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Choose one of history’s foremost philosophers.

Write a detailed explanation of their theory and how would you incorporate their teachings into your daily

Aristotle, a highly influential philosopher, was born around 384 BC in the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia. He was a tutor to Alexander the Great and
later founded the Lyceum school in Athens. Aristotle's philosophy focused on practical wisdom and ethics has done a great job in teaching only a paltry of
the youth to amazing lives. Aristotle enjoyed philosophy and the way in which things work.

For this piece I would like us to focus on four main questions which play a key role in Aristotle’s philosophical views: What makes people happy, What is the
purpose of art, What are friends for and How can ideas cut through in a busy world.

What Makes People Happy?

In Aristotle’s book ‘Nichomachean Ethics’ he suggests that good and successful people all have distinct virtues, he also advices that we get good at spotting
them and adapt them in us and appreciate them in others. Aristotle delves into 11 virtues such as courage, temperance, friendliness and, patience, modesty
etc, he suggests that a virtue is in between two opposing (for example shamelessness >Modesty< shyness or boorishness >Wittiness< buffoonery).

In his book, 'Conversational Virtues: wit, buffoonery and boorishness,' Aristotle examines how people are better or worse at conversation. He argues that
some people go wrong because they lack a subtle sense of humour, while others carry humour to excess. The virtuous person is in the golden mean in this
area, witty but tactful.

Aristotle believed that moral goodness is the result of habit and takes time, practice, and encouragement. He believed that people who lack virtue should
be understood as unfortunate rather than wicked. He believed that they need better teachers and more guidance.

Aristotle also explored the purpose of art, focusing on tragedy and tragedy. He wrote a manual on how to write great plays, the Poetics, which he believed
would help writers create great plays.
Aristotle is a popular Philosopher who was born around the 384 BC in the Greek kingdoms of Macedonia. He was a tutor and later founded the Lyceum
school. Aristotle’s focus to philosophy was directed to feasible wisdom and interpreting how things work. He examined 4 major philosophical
questions: (these will be looked at for most of the essay)

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