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Surgical vs Nonoperative Treatment

for Lumbar Disk Herniation
The Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT)
Observational Cohort
James N. Weinstein, DO, MSc Context For patients with lumbar disk herniation, the Spine Patient Outcomes Research
Jon D. Lurie, MD, MS Trial (SPORT) randomized trial intent-to-treat analysis showed small but not statistically
Tor D. Tosteson, ScD significant differences in favor of diskectomy compared with usual care. However, the
large numbers of patients who crossed over between assigned groups precluded any con-
Jonathan S. Skinner, PhD clusions about the comparative effectiveness of operative therapy vs usual care.
Brett Hanscom, MS Objective To compare the treatment effects of diskectomy and usual care.
Anna N. A. Tosteson, ScD Design, Setting, and Patients Prospective observational cohort of surgical can-
Harry Herkowitz, MD didates with imaging-confirmed lumbar intervertebral disk herniation who were treated
at 13 spine clinics in 11 US states and who met the SPORT eligibility criteria but de-
Jeffrey Fischgrund, MD clined randomization between March 2000 and March 2003.
Frank P. Cammisa, MD Interventions Standard open diskectomy vs usual nonoperative care.
Todd Albert, MD Main Outcome Measures Changes from baseline in the Medical Outcomes Study
Richard A. Deyo, MD, MPH Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) bodily pain and physical function scales and the
modified Oswestry Disability Index (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons/

surgical and nonoperative treat- Results Of the 743 patients enrolled in the observational cohort, 528 patients received
ment of patients with herniated surgery and 191 received usual nonoperative care. At 3 months, patients who chose sur-
disk, but baseline differences be- gery had greater improvement in the primary outcome measures of bodily pain (mean
tween treatment groups, small sample change: surgery, 40.9 vs nonoperative care, 26.0; treatment effect, 14.8; 95% confi-
sizes with limited geographic participa- dence interval, 10.8-18.9), physical function (mean change: surgery, 40.7 vs nonoper-
tion, or lack of validated outcome mea- ative care, 25.3; treatment effect, 15.4; 95% CI, 11.6-19.2), and Oswestry Disability Index
sures in these studies limit evidence- (mean change: surgery, −36.1 vs nonoperative care, −20.9; treatment effect, −15.2; 95%
based conclusions regarding optimal CI, −18.5. to −11.8). These differences narrowed somewhat at 2 years: bodily pain (mean
change: surgery, 42.6 vs nonoperative care, 32.4; treatment effect, 10.2; 95% CI, 5.9-
treatment.1-3 Results for the Spine Pa-
14.5), physical function (mean change: surgery, 43.9 vs nonoperavtive care 31.9; treat-
tient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT) ment effect, 12.0; 95% CI; 7.9-16.1), and Oswestry Disability Index (mean change: sur-
randomized trial for intervertebral disk gery −37.6 vs nonoperative care −24.2; treatment effect, −13.4; 95% CI, −17.0 to −9.7).
herniation are reported in a companion
Conclusions Patients with persistent sciatica from lumbar disk herniation improved
article. In that study, both surgical and in both operated and usual care groups. Those who chose operative intervention re-
nonoperative patients experienced sig- ported greater improvements than patients who elected nonoperative care. How-
nificant improvement over time and in- ever, nonrandomized comparisons of self-reported outcomes are subject to potential
tent-to-treat analyses showed no signifi- confounding and must be interpreted cautiously.
cant differences between the randomized Trial Registration Identifier: NCT00000410
groups for the primary outcome mea- JAMA. 2006;296:2451-2459
Randomized trials of surgery face a Author Affiliations: Dartmouth Medical School, Han- Pa (Dr Albert); and Center for Cost and Outcomes Re-
number of challenges4 and their gen- over, NH (Drs Weinstein, Lurie, T. Tosteson, Skinner, search, University of Washington, Seattle (Dr Deyo).
and A. Tosteson, and Mr Hanscom); William Beau- Corresponding Author: James N. Weinstein, DO, MSc,
mont Hospital, Royal Oak, Mich (Drs Herkowitz and Department of Orthopaedics, Dartmouth Medical
See also pp 2441, 2483, and 2485. Fischgrund); Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, School, One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH
NY (Dr Cammisa); Rothman Institute, Philadelphia, 03756 (

©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 22/29, 2006—Vol 296, No. 20 2451

eralizability has been questioned.5-9 Are sultation with their physician. Enroll- variation, individual visit times were
patients willing to be randomized be- ment began in March of 2000 and ended used to fit a linear trend for each
tween surgery and nonoperative treat- March 2003. planned visit, and the linearly interpo-
ment representative of those seen in lated mean value was used to compute
clinical practice? In addition, when the Study Interventions the treatment effect at that follow-up.
surgical procedure is elective (as in the The surgery was a standard open dis- To adjust for potential confounding,
SPORT trial), treatment crossover is kectomy with examination of the in- baseline variables associated with miss-
more common, complicating the inter- volved nerve root.5,10 The nonoper- ing data or treatment received were in-
pretation of intent-to-treat effects. ative protocol was “usual care” cluded as adjusting covariates in longi-
In anticipation of these concerns, recommended to include at least ac- tudinal regression models.15 A random
SPORT was designed to include a con- tive physical therapy, education and effect was specified to account for the
current observational cohort study in counseling with home exercise instruc- correlation between the repeated mea-
which identical selection and out- tion, and nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- surements on individuals. Computa-
comes assessment occurred, but par- tory drugs if tolerated. Nonoperative tions were done using SAS procedures
ticipants declined randomization. This treatments were individualized for each PROC MIXED for continuous data with
article reports the 2-year follow-up re- patient and tracked prospectively. normal random effects, and PROC
sults for the SPORT intervertebral disk GENMOD for binary and non-normal
herniation observational cohort. Study Measures secondary outcomes, software version
Primary end points were 2 scales of the 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC). Sta-
METHODS Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form tistical significance was defined as P⬍.05
Study Design Health Survey (SF-36)—bodily pain based on a 2-sided hypothesis test.
SPORT was conducted in 11 US states scale and physical function scale11—
at 13 medical centers with multidisci- and the American Academy of Ortho- RESULTS
plinary spine practices. The human sub- paedic Surgeons MODEMS version of Overall, 1244 SPORT participants with
jects committees at each participating the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI)12 lumbar intervertebral disk herniation
institution approved a standardized pro- as measured at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 were enrolled out of 1991 eligible for
tocol for both the observational and the months, and 1 and 2 years. Secondary enrollment (FIGURE 1). Five hundred
randomized cohorts. Patient inclu- outcomes included patient self- one patients agreed to participate in the
sion and exclusion criteria, study in- reported improvement, work status, sat- randomized controlled trial and are re-
terventions, outcome measures, and fol- isfaction with current symptoms and ported in another article in this issue
low-up procedures have been reported.5 care,13 and sciatica severity as mea- of JAMA.16 The 743 patients who de-
sured by the Sciatica Bothersomeness clined to enroll in the randomized con-
Patient Population Index.2,14 trolled trial comprised the observa-
All men and women who had symp- tional cohort. Seven hundred nineteen
toms and confirmatory signs of lum- Statistical Considerations patients (97%) completed at least 1 fol-
bar radiculopathy that persisted for at Primary analyses compared changes low-up visit and were included in the
least 6 weeks, who had disk hernia- from baseline and percentages of pa- analysis; between 82% and 89% of en-
tion at a corresponding level and side tients showing improvement at each fol- rollees supplied data at each fol-
on imaging, who were considered sur- low-up time based on treatments re- low-up interval.
gical candidates, and who met inclu- ceived. In these analyses, the treatment Five hundred twenty-one patients
sion criteria were eligible. The con- indicator (ie, surgery vs nonoper- initially choosing surgery and 222 pa-
tent of preenrollment nonoperative care ative) was a time-varying covariate, al- tients initially choosing nonoperative
was not prespecified in the protocol but lowing for variable times of surgery. care were enrolled. For the group ini-
included the following: physical therapy Prior to the time of surgery, all changes tially choosing surgery, 91% received
(73%); epidural injections (50%); chi- from baseline were included in the es- surgery within 6 weeks of enrollment,
ropractic (38%); anti-inflammatories timates of the effect of nonoperative with an additional 4% receiving sur-
(58%); and opioid analgesics (49%). treatment. Following surgery, subse- gery by 6 months; at 2 years 4% re-
A research nurse at each site identi- quent changes in outcomes were as- mained nonoperative. In the group ini-
fied potential participants and verified signed to the surgical group with fol- tially choosing nonoperative treatment,
eligibility. Participants were offered en- low-up times measured from the date 2% underwent surgery in the first 6
rollment in either the randomized trial of surgery. Due to the allowable win- weeks; while 16% had surgery by 6
or the observational cohort; partici- dows for scheduled visits, the actual months, and 22% had surgery by 2
pants in the observational cohort chose time of outcome assessment varied (eg, years. Overall, 528 patients received
their treatment (surgery vs nonoper- a 6-week follow-up might occur at 5 surgery during the first 2 years and 191
ative treatment) at enrollment after con- weeks or 7 weeks). To adjust for this remained nonoperative (TABLE 1).
2452 JAMA, November 22/29, 2006—Vol 296, No. 20 (Reprinted) ©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Patient Characteristics
Figure 1. Flow Diagram of SPORT Observational Cohort for Herniated Disk: Exclusion,
Thebaselinecharacteristicsofparticipants Enrollment, and Follow-up
they actually received surgery during the 2720 Patients Screened
2 years of follow-up. A comparison be-
tween the SPORT observational and ran- 729 Ineligible
426 Not Surgical Candidates
domized cohorts is also provided. 129 Inadequate Nonoperative
The study population was a mean age 84 Previous Surgery
of 41.4 years with a majority being men, 20 Cauda Equina Syndrome
20 Malignancy
of white race, completing some col- 50 Other
lege, and working full-time or part-
time; 18% were receiving disability 1991 Eligible

compensation. Ninety-eight percent

747 Refused to Participate
had classic dermatomal pain radia-
tion. Most of the herniations were at 1244 Enrolled 501 Enrolled in Randomized Trial
L5-S1, were posterolateral, and were ex-
trusions by imaging criteria.17 743 Enrolled in Observational Study
At baseline, the surgery group was
younger, heavier, less likely to be work- 521 Chose Surgery 222 Chose Nonoperative
ing, more likely to be receiving disabil- Care
ity compensation, and reported fewer co-
morbid joint problems than those in the 6-wk Follow-up 6-wk Follow-up
465 Had Data Available 197 Had Data Available
nonoperative group. They had more disk 56 Missed Visit 24 Missed Visit
extrusions, positive contralateral straight 0 Withdrew∗ 1 Withdrew∗
0 Died∗ 0 Died∗
leg raise, and neurological deficits; more 459 Underwent Surgery (91%)† 4 Underwent Surgery (2%)†
severe bodily pain and back pain–
related disability; lower levels of physi- 3-mo Follow-up 3-mo Follow-up
cal function; worse sciatica; and more of- 434 Had Data Available 187 Had Data Available
84 Missed Visit 34 Missed Visit
ten rated symptoms as getting worse at 2 Withdrew∗ 1 Withdrew∗
enrollment than those in the nonoper- 1 Died∗ 0 Died∗
ative group. The final model controlled 477 Underwent Surgery (95%) 19 Underwent Surgery (9%)

for age, sex, race, marital status, work sta-

6-mo Follow-up 6-mo Follow-up
tus, compensation, body mass index,
443 Had Data Available 187 Had Data Available
smoking status, joint problems, mi- 70 Missed Visit 33 Missed Visit
7 Withdrew∗ 2 Withdrew∗
graines, neurological deficit, herniation 1 Died∗ 0 Died∗
(type, level, location), baseline score (for 480 Underwent Surgery (95%) 35 Underwent Surgery (16%)
SF-36 and ODI), baseline sciatica both-
ersomeness, baseline satisfaction with 1-y Follow-up 1-y Follow-up

symptoms, self-rated health trend, cen- 448 Had Data Available 188 Had Data Available
56 Missed Visit 29 Missed Visit
ter, and health insurance status. 16 Withdrew∗ 5 Withdrew∗
1 Died∗ 0 Died∗

Nonoperative Treatments 481 Underwent Surgery (96%) 44 Underwent Surgery (20%)

A variety of nonoperative treatments 2-y Follow-up 2-y Follow-up

were used during SPORT. In the obser- 428 Had Data Available 192 Had Data Available
vational cohort, 92% received educa- 49 Missed Visit 14 Missed Visit
43 Withdrew∗ 15 Withdrew∗
tion and counseling, 58% received non- 1 Died∗ 1 Died∗
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, 35% 481 Underwent Surgery (96%) 48 Underwent Surgery (22%)
received narcotic analgesic agents, 43%
503 Included in Primary Analysis 216 Included in Primary Analysis
underwent physical therapy, and 38% 18 Excluded (No Follow-up 6 Excluded (No Follow-up
underwent epidural injections. Data at Any Visit) Data at Any Visit)

Surgical Treatment and Complications

SPORT indicates Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial.
The median surgical time was 70 min- *Cumulative.
utes (interquartile range, 15-333 min- †Percentages of patients undergoing surgery were calculated using the number included in the primary analy-
sis as the denominator (n=503 for surgery; n=216 for nonoperative care).
utes) with an median blood loss of 50
©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 22/29, 2006—Vol 296, No. 20 2453

Table 1. Patient Baseline Demographic Characteristic, Comorbidities, Clinical Findings, and Health Status Measures by Treatment Received,
and Also Compared With the Patients in the SPORT Randomized Controlled Trial*
Treatment Received All SPORT Randomized
Observational Controlled Trial
Surgery Nonoperative P Patients Patients P
(n = 528) (n = 191) Value (n = 719) (n = 472) Value
Age, mean (SD), y 40.5 (10.9) 43.7 (11.9) ⬍.001 41.4 (11.2) 42.3 (11.6) .15
Women 227 (43) 86 (45) .69 313 (44) 194 (41) .44
Non-Hispanic ethnicity 506 (96) 183 (96) .84 689 (96) 448 (95) .55
White race 472 (89) 162 (85) .12 634 (88) 399 (85) .08
Education: at least some college 379 (72) 149 (78) .12 528 (73) 355 (75) .54
Annual income ⬍$50 000 237 (45) 91 (48) .57 328 (46) 207 (44) .59
Married 367 (70) 135 (71) .83 502 (70) 332 (70) .90
Work status
Full-time or part-time 302 (57) 129 (68) 431 (60) 290 (61)
Disabled 80 (15) 20 (10) .04 100 (14) 58 (12) .71
Other 145 (27) 42 (22) 187 (26) 124 (26)
Compensation† 110 (21) 22 (12) .006 132 (18) 76 (16) .35
Body mass index, mean (SD) 28.3 (5.8) 26.9 (5) .004 27.9 (5.6) 28 (5.5) .86
Current smoker 136 (26) 38 (20) .13 174 (24) 108 (23) .65
Depression 53 (10) 26 (14) .22 79 (11) 62 (13) .30
Joint problem 76 (14) 48 (25) .001 124 (17) 97 (21) .17
Other‡ 217 (41) 88 (46) .27 305 (42) 221 (47) .15
Time since recent episode ⬍6 mo 406 (77) 151 (79) .61 557 (77) 372 (79) .63
Dermatomal pain radiation 519 (98) 185 (97) .37 704 (98) 457 (97) .32
Straight leg raise (ipsilateral) 344 (65) 115 (60) .26 459 (64) 290 (61) .44
Straight leg raise (contralateral or both) 108 (20) 13 (7) ⬍.001 121 (17) 67 (14) .26
Any neurological deficit 418 (79) 133 (70) .01 551 (77) 350 (74) .36
Reflexes-asymmetrical depressed 213 (40) 65 (34) .15 278 (39) 202 (43) .17
Sensory-asymmetrical decrease 295 (56) 86 (45) .01 381 (53) 222 (47) .05
Motor-asymmetrical weakness 246 (47) 65 (34) .004 311 (43) 190 (40) .33
Herniation level§
L2-L3 or L3-L4 32 (6) 24 (13) 56 (8) 32 (7)
L4-L5 209 (40) 82 (43) .005 291 (40) 165 (35) .09
L5-S1 287 (54) 85 (45) 372 (52) 274 (58)
Herniation type
Protruding 134 (25) 62 (32) 196 (27) 126 (27)
Extruded 358 (68) 111 (58) .05 469 (65) 313 (66) .86
Sequestered 36 (7) 18 (9) 54 (8) 32 (7)
Posterolateral herniation 408 (77) 133 (70) .05 541 (75) 377 (80) .07
SF-36 scale, mean (SD)
Bodily pain|| 21.2 (15.8) 36.2 (20.3) ⬍.001 25.2 (18.3) 26.9 (17.9) .11
Physical function || 30.8 (23.0) 52.5 (25.9) ⬍.001 36.6 (25.6) 39.4 (25.3) .06
Mental component summary|| 44.2 (11.1) 46.1 (11.6) .05 44.7 (11.2) 45.9 (12) .09
Oswestry Disability Index, mean (SD)¶ 56.7 (18.9) 35.9 (20.1) ⬍.001 51.2 (21.4) 46.9 (21) ⬍.001
Sciatica Frequency Index, mean (SD)¶ 16.9 (4.9) 13.6 (5.6) ⬍.001 16.0 (5.3) 15.6 (5.5) .18
Sciatica Bothersomeness Index, mean (SD)¶ 16.7 (4.9) 13.4 (5.8) ⬍.001 15.8 (5.3) 15.2 (5.2) .05
Satisfaction with symptoms: very dissatisfied 471 (89) 113 (59) ⬍.001 584 (81) 369 (78) .23
Patient self-assessed health trend
Problem getting better 31 (6) 58 (30) 89 (12) 90 (19)
Problem staying about the same 221 (42) 92 (48) ⬍.001 313 (44) 220 (47) ⬍.001
Problem getting worse 272 (52) 39 (20) 311 (43) 161 (34)
Abbreviation: SF-36, Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form Health Survey.
*Data are presented as number (percentage) unless otherwise indicated.
†Receiving workers’ compensation, Social Security compensation, or other compensation or have a pending application.
‡Indicates problems related to stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, posttraumatic stress disorder, alcohol or drug dependency, heart, lung,
liver, kidney, blood vessel, nervous system, migraine, anxiety, stomach, bowel.
§The diagnosis for approximately 97% of patients evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging and 3% with computed tomography.
||For SF-36 scales, a hight score indicates less severe symptoms.
¶For the Oswestry Disability Index and Sciatica Frequency and Bothersomeness Indices, a lower score indicates less severe symptoms.

2454 JAMA, November 22/29, 2006—Vol 296, No. 20 (Reprinted) ©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

mL (interquartile range, 0-1500 mL). ties. The most common surgical com- 1 year and in 9% of cases at 2 years;
Only 2 patients required transfusions. plication was dural tear in 2% of cases. more than half were recurrent hernia-
There were no perioperative mortali- Reoperation occurred in 7% of cases by tions at the same level.

Table 2. Adjusted Primary and Secondary Outcomes Change Scores, Percent and Treatment Effects for the Intervertebral Disk Herniation
Observational Cohort According to Treatment Received*
3 Months 1 Year 2 Years

Treatment Treatment Treatment

Surgery Nonoperative Effect Surgery Nonoperative Effect Surgery Nonoperative Effect
(n = 466) (n = 190) (95% CI)† (n = 460) (n = 171) (95% CI)† (n = 456) (n = 165) (95% CI)†
Primary outcomes
SF-36 scale, mean (SE)‡
Bodily pain 40.9 26.0 14.8 42.8 32.0 10.8 42.6 32.4 10.2
(1.1) (1.8) (10.8 to 18.9) (1.1) (1.9) (6.5 to 15.0) (1.1) (1.9) (5.9 to 14.5)
Physical function 40.7 25.3 15.4 44.3 29.2 15.0 43.9 31.9 12.0
(1.0) (1.7) (11.6 to 19.2) (0.99) (1.9) (10.9 to 19.2) (0.99) (1.9) (7.9 to 16.1)
Oswestry Disability Index, −36.1 −20.9 −15.2 −37.7 −22.4 −15.2 −37.6 −24.2 −13.4
mean (SE)§ (0.87) (1.5) (−18.5 to −11.8) (0.85) (1.7) (−18.9 to −11.6) (0.85) (1.7) (−17.0 to −9.7)
Secondary outcomes
Sciatica Bothersomeness −11.4 −7.5 −3.8 −11.2 −8.6 −2.6 −10.8 −8.7 −2.1
Index, mean (SE) 㛳 (0.27) (0.45) (−4.9 to −2.8) (0.26) (0.48) (−3.6 to −1.5) (0.26) (0.48) (−3.2 to −1.0)
Working full or part time, % (SE) 77.0 81.8 −4.9 89.3 80.0 9.3 89.1 86.5 2.5
(2.5) (3.6) (−13.5 to 3.7) (1.5) (4.0) (1.0 to 17.7) (1.5) (3.0) (−4.1 to 9.1)
Posttreatment satisfaction, % (SE)
Very or somewhat 68.1 29.4 38.7 71.1 44.7 26.4 71.5 49.1 22.4
satisfied with (2.3) (3.7) (30.0 to 47.4) (2.2) (4.3) (16.8 to 36.1) (2.2) (4.3) (12.8 to 32.0)
Very or somewhat 91.3 77.3 13.9 92.4 82.3 10.1 92.5 80.9 11.7
satisfied with care (1.3) (3.6) (6.4 to 21.5) (1.2) (3.4) (3.0 to 17.2) (1.2) (3.4) (4.5 to 18.9)
Self-rated progress since 82.6 48.2 34.4 80.4 60.1 20.2 75.8 58.0 17.9
enrollment: major (1.8) (4.2) (25.4 to 43.4) (1.9) (4.3) (10.9 to 29.5) (2.1) (4.2) (8.4 to 27.3)
improvement, % (SE)
Abbreviations: SF-36, Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form Health Survey.
*Adjusted for age, sex, race, marital status, work status, compensation, body mass index, smoking status, joint problems, migraines, any neurological deficit, herniation (type, level,
location), baseline evaluation scores (SF36, ODI, and sciatica scales), baseline sciatica bothersomeness, baseline satisfaction with symptoms, self-rated health trend, center,
insurance. Note, for sciatica bothersomeness and satisfaction with symptoms the “baseline score” is equivalent to “baseline sciatica bothersomeness” and “baseline satisfaction
with symptoms,” respectively.
†The global P value assessing all time points simultaneously is less than .001 for all measures.
‡SF-36 scale scores range from 0 to 100, with a higher score indicating less severe symptoms.
§Scores for the Oswestry Disability Index range from 0 to 100 with a low score indicating less severe symptoms.
㛳Scores from the Sciatica Bothersomeness Index range from 0 to 24 with a low score indicating less severe symptoms. (n=455 for surgery group at 3 months; data not collected
at 3 months for late surgeries.)

Figure 2. Main Outcomes at Baseline and Each Follow-up Visit Through 2 Years

Bodily Pain Physical Function Oswestry Disability Index

100 60 Surgery
Age-Sex Norm = 81 Age-Sex Norm = 89 Nonoperative

Adjusted Mean Score




Global P Value <.001 Global P Value <.001 Global P Value <.001

20 20 0
0 3 6 12 24 0 3 6 12 24 0 3 6 12 24
Months From Baseline Months From Baseline Months From Baseline

The data markers at time 0 indicate actual mean baseline scores. The curves begin at the overall baseline mean, and the subsequent data markers indicate means
adjusted for baseline variables. The adjusting baseline variables are named in the footnotes of Table 2 and include the score plotted. The length of the error bars
indicates the 95% confidence interval for the treatment difference between the study groups at each time point. The error bars are centered on the values of the
surgery group. If the 95% confidence interval crosses the value in the nonoperative group, the P value for the difference between the groups is greater than .05.

©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 22/29, 2006—Vol 296, No. 20 2455

Main Treatment Effects change: surgery, 42.8 vs nonoper- 95% CI, −17.0 to −9.7). The secondary
Treatment outcomes for the observa- ative, 32.0; treatment effect, 10.8; 95% measures of sciatica bothersomeness,
tional cohort are summarized in TABLE 2, CI, 6.5-15.0), physical function (mean satisfaction, and self-rated improve-
FIGURE 2, and FIGURE 3. Treatment change: surgery, 44.3 vs nonoper- ment also demonstrated significant
effects were statistically significant in ative, 29.2; treatment effect, 15.0; 95% treatment effects. The treatment effects
favor of surgery for the primary out- CI, 10.9-19.2), and ODI (mean change: narrowed between 3 months and 2 years
come measures at 3 months: bodily pain surgery, −37.7 vs nonoperative, −22.4; but remained significant at all periods.
(mean change: surgery, 40.9 vs non- treatment effect, −15.2; 95% CI, −18.9 Work status was worse in the surgery
operative, 26.0; treatment effect, 14.9; to −11.6), and 2 years: bodily pain group at 6 weeks but this had equal-
95% confidence interval [CI], 10.8- (mean change: surgery, 42.6 vs non- ized at 3 and 6 months; work status then
18.9), physical function (mean change: operative, 32.4; treatment effect, 10.2; showed a small benefit for surgery at 1
surgery, 40.7 vs nonoperative, 25.3; 95% CI, 5.9-14.5), physical function year but not at 2 years.
treatment effect, 15.4; 95% CI, 11.6- (mean change: surgery, 43.9 vs non-
19.2), and ODI (mean change: sur- operative, 31.9; treatment effect, 12.0; Missing Data
gery, −36.1 vs nonoperative −20.9; treat- 95% CI, 7.9-16.1), and ODI (mean and Shifting Baselines
ment effect, −15.2; 95% CI, −18.5 to change: surgery, −37.6 vs nonoper- The percentages of participants with
−11.8); at 1 year: bodily pain (mean ative, −24.2; treatment effect, −13.4; missing data were equivalent between

Figure 3. Work Status, Satisfaction With Symptoms, Satisfaction With Care, and Self-rated Health Trend at Baseline and Each Follow-up Visit
Through 2 Years

Sciatica Bothersomeness Work Status Satisfaction With Symptoms

20 100 100

% Satisfied With Symptoms

15 80
Adjusted Mean Score

% Working

10 60

5 40

0 Global P Value <.001 20 Global P Value <.001 0 Global P Value <.001

0 3 6 12 24 0 3 6 12 24 0 3 6 12 24
Months From Baseline Months From Baseline Months From Baseline

Satisfaction With Care Self-rated Improvement

100 100
% Major Improvement
% Satisfied With Care



20 Global P Value <.001 0 Global P Value <.001

0 3 6 12 24 0 3 6 12 24
Months From Baseline Months From Baseline

The data markers at time 0 indicate actual mean baseline scores or proportions, except for satisfaction with care and self-rated improvement, which were not measured
at baseline. The curves begin at the overall baseline mean or proportion, and the subsequent data markers indicate means or proportions adjusted for baseline variables.
The adjusting baseline variables are named in the footnotes of Table 2 and include the score or factor plotted, except for satisfaction with care and self-rated improve-
ment. The length of the error bars indicates the 95% confidence interval for the treatment difference between the study groups at each time point. The error bars are
centered on the values of the surgery group. If the 95% confidence interval crosses the value in the nonoperative group, the P value for the difference between the
groups is greater than .05.

2456 JAMA, November 22/29, 2006—Vol 296, No. 20 (Reprinted) ©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

the groups at each time point with no time in both treatment groups, but im- The results of SPORT are similar to
evidence of differential dropout provement was significantly greater for the Maine Lumbar Spine Study1 and
(Figure 1). At year 2 the missing data those patients who underwent sur- the classic Weber study.3 The former
percentages were 17% for the surgery gery. The benefit of surgery was seen reported unadjusted treatment effect
group and 14% for the nonoperative as early as 6 weeks and was main- differences at 1 year of 24 (bodily
group. Sensitivity analysis was com- tained for at least 2 years. pain) and 22 (physical function),
pleted comparing our primary analy- Interpretation of the clinical signifi- similar to SPORT’s 15.3 and 25.1,
sis using longitudinal models includ- cance of changes seen in quality-of-life respectively (unadjusted data not
ing covariates associated with missed scales is important. Despite interest in shown). However, these unadjusted
visits with alternative analytic meth- knowing the minimal clinically impor- results overestimate the true effect of
ods using single-imputation of miss- tant difference for various scales, no con- surgery because of baseline differ-
ing data—baseline value carried for- sensus exists with regards to methods for ences between groups. While there
ward and last value carried forward.15 providing such benchmarks.18,19 How- are no validated outcome measures
Treatment effect estimates at 1 year ever, based on published work, reason- that can be directly compared
ranged from 9.0 to 11.3 for bodily pain, able estimates for the minimal clini- between SPORT and the Weber study,
14.3 to 15.0 for physical function, −13.9 cally important difference for the scales its 1-year results of 33% more patients
to −15.2 for ODI, and −2.1 to −2.6 for used in SPORT were 10 points for the with “good” results in the surgical
sciatica. Given these ranges, there ap- SF-36 subscales,2 and 8 to 12 points for group is similar to SPORT’s 21% more
pear to be no substantial differences the ODI.20,21 The SPORT results based on patients with major improvement and
among these methods. the observational cohort exceed this 26% having more satisfaction with
Several alternative approaches for threshold for at least 2 years, arguing that symptoms 1 year after surgery than
other features of the primary treat- the results seen are indeed of clinical im- those who received nonoperative care.
ment effect analyses were also evalu- portance. In these prior studies, the differences
ated. Models using the enrollment val- Debate continues in the scientific lit- in the outcomes between treatment
ues as baseline for the surgically treated erature regarding the optimal role of ob- groups continued to narrow over
group, rather than the visit prior to sur- servational studies vs randomized trials. time, suggesting the importance of
gery, and which evaluated outcomes The design of SPORT provided an op- ongoing follow-up of the patients in
from the time of enrollment rather than portunity to compare randomized trial SPORT.
the time from surgery, produced simi- results with results for a simulta-
lar estimates for the 1-year outcomes. neously enrolled observational co- Limitations
Strategies excluding the nonoperative hort. These 2 groups were similar at The strict eligibility criteria may limit
experience of patients ultimately un- baseline. Patients in the observational the generalizability of the SPORT re-
dergoing surgery or ignoring the cor- cohort were relatively more symptom- sults, eg, patients unable to tolerate
relation between patients contribut- atic and functionally impaired than symptoms for 6 weeks or who prefer
ing both nonoperative and surgical those in the randomized controlled trial; early surgical intervention were not in-
visits showed smaller but still statisti- however, the absolute differences were cluded and we can draw no conclu-
cally significant treatment effects in fa- small: 4 points on the ODI, ⬍3 on the sions regarding the effectiveness of sur-
vor of surgery. Models without adjust- SF-36 PF, and 0.6 on the Sciatica Both- gery in that group. However, SPORT
ment for baseline differences between ersomeness Index. entry criteria followed published guide-
the groups showed much larger treat- Patient perception that the problem lines for patient selection for elective
ment effects in favor of surgery as would was getting worse at enrollment was a diskectomy and therefore these re-
be expected from regression to the more striking factor predicting par- sults should apply to the majority of pa-
mean since the surgery group started ticipation in the observational cohort tients with a herniated disk facing a sur-
out with worse health status scores. as well as in initially choosing sur- gical decision.23
Controlling for this regression to the gery. This preference for surgery The protocol for nonoperative
mean in the adjusted models is impor- seemed to be an important factor for treatment was usual care individual-
tant for estimating the true treatment those declining randomization. Arega ized to each patient and in keeping
effect. et al22 reported those preferring sur- with published guidelines. The same
gery were only one fourth as likely as basic approach was used in the Maine
COMMENT those preferring nonoperative care to Lumbar Spine Study.23 This flexible
Patients presenting with signs and randomize; alternatively, those who nonoperative protocol reflects current
symptoms of radiculopathy for at least were unsure about their treatment practice among multidisciplinary
6 weeks secondary to an image- preference at baseline were 3.6 times spine practices but precludes evalua-
confirmed lumbar disk herniation ex- more likely to participate in the ran- tion of the results of surgery com-
perienced substantial improvement over domized trial. pared with specific nonoperative
©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 22/29, 2006—Vol 296, No. 20 2457

treatments. To the degree that some surgery in the observational cohort reports that he is the inventor of the Premier Cervical
Spine Plate, serves as a consultant for Medtronics and
of the nonoperative treatments used did not substantially alter the treat- is a board of director for Stryker Corp and Globus Medi-
were ineffective or inappropriate, the ment outcomes. However, observa- cal. Dr Cammisa reports consulting for Spinal Kinet-
ics, Healthpoint Capital, K2 Medical LLC, Mazor Sur-
benefits of surgery may be overesti- tional comparisons cannot account gical Technologies, Nuvasive, Orthovita Inc, Raymedica
mated. However, the 1-year improve- for all patient- and surgeon-level fac- Inc, and Scient’x USA; has investments in Alphatec
ments in the usual care group (bodily tors that differ between the groups Holdings Inc, Healthpoint Capital Partners, Ivy Health
Care, K2 Medical LLC, Nuvasive, Orthopedic Invest-
pain, 32.0; physical function, 29.2; and it remains unclear if some of ment Partners Fund LP, Orthovita Inc, Paradigm Spine
Sciatica, −8.6) were excellent and these account for part or all of the LLC, Pioneer Labs, Raymedica Inc, Small Bone Inno-
vations Inc, and Spinal Kinetics; Dr Albert reports that
were greater than the 20-, 18-, and differential effect observed between he served as a consultant for DePuy Spine, serves on
−3.0-point improvements, respec- treatment groups. the advisory board of and owns stock options in Ax-
iamed-Medical, K2 Medical, and Gentis. Dr Deyo re-
tively reported in the Maine Lumbar ports that his research program benefits from a gift
Spine Study. Usual care appeared to CONCLUSION to the university from Symthes, a manufacturer of sur-
have been generally effective, In this nonrandomized evaluation of gical devices, for which he receives no personal ben-
efits. No other disclosures were reported.
although we cannot say which com- patients with persistent sciatica from Funding/Support: This study was supported by grant
ponents were or were not effective. lumbar disk herniation who had U01-AR45444-01A1 from NIAMS and by the NIH Of-
fice of Research on Women’s Health, the National In-
Nor can we say what the nonoperative operative or usual care, both treat- stitutes of Health, and the National Institute of Oc-
outcomes would have been with a ment groups improved considerably cupational Safety and Health, the Centers for Disease
hypothetical optimal nonoperative over 2 years. Nonrandomized com- Control and Prevention. The Multidisciplinary Clini-
cal Research Center in Musculoskeletal Diseases is
regimen. parisons of self-reported outcomes are funded by grant P60-AR048094-01A1 from NIAMS.
Missing data was an important limi- subject to potential confounding and Dr Lurie is supported by a Research Career Award from
NIAMS (1 K23 AR 048138-01).
tation in interpreting study results. Al- must be interpreted cautiously. Nev- Role of the Sponsors: These sources had no role in
though it did not appear that data were ertheless, patients who underwent design or conduct of the study; collection, manage-
missing differentially between treat- ment, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or in prepa-
diskectomy had significantly better ration, review, or approval of the manuscript.
ment and usual care groups, the ef- self-reported outcomes than those Principal Investigators, Participating Institutions,
fects of missing data in 14% to 18% of who had usual care. Project Coordinator, and Nurse Coordinators (in or-
der by enrollment): Jeffrey Fischgrund and Sig Berven,
follow-up surveys cannot be certain. MD (University of California, San Francisco); Judi L.
Author Contributions: Dr Weinstein had full access
Multiple sensitivity analyses were used to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility Forman, MPH (Project Coordinator), William A. Abdu,
to determine the impact of missing data, for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the MD, MS, Barbara Butler-Schmidt, RN, MSN, J. J. Hebb,
data analysis. RN, BSN (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center); Harry
and all suggest that the observed dif- Study concept and design: Weinstein, Lurie, Herkowitz, MD, Gloria Bradley, BSN, Melissa Lurie,
ferences persist even if missing data T. Tosteson, A. Tosteson RN (William Beaumont Hospital); Todd Albert, MD,
Acquisition of data: Weinstein, Lurie, T. Tosteson, Alan Hilibrand, MD, Carole Simon, RN, MS (Roth-
were accounted for in the most con- Herkowitz, Fischgrund, Cammisa, Albert. man Institute at Thomas Jefferson Hospital); Frank
servative fashion. Analysis and interpretation of data: Weinstein, Lurie, Cammisa, MD, Brenda Green, RN, BSN (Hospital for
T. Tosteson, Skinner, Hanscom, A. Tosteson, Deyo. Special Surgery); Michael Longley, MD, Nancy Fullmer,
An important limitation in this Drafting of the manuscript: Weinstein, Lurie, RN, Ann Marie Fredericks, RN, MSN, CPNP (Ne-
study design and in all nonmasked T. Tosteson. braska Foundation for Spinal Research); Scott Boden,
treatment intervention studies is that, Critical revision of the manuscript for important in- MD, Sally Lashley, BSN, MSA (Emory University–The
tellectual content: Weinstein, Lurie, T. Tosteson, Emory Clinic); Lawrence Lenke, MD, Georgia Stobbs,
when measuring subjective outcomes, Skinner, Hanscom, A. Tosteson, Herkowitz, Fischgr- RN, BA (Washington University); Sanford Emery, MD,
the differences in motivation for und, Cammisa, Albert, Deyo. Chris Furey, MD, Kathy Higgins, RN, PhD, CNS (Uni-
Statistical analysis: Weinstein, T. Tosteson, Skinner, versity Hospitals of Cleveland/Case Western Re-
recovery, expectation of treatment Hanscom, A. Tosteson. serve); Thomas Errico, MD, Alex Lee, RN, BSN (Hos-
success, and perception of changes in Obtained funding: Weinstein, T. Tosteson, A. Tosteson. pital for Joint Diseases); Harley Goldberg, DO, Pat
Administrative, technical, or material support: Malone, RN, MSN, ANP (Kaiser Permanente); Serena
health status may affect the results. Weinstein, Lurie, T. Tosteson. Hu, MD, Pat Malone, RN, MSN, ANP (University of
Patients who elected to have an opera- Study supervision: Weinstein, Lurie. California–San Francisco); Gunnar Andersson, MD,
tion were different in some ways that Financial Disclosures: Dr Weinstein reports that he PhD, Howard An, MD, Margaret Hickey, RN, MS
is Editor-in-Chief of Spine, has been a consultant to (Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke’s Medical Center); Robert
suggested that they had a greater bur- United Health Care (proceeds are donated to the Brie Keller, MD (Maine Spine and Rehabilitation).
den of disease, but they may have Fund, a fund for children with disabilities in the name Enrolling Physicians: William Abdu (Dartmouth-
of his daughter who passed away from leukemia), and Hitchcock Medical Center); David Montgomery, Harry
been different in other unmeasured has been a consultant to the Foundation for In- Herkowitz (William Beaumont Hospital); Ted Conliffe,
ways. Furthermore, in any unmasked formed Medical Decision-Making, proceeds to the De- Alan Hilibrand (Rothman Institute at Thomas Jeffer-
partment of Orthopaedics, Dartmouth. Dr Lurie re- son Hospital); Perry Ball (Dartmouth); Frank Cammisa
study, differences in perceptions of ports that he receives grant support from St Francis (Hospital for Special Surgery); S. Tim Yoon (Emory Uni-
care may also affect subjective Medical Technologies and American Board of Ortho- versity–The Emory Clinic); Randall Woodward (Ne-
outcomes. paedic Surgery; has served on advisory boards for braska Foundation for Spinal Research); Brett Taylor
Ortho-MacNeil Pharmaceuticals, the Robert Graham (Washington University); Todd Albert (Rothman);
The results in this observational Center of the American Academy of Family Practice, Richard Schoenfeldt (Hospital for Joint Diseases);
cohort were similar to the as-treated Pfizer, and Centocor; and as a consultant for Jonathan Fuller (Nebraska Foundation for Spinal Re-, Pacific Business Group on Health, search); Harvinder Sandhu (Hospital for Special Sur-
results from the randomized cohort and the Foundation for Informed Medical Decision- gery); Scott Boden (Emory); Carolyn Murray (Dart-
reported in another article in this Making. Mr Hanscom reports working for the Na- mouth); Michael Longley (Nebraska Foundation for
tional Spine Network and receiving funding from Spinal Research); Ronald Moskovich (Hospital for Joint
issue of JAMA.16 The greater propor- Medtronic. Dr A. Tosteson reports receiving funding Diseases); Keith Bridwell (Washington University); John
tion of patients who elected to have from St Francis Medical Technologies. Dr Herkowitz, McClellan (Nebraska Foundation for Spinal Research);

2458 JAMA, November 22/29, 2006—Vol 296, No. 20 (Reprinted) ©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Lawrence Lenke (Washington University); Ferdy Mas- ert Rose (Dartmouth); Sig Berven (University of Cali- Daniel Riew (Washington University); Timothy Burd (Ne-
simino (Kaiser Permanente); Lawrence Kurz (Beau- fornia–San Francisco); Frank Phillips, Howard An (Rush- braska Foundation for Spinal Research); John Rhee
mont); Joseph Dryer (Hospital for Joint Diseases); San- Presbyterian-St Luke’s Medical Center); Colleen Olson (Emory); Henry Bohlman (Case Western); Richard Perry
ford Emery (University Hospitals of Cleveland/Case (Dartmouth); Anthony Margherita, John Metzler (Wash- (Hospital for Joint Diseases); Edward Goldberg (Rush-
Western Reserve); Susan Dreyer, Howard Levy (Emory); ington University); Jeffrey Goldstein (Hospital for Joint Presbyterian-St Luke’s); Christopher Furey (Case
Patrick Bowman (Nebraska Foundation for Spinal Re- Diseases); Phaedra Mcdonough (Dartmouth); James Western).
search); Thomas Errico (Hospital for Joint Diseases); Lee Farmer (Hospital for Special Surgery); Marsolais (Case Acknowledgment: Thanks to Tamara S. Morgan, De-
Thibodeau, MD (Maine Spine and Rehabilitation); Jef- Western); Gunnar Andersson (Rush-Presbyterian-St partment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Dartmouth Medi-
frey Fischgrund (Beaumont); Mark Splaine (Dart- Luke’s); Hilda Magnadottir, Jim Weinstein, Jon Lurie cal School, for graphic design and production, jour-
mouth); John Bendo (Hospital for Joint Diseases); Tay- (Dartmouth); J. X. Yoo (Case Western); John Heller nal interfacing and for shepherding the SPORT study
lor Smith (University of California–San Francisco); Eric (Emory); Jeffrey Spivak (Hospital for Joint Diseases); Ro- from its original submission and into the foreseeable
Phillips (Nebraska Foundation for Spinal Research); Dilip land Hazard (Dartmouth); Michael Schaufele (Emory); future. She is funded through the department and par-
Sengupta (Dartmouth); David Hubbell (Emory); Henry Jeffrey Florman (Maine Spine and Rehabilitation); Philip tially by SPORT. This study is dedicated to the memory
Schmidek (Dartmouth); Harley Goldberg (Kaiser); Rob- Bernini (Dartmouth); Eeric Truumees (Beaumont); K. of Brieanna Weinstein.

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