Chemistry Notes Chapter Two

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Chemistry notes chapter two, finishing up,

The way in which liquid particles moves helps us explain how evaporation happens on the surface of
the liquid, the faster moving particles at the surface of the liquid have enough energy to escape into
the gaseous state. This means that the faster a particle is moving the more energy it’s got.


the way particles are arranged and interact with each other also helps to explain the energy changes
that take place when a substance is heated or cooled.

*Picture of graph*

When a gas cools, it gives rise to several changes whereas the particles move less rapidly and
socialize with each other stronger (more aggressively) Then the substance passes through the liquid
state and eventually becomes solid.

Through out the course of the experiment the temperature drops. However, the graph shows two
spots where the temperature remains constant, these regions are times when condensation and
freezing take place.

In (region A) the temperature is dropping, and the energy of the particles decrease. The particles are
moving slower and closer to each other, they interact with each other. They come together and begin
turning into a liquid as the intermolecular forces increase(strengthen), energy is given out and the
temperature remains constant until all the gas particles have completely condensed to a liquid.

The liquid is formed, and the temperature starts to drop again (region B). the liquid particles cool
down causing it to slow down as the intermolecular forces between the particles get stronger, energy
is given out keeping the temperature constant until the liquid completely freezes to a solid.

In (region C) the solid has formed and the temperature falls again, the particles in the solid vibrate
less slowly as the temperature decreases.

Intermolecular forces the weak attractive forces that act between molecules.


 When the particles come closer, new forces of interaction take place.
 This shows that energy is given out during these changes.
 Thus, the temperature remains solid until the liquid is formed.

Because energy is given out during these changes, they’re exothermic changes.

If you carry out the experiment in the opposite direction (heating curve), in that case the
temperature will remain constant during melting and boiling because energy must be put into
overcoming the forces between the forces between the particles. Changes in energy cause particles
to move freely, enabling endothermic reactions like melting evaporation and boiling.

EXOTHERMIC CHANGES: a process or chemical reaction which heat is released into the surroundings.

ENDOTHERMIC CHANGES: a process which heat energy Is taken in from the surroundings.

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