English Exam 2 Revisi

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Unit 1


cutting reading coloring writing

2. A: What is he doing?
B: He is ____.

A: What is she ____ ?

B: She ___ _____ .

A: What ___ they _____?

B: They are ______

A: ____ is ___ doing?

B: ___ is ______.
Unit 2







4. answer
~Water from the sky!
~ Moving air. It makes trees and things move.
~ The big, yellow, hot thing in the sky
~ When the temperature is low, it is

Write the best words from the box.

boots sweater

Shirt and shorts

5. ~Today it's rainy.

Bring your ______________________________ with you.
~Today it's sunny and hot.
Put on your ______________________________.

~ Today it's sunny and hot.

I don’t need my ______________________________

~Today it's cold and snowy.

Put on your ______________________________.
Unit 3
6. Match
a. Fly a kite
b. Skateboard
c. Hide and seek
d. Ride a bike
e. Play soccer
f. Jump rope
g. Play baseball
h. Play basketball

Write the best words from the box.


Let's fly Let's jump Let's play Let's ride

a. ________________ a kite.

b. ________________ a bike.

c. ________________ rope.

d. ________________ a soccer.
Unit 4


a. What is number 1?
It is a ______
b. What is number 2?
It is a ______
c. What is number 3?
It is a ______
d. What is number 4?
It is a ______

Choose the correct answer


a. The book is ____ the table.

b. The cat is ______ the table.

c. The picture is _____ the wall.

d. The table is _______ the sofa.

e. The kitten is _______ the puppies.


10. ~You can cook food in a _________.
a. Microwave
b. Bed
~You keep food cold in a __________.
a. Tub
b. Refrigerator

~You wash in a _______.

a. Tub
b. Kitchen
~You sit on __________.
a. A bookchase
b. A chair
Unit 5

11. Mark the correct picture.

12. Match the pictures

Read. Write T for True or F for False.
My Day
I always busy all day. I get up at five o'clock. At six o'clock I start my breakfast. At seven
o'clock I go to school. At twelve o'clock I eat lunch. I go home at two o'clock in the afternoon. At nine
o’clock at night I go to bed.

13. ~I’m not busy all day. ____

~I get up at five o'clock. ____
~I start my breakfast at seven o’clock. ____
~I eat lunch at twelve o'clock. ____
~I go home in the evening. ____
~I go to bed at night. ____
Unit 6
14. look at the picture and circle the correct word.
15. ~Is he scared?
No. He is______

~Does she look happy?

No. she is ______

~Is he excited?
Yes. He is _____

~How does she look?

She is _____

Complete. Use the correct form of the the word in parentheses


A: Where are the ______? (child)

B: They are in the ______

My ______________ like to play soccer. (friend)

The ______ are playing. (girl)

My ______ are fighting. (cat)

Unit 7

17. Answer the question.

a. _____ is a big cat.

b. ______ is a bird that doesn’t fly but walks and swims.

c. ______ are famous for their croaking and jumping.

d. ______ are the tallest of all land animals.

18. Answer the question. Use the words from the box.

it can it can't they can they can't

a. Can a snake walk? No, _________________.

b. Can pandas fly? No, _________________.
c. Can an elephant walk? Yes, _________________.
d. Can crocodiles swim? Yes, _________________.

19. Complete. Use Do or Does.

Example: -Does a snake have sharp claws?

- No, it doesn’t
a. _______ lions have long necks?
____, they _____n’t
b. _______ a tiger have a sharp tooth?
____, it____
c. ________ crocodiles have a big head?
_____, they _____
d. ________elephant have long trunks?
_____, it_____
Unit 8

20. Complete the question.

a. What do you do? I am ______

b. What do you do? I am _____

c. What do you do? I am _____

d. What do you do? I am _____

e. What do you do? I am _____

21. Match
22. Complete the question with do or does
a. What _______ your sister do?
She's a vet.
b. What does your father _______?
He's a farmer.
c. What _______ your sister do?
She's a scientist.
d. What _______ your brother do?
He's a nurse.

Unit 9
23. Match

Fruit & Vegetable

Other food
are aren't Are there any isn't any

24. ~Are there any corns?

yes, there___
~Are there any mangoes?
No, there _____________________ any mangoes.
~Is there any tomatoes?
No, there _____________________ tomatoes.
~_____________________ apples?
Yes, there are.
Eating Insects
People all over the world eat snacks. In country like China, people eat insects as snacks. They
eat ants, termites, and grasshoppers. Roasted ants or grasshoppers make a delicious, crunchy snack.
Insects can also be a sweet snack. In Australia, people like to eat honey ants. They have sweet juice in
their stomachs. In other places, people eat colourful lollipops with insects in them!
Read. Write T for True or F for False.
25. ~People eat ants as snacks in China. ____
~Roasted grasshoppers are crunchy. ____
~Insects are never sweet as snack. ____
~In other places, people eat lollipops in the shape of insects. ____

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