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Anxiety, Depression and alike mental health issues

vis-à-vis the Myths pertaining the same

In contemporary times, mental health issues like anxiety and depression have become common; in fact, from
a far-sight it seems far from proximate to identify as to who is actually suffering or is vulnerable to these
problems. Various studies and stats have time and again substantiated the ramping up cases of mental health
issues among the youth across the globe and in light of these circumstances it necessarily becomes
imperative to identify and treat such issues at the earliest to thwart the condition from deteriorating further.
However, the sad state of affairs remains that in order to avoid stigmatization and unwanted consequences of
claiming to have such issues, people suffering from these problems hesitate to come forward. At times it
somewhat seems that the problem of not coming forth and the factors and myths contributing to it are much
more severe than the problem itself as these factors hinder the very diagnosis and treatment thereof.

Following are certain myths pertaining to mental health issues including but not limited to merely anxiety
and depression: -

1) A person suffering form a mental health issue like anxiety or depression is likely to be less
intelligent compared to others.
2) A person himself is the best suited to treat such mental health issues without seeking for any
extended support.
3) Mental health issues among teenagers are not a serious and merely visible consequence of
ongoing hormonal changes and mood swings caused thereof.
4) Signs indicating some underlaying mental health issues highlights a weak mindset.
5) Extroverts are less vulnerable to mental health issues than introverts.

The aforementioned myths are wide-spread and hazardous insofar as they continue to obstruct people
suffering from anxiety, depression or any other disorder to come forth and openly speak out without
assuming the fear of being stereotyped as a weak, feeble and dumb individual. Looking at the stats and heart
throbbing event supervening non treatment of these issues, it is imperative for individuals to open up, hold
discussions and spread awareness to annihilate these myths.

Following is a point wise sequential reply to the aforementioned myths: -

1) A person remains vulnerable to mental health issues and mental conditions including but not
exhaustive to anxiety and depression notwithstanding his/her IQ, strata or financial background.
2) While at the end of the day a person is required to make efforts on his/her own to cure himself, such
an assertion certainly does not preclude him from seeking valuable and catalytic assistance of
3) Time and again various reports and studies have proven and revealed the grave veracity of subsisting
mental health issues amid teenagers. Therefore, it is not advisable to overlook the visible symptoms
of a probable mental health issue without consulting an expert in case of teenagers.
4) Signs indicating an underlaying mental health issue merely highlights the possibility of having a
mental condition rather than possession of a certain mindset; just like having pain and swelling in
arm indicates the possibility of having a fracture rather than a weak skeletal.
5) Extrovert and Introvert traits possessed by a person has got nothing to with the overall mental health
of an individual. Problems such as anxiety and depression may occur to anyone for a variety of
reasons triggering emotional imbalance.

Sources Referred: -

1) Busted: 7 myths about mental health | UNICEF Parenting

2) One out of seven in 15-24 years of age feels depressed in India: UNICEF - Times of India
3) 12 Facts About Mental Health (And 12 Myths About Mental Illness) (

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