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Reg. No.

*HAH452* HAH 452

II Semester M.A. Degree Examination, September/October 2022
(CBCS Scheme)
History and Archaeology
Pre and Proto History of India
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Section – A
Ë-»Ý-WÜ & G
I. Answer the following questions in about 4-5 pages. (3×10=30)
Pæ-ÙÜ-X®Ü ±ÜÅ-Íæ°-WÜ-ÚWæ ÓÜáÊÜÞÃÜá 4-5 ±Üâ-o-WÜ-ÙÜÈÉ E-ñܤ-Ä-Ô.
1) a) Write in detail about the material culture of Neolithic settlements in India.
»Ý-ÃÜñÜ E-±Ü-SívÜ¨Ü ®Ü-ÊÜ-Î-ÇÝ-¿áá-WÜ¨Ü ®æ-Çæ-WÜÙÜ ÊÜÓÜᤠÓÜíÓÜ¢-£-¿á®Üá° PÜá-ÄñÜá Ÿ-Ãæ-Àá-Ä.
b) Examine the salient features of Indian Chalcolithic cultures.
»Ý-ÃÜ-£à¿á ñÝÊÜáÅ Î-ÇÝ-¿áá-WÜ¨Ü ÓÜíÓÜ¢-£¿á Ë-ÎÐÜr Æ-PÜÒ-|-WÜ-ÙÜ®Üá° ±Ü-Äà-QÒ-Ô.
2) a) Analyse the important characteristics of early Harappan culture.
B-ÃÜí¼PÜ ÖÜ-Ãܱܳ ÓÜíÓÜ¢-£¿á ±ÜÅ-ÊÜááS Æ-PÜÒ-|-WÜ-ÙÜ®Üá° Ë-ÍæÉà-Ñ-Ô.
b) Explain the significance of South Indian ashmound sites.
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3) a) Discuss the spread of Iron technology in North India and development of
urban centres.
E-ñܤÃÜ »Ý-ÃÜ-ñÜ-¨ÜÈÉ PÜ-¹º-|¨Ü ñÜíñÜÅ-hÝn-®Ü¨Ü Ë-Óܤ-ÃÜOæ ÊÜáñÜᤠ®Ü-WÜ-ÃÜ-WÜÙÜ A-¼-ÊÜê-©œ-¿á®Üá° aÜ-bì-Ô.
b) Examine the types of South Indian megaliths.
¨Ü-QÒ| »Ý-ÃÜ-ñÜ¨Ü Ÿê-ÖÜñ… Î-ÇÝ-¿ááWÜ ÓÜ-ÊÜÞ-—-WÜÙÜ Ë-«Ü-WÜ-ÙÜ®Üá° ±Ü-Äà-QÒ-Ô.-

HAH 452 *HAH452*

Section – B
Ë-»Ý-WÜ & ¹
II. Answer any five of the following questions in about 3-4 pages. (5×8=40)
Pæ-ÙÜ-X®Ü ¿Þ-ÊÜâ-¨Ý-¨ÜÃÜã 5 ±ÜÅ-Íæ°-WÜ-ÚWæ 3-4 ±Üâ-o-WÜ-ÙÜÈÉ E-ñܤ-Ä-Ô.
4) Describe the important features of upper Palaeolithic culture in India.
»Ý-ÃÜ-ñÜ-¨Ü-ÈÉ®Ü E-®Ü°-ñÜ ÖÜÙæ Î-ÇÝ-¿ááWÜ ÓÜíÓÜ¢-£¿á ±ÜÅ-ÊÜááS Æ-PÜÒ-|-WÜ-ÙÜ®Üá° Ë-ÊÜ-Ä-Ô.
5) Describe the stone technology of Palaeolithic period.
ÖÜÙæ Î-ÇÝ-¿áá-WÜ¨Ü Î-ÇÝ-¿áá«Ü ñÜíñÜÅ-hÝn-®Ü-ÊÜ®Üá° PÜá-ÄñÜá Ÿ-Ãæ-Àá-Ä.
6) Write a note on the Mesolithic culture of India.
»Ý-ÃÜ-ñÜ¨Ü ÓÜãPÜÒ$¾ Î-ÇÝ-¿áá-WÜ¨Ü ÓÜíÓÜ¢-£¿á PÜá-ÄñÜá q-±Ü³~ Ÿ-Ãæ-Àá-Ä.
7) Briefly explain the funerary and religious practices of Harappan people.
ÖÜ-Ãܱܳ g-®ÜÃÜ ÍÜ-ÊÜ-ÓÜíÓÝRÃÜ ±Ü-¨Üœ£ ÊÜáñÜᤠ«Ý-ËáìPÜ B-aÜ-ÃÜ-Oæ-WÜ-ÙÜ®Üá° ÓÜíQÒ-±Ü¤-ÊÝX ¯-ÃÜã-²-Ô.
8) Examine the nature of economic during the mature Harappan period.
±ÜÅ-Ÿá¨Üœ ÖÜ-Ãܱܳ A-ÊÜ-—¿á B-¦ì-PÜ-ñæ¿á ÓÜÌ-ÃÜã-±Ü-ÊÜ®Üá° ±Ü-Ä-Îà-È-Ô.
9) Explain the Chalcolithic Culture of Inamgaon.
C-®ÝíWÝíÊ…®Ü ñÝÊÜáÅ Î-ÇÝ-¿áá-WÜ¨Ü ÓÜíÓÜ¢-£-¿á®Üá° ¯-ÃÜã-²-Ô.
10) Examine the theories regarding the decline of Harappan culture.
ÖÜ-Ãܱܳ ÓÜíÓÜ¢£¿á A-ÊÜ-®Ü-£¿á ŸWæY C-ÃÜáÊÜ Ô-¨ÝœíñÜ-WÜ-ÙÜ®Üá° ±Ü-Äà-QÒ-Ô.
11) Give an account of the town planning of Harappan culture.
ÖÜ-Ãܱܳ ÓÜíÓÜ¢-£¿á ®Ü-WÜÃÜ Áãà-g-®æ¿á PÜá-ÄñÜá Ÿ-Ãæ-Àá-Ä.


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