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A music festival in Hungary

In 2019, finally I was old enough to visit a music event that I have been always curious about. The
“Island of freedom” is famous for its diversity because thousands of people from all around the world
feel the desire to visit Sziget festival in Hungary.

I was amazed by all the intriguing activities that were provided. There were various topics they were
talking about. For instance, we were informed about serious global warming issues and we could also
have some fun in tents. We tried to occupy ourselves before the concerts got started. At a stand, we
had the opportunity to meet some motivating individuals that impressed me really much. One of
them talked about his art that felt quite moving to hear.

The excitement started when it got dark. There was smoke all around coming out from the smoke
machines placed on the stages. I felt satisfied and impressed. I was able to see my favourite band in
flash! As I heard the first beats of the song “Jumpsuit” I felt blessed to be there that time. We were
singing the lyrics during the whole concert with my friends. The place was filled with high spirits.
However, I have to mention that the crowd sometimes made us difficult to even breath. I have not
seen that much people in one place before.

As I got home I realised: there is no better feeling than being around people with the same purpose:
to enjoy music, make unforgettable memories and unreplacable friends. I am pretty sure I will always
remember that day at Sziget festival.

Medvés Bella 11.c

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