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Review Article

Musculoskeletal Effects of Cancer

and Cancer Treatment

Rosanna Wustrack, MD Improvements in cancer treatment have led to prolonged survival and
Sandesh S. Rao, MD increased rates of cure. An estimated 14 million cancer survivors live
in the United States. The cornerstones of cancer treatment, including
Carol D. Morris, MD, MS
radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery, give rise to a host of chronic
health conditions, some of which affect the musculoskeletal system.
As survivorship continues to improve, orthopaedic surgeons across all
subspecialties will be tasked with managing these complications of
treatment. This article reviews orthopaedic health concerns
secondary to cancer treatment that are likely to present to orthopaedic
surgeons for evaluation, such as osteoporosis, osteonecrosis,
secondary malignancies, radiation-associated fractures, exercise
tolerance, and perioperative evaluation.

I mprovements in the treatment of

childhood cancers have led to 5-year
survival rates of up to 75% to 80%,
require an orthopaedic surgery con-
sultation. Chemotherapy and radia-
tion therapy can cause chronic health
with many patients living into adult- conditions that may place survivors
hood.1 Currently, there are nearly at a higher risk of perioperative com-
380,000 adult survivors of childhood plications when undergoing elective
cancers,1 and an estimated 14 mil- surgery. The orthopaedic surgeon
lion cancer survivors are alive today. should be knowledgeable of these risk
Many pediatric cancer survivors face factors when treating this population.
From the Department of Orthopaedic health challenges during adulthood In this article, we review com-
Surgery, University of California San as a result of cancer treatment. The mon musculoskeletal conditions that
Francisco, San Francisco, CA Childhood Cancer Survivor Study affect long-term cancer survivors.
(Dr. Wustrack), and the Division of analyzed data from a cohort of more Perioperative risk assessment after
Orthopaedic Oncology, Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery, The Johns than 20,000 childhood cancer survi- cancer therapy is addressed. In addi-
Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD vors and found that two-thirds of tion, we examine how the type and
(Dr. Rao and Dr. Morris). long-term survivors develop at least duration of chemotherapy exposure
None of the following authors or any one chronic health condition,2 and may necessitate patient-specific exer-
immediate family member has more than one-third develop a seri- cise regimens, and we provide exer-
received anything of value from or has ous or life-threatening health condi- cise recommendations for this unique
stock or stock options held in a
commercial company or institution
tion as a result of cancer treatment. population.
related directly or indirectly to the A longitudinal study of survivors
subject of this article: Dr. Wustrack, of Ewing sarcoma showed that
Dr. Rao, and Dr. Morris. Osteoporosis and
musculoskeletal complications were
the most common chronic conditions
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2020;28:
e716-e728 in this patient population.3 Long-term
cancer survivors are at risk of devel- Effects of Childhood Cancer
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-18-00491
oping musculoskeletal conditions such Treatments
Copyright 2020 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. as osteopenia, osteoporosis, fragility Both cancer and various treatments,
fractures, and osteonecrosis that such as high-dose steroids, ablative

e716 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Rosanna Wustrack, MD, et al

Table 1
Common Chemotherapeutic Agents With Musculoskeletal Effects
Drug Class Commonly Used Drugs Types of Cancers Manifestation

Alkylating agentsa Mechlorethamine (nitrogen HL, NHL, sarcomas, germ cell Can cause hypogonadism and
mustard), oxazaphosphorines tumors, testicular, leukemias, early menopause, which can
(cyclophosphamide and lung, breast, and ovarian lead to secondary
ifosfamide), melphalan, osteoporosis, and second
nitrosoureas (lomustine and malignant neoplasms
carmustine), and busulfan.
Anthracyclinesb Doxorubicin and daunomycin ALL, AML, bone and soft-tissue Second malignant neoplasms
sarcomas, Wilms tumor, and (cardiotoxicity)
Antimetabolites Methotrexate, mercaptopurine, ALL, NHL, osteosarcoma, Osteoporosis and methotrexate
and cytarabine chronic myelogenous osteopathy
leukemia, and histiocytosis
Corticosteroids Dexamethasone and ALL, NHL, Hodgkin disease, Osteopenia and osteonecrosis
prednisone histiocytic disorders, and brain
Epipodophyllotoxinsc Etoposide and teniposide Pediatric solid tumors and ALL Secondary malignancies (eg,
Heavy metals Cisplatin and carboplatin Pediatric solid tumors Nephrotoxicity, neuropathy, and

ALL = acute lymphoblastic leukemia, AML = acute myeloid leukemia, HL = Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL = non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Highly carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic.
Approximately 40% to 50% of childhood cancer survivors were treated with anthracyclines.
For example, topoisomerase II inhibitors, very oncogenic.
Also used to treat cancer-related complications (eg, nausea/vomiting, anorexia, and hypercalcemia).

cytotoxic chemotherapy, and radia- ment, many children develop nausea, induced osteoporosis, the authors
tion, negatively affect bone health and gastritis, and mucositis and are unable found that BMD was lower among
place survivors of cancer at risk of to eat a balanced diet. Consequently, children receiving steroids than among
osteoporosis and osteopenia. Chil- they become malnourished and may healthy children. The rate of clinical
dren and adolescents who fail to reach experience cessation of growth until fractures ranged from 6% to 33%.7
their expected peak bone mass will calorie intake improves. The incidence Methotrexate, the most commonly
have lower bone mineral density of malnutrition ranges from ,10% used chemotherapeutic agent for
(BMD) throughout adulthood and to 50%, depending on the severity of hematologic malignancies and pediat-
are at a greater risk of osteoporosis the cancer and type of chemotherapy ric sarcomas, alters bone metabolism.
and fragility fractures later in life. regimen. Compounding the issue is a Methotrexate osteopathy, a constella-
Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, decrease in physical activity during tion of osteoporosis, bone pain, and
poor oral intake, and reduced phys- treatment, further compromising bone fractures, was first described in pa-
ical activity levels associated with acquisition during a time of peak bone tients treated with low-dose metho-
treatment all contribute to decreased acquisition. As a result, these children trexate for leukemia but has been
bone accumulation and growth. may reach a lower peak bone density noted in patients with osteosarcoma.
The St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study in adulthood, which may predispose Ecklund et al8 examined the radio-
reported that osteoporosis occurred them to osteoporosis later in life.5,6 graphs and records of 87 patients
at a rate of 9.6% among adult sur- Steroids are used to treat several with osteosarcoma who were treated
vivors at a median age of 32 years if childhood malignancies, such as leu- with high-dose methotrexate. Eight
they had been exposed to therapies kemia, lymphoma, and brain tumors, patients (9%) exhibited signs of severe
known to affect bone metabolism.4 and to control cancer-related compli- osteopenia, dense zones of provisional
Most long-term survivors have been cations. High-dose steroids affect calcification, insufficiency fractures,
treated with multiagent chemother- skeletal growth and BMD through and multiple bone involvement. They
apy. Table 1 lists common anticancer direct and indirect effects on bone and found that patients treated with high-
therapeutics that affect bone metab- calcium metabolism. In a recent meta- dose methotrexate during the first
olism. While receiving systemic treat- analysis investigating corticosteroid- decade of life were at the highest risk

August 15, 2020, Vol 28, No 16 e717

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Musculoskeletal Effects of Cancer Treatment

of developing osteopathy compared Although it is intuitive to assume or osteopenia during treatment of

with those treated during the sec- that a posttreatment reduction in ALL. They found that BMD Z-scores
ond decade of life. Most children BMD will increase the risk of osteo- at the lumbar spine increased in 14 of
improve rapidly after discontinua- porotic fractures later in life among 15 children after at least 6 months.
tion of methotrexate; however, pro- long-term cancer survivors, the pub- No short-term toxicity secondary to
gressive bone deformity may develop lished data are inconclusive. The the medication was evident, and all
with continued treatment. Van der Childhood Cancer Survivor Study children tolerated the weight-based
Sluis et al9 found that children with evaluated more than 7,000 survivors dosing, which ranged from 20 to
acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at a median 23-year follow-up after 70 mg orally each week. How-
were six times as likely to sustain a cancer diagnosis and compared them ever, diphosphonate use in children
fracture during treatment or within with more than 2,000 siblings.15 The remains controversial. The long-term
the first 2 years after treatment com- self-reported prevalence of fractures effects of diphosphonates for child-
pared with healthy controls because of was actually lower among survivors hood osteoporosis and osteogenesis
poor bone health. In a separate study (35%) than among siblings (39%); imperfecta are not entirely known.
by the same group, 61 children with however, this could be attributed to Previously described adverse effects
ALL were evaluated with dual-energy reduced activity levels in survivors. in adults, such as osteonecrosis of
x-ray absorptiometry, body composi- In a subgroup analysis, female survi- the jaw and atypical femur frac-
tion measurements, and serum mark- vors, those treated with methotrexate, tures, reinforce the need for multi-
ers of bone turnover at diagnosis, Caucasian race, and individuals with disciplinary input when considering
during therapy, and 1 year after ces- balance difficulties sustained more diphosphonate treatment in children.
sation of therapy. Eleven fractures fractures.15 However, the mean age Reid18 reviewed the literature on the
occurred in nine patients (15%).10 No of participants at the time of the study use of diphosphonates for pediatric
difference in BMD was found between was 36 years. Given the relatively osteoporosis and recommended opti-
those with and those without frac- young age, additional follow-up into mizing nutritional sources of cal-
tures; however, a decrease in BMD late adulthood will be necessary to cium and vitamin D and reserving
during the first 6 months of treatment better determine osteoporotic frac- diphosphonate treatment only in
was correlated with the occurrence ture risk. the setting of clinical trials or with
of later fractures, suggesting that a It is important for orthopaedic careful consideration of the benefits
decrease in BMD has a greater influ- surgeons to be aware that cancer and adverse effects for children.
ence on fracture risk than does abso- survivors and children undergoing
lute BMD value.10 Strauss et al11 also treatment for cancer are more likely
found an increase in fractures among to have decreased BMD. Prevention Effects of Adult Cancer
children and adolescents treated with of osteoporosis in this population Treatments
steroids for ALL. The authors fol- begins with optimizing dietary intake Several studies have shown that adult
lowed 176 treated patients over an of calories, calcium, and vitamin D cancer survivors have increased rates
8-year period. With a mean follow- and promotion of weight-bearing of osteoporosis.19 The Women’s
up of 7.6 years, they calculated a exercises. The Children’s Oncology Health Initiative Observational Study
cumulative index for fracture at Group recommends 400 IU of vita- compared rates of osteoporosis as
5 years of 28% (63%). Children min D daily for all survivors, BMD defined by BMD testing of the spine
older than 9 years, boys, and patients testing using dual energy x-ray ab- and hip. Survivors of breast cancer
receiving dexamethasone were at sorptiometry 1 year after bone mar- had a 27% rate of osteoporosis
an increased risk of fracture. Some row transplant, and a referral to an compared with 19% in the reference
studies suggest that treatment with endocrinologist when a diagnosis of group. The authors estimated that
craniospinal radiation is a greater risk osteoporosis has been made by dual women with a history of breast cancer
factor for long-term decreased BMD, energy x-ray absorptiometry or a experience 68.6 more fractures per
as well as reduced growth velocity, patient has a history of multiple 10,000 person-years compared with
than is cumulative steroid or metho- fractures.16 women without breast cancer.20 Khan
trexate dose because of its effect on Few studies evaluating diphosph- et al21 compared long-term health
growth hormone secretion.12,13 Cur- onates have been performed in chil- outcomes among breast, colorectal,
rently, cranial radiation is being used dren with osteopenia or osteoporosis. and prostate cancer survivors to age-
less frequently to treat ALL; therefore, Lethaby et al17 performed an open- matched controls. They found an
rates of osteoporosis may decrease label, single-arm study of alendronate increased rate of osteoporosis among
among long-term ALL survivors.14 for the management of osteoporosis all survivors, and the highest rates

e718 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Rosanna Wustrack, MD, et al

were among prostate cancer survivors an open epiphyseal plate.25 Jentzsch dromas. Finally, many patients
(hazard ratio, 2.49 versus 1.26 for et al26 reviewed the imaging of 22 treated with cranial radiation therapy
breast cancer, and 1.41 for colorectal patients who received 5,000 cGy to develop subclinical hypothalamic/
cancer). Cancer itself, as well as the the extremity for treatment of Ewing pituitary dysfunction and decreased
treatments, can lead to osteoporosis. sarcoma in conjunction with chemo- growth hormone levels and, less often,
Survivors of breast and prostate therapy. Nine patients had greater hypogonadotropic hypogonadism,
cancer are at risk because of hor- than 1.5 cm leg-length discrepancy which can also affect growth.
mone suppression, in addition to with moderate to severe functional
traditional chemotherapy that affects limitations, and one patient required
bone metabolism, such as alkylating an amputation. Age less than 16 years Osteonecrosis
agents and ablative chemotherapy.19 was associated with a poor functional
An osteoporotic fracture can be dev- outcome. Impaired growth can also Osteonecrosis is a late-onset and
astating and cause long-term effects be seen in patients treated with cra- potentially debilitating complication
on function, quality of life, and life nial radiation therapy who develop of cancer treatment most commonly
expectancy.22,23 The American Soci- subclinical hypothalamic/pituitary occurring in survivors of adult and
ety for Clinical Oncology and the US dysfunction and decreased growth pediatric leukemia (Figure 1); how-
Preventive Services Task Force rec- hormone levels and, less often, ever, osteonecrosis can occur among
ommend 1,200 mg of calcium and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. survivors of solid tumors as well
600 to 800 IU of vitamin D daily for Scoliosis and kyphosis are docu- (Figure 2). The most common loca-
postmenopausal women and cancer mented late effects after radiation tions among cancer survivors are the
survivors. to the abdomen for Wilms tumor. femoral head, distal femoral condyle,
Paulino et al27 followed up 42 pa- and humeral head, although multiple
tients for a minimum of 5 years after sites can be involved. Padhye et al29
Skeletal Growth abdominal radiation for Wilms tumor. reported an overall 7% incidence
Forty-two percent of patients devel- of osteonecrosis in children treated
Ionizing radiation has known dele- oped scoliosis, and 7% developed for ALL in the Australian and New
terious effects on skeletal health, kyphosis. Scoliosis seemed to be dose Zealand Children’s Haemotology/
including radiation-associated frac- dependent, with an expected rate Oncology Group, with an incidence
tures, osteoradionecrosis, and growth of 74% at 15 years after treatment of 29% in children aged .10 years.
retardation. The magnitude of growth among those who received more than The median time to development of
arrest and deformity are proportional 24 Gy. Both scoliosis and kyphosis symptoms was 1.15 years after treat-
to the dose given and inversely pro- developed late in this group, suggest- ment. Most patients who developed
portional to the patient’s age at the ing that prolonged clinical observation osteonecrosis had radiographic pro-
time of treatment. The bone is often of these patients may be warranted. Of gression of the disease and persistent
not considered a dose-limiting nor- note, only one patient in this cohort pain despite diphosphonate therapy.
mal tissue when planning for radi- required an orthopaedic intervention. Several risk factors for the devel-
ation in an adult; however, it is of Varus and valgus limb deformities opment of osteonecrosis have been
major concern when planning radia- have been reported among children identified, including steroid expo-
tion in children.24 Total body irradi- who receive asymmetric radiation sure, chemotherapy, graft versus host
ation is often used for myeloablation to the limbs near an open epiphyseal disease, female sex, radiation expo-
before bone marrow transplantation plate and often require corrective sure, and older age. Karol et al30
and is used in conjunction with surgery.24 Slipped capital femoral studied a cohort of 2,285 children
high-dose chemotherapy. Locally, epiphysis can also be associated with treated for ALL with the goal of
radiation interferes with chondro- radiation around the hip, with the identifying genetic risk factors for the
genesis and reabsorption of calcified highest risk in children treated with development of osteonecrosis. They
matrix, leading to short stature. It radiation doses .25 Gy when they are found that osteonecrosis was associ-
has been shown that microscopic younger than 4 years. The risk of ated with inherited variations near
growth retardation occurs after low slipped capital femoral epiphysis in this glutamate receptor genes.30 Interest-
doses of 600 cGy to the epiphysis. population is younger than the aver- ingly, these osteonecrosis-associated
However, doses between 2,000 and age at approximately 9 to 10 years.28 glutamate receptor variants were also
6,000 cGy cause clinically relevant Radiation directed at or near the epi- associated with other vascular com-
growth disturbances in a dose- physeal plate, as well as whole-body plications, including cerebral ischemia,
dependent fashion when involving radiation, can result in osteochon- arterial embolism, and thrombosis.

August 15, 2020, Vol 28, No 16 e719

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Musculoskeletal Effects of Cancer Treatment

Figure 1 Figure 2 Radiation-associated

Radiation osteitis refers to radio-
graphically evident changes to bone
within a radiation field and is seen
in 2% to 22% of patients.43-45 On
conventional radiographs, the affected
bone has a mottled appearance, os-
teopenia, coarse trabeculae, and
areas of focally increased bone den-
sity. The pathophysiology leading to
AP pelvic radiograph of a 69-year-old the radiographic changes is poorly
man who had undergone radiation understood, although it seems to be
therapy to the groin 10 years earlier dose related and can become evident
for treatment of nodal metastases
from melanoma. End-stage
2 to 3 years after radiation treat-
AP right shoulder radiograph of a 14- ment.46 The radiographic signs are
year-old girl who underwent bone osteonecrosis (red arrow) is evident
marrow transplant for leukemia. in the right hip. similar to those of osteomyelitis,
Sclerotic and cystic changes (red recurrent malignancy, and radiation-
arrow) demonstrative of induced sarcoma. In radiation osteitis,
osteonecrosis are seen in the rienced symptom relief, with most
humeral head. showing progressive radiographic however, the osseous changes are seen
abnormalities and 25% requiring only within the radiation field, and
arthroplasty. Core decompression there are no systemic signs suggestive
These findings are compelling in that with bone marrow implantation is a of infection, nor is there an associated
the genetic alteration may provide a promising joint-sparing technique. soft-tissue mass, which often occurs
potential target for intervention. Hernigou and Beaujean36 reported a in radiation-induced sarcoma.25,46,47
Table 231-39 summarizes the out- 6% rate of total hip arthroplasty at MRI can be helpful to distinguish
comes of nonarthroplasty inter- 5 to 10 years after core decom- between radiation osteitis and a sec-
ventions for the treatment of pression plus bone marrow aspirate ondary sarcoma or lymphoma. Ugurl-
osteonecrosis of the femoral head. injection in patients with pre- uer et al43 reviewed 122 MRI scans
Currently, no consensus recom- collapse lesions (Ficat I and II) of patients who had received pelvic
mendation exists on the optimal compared with 56% in patients radiation. They found radiation osteitis
nonarthroplasty treatment for os- with Ficat stage III or IV. Fibular in 4.1% of patients, with MRI char-
teonecrosis. The role of diphosph- autografts have been used after acteristics of decreased T1 signal along
onates is uncertain. Kotecha et al33 core decompression, and several with decreased and mixed signal areas
treated pediatric ALL patients with studies have reported superior re- on T2 sequences representing fibrosis,
osteonecrosis as determined by MRI sults using free vascularized fibular whereas most tumors show increased
with a diphosphonate or pain man- autografts after core decompres- T2 signal.
agement alone, depending on severity. sion in patients with precollapse Pathologic fractures have been
Nine patients received oral alen- lesions compared with non- reported in 1.2% to 6.6% of patients
dronate or intravenous pamidronate, vascularized fibular autografts, treated with surgery and radiation
and eight patients were treated with with a survival rate of 86% com- for extremity soft-tissue sarcomas
observation and pain control. All nine pared with 30% at 7 years.41,42 and in .20% of patients who also
patients in the diphosphonate group Taken collectively, these inter- demonstrated radiation osteitis.48
showed clinical improvement; con- ventions are promising, but the Risk factors for radiation-induced
versely, seven of the eight patients long-term results vary consider- pathologic fractures include high
treated conservatively worsened ably. Lastly, several low-level- doses of radiation (.50 Gy), .64%
clinically, and two required joint evidence interventions, such as maximum dose to a 2-mL volume of
replacement surgery.33 In contrast, extracorporeal shock wave therapy, bone, periosteal stripping, cortical
Padhye et al40 reported that only 5 pulsed electromagnetic therapy, and removal, and underlying metabolic
of 20 children with osteonecrosis statins, have been investigated with bone disease such as osteoporosis.48
treated with zoledronic acid expe- limited evidence of efficacy. Most radiation-induced fractures

e720 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Rosanna Wustrack, MD, et al

Table 2
Nonarthroplasty Treatments for Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head
Study Treatment n Details Outcomes

Agarwala et al31 Alendronate 60 adults Various etiologies At 1 yr, improved range of motion and
decreased pain; 6/60 patients
required surgery within 37 mo.
Lai et al32 Alendronate 40 adults (20 Nontraumatic At 2 yr, 16/25 hips in the control group
(70 mg weekly) treatment/20 etiology and 1/29 in the intervention group
controls) required THA.
Padhye et al40 Intravenous zoledronic 22 patients Any joint At 1 yr, 25% pain-free; hip joint
acid destruction progressed despite
Kotecha et al33 Oral alendronate or 17 children (9 Secondary to ALL 9 patients treated with
intravenous treatment/8 diphosphonates improved
pamidronate controls) clinically. Condition deteriorated in
7/8 patients treated nonsurgically.
Scherer et al34 Hyperbaric oxygen 20 children (12 On chemotherapy Both groups showed progression of
treatment/8 osteonecrosis by MRI during
controls) treatment.
Surgical treatment
Gangji et al35 Core decompression 1 13 patients Ficat stage I or II At 2 yr, 5/8 hips in the core
autologous bone (18 hips) decompression–only group pro-
marrow gressed to stage III vs 1/10 in the
bone marrow group.
Hernigou and Core decompression 1 189 patients Ficat stages I-IV At 10 yr, 9/145 hips with stage I or II
Beaujean36 autologous bone vs. 25/44 hips with stage III or IV
marrow required THA.
Israelite et al37 Core decompression 193 adults Simultaneous 45% of hips in the unilateral group
alone bilateral vs and 32% of the hips in the bilateral
unilateral group required THA.
Lieberman Core decompression 1 15 patients Ficat stage II 3/17 hips had radiographic
et al38 bone morphogenetic (17 hips) stage III progression and required THA.
Yan et al39 Percutaneous 28 patients Ficat stage I-II At 2-yr follow-up, the Harris hip score
decompression and (44 hips) improved by 28 points; 4 hips
autologous bone progressed to stage V.
marrow infusion

ALL = acute lymphoblastic leukemia, THA = total hip arthroplasty

occur more than 1 year after radia- availability of carbon fiber nails may multiple surgeries, autogenous bone
tion, although a wide range has been obviate this concern. grafting, and vascularized fibular
reported in the literature (4 months It is important for orthopaedic grafting. Lin et al50 evaluated a
to 25 years).49,50 Although some surgeons to recognize that conven- cohort of patients with soft-tissue
surgeons recommend prophylactic tional trauma fixation techniques sarcomas of the thigh who had been
fixation at the time of sarcoma may be inadequate to address path- treated with resection and radiation.
resection in the setting of periosteal ologic fractures secondary to radia- Nine of 205 patients had fractures,
stripping and perioperative radiation tion (Figure 3). These fractures only three of which healed. Of the
therapy, a period of implant-free MRI are very challenging to treat, with remaining six fractures, two healed
surveillance is desirable to monitor nonunion occurring in 45% to 75% after secondary bone grafting, and four
for local recurrence, although the of cases.49,50 Treatment can require required endoprosthesis replacement

August 15, 2020, Vol 28, No 16 e721

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Musculoskeletal Effects of Cancer Treatment

Figure 3

A, AP radiograph of the proximal femur demonstrating a transverse fracture pattern 3 years after radiation and surgery for
soft-tissue sarcoma. Note the vascular clips in the medial thigh. B, The patient was treated with proximal femur arthroplasty
to allow immediate weight bearing. C, A different patient was treated with an IM nail with the fracture going on to nonunion
and broken implant (red arrow).

or amputation because of chronic cumulative incidence of secondary new malignancies arising within
nonunion. In a more recent study by malignancies of 3.2% at 20 years the radiation field at least 3 years
Kim et al,51 radiation-induced frac- after diagnosis and between 7.9% after radiation treatment. They often
tures treated by internal fixation and 9.3% at 30 years.53 Table 3 lists develop more than 10 years after
failed to heal in 19 of 30 patients the commonly reported secondary treatment. The overall incidence of
because of nonunion. The authors malignancies in childhood cancer radiation-induced secondary malig-
reported that the use of endopros- survivors, adapted from the Child- nancies is between 2% and 10%, de-
thetic replacement as primary treat- ren’s Oncology Group’s long-term pending on the primary cancer,
ment for radiation-induced fractures follow-up guidelines. Chemotherapy radiation field and dose, time since
was associated with fewer complica- and radiation exposure are risk fac- treatment, and genetic predisposi-
tions than was open reduction and tors for secondary malignancies. In tion.58 The Childhood Cancer Survi-
internal fixation or intramedullary addition, genetic predispositions place vor Study, with a cohort of 12,268
nailing. More recently, onlay vascu- patients with certain cancers at a childhood cancer survivors, reviewed
larized free fibula grafts have been much higher risk of developing sec- the incidence and risk factors for
used with success.52 ond and third malignancies. Because radiation-related malignancies. They
chemotherapy and radiation are often found a linear dose-response rela-
used in the treatment of Hodgkin tionship from 0 to 50 Gy for all cancer
Secondary Malignancies lymphoma, these patients are at risk sites except thyroid. The incidence of
of hematologic and solid malig- thyroid cancer increased up to 15- to
Secondary malignancies are the most nancies and have up to a 20% risk 20-Gy exposure and then decreased.
devastating complications from can- of developing a secondary malig- The rates of breast cancer were
cer treatment and are the most com- nancy during the first 20 years after highest among patients with a history
mon cause of treatment-related death treatment.57 of Hodgkin lymphoma.59 Several
in long-term survivors. The Child- Radiation-associated secondary studies have shown that the incidence
hood Cancer Survivor Study found a malignancies are defined as distinct, of all cancers increases without a

e722 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Rosanna Wustrack, MD, et al

Table 3
Common Secondary Malignancies in Childhood Cancer Survivors and Screening Recommendations
Exposure Malignancy Latency Incidence/Risk Screening Recommendations

Epipodophyllotoxins Acute myeloid ,5 yr 2%-4.2%54 Annual H&P to look for fatigue,

(etoposide, leukemia easy bruising and bleeding
teniposide), with dermatologic exam, up to
anthracyclines (not 10 years. CBC if clinically
dose-dependent) indicated. [sections 32 and 42,
pages 39 and 52; COG
guidelines v5.0]55
Alkylating agents Acute myeloid 5-7 yr 1%-4%
(dose-dependent leukemia
Radiation of any field Secondary .3 yr to 2%-10% Annual H&P with inspection and
sarcomas; skin decades palpation of the skin and tissue
cancers within the radiation field, with
radiographs as clinically
indicated. [section 43, page 54
COG guidelines v5.0]
Radiation to head/ Thyroid cancer .3 yr to 14.6-18 relative risk Annual thyroid examinations,
neck, spine, TBI decades compared with the US and FNA as clinically
general population30 indicated. [Section 67, pg 84
(highest risk with COG guidelines v 5]
20-Gy exposure)
Radiation to the chest, Breast cancer .3 yr to Up to 17% in survivors Monthly breast self-
axillary region, TBI) decades of Hodgkin disease examinations; annual clinical
breast examinations until age
25 then every 6 months;
mammography yearly
beginning 8 years after
radiation or at age 25
(whichever occurs last), with
adjunct magnetic resonance
imaging beginning at age 25 or
.8 years from radiation
therapy (whichever occurs
last). [Sec 72; pg 90 COG
guidelines v5]
Radiation to the chest, Lung cancer .3 years Cumulative incidence Yearly H&P, consider spiral CT
axilla, TBI to at 20 years 0.1% scan in high risk patients
decades (95% CI 0-0.3%), (smokers) [Section 75, pg 93,
2.1% at 30 years COG Guidelines v 5]
(95% CI 0-4.4)57
Radiation to pelvis, Bladder cancer .3 years Low risk, (5/13,136 Yearly history focused on urinary
spine; Exposure to to from CCSS)60,61 symtpoms, urinalysis, urine
cyclophosphamide decades culture, spot urine Cr/Ca ratio
(dose dependent) with positive history [Section 88,
pg 109 COG guidelines v. 5]
Radiation of the Colorectal cancer .3 yr to 1.7 adjusted hazard Colonoscopy (gold standard)
abdomen, pelvis, decades ratio17 every 5 years or multitarget
spine (lumbar, stool DNA test every 3 years
sacral, whole), TBI beginning 5 years after
radiation treatment or at age 30
(whichever occurs later).
[Section 85, pg 105, COG
guidelines v 5]

TBI = total body irradiation; H&P = history and physical

Screening recommendation adapted from the Children’s Oncology Group Long-Term Follow-Up Guidelines for Survivors of Childhood, Adolescent
and Young Adult Cancers, Version 5.0, October 2018, used with permission.

August 15, 2020, Vol 28, No 16 e723

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Musculoskeletal Effects of Cancer Treatment

Table 4
Systemic Toxicities of Common Chemotherapeutic Agents
Anatomic Special
System Toxic Agent Adverse Effects Screening Considerations

Cardiovascular Anthracyclines Arrhythmias, torsades Electrocardiography; Cardiac toxicity can be

(doxorubicin and de pointes, myocardial echocardiography to immediate or delayed
epirubicin), bleomycin, infarction, congestive evaluate cardiac wall and irreversible; treat
cisplatin, docetaxel, 5- heart failure, contractility, left as high risk of potential
fluorouracil, and hypotension/ ventricular ejection intraoperative cardiac
paclitaxel hypertension, fraction, and complication.
cardiomyopathy, pericardial fluid; and
myocarditis, and cardiac MRI
Hematologic Nearly all Myelosuppression, Blood tests Myelosuppression is
neutropenia, and usually completely or
sepsis partially reversible 6 wk
after completion of
Nervous Cisplatin, methotrexate, Peripheral neuropathy, Full neurologic Regional anesthesia
oxaliplatin, paclitaxel, muscle pain, cranial examination should be used
and vincristine neuropathy, seizures, judiciously to prevent a
orthostatic “second-hit”
hypotension, and vocal phenomenon.
cord paralysis (rare)
Pulmonary Bleomycin, busulfan, Dr. cough, pulmonary Chest radiography to If exposed to bleomycin,
cyclophosphamide, fibrosis, pneumonitis, look for linear dose intraoperative O2
methotrexate, and pneumonia interstitial scarring, to keep peripheral
mitomycin, and pneumothorax, and saturation between
nitrosoureas pneumomediastinum 88% and 92%.
Renal Bleomycin, carboplatin, Renal tubular and Creatinine clearance Avoid dehydration
cisplatin, glomerular damage and electrolyte intraoperatively and
cyclophosphamide, and hypertension measurements avoid concomitant
ifosfamide, nonsteroidal anti-
nitrosoureas, inflammatory drug use.
mitomycin, and

plateau, during 10-, 20-, and even 30- Comprehensive preoperative evalua- the most common cause of death
year follow-up. Screening in this tion should be performed to minimize within 30 days.62 A recent interna-
population consists of a meticulous surgical morbidity. tional registry study demonstrated
annual physical examination of the that patients who receive radiation
skin and soft tissues within the field of therapy were at an increased risk of
Venous Thromboembolism VTE implicating ionizing radiation
radiation and possible radiographic
evaluation.55 Patients with active cancer are at a as a prothrombic cause.
4- to 6-fold increase of developing Metastatic disease to bone often re-
VTE for which the cause is multi- quires orthopaedic surgical interven-
Perioperative modal. A prospective study62 eval- tion. Recent studies in this population
Considerations uating symptomatic VTE for patients have shown high rates of VTE after
after cancer-related surgery found a fixation for impending and pathologic
Cancer survivors are at an increased 2.1% incidence, with 40% of cases long bone fractures. Shallop et al63
risk of a number of perioperative occurring after 21 days. The overall found a 7.1% rate of VTE among
complications including venous throm- death rate within 30 days after sur- 287 patients treated for 336 im-
boembolism (VTE), delayed wound gery was 1.72%, and 46% of deaths pending or completed pathologic
healing, and cardiopulmonary toxicity. were caused by VTE, making this fractures. The rate of pulmonary

e724 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Rosanna Wustrack, MD, et al

Table 5
Physical Activity Recommendations for Adult Cancer Survivorsab
Cancer Type
Recommendation Breast Prostate Colon Adult Hematologic Gynecologic

General Avoid inactivity; return to normal activity as soon as possible after surgery. Continue activities of daily living
as much as possible during and after nonsurgical treatments.
Aerobic training Recommendations are the same as age-appropriate PAGs for Americans (ie, 30 min per d and 5 d per wk of
moderate exercise).
Be aware of fracture risk Potential increased Permission from the Avoid overtraining If peripheral
from osteopenia, risk of fracture. physician before and very vigorous neuropathy is
possible metastatic contact sports (if exercise (immune present, consider
disease. the patient has an effect of vigorous stationary bicycle
ostomy). exercise). instead of walking/
Resistance Begin with supervised Add pelvic floor For core strength, Resistance training No safety data on
training program of low exercises to same- start with low may be more resistance training
resistance; increase at age general resistance and important than in women with
small increments. recommendations. increase slowly to aerobic exercise in lower extremity
Watch for arm/shoulder Be aware of avoid herniation at bone marrow lymphedema.
symptoms, fracture risk. the stoma. transplant patients.
lymphedema. Be aware
of fracture risk.
Flexibility Recommendations are the same as age- Avoid excessive Recommendations are the same as age-
appropriate PAGs for Americans. intra-abdominal appropriate PAGs for Americans.

PAG = physical activity guideline

Adapted with permission from Schmitz KH, Courneya KS, Matthews C, et al: American College of Sports Medicine roundtable on exercise
guidelines for cancer survivors. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2010;42:1409-1426.72
For patients with bone metastases

embolism (PE) was 3.9%. The au- an impending versus completed solves in 10 to 14 days. However,
thors found that 74% of these pathologic fracture during a 10-year the late effects of radiation includ-
occurred within 15 days after sur- period. The authors found higher ing fibrosis, skin atrophy, contrac-
gery. Ratasvuori et al64 performed a rates of PE and deep venous throm- tion, induration, and a dose-
similar retrospective review of 306 bosis (DVT) in the prophylactic fixa- dependent decrease in wound
consecutive patients with 343 non- tion group compared with the group strength persist forever. Even a remote
spinal metastases over a 15-year treated for completed fracture (odds history of radiation in an individual
period. They found a 10% rate of ratios = 2.1 for PE and 1.5 for DVT). with no overt signs of skin damage will
VTE within 3 months of surgery and a Although no clear guidelines exist for impart a slightly higher risk of delayed
the duration or type of thrombopro- wound healing secondary to a decrease
3.3% rate of fatal PE. Both studies
phylaxis after surgery in patients in collagen formation over time.66 As
showed that lung cancer was a risk
with cancer, there is strong evidence such, particular attention to wound
factor for VTE. Only 79% of patients
that patients with cancer need ex- closure is crucial. In many cases,
in the study by Ratasvuori et al64
tended thromboprophylaxis. consultation with plastic surgery
received thromboprophylaxis, and
should be considered.
the authors found a survival benefit
among patients treated with 28 days Wound Healing
of low-molecular-weight heparin. Surgeons performing procedures in Anesthetic Considerations
Some data suggest that patients an irradiated area should be aware of Many chemotherapeutic agents can
undergoing prophylactic fixation lasting tissue damage as a result of have lasting toxicities on the pulmo-
for an impending long bone fracture radiation. Impaired wound healing is nary, cardiac, hepatorenal, circulatory,
may be at a higher risk of VTE than particularly relevant in cases of hematopoietic, and nervous systems.
those with a complete fracture. Aneja hardware implantation such as total This phenomenon may place cancer
et al65 used the National Inpatient joint arthroplasty. Acute skin damage survivors at a higher risk of compli-
Sample database to compare rates peaks 1 to 2 weeks after completion of cations when undergoing general
of VTE among patients treated for radiation therapy and typically re- anesthesia. Table 4 lists common toxic

August 15, 2020, Vol 28, No 16 e725

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Musculoskeletal Effects of Cancer Treatment

agents, their effects, and recom- ologic and psychosocial health in high propensity for physical impair-
mendations. In all patients, a careful cancer survivors but may even ment of the musculoskeletal system.
preoperative assessment document- extended survival in some cases. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and
ing all previous chemotherapy and Exercise programs are safe in most surgery can affect musculoskeletal
radiation exposures, including doses, cancer survivors; however, there are health and leave survivors with con-
is essential for planning a safe oper- unique considerations when recom- ditions that require an orthopaedic
ation and alerting anesthesiologists to mending an exercise regimen. Bellizzi evaluation. To provide effective care
potential hazards. et al70 surveyed more than 7,300 for the increasing number of cancer
Pulmonary toxicity is a common survivors and 120,000 individuals survivors, orthopaedic surgeons must
complication in all patients under- with no history of cancer to determine be cognizant of the musculoskeletal
going systemic chemotherapy; bleo- health behaviors of both groups. They complications facing this unique pop-
mycin, which is used to treat germ cell determined that 30% of survivors self- ulation and the current trends regard-
tumors and Hodgkin lymphoma, is reported meeting the Centers for ing treatment and activity.
associated with a 6% to 10% rate of Disease Control and Prevention/
pulmonary toxicity and a lifelong risk American College of Sports Medicine
of lung injury.67 Pulmonary fibrosis physical activity recommendations (at References
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