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Essential Phases of the Construction
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Planning, Preconstruction, Construction & Close-Out


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What Does a Construction

Manager Do
The construction process is typically
divided into 4 essential phases:
Planning, Preconstruction, Construction
and Close-out. In some project What Questions Should I Ask a
Construction Manager?
management outlines, these same
steps are divided into 5 phases and are
called Project Initiation (which we term
Planning), Project Planning Budgeting and Cost Estimating
for Construction Projects
(Preconstruction), Project Execution
(Construction), Project Monitoring and
Control (performed concurrently within
Construction) and Project Closure
(Close-Out). Professional prоjесt C AT E G O R I E S

management methodology provides Benefits of Construction Management

logistical guidelines for performance of
Best Practices & Strategies
defined tasks and objectives during
Budget & Schedule Management
each phase. Proper and complete
Commercial Development
execution of these progressive tasks
establishes the strategic framework for Green Building

the project and is essential to ensure News

success. Residential Development
Risk Management

1. Planning Phase
Planning, the first phase of any major CONNECT WITH US
project is the process of articulating and
defining the goals for the project and
evaluating the feasibility of the plan. In
layman’s terms, the planning phase is
when the owner, architect and
construction manager have early
discussions on what is to be built, if it is
approvable by the jurisdictional
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authorities and parameters such as
scope and quality assumptions. For
architects, this phase is generally called
Conceptual Design, sometimes included
within Schematic Design in the AIA
definition of architectural services.

Every project is shaped by its own set of

unique variables. For instance, building
a big box store in the middle of a flat,
vacant field is a relatively
straightforward project—once the team
has gained approvals, they build the
same building in exactly the same
manner every time. Building a unique
project, whether it is creative office or
manufacturing facility, a custom
residence or sacred space, involves an
entire range of design issues and may
require significant effort to obtain
discretionary and environmental
approvals. In this phase your project
architect will work closely with a civil
engineer to determine setbacks from
property lines, easements, utilities, slope
band analysis for steep lots and so on.
All design, permitting and scope
variables are managed and strategized
by your construction manager in order
to establish a viable project plan.

All this takes time. Not understanding

construction procedures and processes,
people often try to rush this planning
phase in favor of leaping into design
and the creation of drawings and
construction documents in order to go
out to start the bidding process in
construction projects. However, a good
construction manager will tell you that
optimal results start with carefully
conceived and defined planning.
Planning will often include early
retention of professionals such as
engineers and consultants so that their
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input can be included in the developing

Clients should feel reassured by their

construction manager’s dedication to a
methodical planning strategy. Planning
represents a small percentage of the
overall cost of the project but has
immense impact in the construction
phase where 90% of the cost and
liability occur. Early planning steps
should include site and building
assessment, early engineering
evaluation and entitlement and land use
analysis to determine if the owner can
build what he wants, where he wants.
Ideally at this early stage, green building
options should be considered for
incorporation into the project plan.

This integrated perspective fosters

creativity and exchange of ideas for
potential project variables. A good
construction manager will manage
development of the emerging design
with an eye to scope and cost and lead
the team to a comprehensive and
realistic project plan that is clearly
articulated, feasible and fits into the
owner’s budget and schedule

2. Preconstruction Phase
During Preconstruction, the project
architect commences with construction
documents, which translates the early
planning exercise into contract
documents that will be submitted for
building permit and conveyed to the
contractor to define what exactly is
being constructed. In architecture
parlance, the development of
construction documents is generally
broken into three phases: schematic
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design (SD, which is sometimes
included in the Planning Phase noted
above), design development (DD) and
construction documents (CD). Generally,
the completion of SD phase means the
drawings are about 20% complete, DD is
70% and CD is 100%. In many
jurisdictions that have a complex set of
approvals, an extended DD set is often
prepared as a plan check set for
application for a building permit.

Your construction manager will be busy

during this phase with his own set of
key tasks. His services performed
during the preconstruction phase focus
on retention of the complete
professional team, retention of the
general contractor, developing a total
project budget and overall schedule, risk
management, contracts & insurance
and other project organizational
business. A professional construction
manager’s expertise is essential in
developing a well-managed professional
team. The construction manager
generally takes responsibility for budget,
contracts, risk management and
management of the team to meet
overall design milestones, while the
project architect manages the
professional team for design and
technical coordination between
engineering disciplines.
Your construction manager will provide
guidance on defining processes for the
management and successful execution
of the construction project. Stonemark
often recommends retaining a general
contractor for preconstruction services
in order to provide constructability
expertise to the professional team as
the design evolves. The contractor
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prepares several cost estimates during
preconstruction as a tried and true
approach in the industry that yields
superior results over the “hard bid”
model. The general contractor’s input
on construction costs and schedule
should be incorporated in the
developing of the total construction
project budget and critical path
schedule. This approach to budget and
schedule is an improvement to the
change order process later in
construction as there will be less
opportunity for change orders and
budget increases to occur. Through it
all, your construction manager will
ensure effective communication
between project team members.

3. Construction Phase
This is the execution phase where all
the planning will pay off. As the hub of
communications for the project, your
construction manager and contractor
will transition the project into actual
construction. The professional team’s
role during this phase is called
Construction Administration (CA). Your
architect, all engineers and consultants
should be engaged for full CA services
to perform quality control inspections,
respond to Requests for Information
(RFIs), review and approve technical
submittals and generally ensure that the
project is delivered by the contractor as
designed. If your team has diligently and
properly executed the planning and
preconstruction phases, construction
will progress smoothly.
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The construction manager’s services

during the construction phase will
include on-site project management,
oversee quality control, monitor the
contractor’s safety program, ensure
contractors perform per specifications,
coordinate permits, technical
inspections and testing and monitor
RFIs and submittals to ensure they are
on track. From administering
construction contracts and managing
the budget and schedule to certifying
contractor progress payments and
approving payment requests, his
vigilance during construction phase
services is essential to keep the project
on track.

As noted above, some project

management methodologies include a
separate phase called Project
Monitoring and Control. Your
construction manager will include
monitoring of scope, budget (using
budgeting techniques for project
management) and schedule, along with
other contract, insurance and risk
management controls in this
construction phase.

4. Close-Out Phase
The final phase of the project is project
closure or close-out. This is a critical
phase, which if not given proper
attention can turn a good project into a
problem for an owner. Project Close-out
procedures include more than
completion of the punch list—turning
over the project to the client so they can
transition to occupancy or operations.
Clients must be provided all project
information, a construction closeout
document list and all closeout
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documents such as manuals,
warranties, as-builts and final
accounting. Insurance must be changed
from the course of construction to
permanent property insurance. For
many larger projects, a formalized
process called commissioning is
utilized where systems are tested for
performance to ensure they deliver the
specified requirements. It is difficult to
stress enough the importance of
training the Owner in how to use their

Each phase of construction has its own

set of defined tasks and objectives. If
performed thoroughly, they establish
the strategic framework for a
successful project.

If you glean only one take-away from

this article, recognize that the time
required to perform methodical planning
and preconstruction is a worthwhile
investment. Remember—most
efficiencies and ѕаvingѕ орроrtunitiеѕ
аrе captured during the early рhаѕеѕ
whеn а соmрrеhеnѕivе аnd ассurаtе
ѕсоре оf wоrk iѕ еѕtаbliѕhеd. There are
many benefits of retaining
a professional construction manager,
including bаlаnсing thе соmреting
nееdѕ оf соѕt, ѕсоре аnd ѕсhеdulе. Rely
on their expertise to keep your project
running smoothly through all phases
from start to successful completion.
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