Annotated-Artifact 20reflection 20for 20newsletter 20intasc 20standard 20 2310-1

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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard #10: Professional Learning and Collaboration

Course Competency: EDU 218 Demonstrate an understanding of the duties and responsibilities
for teachers both in and out of the classroom.

Essential Learning Outcome: Communication skills

Course: EDU 210 Foundations of Education and WBL100 Exploring Careers

Date of Implementation: December 2023

Title of Artifact: Class newsletter
● How this example is a good example of professional learning and collaboration.
● In order to show my understanding of the In Tasc Standard #10, I completed the
newsletter artifact. Completing it allowed me to not only show communication
skills, but also how to effectively collaborate with coworkers and
parents/guardians of students.
● How does this assignment show an understanding of duties and responsibilities
of teachers?
● Completing the newsletter allowed me to understand the reponsibility a teacher
has to communicate with their coworkers and parents/guardians of students
weekly or monthly which is one of the many duties and responsibilities a
teacher must accomplish.
● How does this assignment demonstrate communication skills?
● Completing a weekly or even monthly newsletter requires organization and
thought in order to let others know what is being planned as well as what will
be needed or even important events/topics such as field trips or picture days.
Explain what you gained from completing this assignment/artifact. How will you use
this information in the future?

In order to show my understanding of InTasc Standard #10, I completed my very own

newsletter that included assignments that were due along with the dates. I was required to
look ahead at important dates as well as being able to properly communicate on the
newsletter, leaving no room for error or questions. Being able to complete this
assignment, I know what to expect and what does/does not work for any future
newsletters that will be sent home to parents/guardians of my future students. Not only
will this benefit my students and myself, but it will also greatly benefit my future
coworkers due to being able to properly communicate.

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