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The fresh plant of Mikania scandens, Methanol, Mayer's reagent, Wagner's reagent, Hager's
reagent, Dragendorffs reagent, Glacial acetic acid, Feric Chloride, Conc. Sulphurie acid,
Benzene, Ammonia, Molisch's reagent, Fehling's A & B Solution, Benedict's reagent, Sodium

Hydroxide, Copper Sulphate, Ninhydrine reagent, Lead acetate, Chloroform, Agar nutrient,
Streptomycin, Aspirin, tween 80, Nutrient broth, Sterile water.


Measuring cylinder, Beaker, Pipette, water bath, Beaker, test tube, test tube holder, Pipette, Glass
road, Funnel,weight machine.

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