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LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS – How to apply in actual project

Figure 1: Simplified single line diagram for load flow analysis

1. Given data

 Utility

Voltage = 33kV
SC MVA 3-ph = 500MVA

 Main Transformer

Primary voltage = 33kV

Secondary voltage = 0.6kV
Capacity = 25MVA
Impedance = 10%
X/R ratio = 20

 Feeder Load 1

Nameplate Rating:

Type = Induction Motor

Rating = 6.5MW
Voltage = 0.6kV
Power factor = 93.26%
Efficiency = 94.70%

 Feeder Load 2

Type = Lumped load (Group of motors)

Total connected load = 30 x 100kW
Voltage = 0.6kV

 Feeder Load 3

Type = Lighting and Power loads

Total connected load = 7MVA (7MW)
Voltage = 0.6kV
Power factor = 100%

2. Modelling of loads

 Feeder Load 1

When modelling a motor, the power input must be considered and not the power
output. Power output is basically the data as shown on its nameplate while power input
does require to be calculated when manual calculations is preferred.

We know that:

Efficiency (n) = P out / P in


P in = P out / n
P in = 6.5MW / 0.9470
P in = 6.8638MW

S in = P in / Power factor
S in = 6.8638MW / 0.9326
S in = 7.3599MVA

2 2
Q in= S in - P in
2 2
Q in= (7.3599) - (6.8638)

Q in = 2.6564MVAr

Therefore, the total power being absorbed by the motor is:

S in = 6.8638 – j2.6564 MVA

The negative sign convention indicates that the motor absorbs reactive component
from the system.
 Feeder Load 2

Same procedures made in feeder load 1 except that feeder load 2 is composed of
several motors that is group together to become a single motor load. Single value of
efficiency and power factor can be used to represent this group of motors.

Total combined rating of motors = 30 * 100kW

Total combined rating of motors = 3MW
Efficiency (Assumed) = 98%
Power factor (Assumed) = 85%


P in = P out / n
P in = 3MW / 0.98
P in = 3.0612MW

S in = P in / Power factor
S in = 3.0612MW / 0.85
S in = 3.6014MVA

2 2
Q in= S in - P in
2 2
Q in= (3.6014) - (3.0612)

Q in = 1.8971MVAr

Therefore, the total power being absorbed by the motor is:

S in = 3.0612 – j1.8971 MVA

The negative sign convention indicates that the motor absorbs reactive component
from the system.

 Feeder Load 3

Feeder load 3 is assumed to be a constant impedance load. It means that the power
input increases proportionally to the square of the input voltage i.e., P ∝ V2.

For example:

1MW power when voltage level is 600V. When bus voltage becomes 550V then power

550V2 * 1MW / 600V2 = 0.84MW

Or when bus voltage becomes 630V, power becomes:

630V2 * 1MW / 600V2 = 1.10MW

So, in this type of load, the power flow is dependent on the bus voltage level at the
point of connection. From our given data for load 3, the power is equal to 7MW,
however, only if the bus voltage is 600V. This might not be the actual power flow for
load 3 as the bus voltage level will surely differ from 600V because of the effect of
feeder load 1 and feeder load 2.

Therefore, it is necessary to determine first the bus voltage level due to the effect of
feeder load 1 and feeder load 2 where the feeder load 3 will be connected so that we
can identify the actual power flow of load 3 to be applied in the model for analysis.

3. Load flow manual calculations

Load flow analysis will utilize the Gauss – Seidel Method, simple yet effective for a
simple power system.

Short circuit power from utility is not significant in this analysis and method of
calculations, however, this will dictate the reference voltage level, and in most cases,
this is equal to 1<0 pu.

 Main transformer

Assumed power base = 100MVA

Z trans = 0.10 x 100MVA / 25MVA

Z trans = 0.40 pu

Θ = Tan-1 (20)
Θ = 87.1376


Z trans = 0.40<87.1376 pu

Equivalent admittance is:

Y trans = 1 / Z trans
Y trans = 1 / 0.40<87.1376 pu
Y trans = 2.50<-87.1376 pu
(Refer to observation made in load 3 above) – we will initially determine the bus voltage
level prior the connection of feeder load 3 to determine what will be its actual power

 Summary of Loads

Load 1 = 6.8638 – j2.6564MVA

Load 2 = 3.0612 – j1.8971MVA
Total connected load = 9.9250 – j4.5535MVA

Equivalent per-unit values:

S pu = 9.9250 – j4.5535MVA / 100MVA

S pu = 0.0993 – j0.0455 pu

Figure 2: Power flow model (without feeder load 3)

Equivalent bus impedance matrix

Figure 3: Admittance network diagram

I1 = Y11 -Y12 V1
* -Y21 Y22 V2

It can also be written as:

I1* = Y11V1 + (-Y12) V2

-I2* = -Y21V1 + Y22V2


I* = S* / V*


I2 is being drawn out by the load hence negative sign convention is applied.

Y11 = Y trans = 2.50<-87.1376

-Y21 = - Y trans = 2.50<92.8624

-Y12 = - Y trans = 2.50<92.8624

Y22 = Y trans = 2.50<-87.1376


I1 = 2.50<-87.1376 2.50<92.8624 1<0
* 2.50<92.8624 2.50<2.50<-87.1376 V2

Solving for V2:

-I2* = -Y21V1 + Y22V2

Iteration no. 1

V2 = [-S* / V2* - (-Y21) (V1)] / Y22

V2 = [-(0.0993+j0.0455) / 1<0 – (2.50<92.8624) (1<0)] / 2.50<-87.1376
V2 = 0.9806<-2.2654 pu

Iteration no. 2

V2 = [-S* / V2* - (-Y21) (V1)] / Y22

V2 = [-(0.0993+j0.0455) / 0.9806<2.2654 – (2.50<92.8624) (1<0)] / 2.50<-

V2 = 0.9787<-2.2654 pu

Iteration no. 3

V2 = [-S* / V2* - (-Y21) (V1)] / Y22

V2 = [-(0.0993+j0.0455) / 0.9757<2.2654 – (2.50<92.8624) (1<0)] / 2.50<-

V2 = 0.9786<-2.2699 pu

Iteration no. 4

V2 = [-S* / V2* - (-Y21) (V1)] / Y22

V2 = [-(0.0993+j0.0455) / 0.9786<2.2699 – (2.50<92.8624) (1<0)] / 2.50<-

V2 = 0.9786<-2.2700 pu

Iteration no. 5

V2 = [-S* / V2* - (-Y21) (V1)] / Y22

V2 = [-(0.0993+j0.0455) / 0.9786<2.2700 – (2.50<92.8624) (1<0)] / 2.50<-

V2 = 0.9786<-2.2700 pu

At iteration no. 6, results do have converged, thus:

V2 = 0.9786<-2.2700 pu

Solve for the actual phase voltage at bus 2:

V2 actual = V2 per unit * V base

V base = 600V


V2 actual = 0.9786<-2.2700 pu * 600V

V2 actual = 587.16<-2.2700V

%V2 = 587.16V * 100% / 600V

%V2 = 97.86%
Figure 4: Load flow analysis result using ETAP – for comparison with manual

 Summary of Loads

Load 1 = 6.8638 – j2.6564MVA

Load 2 = 3.0612 – j1.8971MVA

Load 3:

Bus voltage level = 587.16V

Actual power flow = (587.16V)2 x 7MW / (600V)2

Actual power flow = 6.7036MW


Total connected load = 16.6286 – j4.5535MVA

Equivalent per-unit values:

S pu = 16.6286 – j4.5535MVA / 100MVA

S pu = 0.1663 – j0.0455 pu

Figure 5: Power flow model (with feeder load 3)

Iteration no. 1

V2 = [-S* / V2* - (-Y21) (V1)] / Y22

V2 = [-(0.1663+j0.0455) / 1<0 – (2.50<92.8624) (1<0)] / 2.50<-87.1376

V2 = 0.9807<-3.8313 pu

Iteration no. 2

V2 = [-S* / V2* - (-Y21) (V1)] / Y22

V2 = [-(0.1663+j0.0455) / 0.9807<3.8313 – (2.50<92.8624) (1<0)] / 2.50<-

V2 = 0.9758<-3.8312 pu

Iteration no. 3

V2 = [-S* / V2* - (-Y21) (V1)] / Y22

V2 = [-(0.1663+j0.0455) / 0.9758<3.8312 – (2.50<92.8624) (1<0)] / 2.50<-

V2 = 0.9757<-3.8509 pu

Iteration no. 4

V2 = [-S* / V2* - (-Y21) (V1)] / Y22

V2 = [-(0.1663+j0.0455) / 0.9757<3.8509 – (2.50<92.8624) (1<0)] / 2.50<-

V2 = 0.9757<-3.8509 pu

At iteration no. 6 convergence of results has been achieved, thus:

V2 = 0.9757<-3.8509 pu

Solve for the actual phase voltage at bus 2:

V2 actual = V2 per unit * V base

V base = 600V


V2 actual = 0.9757<-3.8509 pu * 600V

V2 actual = 585.42<-3.8509 V

%V2 = 585.42V * 100% / 600V

%V2 = 97.57%
Figure 6: Load flow analysis result using ETAP – for comparison with manual


Feeder Load 1:

P = 6.8638MW
Q = -2.6564MVAr

Negative (-) sign convention indicates that load 1 absorb reactive component

Feeder Load 2:

P = 3.0612MW
Q = -1.8971MVAr

Negative (-) sign convention indicates that load 2 absorb reactive component

Feeder Load 3:

P = (585.42V)2 x 7MW / 600V2

P = 6.6640MW
Q = 0MVAr

Total load flow at 0.6kV Bus

P = 16.5890MW
Q = -4.5535MVAr
Negative (-) sign convention indicates that reactive component is being absorbed by
the loads connected at 0.6kV bus.


I1* = Y11V1 + (-Y12) V2

I1* = (2.50<-87.1376) (1<0) + (2.50<92.8624) (0.9757<-3.8509)
I1* = 0.1767<-19.1585 pu

Conjugate is:

I1 = 0.1767<19.1585 pu


S1 = V1 * I1


S1 = (1<0) * (0.1767<19.1585)
S1 = 0.1767<19.1585 pu

Solve for actual quantities:

S actual = S1 * S base
S actual = (0.1767<19.1585) * 100MVA
S actual = 16.6913+j5.7990MVA

Positive (+) sign convention indicates that reactive component is being supplied by the
source utility.

*****End of report*****

Prepared by:

MJJ Federico
Sr Primary Design Engineer
10 – Aug - 2023

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