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Introduction to Materials
Development in the Language
Teaching and Learning

ELT 216 2

1 Introduction to Materials Development in the

Language Teaching and Learning

Learning materials play a critical role in the teaching-learning

process. It leads the instructor in the delivery of the lesson, and support the
students in self-paced learning. In a situation where face-to-face learning
cannot be carried out, learning materials help to ensure the continuity of
Teachers are considered learning materials developer. They are the
primary in-charge in the development of materials that can be used in
teaching and learning. With this, aspiring educators should be trained in
materials development and should be enlighten on how materials are
chosen, adapted and made.


At the end of the unit, you, given the tasks and a brief introduction of
language learning materials development, will be able to:

 familiarize the basic terms used for materials development in

language teaching and learning
 recall various learning materials used in the classroom
 review the principles of materials development for the teaching
and learning of languages
 recall the different learning styles which should be catered in
language learning and teaching materials development
 discuss the role of the teacher and the learners in material

ELT 216 3

Activating Prior Learning:

Directions: Below is the KWL chart. The K stands for what you already
know, W stands for what you want to know, and L stands for what you
learned about language learning materials development. In this activity,
only write on the K and W columns.


1.1 Basic terms for materials development

In order for you to have an overview on what you will be facing in

language learning materials development, study the following terms and
its meaning:

Authentic Task | /əˈθɛntɪk ˈtæsk/

 It is a classroom learning activity that allows and
requires students to use the language in a way that
replicates its use in the real world scenario (Tomlinson,

Authentic Text | /əˈθɛntɪk ˈtɛkst/

 It is a text that is not written or spoken for the purposes
of language learning and teaching (Tomlinson, 2011).

Content and Language Integrated Learning

| /ˈkɑntɛnt ænd ˈlæŋgwəʤ ˈɪntəˌgreɪtəd ˈlɜrnɪŋ/
 CLIL is an approach in which students acquire and learn
a second or foreign language while at the same time
focusing on learning new content and skills. (Tomlinson,

ELT 216 4

Communicative Approach | /kəmˈjunɪkətɪv əˈproʊʧ/

 It is a language teaching approach that focuses on
helping learners develop communication skills
(Tomlinson, 2011).
Communicative Competence | /kəmˈjunɪkətɪv ˈkɑmpətəns/
 It is the ability to use the language effectively in
communication (Tomlinson, 2011).

Concordances | /kənˈkɔɹdəns/
 It is a list of authentic samples of language use each
containing the same key word or phrase (Tomlinson,
 This is an alphabetical sequence of the key terms in a
book or an author's work with their immediate meaning
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2020)
 It is the alphabetical checklist of the key words of a text
with a reference to the section in which each word
appears ( 2020).
 It is a text or paper that is an alphabetical collection of
terms used in a novel or a writer's w ork, with details as
to where terms can be found and in which sentences it
was used (Cambridge University Press 2020).

Corpus | /ˈkɔrpəs/
 This is a collection of authentic texts gathered to find
out how the term is actually used (Tomlinson, 2011).

Discovery Activity | /dɪˈskʌvəri ækˈtɪvɪti/

 This is a task that includes learners spending time and
effort in order to discover for themselves everything
concerning language (Tomlinson, 2011).

English as a Lingua Franca | /ˈɪŋglɪʃ æz ə ˈlɪŋgwə ˈfræŋkə/

 ELF is the English used by second language and foreign
language learners or the use of English by the non -
native speakers to interact with each other (Tomlinson,
ELT 216 5

Experiential Learning | /ɛkˌspɛriˈɛnʃəl ˈlɜrnɪŋ/

 It is learning the language by using it rather than
focusing on linguistic subjects (Tomlinson, 2011).

Foreign Language | /ˈfɔrən ˈlæŋgwəʤ/

 It is a language that is not typically used for interaction
in a particular society (Tomlinson, 2011).

Language Awareness Approaches

| /ˈlæŋgwəʤ əˈwɛrnəs əˈproʊʧəz/
 It is a language teaching approach that emphasizes the
value of helping students to focus their attention on
language features in use (Tomlinson, 2011).

Language Use | /ˈlæŋgwəʤ juz/

 These are tasks that entail the production of language
for communication (Tomlinson, 2011).

Language Practice | /ˈlæŋgwəʤ ˈpræktɪs/

 These are tasks which are intended not to use language
for interaction but to enhance, through effective
repetition, the ability to control a specific language form
or function (Tomlinson, 2011).

Learning Styles | /ˈlæŋgwəʤ juz/

 These are ways on how a learner prefer to study
(Tomlinson, 2011).

Lexical Approaches | /ˈlɛksɪkəl əˈproʊʧəz/

 These are language teaching approaches that put
emphasis on the use of words when communicating
(Tomlinson, 2011).

Learning Materials | /ˈlɜrnɪŋ məˈtɪriəlz /

 These are anything that students and teachers use in the
teaching-learning process (Tomlinson, 2011).

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These are just a few of the terms you will meet when developing
language learning materials. Other terms such as adaptation of materials,
evaluation of materials, supplementary learning materials and many more
will be introduced as you move through the module. In addition, material
development is not just a one-way process involving the teacher, it will
require you to evaluate and assist your primary clients, your students.
Material development requires team effort.

Activity 1: Personal Dictionary

Directions: It is easier to remember and understand terminologies when

we put it in our own words. In this activity, define the following
terminologies in your own words, even in your own native language, and
by providing further explanations and examples:

Authentic Task

Communicative Approach


Foreign Language

Learning Styles

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1.2 Basic principles in materials development

Various questions are of great importance in the development of

(1) (2)
language learning materials, namely: who are the target learners;
what type of learning materials do they need; how the materials would
be used; and will the materials provide them with the information they
need to learn. These would require the material developers to evaluate the
interests, needs and capabilities of the learner. As materials developer,
you should learn to listen to your colleagues and most especially to the
students, while considering the requirements of the curriculum or subject
in developing the learning material.


Before proceeding with what, why and how materials are being
developed, let us first define what is meant by materials. Materials are
any learning tools used in the delivery of instruction (Tomlinson, 2011).
These are the resources used by the teacher to make learning more
efficient, enjoyable and easier for learners. These are tools used by
students to gain a better understanding of the lesson.
Learning materials come in a variety of formats. Printed learning
materials, such as books and modules, are only a few of the materials used
to help learners who understand the lesson well when they see it, while
songs and recoded tapes are a few of the audio learning materials that can
be used in teaching. Other materials, such as newspapers, movies, online
videos, games and even social media posts, can also be used as a learning
tool depending on how the teacher assist the students in accessing them
for the sole purpose of learning. Apart from the learning materials
mentioned, the most basic learning material used by teachers to make the
teaching-learning process a success is the lesson plan.
The lesson plan is a learning material that serves as a guide for
classroom instruction. It gives a clear flow of how lessons are to be taught

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and how the activities are to be conducted. A lesson plan consists of five
elements, namely objectives, subject matter, procedure, evaluation and
assignment. It may be written in a variety of formats, but its main purpose
is to guide teachers to carry out their tasks effectively and efficiently. The
lesson plan must be made by the teacher himself / herself in order to use it

Materials Development

Teachers must be the one to develop the learning material in order

to use it effectively and efficiently. Material development is an important
skill that every teacher must possess. Since learning materials are always
present in the task of the teacher, this requires every teacher to be a
developer of learning materials.
According to Tomlinson (2011), material development is both a
theoretical field and a practical one. This is a theoretical field that enables
aspiring educators to examine how materials are made, while a practical
endeavor that obliges aspiring educators to produce a material that can be
used for learning.
In order to develop a material that can be used to attain the targets
of education efficiently and effectively, it must be driven by the following

1. Materials are supposed to have an impact to the


Are you going to use something that doesn't

draw your interest? Have you tried watching a video
because it made you curious about it? And did you eat
a salad because it looks good?
Learning material is supposed to be like a lovely flower in the
garden of your mother that you will take a picture with. It's meant to be like
a fried chicken that will make you crave. Learning materials should have a

ELT 216 9

significant impact on learners like facebook and mobile legend. It should

stimulate their attention, curiosity and interest. It should be designed to
draw the attention of learners and encourage them to use it.
Impact can be attained by creativity, diversity, attractive design,
appealing content and workable activities. Learning materials that are
effective for students of Mariano Peralta National High School may not be
effective for students of the Holy Cross of Malita. Furthermore, material that
has greatly contributed to the curiosity and interest of HCM students may
not have the same impact on MPNHS students. Through this, you ought to
understand who the learners are in order for the material to have an effect
on them.

2. Materials should make learners feel comfortable

How would you feel if your teacher looked and act like
Cinderella's step mother? Will you ever visit a location where
zombies, witches, and other creepy beings are present? And
is it better for you to study in a comfortable atmosphere?
According to Krashen, the less stressed the learner is, the better the
language acquisition progresses. Likewise, students who feel secure with
their environment tend to learn better and faster. This also corresponds to
the learning materials utilized by the student. Students should be at ease
with the instructional materials that they will be using in order to learn
better from it.

3. Materials should help learners gain confidence

Have you ever experienced not being able to answer the question
raised by your teacher because your classmates made fun of your
pronunciation? Or have you tried performing well in an oratorical contest
because all your family members were there to support you? What makes
you confident?

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Confidence is an inner force that will help you make the most of your
efforts and make you feel at peace with your surroundings. Confidence is
almost the same with feeling comfortable. When a student has confidence
in the people he/she is with, he/she will feel comfortable doing his/her
thing. With this, learning materials must also make any learner comfortable
in learning.
Now, the question is, how will you make your learning material safe
in order for learners to gain confidence?

Activity 2: From a Teacher’s Point of View

Directions: Interview a teacher/s, whether face-to-face or through

messaging app, on how to make learning materials that will help the
students gain confidence. Write at least five (5) suggestions.

4. Materials should be relevant to the learners

Why are you reading the Holy Bible? Why would you like to
graduate from college? Why would you like to make money? These are
just few of the queries that we already have responses in mind, thus I hope
most of you will agree that you do certain stuff because you believe it's
important in order to live a happy life.
The same idea can also be applied to the development of learning
materials. In order for students to find the need of using the material, they
should find it important in their lives. They need to feel and experience the
importance of the material in achieving their goals. Exercises and

ELT 216 11

discussions that you put into the learning material must be relevant to
learners' everyday lives.

5. Material should require and facilitate self-investment learning

The learning materials should allow students to explore their own

learning. This should be equipped with activities that will enable the
learners to perform tasks, answer questions, solve problems and create
meanings. Similar to a Chinese saying, students tend to learn more
because they pursue something on their own. In addition, the popular
American psychologist, Jerome Bruner said that learning through
discovery allow learners to draw on previous experience and
understanding, use their instincts, imagination and ingenuity, and look for
new insights to uncover evidence, connections and new truths. Through
this, students will be able to understand concepts easily and effectively.

6. Materials should expose the learners to language in authentic use

Before we proceed with the discussion on this principle, let me first

ask you what comes into your mind when you hear or read the phrase
“authentic use of language”?

Activity 3: Giving Meaning

Directions: Using the semantic meaning web, share what you have in
mind when you read and hear the phrase “authentic language use”.

ELT 216 12

In crafting a learning material, you should make sure that the

activities you put is authentic, especially in using the language.
Authenticity means being real or somehow comparable to what is real.
Study the two examples:

Introduction to Linguistics

Instruction: Imagine that you are in Café Francheska and about to order a
mango lemon slush and a chicken sisig. How would you say it to the
personnel of Café Francheska?

Introduction to Linguistics

Instruction: Imagine that you are a personnel of Café Francheska and an

American costumer asked you about what is a mango lemon slush and a
chicken sisig. How would you respond to the costumer?

Which of the two examples of an activity will expose the students to

the authentic use of the language? Why do you say so? Write your answer
on the paper below.

7. Materials should take into account that learners differ in learning


Are you familiar with the Howard Gradner’s Multiple Intelligences?

Have you tried taking the test to know your MI? If you haven’t, you may

ELT 216 13

visit this site

and try to answer the questions to assess your strengths.
According to Howard Gardner, people have different kinds of
intelligence. In his work, he suggested that there are eight (8)
intelligences, namely: Visual-Spatial Intelligence, Linguistic-Verbal
Intelligence, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic
Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence, Interpersonal
Intelligence, and Naturalistic Intelligence. Let us discuss this one by one!

a. Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Visual-spatial intelligence is one of the eight

types of learning styles described in Howard Gardner's
Multiple Intelligences Theory. This refers to the ability
of an individual to interpret, analyze, and understand
visual information in the world around them. Such individuals are often
excellent with directions as well as maps, charts, videos, and images.
Fundamentally, they may visualize ideas with the eyes of their minds. Also,
visual-spatial learners are good with remembering the things they see.
It is also one of the explanations why steachers are required to still
have "bitaymax" or visual presentations in teaching. Such visual displays will
help most learners recall and grasp the lesson better.

b. Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence

Linguistic–Verbal Intelligence refers to the

intelligence in language and communication. This includes
the capacity to understand, communicate, and convey one's
thoughts and emotions to the outside world in one or more languages. It also
includes the ability to pay attention and to consider others. Individuals who
are strong in linguistic-verbal intelligence are able to use words well, both in
writing and speaking. These individuals are generally very good at writing
tales, memorizing details, and reading.

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As future language teachers, this intelligence is with high importance.

Language teachers are always expected to be fluent with the language and
should have wide range of vocabularies. Moreover, Linguistic-Verbal
Intelligence is knowing when, what and how words should be uttered
depending on the situation.
c. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Do you love numbers? How’s your

performance in your Mathematics class?
Logical-Mathematical intelligence involves
the capability to logically analyze situations or
problems, to identify solutions, to undertake
science studies and to easily solve logical/mathematical operations. It is one
of the eight multiple types of intelligence suggested by Howard Gardner.
People that are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence are excellent at
reasoning, understanding trends, and logically solving situations. Such
individuals appear to think conceptually about quantities, relationships, and

d. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence is a
learning type also referred to as ‘hand learning' or
physical learning. Generally, individuals with this
ability can understand more quickly by doing,
discovering, and exploring. Those with high
Bodily-Kinesthetic intellect are said to be excellent at body movement,
performing actions, and physical control. People that are good in this field
appear to have outstanding hand-eye coordination and dexterity.
As a student, I believe that not all of you are good in this type of
learning style. However, since you have Physical Education class in college,
you are all required to play games, dance and be physically fit. These
activities will help learners develop this type of intelligence.

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e. Musical Intelligence

Musical intelligence refers to a tendency to

learn about music. People with musical intelligence,
the same as Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Jungkook, Julie
Ann San Jose and Gary Valenciano, are attuned to rhythm, melody and tone.
They have a strong musical intellect and are good at thinking about melodies,
harmonies, and vibrations. They have a strong appreciation of music and are
often excellent at musical composition and performance.

f. Intrapersonal Intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to

explore one's inner world and one's feelings. This
form of intellect will allow an individual to organize
and control their lives. Individuals who are high in
intrapersonal intelligence are fully conscious of
their own mental experiences, thoughts, and
motives. They tend to enjoy self-reflection and analysis, including
daydreaming, exploring relationships with others, and evaluating their
personal strengths.

g. Interpersonal Intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence refers to a

person's ability to have a good relationship with
people and to build rapport. It allows people to
understand the needs and interests of those
around them, which strengthens their overall
influence. Those who have strong interpersonal skills are excellent at
recognizing and communicating with others. Such people are able to
determine the feelings, motives, expectations and intentions of those around

ELT 216 16

h. Naturalistic Intelligence

Naturalistic is the latest addition to

Gardner's theory. This specific intelligence
involves how reactive a person is to nature and to
the environment. According to Gardner,
individuals who are high in this type of
intelligence are more attuned to nature and are often engaged in caring,
studying the world, and thinking about other animals. Such individuals are
said to be very mindful of even small changes in their environments. People
who excel in this knowledge tend to be interested in growing plants, caring
for livestock, or researching animals or plants.
In developing language learning material, this intelligences must be
considered in order to cater the different learning styles of students. So, as
an educator, you must learn to evaluate the learning styles that your
students have.
8. Materials should provide opportunities for learning assessment

How often does your English professors conduct quiz? How do your
professor conduct quiz? Do you prefer answering multiple choice exams?
Or would you get a higher score in an essay type? Why is quiz and exam
even conducted?
In the field of education, assessment encompasses a broad range of
methods or tools used by educators to evaluate, measure and document
academic readiness, progress in learning, skills acquisition or educational
needs of students. It is a very important part of the teaching-learning
process for it allows the students to evaluate their progress and for
teachers to evaluate their performance.
The assessments are divided into three types, namely: Assessment
for Learning, Assessment of Learning and Assessment as
Learning. Assessment for learning is also referred to as a formative
assessment. It is a day-to-day method of evaluation to monitor students'
development. This form of evaluation is typically carried out with a view to

ELT 216 17

changing the instructional approach in order to meet learning outcomes, if

needed. Another form of evaluation is the Assessment of Learning which is
also known as the summative assessment. This type of assessment is
carried out after the subject or the entire unit has been completed. It is to
have a snapshot in time that lets the teacher, students and their parents
know how well each student has completed the learning tasks and
activities. Assessment as Learning is the last type of assessment. It is a
method of appraisal to be carried out in order for students to provide a
better understanding of the course.
As a learning material developer, you must make sure to provide an
appropriate assessment for your students to attain mastery of your lesson.
The learning assessment can be either traditional or authentic, depending
on your learning objectives.

Activity 4: Looking Back through the Present Lens

Directions: As a student, you have utilized a lot of learning materials that

was provided by your teachers. Among all the learning materials that you
have used, which of it had the greatest impact in your journey as a student?
Tell me more about that material and how it helped you reach where you
are now.
Learning Material:

Sample of Assessment
Used (ex. Multiple
choice quiz, essay
type quiz, group
activity etc.)
How do you find the

ELT 216 18

1.4 Learning Materials Commonly Used in the Classroom

Learning material is never absent in the teaching-learning process.

It is present in every place where learning take place, especially in the
classroom. In this part, you will be introduced to the commonly used
learning materials in the classroom, and I know that you were already able
to use most or some of these. Describe the learning material based on the
given example.


1. Story Books

2. Manipulatives

3. Samples of Student

4. Videos

5. Flashcards

6. Model Clay

7. Big Books

ELT 216 19

8. Overhead Projector
Films/ Slides

9. Computer Software
and Apps

10. Posters

11. Textbooks

12. Workbooks

13. Graphic Organizers

14. Songs

15. Handouts

Those are only a couple of the materials that educators use to teach
in the classroom. Just note that whatever material is accessible in your
region, you can use it to teach depending on your creativity.

ELT 216 20

Quiz No. 1: Multiple Choice

Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the best answer. Avoid
erasure in any form to maintain the cleanliness of the material.

1. What is referred as a set of authentic texts collected to figure out

how the word is currently used?
a. Authentic Materials c. Corpus
b. Concordances d. Language Competence
2. What is referred as the language teaching approach which primarily
focuses on the usage of vocabulary while communicating?
a. Language Practice c. Communicative Approach
b. Lexical Approach d. Tasked-based Approach
3. What is referred as activities that are designed not to use language
for communication but to improve the ability to control a particular
language type or function?
a. Language Use c. Language Practice
b. Language Material d. Language Acquisition
4. These are the tools used by the teacher is delivering instruction?
a. Learning Materials c. Learning Texts
b. Learning Activities d. Language Stories
5. Why did Tomlinson considered material development as a practical
a. Because developers need to study theories
b. Because being learned is required in developing material
c. Because you need to perform tasks and develop a learning
d. Because it is an undertaking
6. Which is an example of an activity that exposes the learners in the
authentic use of language?
a. Instruction: Imagine that you are in the Malita Public Market and
you are about to buy a fish. How would you tell it to the vendor?

ELT 216 21

b. Instruction: Imagine that you are in Malita Central Warehouse

and you want to buy a kilo of flour but you can’t find where it is
placed. How would you tell it to the salesman?
c. Instruction: Imagine that you are walking at Culaman Bridge with
your friends, and an American stranger approached you. He
asked you where the SMC Power Plant located. How would you
respond to him?
d. Instruction: Imagine that you are talking with your friends about
the shutdown of ABS-CBN.
7. Which of the following should be considered in developing
language materials?
a. Impact on learners
b. Learning styles of learners
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
8. What type of intelligence do you have if you learn best when using
highlighters in studying for an exam?
a. Visual-Spatial Intelligence
b. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
c. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
d. Naturalistic Intelligence
9. What type of intelligence do you have if you can compute
mathematical equations without using calculator?
a. Visual-Spatial Intelligence
b. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
c. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
d. Naturalistic Intelligence
10. What type of assessment is conducted after the task or the whole
module has been completed?
a. Assessment as Learning
b. Assessment of Learning
c. Assessment for Learning
d. Diagnostic Test

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