2nd Year (A)

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Test: Chapter (18, 22, and 25) BIOLOGY HSSC–II

Section: A TIME: 70Min Total Marks: 50

Note: Answers Should Be Brief And Straight To The Point And Shall Not Exceed Five
Simple Sentences.
1. Locate the following endocrine glands in human body; parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal Medulla?
Enlist their principal hormones (any 02) and their functions. (6)
2. Explain the terms; polygenic and epistasis also Give example (3)
3. How are the alleles of a gene different from each other? What is its importance? (3)
4. Describe the individuals with the following chromosomal abnormalities: (3)
(a) Trisomy at chromosome 21 (b) XXY (c) XO
5. Why is colour blindness more prominent in males than females? (3)
6. Enlist the hormones secreted by anterior lobe of pituitary? (3)
7. Enlist patterns of sex determination and their occurrence. (5)
8. Write the differences between (10)
(a) Genotype & Phenotype (b) Gene & Allele (c) Sex limited traits & Sex Influenced Traits
(d) Continuous variations & Discontinuous Variation (e) Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism
9. Draw and Enlist steps of Nitrogen Cycle? Discuss main events only? (8)
10. Compare conventional and non-conventional energy resources? (3)
11. Define wildlife? What vital roles do soil play? (3)


Test: Chapter (18, 22, and 25) BIOLOGY HSSC–II

Section: A TIME: 70M Total Marks: 50

Note: Answers Should Be Brief And Straight To The Point And Shall Not Exceed Five
Simple Sentences.
1. Locate the following endocrine glands in human body; parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal Medulla?
Enlist their principal hormones (any 02) and their functions. (6)
2. Explain the terms; polygenic and epistasis also Give example (3)
3. How are the alleles of a gene different from each other? What is its importance? (3)
4. Describe the individuals with the following chromosomal abnormalities: (3)
(a) Trisomy at chromosome 21 (b) XXY (c) XO
5. Why is colour blindness more prominent in males than females? (3)
6. Enlist the hormones secreted by anterior lobe of pituitary? (3)
7. Enlist patterns of sex determination and their occurrence. (5)
8. Write the differences between (10)
(b) Genotype & Phenotype (b) Gene & Allele (c) Sex limited traits & Sex Influenced Traits
(c) Continuous variations & Discontinuous Variation (e) Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism
9. Draw and Enlist steps of Nitrogen Cycle? Discuss main events only? (8)
10. Compare conventional and non-conventional energy resources? (3)
11. Define wildlife? What vital roles do soil play enlist them? (3)

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