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NAMA : ...............................

KELAS : ...............NO: ......


Positive Sentence (kalimat positif) (+)

Contoh :

My father ...... (sit/sits) on the floor.

My father..sits on the chair.

I. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences below!

1. Rara ................(borrow/borrows) books from the library.

2. I .......................(dance / dances) traditional dance.

3. We ...................(go / goes ) home at 12.00 a.m.

4. Mia and Fano ....................(play / plays) hide and seek in the schoolyard.

5. A bird ................(fly / flies) on the sky.

Negative sentences (kalimat negative) (-)

Contoh :

My father ...... (do not / does not ) sit on the floor.

My father..does not sit on the chair.

(jika sudah ada kata bantu “do – does“ kata kerja tidak boleh ditambahi “-s. -es”)

II. I. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences below!

1. They ....................(do not / does not) camp in the forrest.

2. Mr. Jonas ............ (do not / does not) read a newspaper.

3. Mrs. Lia ...................... (do not / does not) cook chicken soup.

4. You ........................(do not / does not) study every day.

5. Tia and Diego ................. (do not / does not) play badminton.

Interrogative sentences (kalimat tanya) (?)

Contoh :
................ (Do/Does) they play soccer.

Do they play soccer.

II. Choose the correct answwer to complete the sentences below!

1. (Do / Does) go to school at 7.00 o’cock?

2. (Do / Does) ....................they wash their hands?

3. (Do / Does) ....................Tina watch TV?

4. (Do / Does) .................... Mr. Danu ride a bike?

5. (Do / Does) ....................she run in the yard?

NOTE ; buatlah seperti contohnya ya .

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