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Jhonloyd S.

12- Aquinas

Week 4 – WRITTEN WORKS 1 (40 POINTS) Choose only one (1) scenario then
answer the questions below:
Scenario 1: There will be a pandemic outbreak of the new COVID 19 variant Omicron.
Scenario 2: The government announced that Rizal is under COVID-19 Alert Level 3.
Scenario 3: The Department of Education specifically the Senior High School Students
will shift to face-to-face classes starting on February 7, 2022 – Second Semester.
Chosen scenario:
Scenario 1: There will be a pandemic outbreak of the new COVID 19 variant Omicron.
1. Predict how this event will be covered by television, radio, print, and Internet?
- This event will be covered by television, radio, print, and the Internet by putting this
news on its headline where the people will be able to see it right away. In addition, they
may use visual and written codes which prioritize the use of slogans, taglines and etc. to
convey their message or news to the people that will instantly get their attention about
this pandemic outbreak of the omicron variant.
2. How are the presentation of facts may vary from medium to medium?
- On the print media, they may use written codes and formats on presenting their facts
so that they will be able to explain and present their message through text. Moving on,
televisions and the Internet may use visual and technical codes so that their
presentation will be more engaging or interactive on its audiences.
3. How are the codes and conventions vary from medium to medium?
- The codes vary depending on the uses and on how they are executed to present facts
and information, visual codes uses objects and clothing which may imply a specific
message to the audience, and about the written codes, they may use text layouts,
slogans, and captions to convey messages. And lastly, the technical codes use the
shifting of the different camera shots, editing, and, lighting to interpret a message.
4. How much of these differences will be based on the unique characteristics of the
- Actually, those differences vary in their uses, and its interpretation of the information
may change depending on the code that is being used. In addition, its uniqueness will
be based on how many codes have been used on presenting the information which is
the type of format or codes does the medium is commonly using.

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