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Assessment 2
Tasmanian School of Business and Economics

Socially Responsible Investing

Semester 1 2024
ASSIGNMENT: Due Date: No later than midnight on 5th May 2024
Assessment: 35%
Word Limit: 2500 Words

This assignment is designed for you to:

• Demonstrate advanced knowledge of different forms of SRI.

• Apply the identified analysis tools used by SRI investors.
• Justify why and how socially responsible investment creates positive social
and environmental impacts.
• Professionally communicate your findings in a report to management.

In your answer you should consider the following:

1. Ensure that you answer all the requirements of the assignment.
2. Please submit on MyLO.
3. This assignment is worth 35% of your total semester assessment.

For equity to all students we will only provide some guidance to direct questions on
the assignment task and therefore not review partially completed work prior to
submission and will avoid tutoring students to a solution.

The organisation you work for is Mine Super. It is an industry fund providing
superannuation investments for employees in mining related industries. The fund is
reviewing its default portfolio choices (ie the portfolio’s new members are allocated
to if they don’t make their own specific choices). The trustees of the fund are
considering introducing a default portfolio which invests in a socially responsible


Mine Super has requested you produce a report to inform the trustees of the
alternatives approaches available, a specific approach they should consider, and the
relative merits of this approach.

Your report should include an overview of alternatives forms of implementing

Socially Responsible Investing, and the global and domestic trends in
implementation approaches to socially responsible investing. Your report will
include selecting and justifying a relevant approach for Mine Super to consider for
their default superannuation portfolio. This will include explaining the tools and
analysis which will be applied when implementing this approach. Your report will
also explain how the selected approach will positively deliver social and
environmental impact.

Further notes for assignment completion. Please read these notes thoroughly. It is your
responsibility to meet the requirements.
1. Unless otherwise advised in writing, all work submitted for assessment must be
completed by the student alone. While discussion of the topic is encouraged, no
student is permitted to use any work of any other person and any material used
from any publication must be acknowledged in full.
2. Any applications for extensions must be received by the unit coordinator before
the due dates. Such applications will be treated on their merits. Work and family
commitments do not normally constitute sufficient reason for the granting of
3. Bibliographies are required for assignments. You should acknowledge all
references you used to assist you in completing the assignment. This includes your
textbooks and your study notes.

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