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Carolin Jolitz

The Pennsylvania State University

253 Burrowes Building
University Park, PA 16802


Dual Title Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and Language Science, The Pennsylvania State University Expected
Dissertation: “Exploring the Effects of Multimedia Input Mode on the Acquisition of Incongruent Grapheme- 05/2025
Phoneme Correspondences in Beginner L2 German Learners”
Advisors: Mike Putnam, Richard Page
Master of Arts in German Literature, Linguistics & Educational Science, University of Kiel, Germany 10/2019
M.A. Thesis: „Der Zusammenhang von Fremdsprachenverwendungsangst, L2-Aussprache und L2-
Aussprachelernstrategien im Unterrichtskontext.”
"The Relationship Between Foreign Language Anxiety, L2 Pronunciation, and L2 Pronunciation Learning
Strategies in the Classroom Context."
Advisors: Inger Petersen, Birgit Brouër
Bachelor of Arts in German Literature, Linguistics & Educational Science, University of Kiel, Germany 08/2017
B.A. Thesis: „Die Auswirkung depressiv erkrankter Eltern auf die kindliche Entwicklung.“
“The Impact of Parental Depressive Disorders on Child Development.”
Advisors: Manfred Böge, Reiner Herzog
Visiting Scholar, The Pennsylvania State University 08/2018-
Study Abroad Teaching Assistantship Program, funded by a scholarship from the University of Kiel 05/2019


Mentor for undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds, Mentoring for the Future of Global Literary 08/2023-
and Linguistic Studies present
- Promote the program by sending emails to minority-serving institutions
Co-founder and Co-leader of an Embedded Study Abroad Program, The Pennsylvania State University 04/2022-
- Collaborated with Biotechnology faculty and education abroad program coordinators to develop a 05/2023
comprehensive international learning experience.
- Co-led a successful 10-day study abroad trip to Switzerland for 12 students majoring in science,
enhancing their global perspectives and understanding of sustainability advancements in Switzerland.
- Partnered with a study-abroad provider to plan the travel itinerary, secure accommodations, organize
daily transportation, and coordinate educational activities.
- Organized four guest lectures by experts from Penn State and the Swiss Embassy in Washington DC,
enriching the course content and providing diverse perspectives.
- Designed and taught a semester-long course focusing on various aspects of Switzerland, including Swiss
culture, history, politics, education, language diversity, and the health care system, preparing students
for their experience abroad.
- Conducted interviews with 30 student applicants, carefully selecting participants who best aligned with
the program’s objectives.
Supervisor for German 1 Instructors, The Pennsylvania State University 08/2021-
- Prepared and led bi-weekly meetings. 12/2021
- Advised instructors on material development and implementation.
- Designed quizzes and assignments
German Language Tutor, ECC Language Institute Bangkok, Thailand 08/2017-
- Conducted weekly German language tutoring sessions for a 12-year-old Thai student 09/2017
- Designed interactive activities tailored to the student's interests and learning needs, enhancing
motivation and engagement with the German language.

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- Provided personalized feedback and homework assistance, contributing to significant improvements in
the student’s German language skills.
Language Education and Cultural Projects Intern, Goethe Institut Bangkok, Thailand 07/2017-
- Observed German instructors teaching at A1-B2 levels. 09/2017
- Contributed to the organization and execution of the first Deutscholympiade Asien-Pazifik in Rayong for
levels A1-A2, mentored 77 young adults.
- Assisted in organizing and facilitating educational events, including a journalism workshop for high
school students and the EU-Sprachen-Cafe
- Led an orientation seminar for 3 incoming language assistants in Thai schools, covering teaching
strategies and cultural integration.
- Performed translations from English to German, managed internal and external communications.
- Developed educational materials and tasks for the Lautstark music project.
Academic and Career Guidance Advisor, University of Kiel, Germany 10/2016-
- Led monthly workshops for high school classes, engaging 20-40 students per session, focused on 07/2018
academic and career planning.
- Empowered students to identify their skills, strengths, and interests, providing personalized guidance to
support their educational and career decision-making processes.
- Offered one-on-one tutoring and mentoring to prospective students, facilitating reflective discussions
about their academic aspirations and expectations.
- Addressed inquiries on various aspects of academic life, offering insights and resolving concerns about
university studies and career paths.
- Developed and shared effective tools and strategies for independent study and learning, equipping
students with the necessary skills to thrive in a university environment.
- Actively contributed to educational events, such as Studien-Informations-Tage (Study Information Days)
and school fairs, delivering career guidance and supporting students in their transition from high school
to higher education.
Homework Supervisor, Comprehensive School Kronshagen, Germany 11/2016-
- Supervised and supported 10 students in 5th-7th grade with their homework in all school subjects 07/2018
- Provided personalized assistance and feedback
Clinical Support and Psychoeducation Intern, Psychiatric Daycare Clinic Kieler Fenster, Germany 08/2016-
- Completed a six-week internship at the Kieler Fenster, an outpatient facility for individuals with various 09/2016
mental health conditions, specifically personality disorders, depression, anxiety disorders, and
- Collaborated with a multidisciplinary team, including doctors, social workers, psychologists, and
therapists, to provide holistic patient care.
- Supported 3 schizophrenia patients in their discussion groups and therapy sessions and assisted with
medication management.
- Organized and facilitated group activities for 15-20 patients, fostering patient well-being through health
training and psychoeducational interventions.
- Actively participated in team meetings, patient consultations, individual counseling sessions, and couple
therapy sessions.
- Conducted research to provide post-discharge care for 4 patients.
- Developed and executed innovative lesson plans for multiple psychoeducational interventions, including
social skills training, anxiety management, and non-violent communication.
- Provided intensive support to 2 patients, assisted with legal appointments, and offered emotional
support during counseling sessions.
High Ropes Course Instructor, High Ropes Course High Spirits in Kiel, Germany 09/2015-
- Supervised and supported groups of 10-15 people and individuals. 10/2015
- Led team-building exercises and training sessions, enhancing teamwork and communication.
- Provided immediate emotional support and rescue in panic situations, effectively managing participant
distress and ensuring safety.
- Delivered comprehensive safety briefings and instructions to participants.

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Instructor of Record, The Pennsylvania State University 08/2018-

German 1 – Beginning German (in-person & World Campus, & Summer Intensive Program) 05/2023
German 2 – Beginning German (in person, World Campus & Summer Intensive Program)
German 3 – Intermediate German (in-person)
German 201 – Conversation and Composition (COVID remote)
German 197 – Swiss German Language and Culture for Embedded Experiences Abroad (in-person)
- Taught a comprehensive range of German courses, from beginning to intermediate levels, and
specialized courses like a course on Swiss German Language and Culture for Embedded Experiences
- Adapted teaching methods to in-person, remote (during COVID-19), and World Campus modalities.
- Utilized diverse engagement strategies to maintain high student participation across formats, including
interactive online platforms, multimedia resources, and real-world language application exercises.
- Received commendable student evaluations for the clarity of my instructions and explanations, my
feedback, my passion when teaching, course structure, and my ability to foster an engaging, supportive,
and dynamic learning environment.
German Instructor for Conversation Courses, Goethe Institut Bangkok, Thailand 07/2017-
- Taught two A2 and B1 level German conversation classes twice a week, focusing on enhancing verbal 09/2017
communication skills among diverse student groups, with 5 students in each group.
- Developed and implemented a variety of interactive activities designed for real-world application, such
as role-playing scenarios for everyday situations, significantly improving students’ conversational
fluency and confidence.
- Created and utilized customized teaching materials and assessments to track progress, ensuring a
practical and engaging learning experience that catered to individual student needs.


Excellence in Academic Advising Certificate Program, World Campus 03/2024-

- Completed a comprehensive training course focused on the enhancement of academic advising skills 04/2024
- Engaged with self-paced learning modules that covered the conceptual, informational, and relational
components of academic advising in higher education
Student Support and Advocacy in Online Learning Certificate Program, World Campus
- Gained expertise in identifying and addressing various forms of student stress, with a focus on tailored
interventions and facilitating effective pathways to help them regain their academic focus
- Developed strategies for creating a welcoming and inclusive learning environment, enhancing student 03/2024-
engagement and participation. 04/2024
Ethical Pedagogy Course, Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, The Pennsylvania State University 02/2024-
- Completed a 5-week online course designed to integrate Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility 03/2024
concepts into teaching practices.
- Engaged in the exploration of ethical pedagogy as a developing construct, focusing on creating inclusive
and equitable learning environments and integrating challenging topics respectfully into lesson plans.
- Participated in a combination of asynchronous and synchronous activities, including scholarship
engagement, workshops, and "coffee hours," totaling an estimated commitment of 20-25 hours.
- Collaborated with fellow graduate students and educators to co-construct and revisit the framework of
ethical pedagogy, applying it through practical, inclusive pedagogical practices.
- Discussed and addressed key questions on balancing students’ needs, personal teaching perspectives,
and institutional expectations, enhancing the ability to navigate controversial issues effectively.
Professional Development Course for German Educators, Goethe Institut Schwäbisch Hall, Germany 06/2023-
Methodik und Didaktik - Deutsch für den Unterricht mit Erwachsenen 11/2023
„Methodology and didactics - German for Teaching Adults”
- Completed a comprehensive course consisting of 15 hours online, an 80-hour in-person phase, and a
10-hour self-study and trial phase.
- Explored and applied methodological and didactic principles to enhance my teaching practices, focusing

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on creating successful exercises, tasks, and forms of work tailored to specific student groups.
- Developed, presented, and critically discussed instructional scenarios, reinforcing the practical
application of theoretical knowledge.
- Practiced and propagated key pedagogical principles such as competency-based, action-oriented,
learner-centered, task-based, and interaction-focused teaching.
- Conducted a practical exploration, implementing innovative teaching techniques in my own classes
Summer School, University of California, Davis 07/2023
“Ecological Perspectives on Language Teaching: Designing a Second Language Acquisition Research Study”
- Participated in an intensive workshop focused on the multidimensional aspects of language learning,
emphasizing ecological research methods in second language acquisition.
- Gained insights into a variety of research methods designed to address the complexity of language
learning environments and the importance of transferring research findings into practical teaching
- Learned to select and utilize appropriate data collection instruments for effective research design and
- Developed skills in designing a research project, from writing the proposal to data collection, coding,
and statistical analysis.
- Engaged in hands-on activities, including small group work to practice research concepts and design a
research project outline ready for implementation post-workshop.
- Enhanced understanding of how classroom practices influence data collection methodologies and the
coding and analysis of data.
Online Professional Development „Deutsch Lehren Lernen“, Goethe Institut New York 05/2022-
DLL 6: Curricular Requirements and Lesson Planning 07/2022
- Completed a comprehensive 8-week professional development course focusing on the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and its application in language teaching.
- Participated in three interactive online live sessions and completed 38 mandatory and 2 portfolio
assignments, demonstrating a practical application of course concepts.
- Developed proficiency in formulating can-do descriptions for action-oriented lessons, underscoring
their critical role in facilitating student-centered learning.
- Gained in-depth knowledge of methodical-didactical principles, enhancing lesson planning and the
ability to pose essential questions for effective instruction.
- Explored various models for lesson planning, gaining versatility in designing and implementing
structured language lessons.
- Acquired skills in setting precise learning objectives and tailoring lesson plans to meet these objectives,
promoting clear and measurable student outcomes.
- Engaged in an intercultural exchange with a multinational group of participants, comparing lesson
planning models across different teaching and learning cultures to enrich understanding and
adaptability to diverse educational systems.
Online Professional Development „Deutsch Lehren Lernen“, Goethe Institut New York 05/2020-
DLL 2: How is German learned as a foreign language? 07/2020
- Completed an intensive 40-hour online course focused on the dynamics of language learning, including
the impact of the first language on foreign language acquisition and the process of language learning.
- Participated in three interactive online live sessions, completed 38 mandatory and 2 portfolio
assignments, reflecting a practical application of the course content.
- Explored the principles of independent learning, acquiring strategies to support learners in planning
and structuring their own language acquisition process.
- Developed competencies in encouraging students to self-evaluate their learning progress, fostering
reflective language learning practices.
- Gained insights into didactic developments promoting multilingualism and mastered didactic-
methodological principles specific to teaching German as a foreign language, applying them through
appropriate classroom exercises.
- Engaged in an intercultural educational environment with a multinational group of participants, sharing
and comparing different teaching models and strategies to enhance understanding of global
educational systems.

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- Conducted action and teacher research by observing lessons (both self and peers), identifying and
implementing innovative teaching strategies, and evaluating their effectiveness in real classroom
- Culminated the course with a 3-week Practical Exploration Project (PEP), applying new theoretical
approaches in my teaching practice.
Graduate Student Online Teaching Certificate Program, Penn State World Campus 05/2020-
- Completed a five-week online professional development course designed to enhance online teaching 06/2020
- Engaged in weekly reading and writing assignments to develop a foundational understanding of
effective practices in online teaching.
- Collaborated on a group project that simulated the design and delivery of an online academic class,
integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application.
- Attended a videoconference aimed at consolidating learning outcomes and fostering dialogue on best
practices in online education.
Teaching Adult Learners Certificate Program, Penn State World Campus 05/2020-
- Completed a 4-week self-guided course on identifying and addressing the unique educational needs 06/2020
and characteristics of adult learners.
- Acquired knowledge on defining the adult learner demographic in general terms and specifically within
the context of Penn State.
- Identified key characteristics that distinguish adult learners from traditional-aged college students (18-
to 22-year-olds), enhancing the ability to tailor teaching strategies effectively.
- Developed skills in designing instructional activities and learning environments that are responsive to
the needs of adult learners, promoting engagement and success in diverse educational settings.
Tutor Certification Program, Project for Successful Teaching and Learning, University of Kiel, Germany 04/2016-
- Completed a comprehensive curriculum totaling 28 45-minute units focusing on developing practical, 06/2016
interdisciplinary pedagogical competencies.
- Engaged in a series of workshops designed to systematically expand necessary higher education
teaching competencies, fostering sustainable professionalization and teaching improvement.
o Basis Workshop: Mastered foundational didactic competencies including preparation,
planning, and execution of tutoring sessions; tutor role reflection; moderation in
educational events; group dynamics; communication strategies; motivation techniques; and
feedback culture.
o Intercultural Competence: Enhanced sensitivity to diversity and cultivated skills for
managing interculturality in academic teaching. Learned tools and methods for fostering
intercultural communication and collaboration in diverse groups.
o Communication: Advanced communication skills by learning and applying techniques for
audience-appropriate communication. Practiced appreciative communication methods in
teaching and group situations.
o Time Management: Acquired fundamentals of successful time and self-management,
including strategic planning of teaching activities and tools for optimal time allocation.
o Collegial Advice: Learned and implemented collegial consultation methods, including
preparation, execution, and post-session reflection, aimed at addressing and solving
practical teaching challenges.

Committee Member for (Applied) Linguistics Career Day, The Pennsylvania State University 04/2024
- Managed audiovisual setups and resolved technical issues, ensuring seamless presentations and
interactions during the event.
- Coordinated with invited speakers from diverse linguistic disciplines, facilitating logistical arrangements
for their participation.
Organizing Committee Member for German Day, Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and 08/2023-
Literatures, The Pennsylvania State University 04/2024,
- Developed and led Trivia game for 267 high school students with another graduate student. 08/2018-
- Assisted with the scoring of the activities. 04/2019

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- Co-facilitated a dynamic conversation hour, providing high school students with insights into the
transition from high school to college, studying German, and addressing diverse questions and
Presenter at the World Stories Alive Series, Center for Language Science & Schlow Centre Region Library 02/2024
- Volunteered as a reader, sharing bilingual stories with children aged 2-8 to support early exposure to and
foreign languages and cultures. 02/2021
- Collaborated with Schlow Library to select appropriate and engaging German books, songs, and rhymes
for a 30-minute interactive storytime session.
- Presented the selected materials and interactive activities, fostering a lively and inclusive atmosphere
for the children and their parents.
Workshop for German and French Language Instructors, The Pennsylvania State University 09/2023
in GER 511/ FR 581: Teaching College German/ Theory and Techniques of Teaching French
“How to integrate pronunciation instruction in the L2 classroom”
- Developed and led a specialized workshop aimed at equipping German and French language
instructors with advanced strategies for incorporating pronunciation instruction into their foreign
language teaching practices.
- Crafted comprehensive workshop content that blended theoretical principles with practical teaching
applications, emphasizing the integration of pronunciation instruction into existing language curricula.
- Implemented a practical, hands-on approach that encouraged active participation, allowing instructors
to experiment with and apply pronunciation techniques and digital tools in an interactive setting.
- Created a dynamic forum for the exchange of best practices, pedagogical challenges, and innovative
solutions related to pronunciation teaching, enhancing the collective expertise of language instructors.
- Garnered commendations from both the course instructor and attendees for the workshop’s
informative content and the practicality of the resources and instructional methods introduced.
Invited Speaker for the Mentoring for the Future Program, The Pennsylvania State University 05/2023
for Mentoring for the Future of Global Literacy, Linguistics and Cultural Studies
- Selected as a graduate student representative to deliver a 5-minute elevator speech at the annual
Mentoring for the Future workshop, conducted via Zoom, focusing on the application process to
graduate programs in literature, linguistics, languages, and cultures.
- Presented on my dissertation research on pronunciation learning with captioned video, contributing to
the exposure of diverse academic inquiries and methodologies within the field.
- Contributed to the university's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives by
showcasing the wide range of research topics pursued by students from diverse backgrounds, aligning
with the workshop's goal to demystify the graduate program application process.
Invited Guest Lecture for the NSF Graduate Training Program, The Pennsylvania State University 07/2022
- Co-led a comprehensive introductory workshop aimed at equipping graduate students within the NSF
Graduate Training Program with the essential skills and knowledge to organize student-led
- Designed and delivered content on logistical planning, thematic development, speaker engagement,
and marketing strategies to ensure the successful execution of academic conferences.
- Facilitated interactive discussions and activities that encouraged participants to apply workshop
concepts in real-time planning scenarios, enhancing their organizational and leadership competencies.
Abstract Reviewer, Symposium on Language Pedagogy in Higher Education (SOLPHE) 2022 06/2022
- Appointed as an abstract reviewer for SOLPHE 2022, an online symposium dedicated to advancing
language pedagogy and program direction in higher education.
- Tasked with the critical evaluation of 3 abstracts, leveraging EasyAbs for rating and providing
comments based on scholarly criteria.
Level B2 German Examiner, The Pennsylvania State University & Goethe Institut 01/2022-
Organizing Committee Member for the Young Scholar Speaker Series, Center for Language Science at the 08/2020-
Pennsylvania State University 04/2021
- Co-organized the Young Scholar Speaker Series, an annual event organized by graduate students that
fosters academic exchange and collaboration within the Center for Language Science community.
- Facilitated the event’s transition to a virtual format, including organizing and managing a dynamic

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poster session via Zoom that enabled interactive discussions and engagement among participants.
- Acted as the main point of contact for the invited speaker, coordinating logistics, scheduling, and
technical requirements.
Executive Board Member, Penn State Women’s Club Team Handball 01/2020-
- Held successive executive board positions within the club, demonstrating flexibility, leadership, and a 12/2022
strong commitment to team organization and management.
- Vice President (1 Semester): Spearheaded initiatives to enhance team cohesion and performance,
coordinated between team members and external parties, and played a pivotal role in strategic
planning and decision-making processes.
- Secretary (1 Semester): Responsible for maintaining accurate records, managing communications, and
organizing meeting agendas and minutes, ensuring efficient operation and documentation of club
- Treasurer (1 Semester): Managed the club’s finances, including budgeting, tracking expenditures, and
financial reporting, contributing to the club’s fiscal health and sustainability.
Treasurer, German Graduate Student Association at The Pennsylvania State University 03/2021-
Organizing Committee Member for Poetry without Borders, The Pennsylvania State University 08/2019-
- Co-organized Poetry without Borders, an annual, university-wide event that fosters multicultural 03/2020
dialogue, showcases poetry in a multitude of languages, and celebrates global cultures
Invited Guest Lecture on Germany, German Language and Culture, The Pennsylvania State University 02/2020
For students in Biobehavioral Health 390A: Preparation for Fieldwork
- Co-led a comprehensive lecture for students preparing for their fieldwork in Freiburg, Germany, as part
of their global health minor.
- Provided an in-depth presentation on German culture, customs, and language, aimed at equipping
students with essential knowledge and cultural competencies for their upcoming fieldwork in
collaboration with the University of Freiburg’s Master’s program in Urban Global Health.
- Addressed key topics such as comparative health systems, global health governance, and issues
concerning refugee/asylum populations, enriching students’ understanding of the societal and health
system frameworks they would engage with in Germany.
- Enhanced the preparatory curriculum by integrating insights into German societal norms and practices,
facilitating a smoother transition for students to their international fieldwork environment.
- Received positive feedback for alleviating students' concerns and providing essential information that
enriched students' understanding and preparedness for their upcoming fieldwork, as noted by
attendees and director of Penn State’s minor in global health.


Alsic Grant for Young Researchers, Alsic Journal (Adalsic association) 04/2024
- Awarded competitive funding to cover travel and lodging expenses for the Agi-lang conference at the
University of Grenoble, France.
RGSO Dissertation Funding, College of the Liberal Arts at the Pennsylvania State University 04/2024
Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award, The Pennsylvania State University 04/2024
Gerhard F. Strasser Graduate Endowment Award 04/2024
, The Pennsylvania State University
Gerald E. and Martha Kightlinger Family Program Award 04/2024
, The Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Walter E. Thompson & Dr. Regina B. Thompson Scholarship, Department of Germanic and Slavic 03/2024
Languages and Literatures at The Pennsylvania State University
- Also awarded in 2023, 2021, 2020, and 2019
CLS Summer School Funding Award, Center for Language Science at the Pennsylvania State University 03/2024
- Awarded funding to defray travel expenses for attending a professional development course at the
Goethe Institut in Germany

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Max Kade Institute Summer Research Award, Penn State German American Research Institute 03/2024
- Awarded funding to defray travel expenses for attending a professional development course at the
Goethe Institut in Berlin, Germany
Max Kade Dissertation Fellowship, Penn State German American Research Institute 08/2023-
CLS Summer School Funding Award, Center for Language Science at the Pennsylvania State University 05/2024
- Awarded funding to defray travel expenses for attending a Summer School at the UC Davis in California
Max Kade Institute Summer Research Award, Penn State German American Research Institute 04/2023
- Awarded funding to cover travel expenses for attending a professional development course at the
Goethe Institut in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany
Superior Teaching and Research (STAR) Award, The College of Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State 01/2023
- Honored with the STAR Award, an award recognizing excellence in academic pursuits and teaching,
specifically allocated to support travel expenses for a scholarly visit to the University of Barcelona,
Scholarship for Professional Development Course in Germany, Goethe Institut New York 11/2022
- Received a prestigious scholarship designed to cover the costs associated with attending a professional
development course at the Goethe Institut in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany
Professional Development Funding, The College of Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State University 08/2022
- Received funding for the development and execution of an innovative embedded study abroad
Scholarship for Online Professional Development, Goethe Institut New York 07/2022
- Awarded a scholarship to cover the costs of an online professional development course (DLL 6)
Max Kade Institute Award, Penn State German American Research Institute 05/2020
- Awarded funding to cover costs of an online professional development course (DLL 2)
Academic All-American - First Team Honors, USA Team Handball 04/2019
- Award for Collegiate Handball Players in the United States
Scholarship for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship at the Pennsylvania State University, University of Kiel, 01/2018
Scholarship for an Internship at the Goethe Institut Bangkok, Thailand, DAAD 06/2017
- Awarded a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship to support my internship at the
Goethe Institut Bangkok in Thailand


Research Assistant, The Pennsylvania State University 06/2023-

Supervisor: Sarah Henneböhl 08/2023
- Crafted comprehensive lesson plans for new German 1 instructors, incorporating innovative teaching
methods to enhance classroom engagement and learning outcomes.
- Designed a series of speaking activities to reduce learners' foreign language speaking anxiety
Research Assistant, The Pennsylvania State University 06/2021-
Supervisor: Carrie Jackson 08/2021
- Developed experimental materials for research study
Research Assistant, The Speech Lab, The Pennsylvania State University 06/2020-
Supervisor: Katharina Schuhmann 08/2020
- Developed instructional materials for a research study on captioned video and pronunciation learning.
Research Internship, Bilingual Sentence Processing and Code-switching Lab, The Pennsylvania State 01/2020-
University 05/2020
Supervisor: Giuli Dussias
- Learned collecting and extracting ERP and eye-tracking data.
- Created experiments on Experiment Builder.
- Assisted with the development of experimental materials

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Agency, engagement and learning in technology-based language pedagogy - International Conference, 06/2024
University Grenoble Alpes, France accepted
“Fostering Learner Engagement in L2 Pronunciation Learning through Interactive Video Assignments”
ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo, Chicago, Illinois 11/2023
“Teaching incongruent letter-sound correspondences through technology”, with Natacha Mally.
Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT) conference, Purdue University, West 09/2023
Lafayette, Indiana
“Using Audiovisual Materials to Teach Pronunciation”, with Ines Martin.
Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC), Banff, Alberta 04/2023
“The Effects of Explicit Pronunciation Training and Captioned Video on L2 German Perception in a Beginner
L2 German Classroom”
Young Scholar Speaker Series (YSSS), The Pennsylvania State University 02/2020
“The effects of explicit and implicit pronunciation instruction on German final devoicing in an intermediate
L2 German language classroom”


Jolitz, C., & Martin, I. A. (under review). Using Audiovisual Materials to Teach Pronunciation. In J. L. Sturm, D. J.
Olson, O. Dmitrieva, A. Fukada, J. Levis (eds.). Proceedings of the 14th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning
and Teaching Conference, held September 2023 at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

Martin, I. A., & Jolitz, C. (2023). Teaching Perspectives – German. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 9(3),


American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) 2023-present

American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) 2023-present
German Grad Student Association (GGSA) 2019-present
Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association (PSMLA) 2019-present

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