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Assignment Questions II

1. With neat diagram explain Anatomy of file read and file write in Hadoop

2. Describe the architecture of Yarn.

3. What is MongoDB. Discuss replication strategy and sharding in MongoDB

4. Illustrate the key characteristics of MongoDB.

5. Illustrate with example creation of database and collection in MongoDB.

6. Create collage database with student, employee’s collection in MongoDB. With

example explain CRUD operations

7. Illustrate CRUD operations in MongoDB with examples.

8. Illustrate with examples Aggregate function in MongoDB.

9. Explain MangoImport and MangoExpert commands.

10. Illustrate the key features of Cassandra

11. What is Apache Cassandra?What are the features of Cassandra? Illustrate Alter

commands in Cassandra.

12. Illustrate CRUD operations in Cassandra with examples

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