ESSAY B2 Agree-Disagree

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2.2. Agree/ disagree - Opinion essay

Recently,...câu chủ đề....has been a long debate in our life. Some people believe that this is a positive
development while others think that it will lead to adverse drawbacks. I personally agree with the first view.
In this essay, both the two sides of this issue will be analyzed before coming to a conclusion with my
personal opinion.

On the one hand, noone can deny that …(topic/N/Ving)……have brought……some considerable benefits.
The foremost benefit originating from this is that………(1)…………Another noticeable benefit relating
to……(2)……The ultimate benefit we should analyze is that………(3)….

On the other hand, I strongly disagree with this point view because of the following reasons. The first one is
that ………………………….. Another negative influence is that ……………………………. Last but not least,

In conclusion, from what has been discussed above, I strongly believe that…. (ý chủ đề)have many benefits
. However, it also causes some minimal problems for the young people. In my view, what we should do is to
have a good time management to use it most effectively

Topic: Are picture books good for children. Do you agree or disagree ?

benefits it can facilitate children to accomplish a rich source of knowledge from

many different fields such as education, science, health and so on. That
makes them become knowledgeable and confident people in both work and
that it attracts children’s attention , stimulate their imagination and
creativity because of its lively and interesting contents
spending free time reading ;;many fascinating things in books.

Negative it makes them become passive, they don’t spend time doing exercises or
playing sports ,which has adverse impacts on their physical growth
it may cause them some eyesight problems.

Some people think that the increasing of computer and mobile phone in communication has a negative
effect on young people’s reading and writing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

benefits people can take advantages of computer and mobile phone to develop their reading
and writing skills easily because they can access to many technological functions of
modern softwares such as words, excel…that facilitate users to write and read
scientifically and logically and help them update much new knowledge.
it will be time-saving because the information moved in communication will be faster
so that we will have more time to do other activities.

Negative spending too much time using computers and mobile phones in communication is not
always good because it can cause some eyesight problems and sometimes it makes
us stressed and tired.

With the recent development in technology like e-books some people feel that the printed media like
books, newspapers and magazine will soon be a thing of the past. Others feel that those forms of media
will never disappear.

What’s your opinion? Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your idea about the future of
printed media

it is not only convenient but also fast, which assists readers save much time and acquire
what they need as long as they can use the technological devices connected with the
it has a plenty of information which readers can be feasible to discover . Additionally ,
benefits reading the news on the Internet can provide us with much important information ,and
we find it easy to save them in a long time
they are manuafured from an amount of paper. It means that the more paper people use
for them , the more trees they destroy , which leads to the increase of deforestation

reading news on the Internet is not always good because they are sometimes fake and
fraud websites containing unreliable and detrimental materials , which has very adverse
Negative impacts on readers’ life and work.
Some people many argue that many Vietnamese studentss study English for years, but not many of them can
use English to communicate well. In order to improve the quality of English learning and teaching in Vietnam it
is strongly recommended that English should be taught by native English teachers only

Resasons Native English teachers are people who were born and raised in countries where English is their mother
tongue such as the UK, USA, Australia, Canada (English speaking region), and have pedagogical skills and
qualifications. They have superior advantages in terms of vast English knowledge.
learners could understand the rules of English more quickly and tend to have better pronunciation
The learner will have more opportunities to practice with native speakers. As one of the most important
aims to learn a foreign language is to communicate with people from other countries. If students have more
chances to talk with a native speaker, they could learn from the mistakes they made in the conversations. In
addition, they could be more confident when they are talking to a foreigner.

Disadvantages Vietnamese teachers – who are more suitable in teaching english in terms of grammar and exam

Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? What are the
effects on our society and family life?

this choice allows/ anables them to have more free time to enjoy life after they get
Reasons married because they can spend time travelling and taking care of each other instead of
spending time for their children.
people who are at an early stage of their career have usually low incomes.
many people decide to start raising a family after having accumulated enough money to
ensure a better life for their children.

having a significant age gap between two generations, which will be difficult for parents to
effects understand and communicate with their offsprings.
they give birth when they are too old ,which may make the babies being born might be less
physically healthy.
having children later in their life leads to adversely affect the quality of the future workforce
if too many people decide to follow this trend.

Doing housework is unnecessary with women --> agree/disagree?

that women can go to work and have many relationships in society. It means
AGREE that they are able to make a lot of money and have many chances in the work
like men. In fact, modern women can work in big and famous companies. They
also keep important positions in their company where they are working. It is
very good
women can share housework with their boyfriend or husband. There is much
housework which should be shared. For example, husbands should take care of
children when they have free time. Also, cooking many delicious meals for
wives is very romantic and necessary. It will help women feel warm and happy
wives have to do housework from the early morning until late in the afternoon.
It is very hard. However, we have a modern life nowadays, so robots play an
important role to help us do housework. That is a good way so that women can
do many things that they like. Women should have a better life instead of
doing housework all day

1. Rain forests play an important role in health of the environment. Air pollution
increases. “Individual efforts will be not any results, it’s only the responsibilities of
the government” do you agree or disagree?

DISAGREE --> activities of individuals and the government to protect the environment
+ plant many trees around the living place to protect the environment
+ reuse and recycle old things
+ limit to use private cars to limit air pollution
+ educate children to love nature and animals
The government:
+ pass some laws to stop deforestation
+ fine money who cut down tree illegally
+ talk about negative effects of deforestation
+ encourage people to use public transports
+ find out some effective ways to save the living environment
Rainforests play an important role in health of the environment. Air
pollution increases. “Individual efforts will be not any results, it’s only the
responsibilities of the government” do you agree or disagree? ( không đồng
ý, mỗi cá nhân có thể đóng góp vào việc bảo vệ rừng mưa)
Hướng dẫn: thân bài nêu ra 2 đoạn

Đoạn 1: những việc cá nhân có thể làm để bảo vệ rừng mưa, môi trường, hạn chế ô nhiêm
không khí

- Limit to cut down trees to make farmland: hạn chế chặt cây để mở rộng đất trồng
- Plant many trees around the living place: trồng nhiều cây xanh xung quanh nơi sống
- reduce to use plastic things such as bottles,straws: giảm việc sử dụng vật dụng bằng
nhựa như là chai, ống hút
- use recycled things instead: sử dụng đồ tái chế để thay thế
- love and protect the environment/nature/animals: yêu thường và bảo vệ môi trường,
thiên nhiên, động vật
Đoạn 2: nêu ra trách nhiệm và những việc chính phủ, nhà trường nên làm để bảo vệ rừng

- Fine money anyone who cut down trees in the forest: phạt tiền những người chặt cây
- Pass the law to protect the rainforest: thông qua luật để bảo vệ rừng mưa
- Raise awareness of people about protecting and loving nature/animals: nâng cao
nhận thức mọi người về việc bảo vệ và yêu thiên nhiên
- Use social network like FB, ZL to encourage people to plant trees: sử dụng mạng xã
hội để khuyến khích mọi người trồng nhiều cây xanh
- Organize art competitions about protect the environment: tổ chức những cuộc thi vẽ
tranh về bảo vệ môi trường
- Teach children and primary students how to save the environment: dạy cho trẻ em và
học sinh tiểu học biết cách để cứu lấy môi trường
Câu kết: the government and individuals should work together to solve this problem
6.The growing number of overweight people is putting a strain on the health
care system. Some people think that the best way to deal with this problem is
to introduce more physical education lessons in school curriculum. To what
extent do you agree or disagree (đồng ý với việc các môn thể chất được thêm
vào giảng dạy ở trường, nêu ra thuận lợi)
- overweight children: trẻ em bị béo phì
- don’t have habits to do exercise and play sports: không có thói quen tập td, chơi tt
- eat a lot of unhealthy food: ăn nhiều đồ ăn không tốt cho sức khỏe
- drink soft drinks a lot: uống nhiều nước ngọt/có ga
- create more physical education lessons in school curriculum: tạo ra nhiều bài học thể chất
trong trường học
- teach students how to keep healthy: dạy cho học sinh biết cách để bảo vệ sức khỏe
- necessary: cần thiết
- have good health to study better: có sức khỏe tốt để học tốt hơn
- reduce obesity on children: giảm tình trạng trẻ em béo phì
2. 7. “Art is a waste of time, children should focus on maths and
languages instead” do you agree or disagree (2 hướng, nếu agree thì
nên ra thuận lợi khi trẻ con học toán, ngôn ngữ/ disagree thì nên ra
thuận lợi của việc học vẽ, nghệ thuật)
* benefits of act:
- make children/students feel happy and comfortable: làm cho trẻ con/học sinh cảm thấy
vui, thoải mái khi học
- develop their talent: phát triển tài năng của chúng
- have many skills: có nhiều kỹ năng
- help students imagine and create better: giúp học sinh tưởng tượng và sáng tạo tốt hơn
- take part in art competitionds: tham gia những cuộc thi về nghệ thuật
* benefits of maths and languages
- develop brain’s children: phát triển não bộ của trẻ con
- become smarter and more active: trở nên thông minh và năng động hơn
- speak to everyone fluently: nói chuyện với mọi người trôi chảy
- feel more confident: cảm thấy tự tin hơn
Lấy việc học English làm ví dụ, sẽ dễ hình dung ý tưởng hơn khi viết. Nêu ra thuận lợi việc học En
8.To improve English teaching quality, we only need native teachers. Do you agree or

9. “art is a waste of time, children should focus on maths and languages instead” do you
agree or disagree

10. “Buses should be chosen as a main transportation because it is the cheapest, and
buses travel will be safer than using private cars” Do you agree or disagree?

11. Further education is necessary for university students. do you agree or disagree?

12. In the modern life, many people think that people should study/learning continually
to gain/collect knowledge, others say that “it is never too late to learn”. Do you agree or
disagree with this idea.

13. Extra curricular activities should be included in the teaching program at high school.
Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree
with the statement. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

14. Computers are being used more and more in education and so there will soon be no
role for the teacher in education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree
with the statement. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

15. Physical education should be taught as a compulsory subject at primary school.

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree
with the statement

16. English should be taught as a compulsory subject at primary school.

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree
with the statement

17. Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free
time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual
teenager and society as a whole. Do you agree or disagree?
18. The growing number of overweight people is putting a strain on the health care
system. Some people think that the best way to deal with this problem is to introduce
more physical education lessons in school curriculum. To what extent do you agree or
19. Computers can store huge amount of information. However, people think that it
causes negative effects on education. Do you agree or disagree with this statement.

Dạng 6: Prefer A to B
In modern life, some people prefer to .....A...... Other people like .......B.......... From my point
of view, I would rather ....A.....than .....B.....due to some following reasons.

There are several main reasons for my choice of AAA. (1) First and foremost,..............(gt/vd).
(2) The next reason is that ..............(gt/vd). (3) Last but not least,....................(gt/vd).

However, it cannot be denied that there are some advantages of BBB. (1) Firstly,..................(2)

In short, AAA is ..........., while is ............From my point of view, the most important thing is
whether they feel comfortable or not as well as it depends on the kind of lifestyle people

1.Eating has become one of kinds of culture for centuries. Today, people are
interested in not only what and how they eat but also where they eat. Some people
prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people like preparing and eating
at home. Which one do you prefer?
AAA = eating at food stands or restaurants = eating out
+ fast/save time/have time to do other things
+ convenient/various dishes/easy to choose/ interested in enjoying our meal
+ don’t need to clean and wash the dishes/ suitable for students/employees
BBB = preparing and eating at home
+ save money/ cook and eat during the day/ enjoy the meal with our family/ feel warm
+ safe and clean/ keep healthy/ choose and buy fresh vegetables/meat/fish/have good health
+ cook many delicious dishes by ourselves/ know how to cook well/ know new food
3. Although more and more people read news on the internet, some
people think that newspapers will remain the most important source of
news. Which one do you prefer?
AAA = reading news on the internet
+ Có nhiều loại tin tức để đọc trên mạng như là…./Mọi người có thể lựa chọn loại tin mình
thích để đọc/Ví dụ……/Việc lựa chọn tin tức thì dễ dàng và phù hợp với mọi lứa tuổi. Update:
cập nhật exact: chính xác reliable: đáng tin
+ Chúng ta có thể cập nhật tin tức nhanh chóng/mỗi ngày/ những thông tin thì rất chính xác
và đáng tin cậy They just have/ only need to have
+ Mọi người có thể đọc mọi lúc mọi nơi vì họ chỉ cần có 1 cái điện thoại hoặc máy tính được
kết nối internet. Nó giúp họ tiết kiệm được nhiều thời gian.
BBB = reading newspapers (connected to the internet: được kết nối internet)
+ Đọc báo thì quen thuộc và truyền thống hơn so với đọc tin tức trên mạng/ Nó thì phù hợp
cho đa số người trưởng thành/lớn tuổi. …..more…adj….than
+ Việc tìm và mua báo ở cửa hàng báo là 1 trong những thói quen phổ biến của mọi người vào
mỗi buổi sáng/ Báo giấy cũng là 1 nguồn thông tin đáng tin cậy cho mọi người. Familiar: quen
thuộc(adj) reliable: đáng tin cậy(adj)
4. Do you prefer joining tours or planning on your own when travelling?

AAA = joining tours tourist places = destinations: địa điểm tham quan
+ Chúng ta có thể đi du lịch với nhiều người/có cơ hội để gặp gỡ và làm quen với nhiều
người/vui và thú vị be + arranged: được sắp xếp
+ những địa điểm tham quan trong chuyến đi được sắp xếp cẩn thận/ chúng ta không cần
chuẩn bị thêm nhiều thứ cho chuyến đi của chúng ta/ có thời gian để tận hưởng và trải
nghiệm nhiều điều trong chuyến đi. Chance = opportunity
+ Cái việc tham gia chuyến đi theo tour giúp chúng ta cảm thấy an toàn/ Chúng ta có thể hạn
chế những vấn đề/tai nạn khi đi du lịch như là bị lạc/mất hành lý/tiền bạc
BBB = planning on their own when travelling freedom: sự tự do
+ chúng ta sẽ có nhiều sự tự do/ chúng ta có thể lựa chọn những nơi mà chúng ta thích/ nó
làm chúng ta cảm thấy hứng thú hơn khi chúng ta khám phá nhiều điều thú vị getting lost: bị
lạc/ losing luggage/money soft skills: kỹ năng mềm
+ Việc du lịch tự túc giúp chúng ta biết được nhiều kỹ năng mềm/Ví dụ/Chúng ta sẽ biết cách
để chuẩn bị cho 1 chuyến đi/Nó giúp chúng ta có nhiều kinh nghiệm sau mỗi chuyến đi know
how to + Vo: biết cách để làm gì
+ nhờ vào việc du lịch tự túc, chúng ta có thể tiết kiệm tiền bởi vì chúng ta có thể hạn chế
được 1 số dịch vụ không cần thiết/Đi du lịch bằng xe máy thì rất rẻ và phù hợp với những
người trẻ
5. Many adults like watching news to update necessary information, while
young people like watching game-shows or films.

6. Read the following text about an educational issue.

After high school, students must choose between two ways to get ready for their future job.
Some of them go to college and university to get a degree. Some other students choose to go
to a vocational school (trường kỹ thuật dạy nghề) and get a job training. Some people think
that if students get a university degree it is easier for them to get a job. Others think if they
get a job training, it is easier for them to get a job.

Write an essay to an educated reader to give your opinions about each choice. Include
reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

In the modern life, some ones prefer to go to college and university to get a degree.
Other one like going to a vocational school and getting a job training. I would rather going to
college and university than going to vocational school due to some following reasons.

There are several main reasons for my choice of go to college and university. First and
foremost, we can widen our knowledge by learning. It means we will study about
professional knowledge of our major. In addition, it’s a chance to explore many new
information in many fields. The next reason is that people can have many interesting
experience during long time. By communicating with many people such as friends, teachers
and so on, you can have many soft skills like communication skill, problem- solving skill.
Thanks to that, we will feel more confident in life and express ourselves easily. Last but not
least, studying in college and university can help us get a good job in the future. We can get
good position in office or company. Moreover, if we study well, we can get a scholarship and
improve ourselves.
However, it cannot be denied that there are some advantages of going to vocational
school. Firstly, we can study in short time, so it can help us save time. It just takes about 2 or
3 years to study. Therefore, people can get job early to make money and hele our family .
Secondly, we can approach real equipment and machine. It helps us work more effectively.

In sort, go to college and university is very helpful while go to vocational school is easy.
From my point of view, the most important thing is whether they feel comfortable or not as
well as it depends on the kind of life style people have.

7. Read the following text about doing physical activities.

Some people believe that it is better to work out in a gym. They think that working out in a
gym could be a great time for them to do exercises with the careful guidance (sự hướng dẫn,
chỉ đạo) and modern equipment. Others prefer to exercise outdoors because they want to
enjoy nature as much as they can.
Write a well-organized essay to an educated reader to discuss both points of views and give
your opinions

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