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Review Article

Radionuclide Imaging in the

Diagnosis and Management of
Orthopaedic Disease

Wellington Hsu, MD Nuclear medicine imaging is often used in the diagnosis and
Thomas M. Hearty, MD, DPT management of several orthopaedic conditions. Bone scintigraphy
measures gamma ray emission to detect the distribution of an
injected radiolabeled tracer on multiple image projections. In
general, this imaging modality has relatively high sensitivity but low
specificity in the diagnosis of occult fractures, bone tumors,
metabolic bone disease, and infection. Positron emission
tomography measures tissue metabolism and perfusion by
detecting short half-life positron ray emission of an injected
radiopharmaceutical tracer. Historically, positron emission
tomography has been used only to monitor bone metastasis and
aid in the diagnosis of osteomyelitis; however, this technology has
recently been applied to other orthopaedic conditions for which
current imaging modalities are insufficient.

R ecent advances in the accuracy,

availability, and protocol develop-
ment of nuclear medicine imaging have
agent by measuring bodily gamma
ray emission with a specialized cam-
era. Radioactive tracers localize to
From the Department of led to rapid changes in the indications tissue with metabolic activity (ie, tis-
Orthopaedic Surgery, Northwestern and use of these modalities in ortho- sue undergoing acute change and/or
University, Chicago, IL.
paedics. Unlike conventional diagnos- repair). The type of tracer used de-
Dr. Hsu or an immediate family tic methods such as plain radiography pends on the tissue of interest. For
member is a member of a speakers’ example, in bone, a radiopharma-
and CT, radionuclide imaging can mea-
bureau or has made paid
presentations on behalf of Pioneer sure real-time metabolic activity, ceutical such as technetium Tc-99m–
Surgical Technology and Stryker and thereby providing valuable pathophys- labeled diphosphonate is chosen be-
has received research or institutional iologic information that conventional cause of its affinity for areas with
support from Baxter, Medtronic increased skeletal blood flow and
Sofamor Danek, and Pioneer
imaging modalities cannot. Radionu-
Surgical Technology. Neither clide imaging has a similar amount of bone turnover.3,4 Multiple image pro-
Dr. Hearty nor any immediate family radiation exposure as noncontrast jections are used to evaluate either
member has received anything of CT.1,2 As radionuclide imaging tech- the whole body or one anatomic
value from or owns stock in a area. Although the specific character-
commercial company or institution nology continues to advance, its ap-
related directly or indirectly to the plications in the diagnosis and man- istics of uptake vary depending on
subject of this article. agement of orthopaedic disease will the particular agent used, each pro-
inevitably expand. vides a measure of local cellular met-
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2012;20:
151-159 abolic activity. Currently accepted
indications for bone scintigraphy in-
JAAOS-20-03-151 Bone Scintigraphy clude the diagnosis of occult frac-
tures, bone infection, staging, and
Copyright 2012 by the American Bone scintigraphy detects the distri- detection of neoplasms3-5 (Table 1).
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
bution of an injected radioactive Bone scintigraphy can be per-

March 2012, Vol 20, No 3 151

Radionuclide Imaging in the Diagnosis and Management of Orthopaedic Disease

Table 1
Diagnostic Accuracy of Bone Scintigraphy for Several Orthopaedic Conditions
FDG-PET Bone Scan MRI Labeled WBC
(sensitivity/ (sensitivity/ (sensitivity/ (sensitivity/
Condition specificity) specificity) specificity) specificity)

Bone and joint infection 94.1/87.3 85.4/75.2 88.2/84.7 82.8/83.8

with metallic implants6
Spine infections6 99.9/87.9 86.3/35.8a 81.8/57 83.3/54.9
Scaphoid fracture7 N/A 100/98 100/100 N/A
Hip occult fracture8 N/A 97.8/95 100/100 N/A
Charcot foot neuropathy11 100/93.8b N/A 76.9/75b N/A
Multiple myeloma9,12 83.8–91.9/83.3–100 77/86 86–92/Unknown13 N/A
Breast cancer metasta- 87/83 43/98 N/A N/A

FDG-PET = fluorodeoxyglucose–positron emission tomography, N/A = not applicable, WBC = white blood cell
Gallium Ga-67

formed as a single scan or in multiple three-dimensional imaging that can phy (PET) has replaced Ga-67 in
phases. Single-phase scanning is usually characterize the precise location and many clinical settings; however,
completed 2 to 4 hours after injection extent of disease with greater accu- Ga-67 is still used to evaluate
of the tracer but can be done as late as racy than can be achieved using pla- chronic osteomyelitis, septic arthri-
36 hours following injection. This scan nar images. Bone SPECT has proved tis, soft-tissue lesions, and response
produces whole-body planar coronal to be particularly useful in the detec- to therapy.3-5,14
images of the skeleton that demon- tion of lesions in large and complex Labeled leukocyte scanning is used
strate bone metabolism. This technique anatomic structures such as the pel- to detect infection. Autologous white
is used chiefly to detect primary or vis, knees, ankles, and spine (in par- blood cells (WBCs) are tagged with a
metastatic bone tumors. ticular, the pars interarticularis and radioisotope (ie, indium, Tc-99m)
A multiphase scan is performed in the vertebral body).3-5 The combina- and reinjected into the circulation.
clinical situations in which soft- tion of SPECT and CT (SPECT/CT) Localization of these WBCs is
tissue perfusion is necessary for diag- greatly enhances diagnosis and eval- strongly suspicious for infection. For
nosis. The first phase, or blood flow uation of the disease process.4 example, labeled WBCs are useful in
phase, involves imaging done imme- Several tracers have been used in diagnosing infection about metallic
diately after injection; it shows the bone scintigraphy because of their implants and in differentiating be-
blood flow distribution of the tracer propensity for bony localization (Ta- tween osteomyelitis and a neuro-
to the lesion. The second phase, or ble 2). Technetium Tc-99m–labeled pathic joint.3-5,14 Similarly, leukocyte-
blood pool scan, is obtained within 5 diphosphonates have a high affinity labeled antibodies can be used, as
minutes after injection and demon- for bone osteocytes and osteoblasts well. These do not require manipula-
strates the location of the tracer in in comparison with other soft tis- tion of the patient’s blood products.
the vascular system and extracellular sues, have rapid soft-tissue clearance Exogenous antibodies to granulocyte
space of the surrounding soft tissue. (half-life, 6 hours), decay to a stable surface antigens are labeled with Tc-
The third phase measures the bone element, and provide good image 99m or indium and injected into the
uptake of the tracer following excre- quality. Tc-99m–labeled tracers have patient’s circulation. These radiola-
tion from the soft tissues. Multiphase been used to evaluate fractures, os- beled antibodies accumulate nonspe-
imaging allows differentiation of teomyelitis, and bone neoplasms.3-5 cifically in infectious and inflamma-
clinical conditions, such as between Gallium Ga-67 is derived from either tory processes.6 Although nuclear
cellulitis and osteomyelitis or be- gallium citrate or gallium nitrate. medicine imaging is considered to be
tween acute and chronic healing This tracer is handled in the body in a safe procedure with low radiation
fracture.3-5 a manner similar to iron and local- exposure, its use is contraindicated
Single photon emission CT izes in areas of inflammation. Re- in pregnant patients and breast-
(SPECT) provides high-resolution, cently, positron emission tomogra- feeding mothers.1

152 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Wellington Hsu, MD, and Thomas M. Hearty, MD, DPT

Table 2
Common Radiopharmaceuticals (Tracers) Used in Musculoskeletal Nuclear Medicine Imaging
Tracer Indications Physiologic Mechanism

Technetium Tc-99m–labeled Early and occult OM 6 h half-life

diphosphonates Distinguish between soft-tissue infection and 50% localizes to bone
OM Excreted by kidneys
Determine monostotic versus polyostotic bone
Local recurrence of tumor
Response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy
Gallium Ga-67 Chronic OM Incorporated into calcium hydroxyapatite and
Inflammatory bone processes bone marrow
Measure response to therapy of chronic OM Localizes to areas of inflammation
and septic joints Acts like iron
Differentiate between malignant and benign
soft-tissue lesions
Spinal OM
Labeled WBCs (indium In-111 or Detects acute inflammatory abnormalities Localized to the site by an endogenous inflam-
Tc-99) Recurrent active infection of chronic OM matory pathway
Complex OM (eg, joint arthroplasty, neuropathic Requires colloid subtraction to isolate hot spots
joint, diabetic foot)
Fluorine F-18–fluorodeoxyglu- Staging and monitoring malignancies (lym- Transported into cells through glucose
cose phoma, bone sarcoma) transporters
Diagnosis and monitoring of multiple myeloma Increased uptake with increased cellular metabo-
Detecting breast and lung metastasis lism
Infections in the setting of metallic implants
Detecting primary and secondary spinal
Charcot foot
Fluorine F-18–sodium fluoride Detecting and monitoring metastatic prostate The 18F ion exchanges with hydroxyl groups on
(18F) cancer lesions hydroxyapatite, which incorporates into the
Bone healing/formation (possible future use) formation of bone matrix

OM = osteomyelitis, WBC = white blood cell

Infection guish infection from fracture, neuro- useful in cases of infection that are
Three-phase Tc-99m bone scanning pathic joint, postoperative changes, complicated by concomitant fractures
is a relatively inexpensive whole- and aseptic loosening of a joint pros- or joint prostheses. However, this mo-
body imaging modality. Infection can thesis. A meta-analysis of peer- dality is limited because leukocytes can
be detected as increased localized up- reviewed articles from 1984 to 2004 extravasate in the surrounding tissues
take during all three phases. Differ- on the evaluation of secondary os- after fracture, resulting in inaccurate
ences between phases can distinguish teomyelitis in peripheral bone with uptake and imaging. Techniques in-
the definitive location of infection. prosthetic joint implants demon- volving colloid subtraction improve ac-
For example, increased activity dur- strated that bone scintigraphy has an curacy by using Tc-99m sulfur colloid
ing the late phase is indicative of os- accuracy of 75.5% (sensitivity, to identify bone marrow but not sites
teomyelitis rather than soft-tissue 85.4%; specificity, 75.2%), which is of infection. This technique has an
infection. Furthermore, bone scintig- significantly lower than the accuracy overall accuracy of 89.1% (sensitivity,
raphy has been used to detect multi- of MRI and aspiration (88.7% and 89.0%; specificity, 89.1% for Tc-99m–
ple sites of primary and hematoge- 88.4%, respectively).6 For these rea- labeled WBCs with colloid subtraction)
nous osteomyelitis, particularly in sons, three-phase whole-body imag- for acute and subacute secondary infec-
the pediatric population.5,6 ing has been replaced by other diag- tions of the peripheral skeleton.4,6
Conversely, although three-phase nostic imaging techniques for Factors that can affect leukocyte up-
whole-body imaging has high sensi- evaluating secondary osteomyelitis take include steroids, chronic antibi-
tivity, specificity is relatively poor. about prosthetic joint implants. otic use, and anatomic differences in
For example, it is difficult to distin- Labeled leukocyte imaging can be the axial skeleton. Generally, labeled

March 2012, Vol 20, No 3 153

Radionuclide Imaging in the Diagnosis and Management of Orthopaedic Disease

Figure 1

A, Anterior (left) and posterior (right) whole-body

technetium Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate bone
scans. Increased uptake in the thoracic spine is the
result of postoperative changes. There is a suggestion
of decreased activity in both femoral heads. B, Anterior
static rectilinear image of the pelvis clearly
demonstrating decreased uptake surrounded by
increased uptake in both femoral heads. This pattern is
typical of osteonecrosis. (Adapted with permission from
Palestro CJ, Love C, Schneider R: The evolution of
nuclear medicine and the musculoskeletal system.
Radiol Clin North Am 2009;47[3]:505-532. http://www.

leukocyte scanning is not effective in ography alone. Bone scintigraphy tecting certain fracture types. For ex-
detecting chronic osteomyelitis sec- has demonstrated >95% sensitivity ample, for occult hip fractures, bone
ondary to avascularity.6 in detecting occult fractures in areas scans have decreased sensitivity and
MRI is the chief diagnostic tool for such as the carpal bones, proximal specificity compared with MRI (sen-
primary spinal infections, with femur, ribs, talar dome, pelvis, and sitivity, 97.8% and 100%, respec-
>90% accuracy.15 However, the accu- spine.5 For this reason, multiphase tively; specificity, 94.0% to 95.0%
racy of MRI decreases with the in- scans have been used in the diagnosis and 100%, respectively).8 In addi-
volvement of spinal infections in the of scaphoid, stress, and toddlers’ tion, bone scintigraphy has lower ac-
postoperative setting (78.8%).6 In fractures.7,16-18 Bone scan was found curacy than do MRI and CT in the
bone scintigraphy, gallium scans to have equivalent sensitivity but diagnosis of sacral insufficiency frac-
have been found to be the most accu- lesser specificity than MRI in the tures.19 However, bone scintigraphy
rate in detecting primary and postop- evaluation of occult scaphoid frac- may be more sensitive for diagnosis of
erative spinal infections (88.5%), tures (sensitivity, 100% and 100%, occult hip fracture and osteonecrosis of
with a low specificity (35.8%).6 respectively; specificity, 98% and the femoral head within the first 72
100%, respectively).7 hours after insult4 (Figure 1). For
Trauma Alternative imaging modalities (eg, stress fractures of long bones, multi-
In some clinical situations, fractures MRI) have been found to be more phase bone scan has equivalent sensi-
cannot be diagnosed with plain radi- helpful than bone scintigraphy in de- tivity to but less specificity than

154 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Wellington Hsu, MD, and Thomas M. Hearty, MD, DPT

MRI.20 Because MRI provides better junction with SPECT.21,22 Several case plasms and infections, particularly
morphologic data and demonstrates re- series demonstrate that SPECT is those associated with metallic im-
covery more accurately, it should be also useful in distinguishing between plants.4,6,26 Recent research demon-
used in evaluating stress injuries.5,20 acute and chronic injury in all strates the utility of PET for measur-
One distinct advantage of bone cases.23 There is substantiated con- ing bone graft incorporation/fusion
scintigraphy in the trauma setting is cern regarding the long-term ramifi- and fracture healing.27-30
its ability to distinguish a temporal cations of radiation exposure from Two primary tracers are used to de-
relationship. In patients aged <65 CT in this patient population; MRI tect orthopaedic conditions. The most
years, the sensitivity of multiphase may be used instead in patient evalu- commonly used tracer is fluorine-
studies increases from 95% in the ation.24 However, compared with 18–fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG),
acute setting to 100% 72 hours after SPECT/CT, MRI has inferior sensi- which crosses the plasma membrane
injury.5 In patients aged >65 years, tivity and specificity in the detection through open glucose transporters of
sensitivity is reportedly 95% by 72 of spondylolysis.21 cells. As a result, 18F-FDG uptake is
hours after injury. Additionally, cer- Bone scintigraphy is also beneficial directly related to cellular glucose
tain fracture patterns are seen at dif- in evaluating fragility fractures of the metabolism. Fluorine-18 sodium flu-
ferent time points. This information vertebral body. In situations in which oride (18F) ion is another commonly
can be used to classify fractures as plain radiographs are equivocal, used tracer. The 18F isotope typically
acute (1 to 4 weeks), subacute (6 to bone scans can demonstrate the pres- exhibits high uptake by bone and has
12 weeks) or chronic (12 weeks to 2 ence and acuity of the fracture in ad- been shown to deposit on the surface
years). In the acute stage, blood flow dition to providing whole-spine im- where the greatest amount of remod-
and blood pool activity are seen. The aging, including of the sacrum and eling and turnover occurs. This iso-
subacute stage is marked by a reduc- ribs.5,25 SPECT also has been used to tope has greater capillary permeabil-
tion in blood flow and blood pool identify facet joint arthropathy, ity than do Tc-99m diphosphonates
images and localization at the frac- which may coincide with vertebral and a higher target-to-background
ture site. In the healing phase, there fracture and may prove to be the ratio, resulting in improved contrast
is gradual diminution of activity in source of pain.25 In a recent study, and localization during imaging.4
the delayed image, with normaliza- bone scintigraphy directly contrib- The 18F isotope decays via positron
tion of activity 1 to 2 years after the uted to a change in management in emission and is captured by detectors
fracture. Persistent uptake during the 18 of 60 osteoporotic patients with arranged in rings that encircle the pa-
healing phase (ie, >12 weeks after back pain, and it was used to ex- tient, resulting in three-dimensional re-
fracture) raises the suspicion of non- clude vertebral fracture as the cause construction data. PET can be done in
union and/or infection. Identifying of symptoms in 30 patients.25 Bone conjunction with CT (ie, PET/CT),
these patterns can aid in diagnosing scintigraphy should be considered in thereby combining functional and
the relative age of the injury.5 osteoporotic patients with back pain structural imaging for increased ana-
when clinical findings, plain radio- tomic localization26 (Figure 2).
Spine graphs, and/or MRI are equivocal. Currently, the availability of PET
Bone scintigraphy can be used to aid and bone scintigraphy is primarily
in the diagnosis of spondylolysis, limited to tertiary hospitals. Both im-
Positron Emission
that is, a defect of the pars interartic- aging technologies require nuclear
ularis of the vertebrae; typically, medicine technicians and a nuclear
spondylolysis is caused by an axial PET is a nuclear medicine modality medicine physician for test interpre-
loading injury to the lumbar spine in that produces a three-dimensional tation. PET costs approximately
hyperextension.21 Multiphase bone image by detecting gamma ray emis- three times more than three-phase
scan demonstrates low specificity in sion indirectly from a positron- bone scintigraphy, four times more
the diagnosis of spondylolysis,21 but emitting radioactive tracer. PET than CT with contrast, and three
SPECT is particularly useful in iden- tracers have a propensity for meta- times more than MRI with contrast.
tifying the increased metabolic activ- bolically active cells and provide
ity associated with the injury. Ana- valuable information regarding Tumor
tomic localization of the injury on change and repair. Currently ac- Bone scintigraphy is inadequate in
CT greatly enhances the diagnostic cepted indications include the diag- detecting and monitoring selected
capabilities and can be done in con- nosis and monitoring of bone neo- primary and secondary metastatic

March 2012, Vol 20, No 3 155

Radionuclide Imaging in the Diagnosis and Management of Orthopaedic Disease

Figure 2

Axial views of a patient with metastatic breast carcinoma. Metastatic tumor of the right femoral neck is seen as high
uptake of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) on the positron emission tomography (PET) scan (A), as cortical thinning and
sclerosis on CT (B), and with corresponding overlap of findings on the combined FDG PET/CT image (C).
(Reproduced with permission from Palestro CJ, Love C, Schneider R: The evolution of nuclear medicine and the
musculoskeletal system. Radiol Clin North Am 2009;47[3]:505-532.

bone lesions; however, PET can be a and malignant lymphoma. The sensi- In one study, combined 18F
valuable tool in the workup of cer- tivity and specificity of PET for the PET/CT was found to be 100% sen-
tain skeletal tumors.4 PET has partic- diagnosis of multiple myeloma are sitive and specific in detecting pros-
ular uses in the evaluation of skeletal high (83.8% to 91.9% and 83.3% to tate cancer metastases, whereas
metastasis, and it can be used to 100%, respectively) and better than SPECT alone demonstrated 92%
evaluate for multiple myeloma and bone scintigraphy.9,12 A greater ex- sensitivity and 82% specificity. 18F
malignant lymphoma, as well. In ad- tent of disease can be seen on 18F- PET alone demonstrated 100% sen-
dition, PET has been shown to be FDG PET than on plain radiographs, sitivity and 62% specificity.36 18F has
useful in evaluating primary bone and 18F-FDG PET is thought to con- been shown to be more accurate
sarcomas. In general, 18F-FDG PET tribute to the initial staging of soli- than conventional bone scintigraphy
is more sensitive for detecting bone tary plasmacytoma.9 This modality
in detecting bone metastasis from
marrow, soft-tissue, and lytic metas- has high positive predictive value,
breast cancer, with a direct impact
tasis, whereas 18F is appropriate for sensitivity, and specificity for identi-
on clinical management.37 In measur-
detecting osteoblastic and osteolytic fying and following management of
ing bone metastasis from prostate
lesions.4 osseous malignant lymphoma le-
and breast cancer, 18F PET/CT is bet-
It is difficult to differentiate be- sions.34
ter for detecting sclerotic and mixed
tween inflammatory and neoplastic PET has been shown to be superior
disease on PET. Thus, with the ex- to bone scanning in detecting skeletal lesions than purely lytic lesions.38
ception of multiple myeloma, PET metastasis.4 18F-FDG PET is useful F-fluoromethylcholine is a promis-
has limited use in the initial workup in detecting soft-tissue and bone me- ing new tracer for use with PET/CT,
of a patient with primary bone tu- tastases in patients with non-small and it has the potential to become
mor. For example, 18F-FDG PET cell lung cancer.35 Although 18F-FDG the test of choice for evaluating
cannot distinguish between malig- PET is superior to bone scintigraphy metastatic prostate cancer.39 Further
nant and benign bone lesions that in detecting osteolytic lesions from research is needed to determine the
contain histiocytes or giant cells.31,32 breast cancer (sensitivity, 87%; spec- optimal imaging modality for detect-
Even so, localized uptake on PET ificity, 92%), 18F-FDG PET is less ing bone metastasis.
can be used to identify the most met- sensitive than bone scintigraphy in
abolically active sites for biopsy detecting osteoblastic lesions from Infection
planning and can be useful in moni- breast and prostate cancer.4,32 Be- F-FDG PET can be useful in the
toring response to treatment.31,32 Fur- cause 18F tracer has a higher propen- evaluation of soft-tissue and bone in-
thermore, PET can assist in staging sity to bone cells than does 18F-FDG fection. For example, 18F-FDG PET
primary bone tumors.26,33 tracer, 18F tracer is more sensitive in has been shown to have high sensi-
F-FDG PET is effective in the ini- the detection of both osteolytic and tivity (bone infection, 100%; soft-
tial workup of multiple myeloma osteoblastic metastatic lesions. tissue infection, 96%) and specificity

156 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Wellington Hsu, MD, and Thomas M. Hearty, MD, DPT

(bone infection, 83%; soft-tissue in- Figure 3

fection, 70%)40 compared with MRI
(sensitivity, 82% to 100%; specific-
ity, 75% to 96%).41 For chronic
musculoskeletal infections, PET
yielded 100% sensitivity, 88% speci-
ficity, and 93% accuracy in one
study.42 These results are superior to
those with nonenhanced MRI (sensi-
tivity, 79%; specificity, 53%) but are
similar to those with fat-suppressed
contrast-enhanced imaging (sensitiv-
ity, 88%; specificity, 93%).43 Nota-
bly, PET has higher sensitivity and
specificity in detecting lesions of the
central skeleton than it does lesions
of the peripheral skeleton.40,42
PET demonstrates a significant ad-
vantage over other imaging modali-
ties in the evaluation of infection
with orthopaedic implants (Figure
3). 18FDG PET has a reported Transverse (top row), sagittal (middle row), and coronal (bottom row) positron
emission tomography scans of a 60-year-old woman with a painful
91.9% accuracy in detecting infec- periprosthetic infection about her right knee. Areas of intense uptake can be
tions of peripheral bone in persons seen at the femoral (coronal view) and tibial (sagittal view) implant-bone
with orthopaedic implants (sensitiv- interfaces (arrowheads). (Reproduced with permission from Zhuang H,
ity, 94.1%; specificity, 87.3%), com- Duarte PS, Pourdehnad M, et al: The promising role of 18F-FDG PET in
detecting infected lower limb prosthesis implants. J Nucl Med
pared with 88.7% accuracy with 2001;42[1]:44-48.)
MRI (sensitivity, 88.2%; specificity,
84.7%).6 Zhuang et al44 used 18F-
FDG PET in a prospective study of with 18F-FDG PET than with labeled affect the accuracy of 18F-FDG
74 infected joint arthroplasties. They WBC scintigraphy in the diagnosis of PET.48 FDG-PET is the preferred mo-
reported 90.9% sensitivity and periprosthetic hip infections (sensi- dality for diagnosing secondary ver-
72.0% specificity in detecting infec- tivity, 95.2% and 50%, respectively; tebral column infections in persons
tion associated with knee prostheses specificity, 93% and 95.1%, respec- with metallic implants.6
and 90% sensitivity and 89.3% spec- tively).47 In addition, PET may be a Foot infection in patients with dia-
ificity in detecting infection associ- valuable alternative for patients with betes is a frequent problem that can
ated with hip prostheses. Schiesser a cardiac pacemaker, who are pre- lead to devastating complications;
et al45 reported that in 22 patients, cluded from undergoing MRI. thus, early diagnosis is critical. In
PET was 100% sensitive, 93.3% spe- A recently published meta-analysis such patients, 18F-FDG PET/CT of-
cific, and 97% accurate for the de- demonstrates the superiority of 18F- fers increased localization, thus en-
tection of infection associated with FDG PET compared with MRI and abling differentiation between soft-
metallic implants. These results were bone scintigraphy in evaluating spi- tissue infection and osteomyelitis.11 In
confirmed surgically and on culture. nal infections, including postopera- this study by Basu et al,11 the feet of
In a different study, 18F-FDG PET tively, and with or without implants. 63 patients with diabetes were evalu-
demonstrated better results than did F-FDG PET had an accuracy of ated using MRI and 18F-FDG PET.
bone scintigraphy in detecting in- 90% (sensitivity, 99.9%; specificity, Using 18F-FDG PET, the investiga-
fected prosthetic joints (sensitivity, 87.9%), whereas MRI had an accu- tors were able to determine sig-
94% and 68%, respectively; specific- racy of 78.8% (sensitivity, 81.8%; nificant differences between an
ity, 95% and 76%, respectively; ac- specificity, 57%) and CT had an ac- uninfected foot, Charcot neuroar-
curacy, 95% and 74%, respec- curacy of 82.4% (sensitivity, 82.4%; thropathy, and Charcot neuroar-
tively).46 One study demonstrated specificity, 12.8%).6 The presence of thropathy with osteomyelitis. 18F-
greater sensitivity and specificity metallic implants does not seem to FDG PET also had better sensitivity

March 2012, Vol 20, No 3 157

Radionuclide Imaging in the Diagnosis and Management of Orthopaedic Disease

and accuracy than did MRI in diag- conditions. Conventional imaging carpal bones, in Green DP, Hotchkiss
RN, Pederson WC, Wolfe SW, eds:
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76.9%, and 93.8% versus 75.0%, plain radiography have disadvan- Philadelphia, PA, Churchill Livingstone,
respectively) and was reliable in dif- tages (eg, availability, radiation ex- 2005, pp 714-716.
ferentiating Charcot neuropathy posure, equivocal information); thus, 8. Cannon J, Silvestri S, Munro M: Imaging
from osteomyelitis. In a series of 14 choices in occult hip fracture. J Emerg
nuclear medicine technology can be a
Med 2009;37(2):144-152.
patients with foot infections, 18F- valuable adjunctive diagnostic tool.
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93% of the infected sites, whereas fection, trauma, and bone tumors, multiple myeloma using 18F-FDG PET.
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