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Lesson objectives several pages long and in research or dissertation the

so called-IMRAD structure. What is IMRAD structure?

1. Define academic text
Now let’s get to know what is IMRAD stands for.
2. determine text structure of an academic text from
I-introduction M-method R- results A-and D-
varoius discipline.
What is academic text?
Of course there are other parts of research paper
Academic- text it is defined as critical, objective, which you will study further in your practical research
specialized text written bt experts or professionals in a subject but he basic structure is what we call IMRAD
given field using formal language. when we say introduction what question was asked
methods how was it studied results what was found
Take note thw word formal we discuss is totally and discussion what do the findings mean. I’ll show
different from daily conversations(formal language is you the parts oof IMRAD structure as
different from daily English) We don’t use of
constractions or informal vocabulary. Let’s see the Basic structure IMRAD
word “don’t” in academic we need to write the two
 Introduction (what question was asked?)
words do not instead of don’t that is contraction. (the
 Methods (How was it studied?)
word “don’t” is an example of a conttraction. Write
 Results (What was found?)
“do not”. ) (academic text is based on facts)
 And
It is objective because it is base on facts and n ot  Discussion (What do the findings mean?)
base on opnions, it is technical because there are
I’ll show you the parts of IMRAD structure as
words or phrases that we need to use for a specific
applied the thesis format to take a look I believe your
discipline (technical because there are specific words
practical research teachers will discuss in details how
or vocabulary which are only suited for a specific
how to write a research paper based on those formats
I’m just giving you the overview of IMRAD sturcture
For example when we talk the word (virus for ICT since we already finished discussing the structure of
students has a dfferent meaning from STEM or science the academic text let’s proceed to academic
group) meaning tvl, ict or information technology discilpine. What are some academic discipline, can
students they have a different meaning for stem or you name the specific subjects you have in school are
science students in order to good in academic writing, just part of the academic text.
you should know the specific styles and structures for
Let’s poroceed to academic discipline what are
your discipline academic writing is just like building a
same academic disciplines. Can you name the specific
house you need a solid foundation as you make a
subjects you have in school there are just part of the
well-structured house. A well-structured text enables
academic discipline in college or university in senior
the reader to follow the argument. (A well-structured
high we are different tracks. Let’s get to know them.
text enables the reader to follow the argument and
navigate the text.)

It means, that is logical and organized this is more Discipline Branches

comprehensible(academic text should be logical and Humanities Art, history, language, literature,
organized your text is easier to understand) if the flow music, philosophy, religion, theater
of the text is based on the three part of an essay
struccture.(can you remember the basic three-part
Natural and Biology, chemistry, computer,
structure in writing?) Can you recall the basic three-
applied science. Engineering, geology,
part sturcture they are the introduction, body and
sciences mathematics, physics, medicine

The introduction and the conclusion should be Business Accounting, economics. Finance,
shorter than the body of the text. For shorter essays management, marketing
one or two paragraphs for each of these sections can
be approriate. For longer text or thesis they may be
Social sciences Antropology, education, geography, It unifies the facts and information of an argument
law, political science, psychology, by describing the over all purpose. And it predicts or
sociology forecasts what the essay will discuss and it is the
central or the main point of the essay. In academic
We have business and disciplines and their we
text is usually presented in the abstract or executive
have business amb students you belong to the
summary or found the last part in the introduction.
business discipline. We have humanities the humes or
the lam students the art and design for tvl can be [IN ACADEMIC WRITING, thesis statement are found in
disciplines. Well we have basic structure of academic abstracts or executive summary]
writing yet each academic discipline has its own focus
learning the conventions and content each of them There are 3 components of or ingredients of a
will make our writing ouput more relevant. What are thesis statement, first, is the topic. This is the general
thought after learning the structure of academic text? subject of the text or essay. For example, the topic is
Did you find them useful? corona virus. The next is controlling idea, this is your
view or opinion or feeling. For example, people should
Ending of the first video…. strictly follow health protocols. The third is the sub-
topic (optional). For example. To prevent the spread of
Second video…
the corona virus. The example of the thesis statement
Why is it assisted statement in academic writing. is “People should strictlly follow health protocol in
How to write of killer thesis statement? More on this order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. In
in a beat. How you feel if your crush says “ I LoveYou” the exanple you should have a topic a controlling idea
for the girls and woman wether you like it or not and the sub-topic which make a good thesis
that’s the flattering statement. This statement “ I Love statement.
You” is short simple, concise clear and is considere the
Let’s try this statement. The coronavirus
most powerful statement. Oh wait why I’m talking
lockdown has led people to serious psychological and
about this? Because in academic writing there is also
emotional problems for workers. Where is the topic?
one killer powerful, concise statement that you need
It is the coronavirus lockdown. Where is the
to know and that is a “thesis statement”. That is our
controlling idea? This is led people. The sub-topic? To
topic for today.
serious psychological and emotional problems for
Our lesson objectives are the following, you are workers. There should be supporting reasons in your
going to define thesis statement You’re going to statement. Remember your controlling idea is your
locate the thesis statement in a text, and apply the the opinion.
strategies in writing a thesis statement.
Let,s practice locating the opinion wors in a thesis
Ojectives: statements. Example, “Playing online games is
distroying the unity of modern family. What is the
1. Defie thesis statement;
opinion word in a sentence? It is the word destroying.
2. Locate the thesis statement in a text; and The are misconceptions of a thesis statement: First is
the using general statements, like for instance like
3. Apply the strategies in writing a thesis statement. online games. This too general as it talks about all
In our previous lesson we talked about the students. When you say, My bestfriends like online
structure of a text. You are now building the structure games. This very specific as it talks about particular
of your writing . But one of the biggest problem the students and their likes.
student nowadays how to start your writing. Is that Onother misconception is when you state a fact a
your problem too? By the way what is a thesis thesis statement should debatable and is supporting
statement. Why is it important to know? the writer when you say, the Philippine is tropical
A thesis statement- a declarative statement and is country. (That is a fact) It is hard to argue. But when
not a question. It is a simple sentence that make you say, the Philippines is a good place for travel
statement or express an attitude, condition, opinion, vloggers because of its beautiful beaches. This can be
your position, or feeling about the subject. argue.
The last misconception is when you make an Pattern development that’s the first lesson that we are
annnoucements. Like for instance, I am going to prove going to discuss. Hi dear learners this is renet and I am
that… or I want to share my thoughts about excited to share topics that are related to and writing
coronavirus. So you better say, since th vaccine is on subject well last semester we talk about oral
its trial period, the government should seriously spend communication which mainly focus two skills which
much on testing kits and hire more workers for are listening and speaking now welcome to another
contract tracing. subject the reading and writing for senior high school
what do you expect from this subject? Well I am
In academic writing as I mentioned earlier you can
always inspired to see students going to bookshops
find thesis statements in abstract. This is the example,
because I know more students are hooked on
[thesis statements are found in abstracts] This is not
the whole content of the abstract. I’ll give you time to
read. Let me begin by giving you our lesson objectives.

“My studies have revealed that effective use of e- Objectives:

learning would help increase motivation, attendance,
At the end of the our lesson, you are expected to:
student’s behavior and performance. This study,
therefore, aimed to determine the effectiveness of the a. Identify the different patterns od development;
equipperschool as an online platform in motivating
the interest level of students towards oral b. Find out the features of each pattern od
communication. development; and

So this absrtract, where is the thesis statement? Do c. Write paragraphs using different patterns od
you have any guess? So the thesis statement is.. development.

This study, therefore, aimed to determine the What these plants? Hmmp.. to all plantitas and
effectiveness of the equipperschool as an online plantatus out there I know you can easily name those
platform in motivating the interest level of students plants. Can you guess the name? I’m not a plantita but
towards oral communication. I just have collective these you have noticed that they
have patterns by looking at the pattern you can
So where is the thesis statements located? You already recognize the name in writing there is also
can find them at the beginning, middle or the last part pattern. Our topic is centered on the patterns of
o sentence of a text. Let’s to analyze this statement: development oe we say writing pattern. Why do you
Christians practice premarital sex in the Philippines. need it? You have learned that effective
What do you think this statement? This a weak thesis. communication begins with a clear organized set of
How we can make it a strong thesis? We can say, ideas following a logical consistent patten. It is the
“Christians who practice premarital sex violate the power for the sender ans the receiver, it ia important
basic tenets of the bible and its teaching of christian to identify the author’s perspective by discovering the
education to be maodest in the society. This is a strong way the message being sent.
thesis because it is controversial, readers will be
interested in reading to say how you support your Every writer has a purpose for writing and some of
point. This is the reason why the controversial issues action is the order in which the material will be
can be popular because there is opinionated and presented in the text. Well are you now ready to
supportive by your reasons and of course debatable. study the organizational of the paragraph? Have you
noticed that in your module or in some performance
Why you fast about writing a thesis statement? activities there are graphic organizers. Why graphic
Remember the thesis statement is the central or main organizer are essential? Well the more you
idea of the essay or text. It is debatable supportive understand them. The easier for you to write different
with reasons. It should not too broad nor too narrow patterns of development.
and be specific.
In determining the patterns of development I a
The third video… Pattern of Development in Writing text. You should consider the signal words aside from
definition, exemplication chronology, despcription, the meaning of text. [example of the signal words
comparison/contrast.. are: next, between, but, etcetera.]
How many writing patterns do you have or do we -Present the general statement and then provides
have? Base on my reference material there are nine or specific and the provides specific and concrete the
ten patterns. Oh so many but I will discuss nine but examples to expound on the main idea.
since it’s quite long we wil only discuss the first five
- Spider map graphic organizer is useful for this
patterns of development. Are you ready ?
The first pattern is definition. This is quite an easy
If we use a graphic organizer the besr to use is a
pattern we always say oh what does it mean?
spider map or also known as a semantic map. The
main idea is placed along the its diagonal line while
the details of the main idea are placed on the side of
the diagonals. If you right all this information this
Definition Paragraph spider map and put it in a paragraph then it becomes
the exemplification pattern. These are some sinal
-tells the reader what term or concept is being words for exemplification:
- may be formal or informal in giving definition of term
-after all -namely
or concepts
-as an -put another
Young people have crazy way they are asked to define -example -way
what love is. They say love is like a bubble gum, just -consider the following -specially
kidding. This pattern of development is commonly -for example -stated
used in the sciences humanities and business. Well -for instance -differently
-in other words -to be specific
common signal words for definitiona are,
-in particular -to clarify
-Definition paragraph common signal words: -in short -to illustrate

-> is defined as -> refers to

-> as defined as -> to define

Before you write consider this question..
-> means -> to illustrate
Guide or probing question for exemplification pattern
And these are some of your guide question or probing
questions for what is it, what are its limits?  What are some typical cases or example of it?
-Guide or probing questions for definition pattern:-
The third one is chronology or procedure as the name
* What is it?
implies this pattern organizes ideas or events
* What are its limits? according to time. It can be in the form.

Example of the defintion paragraph: CHRONOLOGY/PROCEDURE PATTERN

Social engineering is defined as any method which  Organizes ideas or events according to time
tricks people to share personal information through  Can either be in the form of narration or a
the use of technology. The social component in this process
scheme means that there is reliance on various  Some writers consider this also as a narrration
psychological tricks and on the gullibility users rather pattern
than technical hacking. Social engineering also refers
When you narrate you try to tell a story, you are
to various malicious acts online such as phising,
relating of series of events. Common signal words are
spamming, and pretexting.
By looking at the paragraph what are some signal
Chronoloogy/procedure signal words:
words, well the underline red words are signal words
First, second, next, then, soon, finally, eventually,
The second is the Exemplication pattern:

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