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Tom : Dorothy , tell me what’s in Helen benedict’s letter. You look quite pale.

Dorothy : This is terrible . The Benedicts expect to be back on Saturday evening!

Tom : oh dear, that is a nuisance. They didn’t tell us exactly which day the
expected to come back.

Dorothy : No, I forget to ask them how long they meant to stay in Scotland. But I
didn’t expect them to come until Monday. Your mother will still be here on
Saturday. She’s staying until Sunday. We haven’t a room for Mr. And Mrs.

Tom : We can’t tell mother to go home one day early.

Dorothy : can I write to them and ask them to stay two more days.

Tom : No, it’s to late, they won’t get the letter. We had better get Patrick to sleep
in the box-room. He won’t mind . It’s only for two days. then we can ask mother
to move into his room.

Dorothy : don’t you think she’ll mind doing that ?

Tom : No I’m sure she won’t mind .

Dorothy : Then will you speak to hear at once ? I want to have it settled.

Tom : All right .

Dorothy : I’d better tell Mrs. Banks to help your mother to move her things. And
then I’ll get her to turn out the big bedroom , and get it ready for the Benedicts.

Tom : you see, we’ll manage all right!

Listen ( 29)
John : Excuse me- good morning! Can you direct me to Robertson’s stores?

Man : Robertson’s stores . Now , let me see. Oh yes of course. Keep straight a
long this road for about a quarter of a mile. Take the third turning on the right.
I think it’s the third , but I’m not quite sure. Anyway. you can’t miss it, because
it’s near a church. A narrow street, only twenty feet wide. The stores are on the
left about a hundred yards down the road.

John : so it isn’t very far from here.

Man : oh, no, it’s about ten minutes walk. It’s a tall building about sixty feet

John : Ah, the national museum’s near there, too , isn’t it ?

Man : oh, no that’s a long way off. You had better take a bus . It’s at least a mile

John : thank you.

Helen : that hill called Arthur’s eat, isn’t it ?

Man : yes that’s right.

Helen : there must be a very fine view from up there!

Man : yes it’s several hundred feet about the city.

John : well, thank you very much.

Man : not at all ; it’ a pleasure .

Helen : do you know. I understood every word that man said.

John : well, of course you did, he doesn’t a Scotland at all, we happened do ask
an Englishman the way.

Cry \ cried Clear Change Sun

Get\ got Cloudy cloud Sunshine
Rain Dry grade Umbrella
Shine\ shone How weather Snow
Nice Raincoat Think Score
Storm Rainy sky shower
Upset Sunny Windy wet
Deliver Finish give Mail
Sigh Show send Pick out
Cash a check In line Write a check Also
Bank Near address crowded
Check Identification Driver’s license envelope
Mailman Letter Money order Package
Return address Post office people postcard
Stamp Street state teller
Travel’s check Ship jet Boat
Vehicle Travel helicopter blade
leave Get in Get off Get on
Season Graduate without drugstore
fork plate glass Knife
Cup and saucer Knife spoon napkin
Leave a tip delicious sure awful
Listen( 38)

Tom : hello, Benedict, come inside. you lock warm.

John : yes I’ve been sitting in the garden. In the sun.

Tom : have a drink.

John : oh I’ve have been hoping you would say that !

Tom : I think this beer is quite cool. Tell me , what has Elsa been doing
since we saw you last?

John : she’s been studying color chemistry for the last two years

Tom : what on earth is color chemistry ? it sounds rather interesting.

John : yes, it is very interesting and also very practical. It’s the
chemistry of paints and dyes

Tom : and he’s done two years of this?

John : yes, there’s more year to go. When she’s taken her final
examination. I want her to come to England.

Tom : rally, Why is that?

John : well, there an excellent chemistry department at Leeds

university, and she’ll do a year’s work there. We’ll miss her, because
she’s been living at home during her university course.

Tom : yes but a year soon goes by!

John : yes, and it’ll be good for her to study in a foreign country.
She’ll have better opportunities of getting a goo job.
Listen (28)
Helen : these are our seats, aren’t they?

John : yes, I think they are. Row F, number five, six and seven. That’s right.

Helen: Aren’t you going to buy a program?

John : of course not. Elsa bought three yesterday, didn’t you , Elsa ?

Elsa : yes, here they are.

Helen : you’ll want a drink in the interval, won’t you?

John : yes, I certainly will.

Elsa : we can all go thorough to the bar from here, can’t we ?

Helen : what’ the first item on the program ? A Beethoven symphony, isn’t it?

John : yes, but I think they always play the national anthem first.

Elsa: father , you know somebody in this orchestra , don’t you?

John : yes, old George MacDougall, the first clarinet-player. Don’t you
remember? He came to our house for a holiday when you were little girl.

Elsa : he was that man with a red beard , wasn’t he?

Helen : yes that’s the man. John, isn’t that George coming in now?
Doesn’t he look different without his beard!

John : of course he looks different because that isn’t George at all!

George is already sitting own. There you can see him, can’t you?

Helen : I needn’t take my hat off, need I?

John : no, do just as you like.

Helen : h, here’ the conductor.

Listen (27)

John: Are you going out?

Helen: yes. T to go a long Princes street.

John: oh. What are you going to o there?

Helen: oh, I’ll probably buy a few things.

John: Have you enough money, or will you want some more?

Helen: I think I’ll have enough. I needn’t buy many things. Will you come to?

John: No I don’t think I will. I feel tired, and I want to rest.

Helen: then Elsa must come with me instead. I’ll lose my way if I go alone.
I can’t understand what people say in Edinburgh.

John: you must learn to understand the way the speak.

Helen: I know. But we’ll only be here for a few days. And I can’t learn to do that
so quickly. John. Must I take my rain- coat? Do you think it’ll rain?

John: No, it won’t rain this morning. You needn’t take a coat. Don’t you want
any breakfast?

Helen: Not rally.

John: oh, you must eat something before you go out. You’ll be hungry before

Helen: No. I won’t. I’ll get a cup of coffee and a cake at a café.

John: well, all right. But you mustn’t faint in the street!

Helen: It doesn’t matter; Elsa will be with me.

Jon: she doesn’t understand the Scot either.

Listen (24)

Helen: After we left the pub an were on the way home, something funny
Tom: oh ! what was that?
Helen: A car came behind us , an began hooting. We I not know who it was.
John thought it was the police. The river went on hooting. John rove
slowly, an the car went past and stopped. The driver go out .

Tom: And you know him.

Helen: No, we didn’t know him at all. We sat n waited. He came up to us and l.
looked through the window . Good evening, he said did you have a meal
at the King’s head? That was the name of the pub, yes we did, Jon
answered . oh that’s good, you are the right people. Well, your forgot
your handbag , Madam! So I brought it with me –here it is . and he gave
me my bag I thanked him , and asked , did you come after us specially?
No , he said I ‘m riving to London in any case. Well, now wasn’t that

Tom: was there anything valuable in ther bag?

Helen: It had all my money , my passport, an our tickets to Scotland in it.
Tom: then you really lucky!

Listen ( 25)

Dorothy: did the Benedicts gets their train all right?

Patrick: yes, I saw them at the station. They sent their best wishes to both of you.
Dorothy: Have we their address in Scotland ? or did we forget to ask them ?
Patrick: NO , they gave it to me before they left. I wrote it somewhere in my
diary . oh, yes here it is.
Dorothy: thank you ,Patrick. So all went well?
Patrick: Amm Elsa was very late for the train
Dorothy: was she? Why was that?
Patrick: I took her to the station in a taxi. It cost six shillings. Then I held her
suitcase, and she went an bought some fruit. She wanted a paper too. I
think she spent all her money . because she took a very long time. The
train was due to leave at ten .at five to ten he still wasn’t back. I was

Patrick: but the she ran up to me an took the suitcase ( come on, run) she said. I
put her into the train at exactly ten o’clock. The porter hut the doors.
And then after all that. The train started late, an I stood for ten minutes
on the platform.
,according to the official chinee news agency scientists chinese academic sciences

.Programs ha been facing one of the worst financial cruises in his history that’s

Hell….that is atelephon beel….that is atelphone beel ……that is apen ……thjat
Is abook … that is apen …that is abook …thatisadog… that is atelephon …that
. is adoor …adog abook
An orang …this Is an orang …an aeroplan …that Is an aeroplan what is this ?
. that is apen …what is that ? …this is abook
? What is this ? this is adoor …that Is adoor …what Is that
.This is abell…goodbye… goodbye

.This is aroom …thatis awall…that is a window… this is a lamp
This is a pen , and this is apencil… that Is abox …these are bells
Abell …bells … this Is a dog…these are a dogs…this is: these are…that is :those
.…are …that is an aeroplane
…Those are a eroplanes … a book ; books …these are books
…A match; matches ….this is a match … these are matchese
That is abox …these are boxes …what are these?…what are thoe? …those are a
.dogs …what are those ?… these are pencils
What are these ? … those are orangs … an orang; oranges … these are walls,
…and those are windows … this Is a telephone bell. And those are aeroplanes


Luncheon Barbecue afraid anniversary

Celebrate afterwards barbecue mayonnaise
Drop in anywhere beer mustard
Have got as catsup pickles
Have over befor celebration potato \salad
Hold-held fresh ceremony rain check
invite inside cheese reception miss
nowhere chocolate roll
slice outsidde club sauce
somewhere company steak would
stale drink strawberry disorganized
indifferent guest wedding help
yourself pale invitation wine
well-built sensitive ketchup slim
smart served vague
Apply alive Africa
Die around air life-lives
earn dead Antarctica
Leave-left else application
Notice in addition to asia
Order overseas order
Photograph unusual certificate photo
Postpone unusually continent
Reguire usual death - reason
Was-were going to monster docoument
Ride photo museum
Elephan seal carcass europe history
Coologist cargo america
Hoax holiday visa
Sighang honeymoon South
Leave-left else application
Notice in addition to asia
Order overseas order
Photograph unusual certificate
Postpone unusually continent
Reguire usual death reason
Was-were going to monster docoument
Ride photo museum
Elephan seal carcass europe history
Coologist cargo america
Hoax holiday visa
Appear allergic allergy pharmacy
Bleed-bled dizzy aspirin pill
Calm-(down) hereelf bed rest
Examine himself blood pulse
Injure blood pressure record ill
Lie-lay-lain down itself care seat
Oprate myself clinic shot
Prescribe ourselves drug sick call
Guite down pulled flu social security
Seem sprained injury card
Sign in-out still labortory
Treat swollen mediction number
Wipe themselves mirror
A strong as a horse twisted muscie table
Bear in min your self opration treament
Have no hesitaion your selves
(all) by oneself get aprescripition

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