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Elizabeth Lopez-Perez

Lori Cory

Teacher Academy


18, September 2023

Everybody has different learning styles just as teachers have different teaching

techniques. However, if the style and techniques do not line up, it can have a serious impact on

the students grade. An important thing to know about me is I believe I have experienced every

teaching style and while I was able to thrive with some, I also failed at the others. I have never

truly know what my learning style is, simply because different topics tend to make more sense to

me and with others it may take different approaches for me to finally understand. However, after

taking the learning style quiz, my results were three for verbal, one for active, one for sensing,

and one for sequential.

As someone who has typically struggled with homework, it is important to me to

understand what my multiple intelligences and learning style is so that I am able to thrive in any

position I may be in. For example, after taking the quiz to determine my multiple intelligences, I

ended with interpersonal, kinesthetic, and verbal as my top three. Interpersonal intelligence is the

“ability to understand and interact effectively with others” according to the University of

Tennessee. I completely agree with this, simply because I believe that I have always been able to

work well with others extremely well. As for understanding, I have always been told that I am

good at reading others as well as being empathetic towards them; this will be extremely

beneficial to not only myself but also to my students. My second top intelligence is kinesthetic

which can be defined as, “the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills”
according to the University of Tennessee. While kinesthetic intelligence is more-so about

physical skills, it could be beneficial to a classroom in many ways. For example, being able to be

physically healthy in any possible situation where it may be necessary could prevent many

situations. My last intelligence is verbal, however, I feel like this is my second strongest

intelligence. As a student, I have never been able to learn anything easily by looking at a graph

or simply watching a teacher speak; it is the easiest for me when a teacher explains the hows, the

whys, and everything in between. As a teacher, this will be extremely important to me when it

comes to teaching a lesson for my students. I will hopefully be able to be clear with my students.

While my top intelligence may be kinesthetic, my top learning style is verbal. As for the

rest of my top three’s, I got ones in every other learning style. However, if I had to pick, I would

decide sensing to be my second, and active to be my third. Rather than being able to apply

hypotheticals to a situation, I am much better with facts and evidence. My third intelligence is

active, however, I decided on active learning simply because I am not a sequential learner.

Although my top learning style may be verbal, I know that that may not be the case for my future

students too so I will keep an open mind and use teaching strategies that work best for them

rather than myself.

Becoming a teacher is and has always been a goal of mine since I was a little girl because

of the teachers in my life. I want to be able to teach like them and always be there for my

students just like how they were for me. The biggest role model when it comes to teaching is my

sixth grade science teacher, Mr. Hoffman. He was always kind and took the time to sit down with

each and every student in his classroom to make sure we understood. I would like to be as open

minded, kind, and understanding as he is.

As for learning styles, I would definitely have my students take a survey simply so we

both know how they learn best in a classroom and I can play according to their strengths. For

example, I could do a hands-on activity with dimes when it comes to adding or multiplying and

for reading I could sit and read with them, explaining whenever there is any confusion.

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