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A Research Proposal to Davao Oriental State University

San Isidro Extension Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in




MARCH 2024

Background of the study

Service quality is a vital determinant that upholds service providers’ core

focus and primary objectives, especially those in direct contact with the public.

However, While police intended to be guardians of public safety, they are facing

scrutiny over the quality of service they provide. Furthermore, issues like excessive

use of force, particularly against minorities, have breeds distrust, making it harder for

the police and the public to work together to create a truly safe and secure society.

Globally, there is a growing concern regarding the persistent neglect of

service quality. It has been observed that lack of professionalism affected the police

service quality in Ghana (Aywekanbe, 2020). In USA, approximately one in four

people shot and killed by a police officer in year 2015 up to 2020 showed signs and

symptoms related to mental health illness in which they concluded the need to

address those issues in police service to improve the quality of care given to the

community (Cheatham & Maizland 2020). (KULANG UG CITATION)

In the Philippines, the PNP faces quality services issues within the

community, specifically in Camarines Norte which garnered mixed approval ratings,

with some sectors showing high trust and respect while others displayed lower

commitment levels (Gilbas, 2022). However, in Sampaloc, Quezon revealed

challenges such as perceived police authoritarianism and lack of understanding of

community needs (Abuyan, 2014). Additionally, in Tuguegarao City police face

quality issues due to malpractice, pollical interventions, and padrino system

(Pajarillo-Guadamor, 2016).

. There is an obvious need of public trust from the people to the police officers

for it affects the community willingness to comply with the laws and regulations

implemented by the officers in the area. To ensure public satisfaction with the quality

of police service, the public asks police officers to improve the quality of service they

offer. In Tagum City, due to insufficient and poor quality of police service, the Police

Regional Officer (PRO) 11 Director replaced the former Chief of the City Police

Office in Tagum City following a series of killings in the city (Palo, 2019).

However, the researchers have not come across studies on police service

quality as perceived by the community specially in Municipality of Lupon.

Additionally, the researchers have not encountered studies on police service quality

that uses descriptive-comparative method. Thus, the researchers were motivated to

conduct this study. This study presents a unique opportunity for Lupon communities

to have their voices heard. By honestly responding to the survey's questions, they'll

directly contribute to shaping the future of police service in their community. The

survey delves into residents' personal experiences, capturing both positive and

negative perspectives on police quality. This invaluable feedback will be analyzed to

identify and address any inefficiencies, ultimately leading to a more effective and

responsive police force for Lupon.

Statement of the Problem

The primary goal of this research was to determine the level of police services
quality based on Luponian’s impressions and to compare the perceptions depending
on the demographic profiles of the respondents. Specifically, it sought to answer the
following questions:
1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. age;
1.2. gender;
1.3. educational attainment;
1.4. occupation; and
1.5. barangay?
2. What is the level of satisfaction of community on police service quality in Lupon in
terms of?
2.1. tangibility;
2.2. reliability;
2.3. responsiveness;
2.4. assurance; and
2.5., empathy?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile and the level
of police service quality as perceived by the residents when analyzed?
4. What are the recommendations and suggestions from community regarding in
the police service quality in Lupon?

The following hypothesis was formulated and tested 0.05 level of significance.
1. There are no significant differences on the level of satisfaction of
community on police service quality when analyzed according to age,
gender, educational attainment, occupation, and barangay.

This chapter presented the readings from the related literature, various

books, journals, and online articles written by different authors relevant to the

study of community satisfaction of police service quality and how these variables

are associated with one another.

Police Service Quality

Studies have shown that factors affecting service quality, such as tangibility,

responsiveness, and police service culture, have an impact on tourists' confidence in

the police, Nordin and Khalid, (2021). The South African Police Service is charged

with protecting the public, upholding public order, preventing, combatting, and

investigating crime, as well as safeguarding and securing the environment, citizens,

and their property. They have given station commanders useful tools to improve the

effectiveness of law enforcement and the police service (Modise et. al., 2020).

Muslims in Thailand thought the police provided better service than Buddhists did

(Sahapattana & Cheurprakobkit, 2019).

In the study of Mason et al., (2021), Community Service Centers (CSCs) are

formerly called "police stations" or "charge offices". The study focused on how

visitors evaluated the events leading up to their visit and their experience with the

quality of services they received. Results show that overall pleasure is not greatly

impacted by education and income factors. In addition, a study found that for the

police to deliver a high-quality service, they must implement organizational

leadership techniques with the goal of fostering effective loyalty among their ranks

and units, Mbugua, (2020). Despite widespread use, citizen assessments of police
performance are biased because judgment heuristics are inherently subjective. This

study investigates whether people's overall perceptions of the police have an impact

on how they rate specific characteristics of police. Results show that citizens'

perceptions of police service produce a halo that influences their assessment of

police civility, equal treatment, and honesty (Chang, 2022).

According to information gathered from 360 Pakistani individuals, the public is

happy with the level of service that the police delivered, Akhtar et al., (2012).

Furthermore, findings in the study of Wahyuni et al., (2018) tells that the quality

service of police in Wonogiri Police Precinct was essentially good. In order to

understand how capacity building affects service quality, Maina (2017) conducted a

study by employees of the Kenya Police Service 85 participants in a census study

were in Imenti South Sub County among active officers. The conclusions showed

that on the Work coaching had a positive and cynical impact on the level of service

provided by police officers statistically. Their ability to provide their services

effectively was directly correlated with both on-the-job and off-the-job capacity

building, although the difference was negligible. Moreover, it was shown that crime

rates were influenced by a number of social and economic factors in addition to

police training quality. Therefore, it was suggested that Kenya Police was necessary

for the service to develop tactics and guidelines that would ensure that tactical.

Studies of Loveday (2018) looked into the opinions provided by the merger of

lawmakers and law as a stimulus for adjustment following recommendations from

enforcement experts to eliminate all eight local Scottish forces by forming a single-

command, unified police force. It presented a number of recommendations to

reinstate a level of local accountability measures driven by the people. Local

Scotland notably lacked administrations, which was absent. The result of the study
acknowledged the requirement for significant consideration of ethical norms

established and overseen by local police forces to supply police services of a higher


Tangibility. According to Wahyuni et al. (2018), physical services of an

organization are indicated by solid and obvious evidence, such as their physical

facilities, buildings, location, accessibility of the office, their tools and equipment, and

the presence of the staff and employees. Tangibility of service excellence is defined

as the tangible elements provided by a service company, such as the equipment and

facilities. It also has to do with how service providers come across to both locals and

potential customers, Wei, (2019). Citizens' contentment is closely correlated with

tangibleness. A finding showed that this aspect of service quality regularly meets the

satisfaction of the citizens, Adane and Debebe, (2020). Additionally, Wei, (2019) also

asserts that a person's contentment is frequently impacted by how tangible a

service's quality is. Improvements must be made to the physical components, and

upkeep of facilities must be encouraged. The physical aspect of a business or

organization must be maintained since it consistently demonstrates outcomes that

have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. In order to ensure that the firm

can meet or even exceed the expectations of the customer, a company's staff should

cultivate its tangible service quality traits.

Study found that male cadets are more self-effective than female cadets in

making arrests, writing reports and using police equipment. The study compared the

perceived self-efficacy of 1023 cadets at a police college in a province in Southeast

China. Surveys with cadets 151 women and 872 men provided the basis for the

analysis of the data conducted by Chu et al. (2020). Police scholars have

demonstrated that while the supposedly rigid police culture has been split, some
aspects of the occupational culture of police have endured. By drawing on

ethnographic observations made in three U.S. police agencies, I explain how the

commemoration of officers died while on duty sustains one recurring characteristic of

police culture—the obsession with danger and probable death. In order to create an

organizational memory that locally reflects and reifies the relevance of danger and

likely death in law enforcement, officers and agencies employ commemorative

cultural artefacts (Sierra‐Arévalo, 2019).

The newest and perhaps most practical solution to complex social

problems is body-worn cameras. How do police feel about the heightened scrutiny?

To achieve its two objectives, this paper draws on two studies. Using the Perceived

Intensity of Monitoring (PIM) scale, police officers' perceptions of the dangers

connected to the recording and dissemination of BWC film are assessed, Adams and

Mastracci (2019). Police practitioners and academics place a lot of emphasis on

police leadership. However, the connection between police leadership and police

culture has received little attention. It is crucial for commentary to provide a critical

focus upon the relationship between these two complex concepts in the policing

field, where leadership is rhetorically presented as a way of limiting the harm caused

by occupational culture. (Cockcroft, 2019).

Over the course of their careers, police officers are exposed to a variety of

situations that could endanger their lives. Police officers suffer specific psychological

harm as a result of these incidents. Police departments strive to provide their officers

with cutting-edge technology tools and efficient operational training, but there are still

concerns about how well-prepared police officers are for the frequently crippling

psychological challenges of their jobs. In order to show how police officers can be

better prepared for the mental and emotional challenges of their jobs, some pertinent
psychological research findings will be presented in this paper (Papazoglou, 2020).

Reliability. According to Wahyuni et al. (2018), the definition of reliability is

the capacity to provide the promised services in a timely and accurate manner,

which entails living up to client expectations regarding timeliness, equality of

treatment for all clients, sympathy, and high accuracy. Reliability of service quality is

the capacity of service providers to offer and carry out pertinent and accurate

services in a timely way. Another name for reliability is trustworthiness, which

conveys the sincere and accurate services a business provides to its potential

clients, Wei (2019). Furthermore, a firm should pay particular attention to reliability

because it provides for a beneficial influence on citizen satisfaction. Then,

regulations must be strengthened to guarantee that service providers can regularly

keep their word. People are more likely to rate service quality as great if service

providers can provide accurate information that satisfies citizen requests, which

helps the organization's perception in general (Wei, 2019).

When it comes to dependability, the public expects a timely and error-free

service, Saruji et al. (2019). Police data is well acknowledged to have a number of

dependability issues, Gerell (2018). Reliable police officers should be rewarded for

upholding it, and the police service commission should support this, Nwani et al.

(2020). The force factor approach has drawn a lot of interest and has been utilized in

studies on the police force being used. Using the Seattle Police Department's official

reports, interactions between officers and suspects were classified. Maximum static

force factors were compared of force used by the officer to the resistance offered by

the subject. Dynamic forces, comprising up to 10 repetitions of dyadic action and

reaction, were also detected. (Hickman et al., 2015).

According to the WEF's (2015-2016) Global Competitiveness Report, Qatar

ranked third globally and first in the Arab world for the dependability of its police

services. Finland took first place, followed by New Zealand. The United States, the

United Kingdom, France, Singapore, Australia, and Hong Kong are all behind Qatar

in the world rankings, Peninsula, (2021). One of the numerous challenges the

coronavirus pandemic creates for law enforcement is the ongoing requirement to

respond to citizen calls. To the author's knowledge, no empirical studies on police

demand during a serious public health emergency have been conducted. Police

have been advised by numerous contingency plans to anticipate a significant and

possibly overwhelming rise in public demand during a pandemic. This study used

calls-for-service data from 10 major US cities to analyze how calls for service altered

during the early months of the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak in comparison to estimates

of call volume based on data from previous years. In contrast to earlier warnings,

fewer calls were made overall during the first few weeks of the pandemic. There

were notable increases in some call types, like calls to dead bodies, and significant

decreases in others, like calls about traffic collisions. The majority of other call types,

particularly those involving crime and order maintenance, persisted. Law

enforcement agencies face challenges as a result of variations in the frequency of

various call types, especially given that many will already be experiencing reduced

staffing as a result of the pandemic. Police leaders will be able to put evidence-

based plans in place to ensure they can continue to serve the public if they have a

thorough understanding of changes to calls (Ashby, 2020)

Responsiveness. The capacity to assist and deliver rapid and timely services

to individuals with clear information is referred to as responsiveness, Wahyuni et. al.

(2018). The readiness of a service provider to quickly give assistance reveals the

responsiveness of service quality, Alhkami and Alarussi (2016). It is a crucial factor

that will have a direct huge influence because most people prefer to have a quick

service rather than a delayed service. Service providers should constantly be

identified and available in order to offer customized or individualized attention to

each client as much as possible, and they should be expected to have enough

knowledge and abilities while giving relevant information whenever the clients are

needed. One of the most crucial aspects of service quality that is directly related to

service providers is responsiveness.

It can determine whether a service provider is successful or unsuccessful in

addressing a client's issue or query, which has a big impact on determining the

overall satisfaction and expectation of the client, Wei (2019). Rarely does empirical

research in the literature address outcomes crucial to public legitimacy, such police

responsiveness. The current study investigates how officers respond to non-coercive

requests for assistance from civilians during contacts, as well as how situational and

officer characteristics affect their willingness to comply. Police have demonstrated

their capacity to act in an emergency yet again. Both at the national and local levels,

police leadership relied on time-tested knowledge, institutions, and strategies to

handle enormous problems. Fresh methods are required where prior experience or

existing solutions have fallen short of solving the issue. Solutions were created right

away (Terrill & Mastrofski, 2002).

Assurance. Wahyuni et al. (2018) describe assurance as knowledge,

decency of compensation, and the staff's capacity to foster citizen trust in the

organization. The ability of service providers to inspire confidence and credibility in

their clients while providing services is referred to as assurance. In order to

understand a person's needs and desires, employees must continuously be

concerned with the assurance dimension, which has a significant impact on

satisfaction. A service provider will be able to reach and maintain a high level of

customer satisfaction as well as service quality if it can successfully address and

handle the complaints and concerns of the client, Wei et al. (2019. Presently, police

simply provide gatherings and peace order maintenance, which serve to end

confrontations and quell insurrections. Sometimes, the entire police force that

guarantees the public of excellent service is ignored Chu et al. (2010). In an effort to

satisfy the needs and desires of the society, assurance is either established

internally, where imposed processes are one possibility, or it is external. When

quality assurance is carried out correctly, it provides adequate feedback and

includes some kind of control (Modise, 2010).

If the police are not sufficiently trained or educated on the subject, it will be

difficult for them to identify the offenders and bring them before the justice system

due to the complexity of the investigation of such crimes. If this information's security

is compromised, it could negatively impact the MPS service's ability to deliver, public

confidence, and the organization's reputational values. Due to reputational

considerations, the organizational and service delivery environment for the

emergency services in the UK has been evolving swiftly and is anticipated to alter

considerably more in the near future. (Murphy et al., 2020).

This study's primary goal was to identify country-specific variables that

affected the decision to adopt voluntary assurance on integrated reports, the quality

of the assurance, and the selection of the assurance provider. All businesses listed

in the International Integrated Reporting Council's (IIRC's) example database

between 2011 and 2016 made up the sample for this study. The racial implications

of police body cameras (BWCs) in Canada are examined in this essay and the

contentious issues they raise regarding the politics of perception. We argue that
BWCs are failing to acknowledge the state violence that, in the first place, makes

racialized communities vulnerable to police brutality. We studied interview data from

four Canadian police forces utilizing the works of anti-racist and anti-colonialist

thinkers in order to support our thesis. How we view policing's increased visibility and

the potential promise of policing on video is altered by the inclusion of the politics of

not-seeing in the BWCs' narrative Glasbeek et al., (2020).

In order to improve the quality of the information gathered from adult and

adolescent sexual assault victims, the chapter summarizes police organizational

tactics. It also assesses how closely actual organizational strategies adhere to

recommendations for best practices. The discrepancy between best practice

interview technique—taught in training curricula—and actual practice in the field is a

recurring theme in contemporary research on interviewing. Based on our

comprehension of recent research on investigative interviewing as well as

international police interviewer training practices, we present an overview of key

requirements for evidence-based practice along with a list of frequently occurring

restrictions that prevent adherence to best interviewing practice (Westera et al.,


This study investigated how the public viewed the Community Service

Centers (CSC), formerly known as police stations or charge offices, of the South

African Police Service. The study examines whether there were any differences in

visitors' impressions of the events leading up to their visit and their experience with

the services they received based on various demographic criteria. 400 participants at

three CSCs took part in a survey to learn more about how and why they attended the

CSC, their level of satisfaction overall, and their feelings on their visit (measured via

the service quality dimensions). The findings show that while there are some
differences in experience and lead-up factors based on educational attainment and

income, overall satisfaction does not differ significantly by demography (Mason et al.


Empathy. emphasizes treating individual as persons, which includes taking

care of them, having a thorough grasp and knowledge of them, recognizing their

special needs, and providing a pleasant operating environment for them. It is the

firm's individual attention to locals and customers, such as the ease with which locals

can contact the company, employees' capacity to connect with them, and the

company's attempts to understand the desires and needs of its citizen, (Wahyuni et

al. 2018).

The way service personnel develop their attempts to identify citizens'

demands and call is connected to citizens’ satisfaction Jasinskas et al., (2016).

Empathy or the ability to put ourselves in another's shoes. The ability to see, feel,

and think as another person is a contentious and complicated idea. a contentious

topic of scholarship and popular debate Anti-racist feminist. Empathy is distrusted by

academics Pedwell, (2014) privileged sympathetic subjects' claims and appropriation

possibilities who perpetuate structural injustices and inequality. Empathy can be

understood as a resource, capacity, or asset, which fits neatly within neoliberal

ideologies, persons who are self-managing and entrepreneurial Gourguechon,


This study looked at how varied police services and diversity training

affected the level of intercultural empathy among Florida's public university police

officers. Campus police personnel at Florida's public institutions must be culturally

and socioculturally aware. A range of social, political, and economic problems have

historically influenced minority groups' perceptions of police officers and how officers
interact with their members. Over the past ten years, minority enrollment at Florida's

public colleges had climbed by double digits. Administrators of campus police must

ensure that the officers they hire are culturally competent in order to build strong ties

with the many academic groups they serve. (Vaughn & Johnson, 2021).

This study examines the efficacy of a four-session integrative group

program that aims to improve police officers' emotional intelligence, empathy,

resilience, and stress management abilities. The intervention group significantly

outperformed the control group in terms of emotional intelligence, empathy,

resilience, and stress management, according to the result Romosiou et al., (2019).

Police officers described how their attitudes toward domestic and family violence

have changed as a result of their repeated exposure to these types of incidents as

first responders. In one Australian state, 16 police officers were interviewed. While

many of the officers reported growing personally and developing better interpersonal

and open-minded skills, they also experienced a loss of hope. Officers cited futility,

paperwork, and scrutiny of their actions as factors that limited their capacity to cope

(Maple & Kebbell, 2021).

Particularly since the release of the 2015 Presidential Task Force on 21st

Century Policing Final Report, empathy is frequently cited as a crucial component for

improving community-police interactions. It is not surprising that there is a greater

need for empathetic policing; officers can only properly respond to community needs

when they can identify and understand them. When people believe that the police

are taking care of these issues, their confidence, trust, and attitude toward the police

as a whole improve Through the process of empathy, a person can imagine what

another person is feeling. Because of this, they can provide you with emotional

support. Police personnel must be sympathetic when engaging with a suspect,

victim, or someone suffering from a mental health problem. A police officer's ability to

empathize with others can have a positive effect on others' lives (Indeed Editorial

Team, 2021).

Police officers who assist rape and sexual assault victims are exposed to

extremely painful information. This study sought to determine whether these

specialist officers had experienced burnout, secondary traumatic stress, or

compassion fatigue and whether these factors were connected to trait and situational

empathy, which is crucial for maintaining victim involvement in the legal process.

Higher empathy may offer burnout protection. To comprehend the connections

between empathy, compassion exhaustion, secondary traumatic stress, and burnout,

longitudinal study is required. (Turgoose et al., 2017).

The research look into the claim that the indicators assisted to convey the

study’s variables, the Police Service Quality in Lupon, in light of the aforementioned

theories, conceptions, and propositions.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored to the concept of Parasuraman et al. (1988) that the

service quality can be characterized as an overall evaluation of the service's

attitude. It is widely acknowledged that service quality predicts total people

happiness. Service quality, according to Parasuraman et al. (1988), refers to an

organization's capacity to meet or exceed individual’s expectations. It is the

discrepancy between perceived service and customer service expectations

(Zeithaml et al., 1990). When expectations surpass performance, perceived quality

underperforms, leading to customer discontent (Zeithaml et al., 1990). To assess

perceived service quality, providers' performance against customers' expectations

is compared (Parasuraman et al., 1985).

Also, this study is supported with the Home Rule Theory which discusses

that the police are servants of the community or the people who maintain the

effectiveness of their function in accordance with the expressed wishes of the

people, serves as the study's theoretical foundation. In a nation with a

decentralized style of government, the police force is also dominant. Based on the

current laws, concepts, and principles, this is also the police service theory that

should be used in the Philippines (Garcia, 2015).

In addition, this study is based on the SERVQUAL framework of service

quality, which initially had 10 dimensions before being condensed to a five-

dimensional scale, according to Parasuraman et al. al (1988).

Additionally, the Galloway and Fitzgerald (1992) literature notes that the old

police motto, to serve and protect, traditionally placed emphasis on the latter role.
Citizen expectations for police protection quality service have increased

significantly in recent years. According to Lemarleni (2017), quality refers to the

abilities, experiences, attitudes, and other traits of people needed for a certain job

or position.

Thus, the chosen theories will help the researchers for understanding the

factors that influence individuals' decisions, particularly, the respondents view and

perception towards the matter being discussed. The researchers are hopeful that

such hypotheses would shed light on whatever factor affects their individual

perceptions- related thinking the most.

Conceptual Framework

This section presents the conceptual framework of the study. The

conceptual paradigm in Figure 1 shows the police service quality as the main

variable of the study which will be measured by the domains adopted from Chen et

al. (2014), namely, tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.

The arrow pointing from the demographic profile to the main variable signifies that

the study aspires to examine the difference in the extent of police service quality

as perceived by the community of Lupon, Davao Oriental when respondents are

categorized based on age, gender, educational attainment, occupation, and the

barangay where they belong.


Demographic Profile of
 Age
Police Service Quality
 Gender
 Tangibility
 Educational
 Reliability
 Responsiveness
 Occupational
 Assurance
 Barangay  Empathy

Figure1. Conceptual paradigm of the study.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be utilized to provide important information to

people studying a variety of subjects, including criminology. The outcome could be

incredibly significant and beneficial to those listed below.

Community. The outcome of this study will benefit Lupon residents by

measuring the level of their satisfaction with the quality of police service and

understanding the need to improve police service quality.

PNP (Philippine National Police). The study's findings provide police with

information, awareness, and communication tools to help them grow and improve

the quality of their services, as well as their communication and relationships with

Luponian’s citizens.

LGU and Brgy. Officials. This study will help them maintain positive relationships

and communication between community leaders and Lupon Police Officers. It will

also help them to monitor the quality of service of the police in the community.
Future Researchers. Future researchers may use the study's content,

concepts, and findings as a source of reference data. This research will also serve

as the foundation for their own study.

Definition of Terms

To understand some terminologies used in the study, the following terms are

herein defined conceptually and operationally:

Police Service Quality. Police service quality in essence, police service

quality service quality is the customer’s overall reaction to the service of the relative

organization. It is a group of police officers that represents the government's civil

power. And it is typically in charge of upholding law and order, protecting the public,

and stopping, spotting, and looking into illegal activity. These activities are referred to

as policing. At times, police are also given responsibility for several licensing and

regulatory tasks. (Holdaway et al. 2023). Quality related to policing is the ability of a

police officer to render the qualified attitude in performance of their duty to satisfy its

people Wu et al., (2019). In this study, it refers to the entire quality of services that

police has to offer to the residents”.

Tangibility. It is speaking to the physical look of facilities, equipment, staff,

and communication materials (Zygiaris et. al., 2020). In this study, it points out the

existing police staff or personnel, availability of equipment and tools that residents

can avail their services.

Reliability. It is the ability to consistently and precisely provide the service

that has been promised Zygiaris et al., 2020). In this study, it refers to the police’s

solidarity service to the residents.

Responsiveness. It is the eagerness to assist clients and give timely service

(Zygiaris et al., 2020). In this study, it refers to the police staff on how they respond

to the residents and their willingness to comply with their requests.

Assurance. It is the knowledge and civility of the staff members, as well as

their capacity to exude assurance and trust, that are quality of the staff. (Zygiaris et

al., 2020). In this study, it refers to the police’s word of honor on how they convey the

trust of residents to them.

Empathy. It is the kind, attentive service the business offers its clients

(Zygiaris et al., 2020). In this study, it refers to the police’s ability to understand its

Chapter 2


This chapter contains the methods and procedures the researchers used in

the study including the research design, research locale, population and sample,

research instrument, data collection, and statistical tools.

Research Design

This study utilized quantitative research design specifically employing

descriptive-comparative design. Quantitative approach is the most used research

framework, which collects a wide variety of numerical information (Coghlan &

Miller, 2014). Also, it is a technique for discovering information about a certain

population, often known as a sample. Further, it is based on scientific inquiry,

employs data that can be observed or quantified to answer questions about the

sample population (Allan, 2017).

Moreover, descriptive research tries to totally and accurately depict a set of

individuals, a circumstance, or an experience. A descriptive research design can

evaluate one or more elements using a variety of research methods. Descriptive

research is the best strategy to use when looking for features, frequencies, trends,

and classifications (McCombes, 2019).

Further, descriptive design is suited for this study given that it uses

frequency counts to describe the respondents' demographic profiles and rating

scales to gauge how community perceive the quality of the police service

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in the Municipality of Lupon in the southwestern part of
Davao Oriental and lies between 6°52’00’’ and 7°10’00’’ North latitude and

126°15’00’’ East longitude (Figure 2). Municipality of Lupon is composed of 21

Barangays; having the total population of 66,979 Philatlas, (2020). The researchers

also gathered respondents residing in selected 19 barangays of Lupon (Poblacion,

Ilangay, Bagumbaya, Marayag, Don Mariano, Calapagan, Corporacion, Maragatas,

Macangao, Tagugpo, Cocornon, Limbahan, Langka, Tagboa, San Isidro,

Cabadiangan, Mahayahay, Magsaysay, San Jose, and New Visayas).

Figure 2: Map of Lupon, Davao Oriental

Population and Sample

The respondents of this study are 65,541respondents within the five

(19) barangays of Lupon, Davao Oriental. Those people who choose not to

participate will have that option, the ethical considerations for this study are also

used by the researchers as considerations. This is so in order to fully make the most

out of the information, and scope that would be needed in this study.

There are 17,362 in Poblacion, 5,903 in Ilangay, 5,764 in Bagumbayan, 4,841 in

Marayag, 3.632 in Don Mariano, 3,442 in Calapagan, 3,342 in Corporation, 3,179 in

Maragatas, 2,285 in Macangao, 2,278 in Tagugpo, 2,210 in Cocornon, 2,049 in

Limbahan, 1,960 in Langka, 1,800 in Tagboa, 1,757 in San Isidro, 1,415 in

Cadadiangan, 1,042 in Mahayahay, 903 in Magsaysay, 716 in San Jose, 703 in New

Visayas. In measuring the number of samples in this study, the researcher will use

Raosoft Software. The Raosoft formula shown as follows:

Nx 2
𝑛 = 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 ((N-1)E +n=
x) /
𝑁 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 E=Sqrt[(N - n)x/n(N-1)]

𝑒 = 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 0𝑓

𝑟 = 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛

𝑍( ) = 𝐶𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 𝑐

To determine the smallest sample size for the study, this calculator examines the data

from a sample. The calculator's analysis is based on the researcher's tolerance for

error, the extent of the uncertainty, the sample size, and the distribution of the provided

replies (Raosoft, 2013).

Barangay Population Size Percentage% Sample Size

Poblacion 17,362 26% 99

Ilangay 5,903 9% 34

Bagumbayan 5,764 9% 34

Marayag 4,841 7% 27

Don Mariano 3,632 6% 23

Calapagan 3,442 5% 19

Corporacion 3,342 5% 19
Maragatas 3,179 5% 19

Macangao 2,285 3% 11

Tagugpo 2,278 3% 11

Cocornon 2,210 3% 11

Limbahan 2,049 3% 11

Langka 1,960 3% 11

Tagboa 1,800 3% 11

San Isidro 1,757 3% 11

Cabadiangan 1,415 2% 8

Mahayahay 1,042 2% 8

Magsaysay 903 1% 4

San Jose 716 1% 4

New Visayas 703 1% 4

Lantawan 396 1% 4
TOTAL 66,979 100% 382

To calculate the sample size using Raosoft Software for the given population

sizes of each household, we need to determine the margin of error (e). Let’s assume

a typical margin of error of 5%

Table 1. Table of Respondent
Research Instruments

In this study the researchers used an adapted questionnaire. This was

purposely chosen according to the focus of the study.

The Police Service Quality Instrument. To measure the community

satisfaction of the residents towards police officer, the researcher used The Police

Service Quality Instrument developed by Parasuraman et al. (1988) and modified

by Chen et. al. (2014) to measure the level of satisfaction of the residents in relation

to police service quality. The tool is composed of 25 items on a five-point Likert

scale response format having values ranging “1=very dissatisfied” to “5=very

satisfied”. However, the research instrument underwent pilot testing with a

Cronbach alpha of 0.957, this means excellence.

For interpretation, the range of means, descriptions, and interpretations below

were used.

Parameter Limit Description Interpretation

4.20-5.00 Very High This means that the

residents are very highly

satisfied with the police

service quality.

3.40-4.19 High This means that the

residents are highly

satisfied with the police

service quality.

2.60-3.90 Average This means that the

residents are averagely

satisfied with the police

service quality.

1.80-2.59 Low This means that the

residents are lowly

satisfied with the police

service quality.

1.00-1.79 Very Low This means that the

residents are very lowly

satisfied with the police

service quality.
Data Collection

It is presented in this section the process of seeking permission to conduct the

study, the seeking of consent from the respondents, administration and retrieval of

the questionnaires, and checking, collating and processing of data.

Seeking Permission to Conduct the Study. The researcher submit the research

protocol to the Research Ethics Committee for ethical review and clearance and

sought for certificate of approval to conduct the study. After the approval from the

Research Ethics Committee, the researcher ask for the permission and approval

from the school president with the recommending approval from the program head,

data privacy officer, research director, and the vice president for academic affairs.

After all the approvals, the researcher has proceeded to ask and select possible

gatekeepers from the barangay officials in each selected Barangay in the city. After

the selection of gatekeepers, the researcher conduct an orientation to them about

the study and their roles as gatekeepers. The researcher has provided a

confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement and required all the gatekeepers to

sign it.

Seeking of Consent from the Respondents. The researchers has introduced

themselves together with the chosen gatekeepers of each barangay and presented a

letter of approval to conduct a study signed by the school president and their

respective barangay captain to the possible respondents asking them to be part of

the study. After the respondents gave their permission to the researchers, the
researchers gave them a copy of the Informed Consent Form to be signed by them.

After the respondents filled out the Informed Consent Form with their signatures, the

researches proceeded to administering the survey questionnaire. After answering

the survey questionnaire, the respondents received a Privacy Notice for Research

Respondents, which would fully notify them of the types of data that were collected,

how they will be collected and used, as well as other details related to the Data

Privacy Act.

Administration and Retrieval of the Questionnaires. As soon as the researchers

received completed Informed Consent Form from a willing respondents, they handed

them survey questionnaire for the study. The researchers had explained to the

respondents on how they were going to rate each item. The responses of each

respondents would only be accessible only to the researchers. To protect the

respondents' identity and confidentiality, the researchers did not request any of their

personal information.

Checking, Collating and Processing of Data. The researchers have examined and

verified that the respondents have followed the instruction on the paper and have

answered every item fully, and if there are any items left unanswered, the

researchers have explained and asked the respondents again to answer all items

that were left unanswered to avoid invalidation of their survey questionnaire. All the

survey questionnaires with all the respondent’s responses have been kept by the

assigned researcher. The researchers have tallied all data in a spreadsheet in

accordance with the statistician’s preferred method for handling data statistically.

The researcher has delivered the spreadsheet containing the data to the statistician
after organizing all the complete data.

Source of Data

This study will be based on primary data collected through survey

questionnaires. This study will use a survey questionnaire to address the objectives

of the study. The survey questionnaire will undergo a test for validity and reliability.

Reliability refers to the consistency that is measured. The measurement becomes

trustworthy if the same result can be consistently obtained using the same

procedures under the same conditions; this refers to validity. Thus, the tool that will

be developed with the draft will be presented to the adviser for remarks,

suggestions, and recommendations from the validators.

Statistical Tool

The following statistical tool will be used in analyzing the data gathered in

this study. Lupon, Davao Oriental, and will especially use in an answer as the

basis for Police Service Quality. The researcher uses mean, standard deviation,

and analysis of variants.

Mean. The mean scores determined the level of the police service quality as

perceived by the community in Lupon. This was used to answer problem 1 and 2.

Standard Deviation. The standard deviation will be used to assess the

homogeneity of respondents' opinions regarding the standard of police service as

viewed by the municipality of Lupon community. This was utilized to resolve

problem number two.

Analysis of Variants (ANOVA). This will be used to assess if there is a

significant relationship on the level of police service quality as perceived by the

community when analyzed according to age, gender, educational attainment,

income, and barangay. In particular, this has answer problem number 3

Ethical Consideration

This section outlines a set of guiding principles for our study designs and

procedures, including voluntariness, informed consent, anonymity, confidentiality, the

possibility of damage, and the transmission of results.

Only the community of Lupon will participate in this survey as research

respondents. In order to ensure that the ethical standards specified in Belmont's

Report are upheld throughout the study process, the researcher determined

essential ethical principles for doing research and creates guidelines (Shore, 2006).

Examples of this include justice, beneficence, and respect for persons.

Respect for person is to be recognized as a person and treated in a way that

respects their unique moral perspective. This could be seen as not seeing people as

mere resources and instead respecting their individuality, rights, and preferences.

(Hodson et. al., 2022).

This study includes participants above the age of 18. The researchers have

utilized an informed consent form that contains the purpose/objectives of the study,

the study procedure, the emphasis on voluntary participation, potential risks,

benefits, and rewards, researcher responsibilities for the duration of the study,

privacy and confidentiality provisions, and other important information to ensure that

all participants were fully informed about the purpose and nature of the study.

Participation must be entirely voluntary; all the participants must not force to

participate during the conduct of the study. All participants who participated has the

right to quit any time for any personal reason. Researchers have ensured that all
participants were not manipulated. The privacy of the respondent will be maintained

and respected; as a result, they had only asked to answer questions that they feel

comfortable answering, and they were permitted to avoid any questions they feel call

for reserved responses.

Beneficence is to maintain the welfare of human research participants by

doing no harm to them while increasing benefits to participants and society (White,


The result of this study will present the respondents with more advantages

than disadvantages. This will enable the community of Lupon to express their

thoughts, opinions, complaints, and perceptions will be heard and taken into

consideration by the researchers as they undertake this study on police service

quality. The researcher will ensure that the respondents won't suffer any harm while

the study is being conducted or thereafter. The study will be conducted in a discreet

manner, and the questionnaire will not contain any sensitive information.

Justice researchers are always fair to their research participants, and the

requirements of research participants should always come before the study's aims

(Fisher & Bloomfield, 2019).

That the respondents have been chosen fairly using cluster sampling. As a

result, everyone in the population who meets the eligibility requirements had an

equal chance of taking part in the study.

Every question on the survey questionnaire relates to the research and is

written in a way that survey respondents had understand. The researchers asked the

respondents to complete the survey questionnaire in a location and time that

provides them with privacy, comfort, and convenience. The respondents had been

compensated with a ballpen and a candy.

The researcher’s adviser is primary responsible to guide and inspire students

to reach the researcher’s scholarly potential, promotes their intellectual growth as

well as to guide their research progress and to uphold high academic and research


Data Privacy. This study will acquire the respondents’ profiles and

normally, their answers too. Thus, confidentiality, protection, and privacy of the

respondents’ profiles and responses will always be properly observed throughout

the whole duration of the study. Providing their names was optional. Moreover, in

the questionnaire, RA 10173, or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 was presented in

order to give further clarification and assurance to the respondents that the

researchers respect the privacy of the information gathered.


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