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Coping up with Stress

In contemporary times owing to the digital revolution and economic reforms across the globe, quality of living
has scaled up substantially. Now, we live in an era of capitalism where through sheer hard-work, diligence and
dedication everything and every dream is achievable. However, it is certainly not a cakewalk to easily keep
up with the rapid pace of this new and dynamic generation, people including adults as well as students face
enormous amount of stress on a daily basis in day-to-day pursuits of life. Stress prompts disturbance and gives
room to negativity that may even grow and adversely afflict the overall mental well being of an individual.
Therefore, it becomes important to manage and dissipate stress caused due to various reasons.
Here are certain simple ways that may help in reducing stress:
1) STOP OVERTHINKING: It’s we who make problems to appear much bigger in magnitude than they
are in reality by procrastinating the probable outcomes. At times the problem is not as big as we deem
them to be and after all, overthinking won’t make a difference to what is bound to happen, what is to
happen will happen.
2) DO WHAT YOU FEEL LIKE: Recently it has become a common practice for people to give up on
stuff that once meant the world to them. Amid the ongoing race to acquire more and more materialistic
pleasures, it is to be understood that there is no harm in having a hobby and enjoying what brings
intrinsic pleasure and joy in one’s life.
3) CONNECT WITH NATURE: Unequivocally, the modern technology, gadgets and gizmos have
abridged the gaps and brought the world nearer. But, at the same point of time it shall not be forgotten
that there is a real world full of beauty, calling out to cherish it’s wonders beyond the electronic media.
4) LISTEN TO MUSIC: Something that sooths one’s ears has the tendency of soothing the mind as well,
music is something that possess quality of radiating a never-ending ripple of enthusiasm and positivity
that refreshens the overall mood of an individual.
5) MEDITATE: Meditation remains one of the most conventional and effective measures to reduce stress
and anxiety. Having a plethora of proven medical and psychological benefits one shall consider to
adopt this simple practice in their daily lifestyle.
6) TALK: At times we tend to keep our feelings, questions and opinions confined to ourselves thereby
initiating self-talks that have no benefit of their own. Communication doesn’t merely abridge the gap
but also provides a clarity over certain matters that self-talks certainly cannot.
The problem is not that a problem exists, the only problem that subsists perhaps is that no steps for solving
the said problem is being taken up. In contemporary times, taking note of the rapid pace at which one is
supposed to move, feeling stressed out is anticipatable. However, for ones own greater good it is inevitably
imperative to manage/cope up with stress with efficacy to curb the menace that is likely to be caused if one’s
mental health continues to deteriorate due to continuous stress.

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