Resume Application Letter

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Dalid, Oras, Eastern Samar
Searching for a position as Financial analyst in ABC Corporation as your recent
management post a vacancy in this role. Having fundamentals and background knowledge about
analyzing economic dynamics and other financial related transactions ensures to be a significant
contributor to perpetuating progress of the company. Also, an employee who innate
meticulousness, flexibility, accountability, productivity, honesty and full loyalty to the brand.
Bachelor of Science in Economics
Harvard Business School |2025-2029
Bachelor of Science in Business Management Major in Marketing
Stanford Graduate School of Business |2029-2033
Economic Analyst
Market Research
Prada Sales as Marketing Manager | 2034-2036
Had been one of Sales Marketing committee in the fashion department, worked for two years,
assigned to plan for boosting the sales of Prada Company by critically evaluate the fashion market.
• Published 2 Market Researches | 2033- 2034
• Creative Minds Awardee in Prada Company | 2036
• Published a book about "Economics in Drastic Market World" 2038
Nika Salmasan-Robedizo
February 01, 2024

Richard Mendez
Manager of ABC Corporation
123 Main Street Avenue
Manila, Philippines

Dear Mr. Mendez,

I would like to apply as financial analyst in ABC Corporation. As I graduated in Economics and
Business Management I would like to be part of the company's financial committee. I have
numerous experiences in the corporate field. In 2034, I have been part of Prada Company as Sale
Marketing manager, although I was not part the financial team, I have ensure meticulous and
accountable performance on the job that they had been given to me. Also, I have been part-time
worker of Sweet beans Fastfood Inc. as their digital advertiser which I contribute a good
marketing embellishment of their products. I had ensure that I was reputational and loyal to the
brand. Furthermore, I filled the gaps in the current knowledge towards finance and marketing
discipline by publishing a book and researches.

Even though I don't have much experience as financial analyst I am confident that I could execute
the job perfectly having my skills and background knowledge about financing and analysis. Also,
if you could accept me in the position this would be an opportunity to excel in the field.

It means a world for me if you consider my offer. I'm looking forward to be your co-worker.

Truly yours,
Julius Simon Yangson Lapesura

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