Annotated-Intasc 20standard 20 231

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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard #1 Learner Development

Course Competency: EDU 210 5.1 Identify various instructional

strategies used to achieve an optimal learning environment for all students.

DMACC Essential Learning Outcome: Discipline Knowledge: Students will

be able to understand and apply discipline knowledge foundational to study
within a single course or an entire program.

Course: EDU 210

Date of Implementation: September 2023

Title of Artifact: Learning Styles Profile and Multiple Intelligence Survey
In 2-3 sentences for EACH bullet point, reflect on how this assignment apples to
each of these areas:
 InTasc standard #1
 For this artifact, I chose to use the multiple intelligence assignment. I chose to
use this assignment because it relates to Standard 1, learner development.
The information in this survey shows me how different students learn.
 Course Competency 5.1
 This assignment adresses Course Competency 5.1 because it made me realize
that I have to use different strategies to help each one of my students. It also
helped me to learn that I need to create a positive learning environment for
all students.
 This assignment helped me to learn that as a young teacher, I need to realize
that all my students learn differently and it's my job to challenge them in
different ways according to their learning style.

(Explain what YOU gained from completing this assignment/artifact. For example:
How might it help you to become a better teacher? How might this help your future
students? How will you use this information in the future. Will this help you to be a
better teacher?

Completing this multiple intelligence and learning style assignment taught me how to be
a better teacher... I believe that the assignment truly taught me more about understanding
different learning styles as well as being able to apply them to my future students in the
classroom. Not only is it beneficial to both my students and myself,

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