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Nuclear power plants work by

harnessing the power of nuclear
fission to generate electricity. The
process can be simplified into five

1. Inside the nuclear reactor, uranium

fission occurs.
2. The heat generated by the fission
process is used to boil water and
produce steam.
3. The steam is delivered to the
generator turbine set through a
secondary circuit.
4. The turbine’s vanes move the
alternator, converting the mechanical
energy there into electrical energy.
5. The water steam is directed to a
condenser after passing through the
turbine so that it can cool and
reconstitute itself as liquid water.

The reactor is a key component of a

nuclear power plant, as it contains
the fuel and its nuclear chain
reaction, along with all of the nuclear
waste products. The reactor is the
heat source for the power plant, just
like the boiler is for a coal plant

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it is possible that nuclear power

# baby plant can build in a landscape?!
not near a shore or a river?

Yes, it is possible to build a nuclear

power plant in a landscape. Nuclear
power plants have a small area
footprint, requiring about 1.3 square
miles per 1,000 megawatts of energy
1. In fact, nuclear power plants are
often located near bodies of water,
which are used to cool the reactor


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