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Validate Enhanced Talent Profiles Setup Data

Parameters: None


Can this
be fixed
by "Fix
d Talent
Item Validation Message(s) Root Cause
c test?

If environment is on
Classic Talent Profiles:

Critical: You are using

a decommissioned
version of Talent
Profile Management.

Fix Action: You must

upgrade to Enhanced
Talent Profile
immediately! For more
Check if environment is information,refer to this
1 document: Upgrading NA NA
on Classic Talent Profiles
Oracle Fusion Profile
Management (Doc ID

If environment is on
Enhanced Talent

The POD is using

Enhanced Talent
Profile Management .

Print the following


 Count of person
2 profile type NA NA
 Count of
migrated person
profile type
 Count of active
person profile
type sections
 Count of model
profile type
 Count of
migrated model
profile type
 Count of active
model profile
type sections

Print the values of the

following profile options
along with the
corresponding WHO
column values


Print the Alerts

Notification Setup


If migrated:

Career Statement,
Talent Ratings and
Resource Manager
content sections have
been migrated to
Enhanced Talent

Verify if Career
If not migrated:
Statement, Talent Ratings
and Resource Manager
Warning: The following Customer could have performed migration without
content sections that
5 content sections are not Yes selecting any content sections, or they could have
cannot be added from the
migrated to Enhanced performed an incorrect FSM Import.
Manage Profile Types UI
have been migrated to Talent Profiles.
Enhanced Talent Profiles
Fix Information: If you
want to use these
content sections, you
need to either rollback
and migrate again to
Enhanced Talent
Profiles, or run Fix
Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
diagnostic test by
passing the parameters
Configure Career
Statement Section,
Configure Talent
Rating Sections or
Configure Resource
Manager Sections as Y,
as appropriate.

If migrated:

All the Profile Types

have been successfully
migrated to Enhanced
Talent Profiles.

If not migrated:

Warning: The following

Verify if all the profile Profile Types have not Customer could have performed migration without
type records have been been migrated properly Yes
6 selecting any content sections, or they could have
migrated to Enhanced to Enhanced Talent performed an incorrect FSM Import.
Talent Profiles Profiles and hence they
cannot be used.

Fix Information: Run

Fix Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
diagnostic test to fix
these profile types by
passing Configure
Profile Types parameter
as Y.

If all active sections

have subscribers:

All the active person

profile type content
sections have

If there are active

sections without
Check if there are active
person profile type
7 No Knowledge issue
sections without any
subscribers. Warning: The following
active person profile
type content sections do
not have any

Fix Information: You

may want to add
subscribers to be able to
consume these sections
in different pages.
If not present:

All the active person

profile type content
sections have valid

If present:

Check if there are any Warning: The following

active person profile type active person profile
8 Yes Latent migration issue or incorrect FSM Import
sections with obsolete type content sections
subscribers. have obsolete

Fix Action: Run Fix

Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
diagnostic test by
passing Delete Obsolete
parameter as Y.

If not present:

None of the model

profile content sections
have subscribers

If present:
Check if there are any
model profile content Warning: The following
9 Yes Latent migration issue or incorrect FSM Import
sections having subscriber model profile content
rows. sections have
subscribers present.

Fix Action: Run Fix

Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
diagnostic test by
passing Delete
Incorrect Subscriptions
parameter as Y.

If not present:

None of the talent

ratings content sections
Check if there are any have subscribers
talent ratings content present.
10 Yes Latent migration issue or incorrect FSM Import
sections having subscriber
If present:

Warning: The following

talent ratings content
sections have
subscribers present.

Fix Action: Run Fix

Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
diagnostic test by
passing Delete
Incorrect Subscriptions
parameter as Y.

If none of the section

properties are

There are no duplicate

content section

If there are duplicated

section property rows:
Check if there are any
active sections with Incorrect FSM Import (like importing V1 setup data
11 Warning: The following Yes
duplicated section into V2 POD)
property rows. content section
properties are

Fix Information: Run

Fix Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
diagnostic test by
passing Delete
Duplicate Properties
parameter as Y.

If the field is configured

to be displayed for all
competency sections:

The Evaluation Type

field has not been
hidden for any of the
Competency content
Check if the Evaluation
Type field is hidden for If the field is configured
12 No Knowledge Issue
any of the Competency as hidden for any of the
content sections. competency sections:

Warning: The
Evaluation Type field
has been hidden for the
following Competency
content sections.

Fix Information: You

may want to review
and change the display
type for the same.

If translations are

All the evaluation types

defined for Competency
content sections have
translations present for
all the installed

If translations are not

Check if translations are
missing for any of the Warning: The Latent Issue for new competency content sections
13 evaluation types following evaluation Yes
created post migration
configured for custom types do not have
competency sections translations present for
all installed languages.

Fix Information: Run

Fix Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
diagnostic test to fix the
untranslated evaluation
types in Competency
content sections by
passing Translate
Evaluation Types
parameter as Y.

If DFF context is
configured for all
content sections:

Descriptive flexfield
context values are
configured for all the
active content sections.

If DFF context is not

configured for all
Check if descriptive
content sections:
flexfield context values
Old code issue (no longer replicable on V2 PODs) or
14 are not configured for any Yes
Warning: Descriptive incorrect FSM Import
of the active content
sections. flexfield context value is
not configured for the
following active content

Fix Information: You

should either edit these
content sections and
save them from Manage
Profile Types page, or
run Fix Enhanced
Talent Profiles Setup
Data diagnostic test by
passing Configure
Descriptive Flexfield
Context parameter as Y
for the descriptive
flexfield context to be

If they are in sync:

The value set

configuration in the
section properties
defined for all active
content sections are in
sync between master
and subscriber rows.

If they are out of sync:

Check if Value Sets Warning:

defined for section
properties are in sync The value set
15 between master and configuration for the Yes Incorrect FSM import.
subscriber rows for all following section
active person profile type properties is not in sync
content sections. between master and
subscriber rows

Fix Information: You

should either delete and
add the subscriber
again for the mentioned
content section, or run
Fix Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
diagnostic test by
passing Synchronize
Section Properties
parameter as Y.

If they are in sync:

The default value

configuration in the
section properties
defined for all active
Check if default values set content sections are in
for section properties are sync between master
in sync between master and subscriber rows.
16 Yes Incorrect FSM Import.
and subscriber rows for
all active person profile
If they are out of sync:
type content sections.


The default value

configuration for the
following section
properties is not in sync
between master and
subscriber rows

Fix Information: You

should either delete and
add the subscriber
again for the mentioned
content section, or run
Fix Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
diagnostic test by
passing Synchronize
Section Properties
parameter as Y.

Invalid value sets,

Customer should correct
lookups or default values
17 the value set or default No Knowledge Issues or Incorrect FSM Import
at master or subscriber
values as appropriate.

If no empty value sets


All the item catalogs

configured for different
section properties have
content items defined.

If empty:
Empty value sets assigned
18 No Knowledge Issue
to section properties Warning: The item
catalogs configured for
the following section
properties do not have
any content items

Fix Action: You should

define content items for
these item catalogs.

If not, we would display

the discrepancies for the
corresponding sections
Verify if content section
and customer would
access configured for
need to run Fix
different content sections
19 Enhanced Talent Yes Security data migration between PODs
and the corresponding
Profiles Setup Data
reference grants present in
diagnostic test by
fnd_grants are in sync.
passing Synchronize
Reference Grants
parameter as Y.

20 Print the POD name Pod Name: <> NA NA

Check if the parent If the parent section

section reference is valid references are valid:
21 No Incorrect FSM Import
on all the model profile
sections and that they
point to person profile All the model profile
type sections (except type sections have valid
Behavior content parent section
sections) references.

If the parent section

references are invalid in
any of the model profile
type sections:

Warning: The following

model profile type
sections have invalid
parent section

Fix Information:
Follow the steps
provided in document:
Steps to update
incorrect parent section
references in model
profile content sections
(Doc ID: 2923750.1) to
correct the same.

Print Migration Requests

22 NA NA

Print the list of FSM

Import processes
23 submitted by customer in NA NA
the last 90 days for profile
setup objects

If duplication found:

Warning: The following

person profile type
content sections have
display order

Fix Info: Run Fix

Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
Check if display order is
diagnostic test to fix the
24 duplicated for any person Yes Incorrect FSM Import
display order by passing
profile content section.
Fix Display Order for
Person Profile Sections
as Y.

If no duplication found:

Display order is
correctly configured for
all person profile type
content sections.
25 Verify if customer has If present, print the list of Yes Custom DSPs created by customers via security
created custom DSPs to custom DSPs asking console.
grant content section access customer to delete the

26 Print Profile Items DFF last NA NA NA

deployment values

27 Check if the context If validation fails, show NA NA

segment is hidden for the following warning
DFF by running the
following query.
Warning: The display
select type of context segment
descriptive_flexfield_code, corresponding to Profile
context_code, Items Descriptive
segment_code, display_type Flexfield is set as
from Hidden. As a result, the
fusion.fnd_df_segments_vl descriptive flexfield
where segments would not be
descriptive_flexfield_code displayed for any of the
= 'HRT_PROFILE_ITEMS' profile content sections.
and column_name =
; Fix Action: You should
set the display type of
context segment
corresponding to Profile
Items Descriptive
Flexfield as either "Text
Box" or "List of
Values" and redeploy
the Profile Items
Descriptive Flexfield.
28 Check if customer has If such a skill section is NA NA
created a Skill section and found:
subscribed to Skills Center
without owning Oracle
Fusion Global Human Warning: The following
Resources. Skill section has a Skills
Center subscription.
Skills Center is part of
Oracle Dynamic Skills
and available for use to
you if you own Oracle
Fusion Global Human

Fix Action: If you do not

own Oracle Fusion
Global Human
Resources, you can
remove the subscription
manually from the
Person Profile Type
when there are no skill
items, or you can run
Fix Enhanced Talent
Profiles Setup Data
diagnostic test by
passing Remove Skills
Center Subscriber
parameter as Y to
remove it when there are
skill items.

If there is no skill section

with Skills Center

None of the Skill

sections has the Skills
Center Subscriber.

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