
- 2.1 Product Perspective
- 2.2 Product Functions
- 2.3 User Characteristics

3. **User Interface Description**

- 3.1 User Interfaces
- 3.2 Hardware Interfaces
- 3.3 Software Interfaces
- 3.4 Communications Interfaces

4. **Specific Requirements**

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- 4.1 Functional Requirements
- 4.1.1 Lecture Module
- 4.1.2 Quiz Module
- 4.1.3 Simulation Module
- 4.1.4 Community Forum
- 4.2 Non-Functional Requirements
- 4.2.1 Performance
- 4.2.2 Security
- 4.2.3 Usability
- 4.2.4 Reliability
- 4.2.5 Scalability

5. **Communications Interfaces Attributes**

- 5.1 Availability
- 5.2 Security
- 5.3 Maintainability

6. **Test Cases**

7. DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

- 7.1 DFD Level 0
- 7.2 DFD Level 1

#1. Introduction

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1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to

provide a detailed overview of the Physics Wallah (PW) educational platform,
outlining its features, functionalities, and system requirements. This document
serves as a guide for developers, designers, testers, and stakeholders involved
in the development and deployment of PW.

# 1.2 Overview

Physics Wallah (PW) is an online learning platform dedicated to providing

comprehensive physics education to students of all levels. It offers a range of
educational resources, including video lectures, interactive quizzes,
simulations, and a community forum. PW aims to enhance the learning
experience by providing engaging content, fostering collaboration among users,
and promoting self-paced learning.

# 1.3 Scope

PW covers a wide range of topics in physics, including classical mechanics,

electromagnetism, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and modern
physics. It caters to students from high school to undergraduate levels, as well
as educators seeking supplementary teaching materials. The platform offers
both theoretical explanations and practical demonstrations to help users
understand complex concepts effectively.

#1.4 Document Conventions

Throughout this document, the following conventions will be used:

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- **Bold text:** Indicates section headings, important terms, and
- Italic text:* Emphasizes specific points, variables, or examples.

# 1.5 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestion

This document is intended for:
- Developers responsible for implementing PW.
- Designers tasked with creating the user interface and experience.
- Testers responsible for verifying the functionality and performance of the
- Stakeholders involved in the planning, funding, and management of the

It is recommended that all parties involved in the development process

carefully read and understand this document to ensure alignment with project
objectives and requirements.

## 2. General Description

### 2.1 Product Perspective

PW is a standalone educational platform designed to provide a comprehensive

physics learning experience. It serves as a centralized hub for accessing
educational content, interactive tools, and community-driven support. While
PW may integrate with external services for content delivery or analytics, its
core functionalities and user interface are self-contained within the platform.

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### 2.2 Product Functions

The main functions of PW include:

- **Lecture Module:** Users can access video lectures on various physics
topics, delivered by experienced educators. Lectures may include visual aids,
animations, and real-life examples to enhance comprehension.
- **Quiz Module:** Users can take quizzes to assess their understanding
of physics concepts. Quizzes provide instant feedback on answers, explanations
for incorrect choices, and track performance metrics over time.
- **Simulation Module:** PW provides interactive simulations and virtual
experiments to help users visualize and explore physics concepts. Simulations
allow users to adjust parameters, observe outcomes, and conduct experiments
in real-time.
Community Forum:Users can participate in discussions on the community
forum by posting questions, replies, and comments. The forum serves as a
platform for peer-to-peer learning, collaboration, and knowledge sharing
among users.

### 2.3 User Characteristics

PW caters to users with diverse backgrounds and learning goals:

- **Students:** High school and undergraduate students seeking to
improve their understanding of physics concepts for academic purposes.
- **Educators:** Teachers and professors looking for supplemental
resources to enrich their curriculum and engage students more effectively.
- **Enthusiasts:** Individuals with a keen interest in physics who want to
explore the subject matter in-depth for personal enrichment or professional

pg. 10
Users may vary in their familiarity with physics concepts, learning preferences,
and technical proficiency. PW aims to accommodate users of all levels by
providing accessible content and intuitive user interfaces.

## 3. User Interface Description

### 3.1 User Interfaces

PW features a user-friendly interface designed for ease of navigation and
accessibility. The interface is intuitive, with clear visual cues and organized
layouts to help users find and access content efficiently. Key interface
components include:
- **Navigation Menu:** Allows users to browse different sections of the
platform, such as lectures, quizzes, simulations, and the community forum.
- **Search Bar:** Enables users to search for specific topics, lectures, or
discussions within the platform.
- **Content Cards:** Display featured lectures, quizzes, or forum threads,
providing users with quick access to relevant content.
- **User Profile:** Allows registered users to manage their account
settings, view their progress, and interact with other users.

### 3.2 Hardware Interfaces

PW is accessible via standard web browsers on various devices, including

desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The platform is
responsive, adapting its layout and functionality to different screen sizes and
device capabilities. Users can access PW anytime, anywhere, as long as they
have an internet connection and a compatible device.

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### 3.3 Software Interfaces

PW is developed using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and

backend frameworks like Django or Node.js. It may integrate with external APIs
for features such as video streaming, user authentication, or data analytics.
Additionally, PW utilizes databases to store user profiles, content metadata,
and forum discussions.

### 3.4 Communications Interfaces

PW communicates with users and external services via standard internet
protocols, ensuring seamless interaction and data exchange. Communication
interfaces include:
- **HTTP/HTTPS:** Used for transmitting data between clients and
servers, such as fetching lecture videos, submitting quiz responses, or posting
forum messages.
- **Web Sockets:** Enables real-time communication for interactive
features, such as live chat or collaborative simulations.
- **RESTful APIs:** Provides programmatic access to PW's functionalities,
allowing third-party services to integrate with the platform or retrieve data for

## 4. Specific Requirements

### 4.1 Functional Requirements

#### 4.1.1 Lecture Module

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The lecture module allows users to access video lectures on various physics

- **FR4.1.1.1: **Browse Lectures:** Users should be able to browse

through a categorized list of available lectures.

- **FR** **Search Lectures:** Users should have the ability to

search for lectures based on keywords, topics, or instructor names.

- **FR** **Bookmark Lectures:** Users should be able to

bookmark lectures for future reference or offline viewing.
- **FR** **View Lecture Details:** Users should be able to view
detailed information about each lecture, including title, description, duration,
and instructor details.

- **FR** **Play/Pause Lectures:** Users should be able to play or

pause lecture videos at their convenience.

- **FR** **Navigate Within Lectures:** Users should have

controls to navigate within lecture videos, such as skipping forward or
backward, adjusting playback speed, and selecting specific segments.

#### 4.1.2 Quiz Module

The quiz module allows users to test their understanding of physics concepts
through interactive quizzes.

pg. 13
- **FR** **Take Quizzes:** Users should be able to access quizzes
on various topics and difficulty levels.

- **FR** **Attempt Quiz Questions:** Users should be able to

attempt quiz questions and select answers from multiple-choice, true/false, or
other question formats.

- **FR** **Receive Feedback:** Users should receive immediate

feedback on quiz answers, including correctness, explanations for incorrect
choices, and overall score.

- **FR** **Track Quiz Progress:** Users should be able to track

their quiz performance over time, viewing past quiz results, scores, and
improvement trends.

- **FR** **Review Quiz Responses:** Users should have the

option to review their quiz responses, correct answers, and explanations after
completing a quiz.

#### 4.1.3 Simulation Module

The simulation module provides interactive simulations and virtual

experiments to help users visualize and explore physics concepts.

- **FR** **Access Simulations:** Users should be able to access

a library of simulations covering various physics topics and phenomena.

pg. 14
- **FR** **Interact with Simulations:** Users should be able to
interact with simulations by adjusting parameters, observing outcomes, and
conducting virtual experiments.

- **FR** **Save Simulation State:** Users should have the option
to save simulation configurations or results for future reference or sharing with

- **FR** **Guided Simulations:** Some simulations may include

guided tours or tutorials to help users understand key concepts and features.

#### 4.1.4 Community Forum

The community forum enables users to engage in discussions, ask questions,

and share insights with peers and educators.

- **FR** **Browse Forum Categories:** Users should be able to

browse through different categories or topics within the forum.

- **FR** **Post Discussions:** Users should be able to create

new discussion threads, asking questions or sharing ideas on physics-related

- **FR** **Reply to Discussions:** Users should be able to reply

to existing discussion threads, providing answers, comments, or additional

pg. 15
- **FR** **Like and Share Posts:** Users should have the option
to like or share forum posts, promoting valuable contributions and fostering
community engagement.

- **FR** **Search Forum Content:** Users should be able to

search for specific discussions or topics within the forum, using keywords or

### 4.2 Non-Functional Requirements

#### 4.2.1 Performance

- **NFR** PW should load lecture videos, quizzes, simulations,

and forum content quickly, with minimal latency, to provide a seamless user

- **NFR** Video lectures and simulations should stream smoothly

without buffering or interruptions, even on low-bandwidth connections.

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- **NFR** The platform should be able to handle a large number
of concurrent users without significant degradation in performance.

#### 4.2.2 Security

- **NFR** User data, including personal information, quiz scores,

and forum posts, should be securely stored and protected from unauthorized
access or data breaches.

- **NFR** Passwords should be hashed and stored securely using

strong encryption algorithms to prevent unauthorized access to user accounts.

- **NFR** The platform should implement secure authentication

mechanisms, such as two-factor authentication, to verify user identities and
prevent account hijacking.

#### 4.2.3 Usability

- **NFR** The user interface should be intuitive, with clear

navigation, consistent design patterns, and accessible controls to accommodate
users of all levels and abilities.

- **NFR** The platform should adhere to web accessibility

standards, such as WCAG 2.0 or higher, to ensure that users with disabilities
can access and use the platform effectively.

- **NFR** Error messages and prompts should be informative and
user-friendly, guiding users to resolve issues or recover from errors #### 4.2.4 Reliability

- **NFR** PW should be reliable and available 24/7, with minimal

downtime for maintenance or updates, to ensure uninterrupted access for

- **NFR** The platform should be resilient to failures, with built-in

redundancy, failover mechanisms, and data backups to prevent data loss or
service disruptions.

#### 4.2.5 Scalability

- **NFR** PW should be scalable, able to accommodate a growing

user base, increasing content library, and expanding feature set without
compromising performance or user experience.

- **NFR** The platform architecture should be modular and

flexible, allowing for easy scaling of resources, such as servers, databases, and
storage, as demand grows over time.

## 5. Communications Interfaces Attributes

### 5.1 Availability

PW should maintain high availability, ensuring that the platform is accessible to

users 24/7 with minimal downtime for maintenance or upgrades. This requires
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robust infrastructure, redundancy measures, and proactive monitoring to
detect and address issues promptly.

### 5.2 Security

PW should prioritize security to protect user data and maintain trust in the
platform. Security measures include encryption, secure authentication, access
controls, and regular security assessments to identify and address
vulnerabilities proactively.

### 5.3 Maintainability

PW should be designed for maintainability to support ongoing development,

updates, and enhancements. This includes modular architecture, clean code
practices, documentation, version control, and automated testing to streamline
maintenance tasks and minimize technical debt over time.

## 6. Test Cases

Test cases will be developed to validate the functionality, performance, and

security of PW. Test scenarios will cover various user interactions, edge cases,
and system integrations to ensure that the platform meets the specified
requirements and delivers a reliable user experience. These test cases will

- **Functional Testing:** Verifying that all features and functionalities

outlined in the requirements are working as expected. This includes testing
lecture playback, quiz interactions, simulation controls, and forum posting.

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- **Performance Testing:** Assessing the platform's responsiveness and
scalability under different loads. This involves simulating heavy user traffic and
monitoring response times, resource utilization, and system stability.

- **Security Testing:** Identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities

that could compromise user data or system integrity. This includes testing for
SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), authentication bypass, and other
common security threats.

- **Usability Testing:** Evaluating the user interface and experience to

ensure that it is intuitive, accessible, and user-friendly. This involves gathering
feedback from representative users through surveys, interviews, or usability
testing sessions.

- **Compatibility Testing:** Ensuring that PW works correctly across

different devices, browsers, and operating systems. This includes testing on
popular platforms such as Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, as well as major
web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

- **Accessibility Testing:** Verifying that PW complies with web

accessibility standards, making it usable for users with disabilities. This involves
testing with assistive technologies such as screen readers, keyboard navigation,
and voice commands, as well as conducting manual accessibility audits.

- **Regression Testing:** Checking that new updates or changes to the

platform do not introduce any unintended side effects or regressions. This
involves rerunning previously passed test cases to ensure that existing
functionality remains intact after updates.

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## 7. Conclusion

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document provides a

comprehensive outline of the requirements for the development of Physics
Wallah (PW), an online educational platform dedicated to physics education. By
defining the scope, functionalities, interfaces, and quality attributes of the
platform, this document serves as a blueprint for the development team to
build a robust, user-friendly, and scalable learning platform. Adhering to these
requirements will ensure that PW fulfills its mission of providing accessible,
engaging, and effective physics education to students worldwide.

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