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Time : 3 Hours PAPER-1 Maximum Marks : 183 READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY GENERAL : 1. This sealed booklet is your Question Paper. Do not break the seal till you are told to do so. 2. Use the Optical Response sheet (ORS) provided separately for answering the questions. 8. Blank spaces are provided within this booklet for rough work. 4, Write your name, form number and sign in the space provided on the back cover of this booklet. 5. After breaking the seal of the booklet, verify that the booklet contains 28 pages and that all the 18 questions in each subject and along with the options are legible. If not, contact the invigilator for replacement of the booklet. 6. You are allowed to take away the Question Paper at the end of the examination. OPTICAL RESPONSE SHEET : ‘The ORS will be collected by the invigilator at the end of the examination, Do not tamper with or mutilate the ORS. Do not use the ORS for rough work, Write your name, form number and sign with pen in the space provided for this purpose on the ORS, Do not write any of these details anywhere else on the ORS. Darken the appropriate bubble under each digit of your form number. DARKENING THE BUBBLES ON THE ORS : 10. 1. 12, 13, 14. Use a BLACK BALL POINT PEN to darken the bubbles on the ORS. Darken the bubble C) COMPLETELY. ‘The correct way of darkening a bubble is as: @ ‘The ORS is machine-gradable. Ensure that the bubbles are darkened in the correct way. Darken the bubbles ONLY IF you are sure of the answer. There is NO WAY to erase or "un-darken" a darkened bubble. ‘Take g = 10 mi/s* unless otherwise stated, PHYSICS Current Electricity, Error Analysis, SHM, (Additional Topic for JEE Main : Colour code| for Resistor) CHEMISTRY Inorganic- H-atom and its Compound, Periodic table (Additional Topic for JEE| Main : Environmental Chemistry ; Organic- Complete isomerism] (Structural, Conformational, Optical, Geometrical) ; Physical- Chemical Equilbrium, lonic Equilibrium IMATHEMATICS : Method of differentiation, Application of derivative, Trigonometric Equation, Solution| of triangle SOME USEFUL CONSTANTS 7, O=8, F=9, Al=13, P= 15, a Ce = 58 H 12,N=14,0=16, F Al= 27, P= 31,8 C1 = 35.5, Ca=40, Fi Xe = 181, Ba=137, Ce = 140, Atomic No. Atomic masses : © Boltzmann constant kk = 1.38 x 10° JK 1 10° * Coulomb's law constant tna © Universal gravitational constant G = 6.67259 x 10-7 Nom? ket Speed of light in vacuum c= 3x 10'mset Stefan-Boltzmann constant 6 = 5.67 x 10° War K+ + Wien's displacement law constant b = 2.89 x 10° m-K «Permeability of vacuum fy = 4m x 10-7 NA# 1 * Permittivity of vacuum , = Hoe + Planck constant h= 6.63 x 10% Js Space for Rough Work PART-1 : PHYSICS SECTION-I() : (Maximum Marks : 21) ‘This section contains SEVEN questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is correct. For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the ORS. For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories Full Marks +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened, Zero Marks: 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened. sgative Marks : -1 In all other cases ‘Two wires of same material and identical lengths are joined in parallel to a battery of constant voltage. If the radius of cross section of both the wires are in the ratio of 3:5 then the ratio of drift speed of electrons in the wire is given by (A) 9:25, (B) 5:3 (©) V3:v5 (D) None of these What amount of heat is generated in a very long time in a coil of resistance 'R’ if a total charge 'Q’ passes through it such that the current in the coil becomes half after every t, seconds. The current is continuously changing. YR Rend RK, YR wt es © tae oe Space for Rough Work From a wire of resistance per unit length 7," an infinite grid is created as shown in the figure. The largest triangle has a length of 2L. If a battery of voltage 'V' is connected to the points A and B, find the total current supplied by the battery. [Each equilateral triangle has a edge half of its previous] Cc Al iB —l y 3 aw wv v Oma Oma Ona MTR Aparticle is moving in shm starting with zero velocity and a time period of 12s, Ifthe amplitude of the particles motion is A, then the time after which its displacement from the start can be A/2 will be Ais @B3s ©los ©) 12s Space for Rough Work A block of mass m, attached to a fixed position O on a smooth inclined wedge of mass M, oscillates with amplitude A and angular frequency @. The wedge is located on a rough horizontal surface (Remains stationary). If the angle of the wedge is 60°, then the force of friction acting on the wedge at any time t is given by (coofficient of static friction = 14) (A) u(Mam)e ® FoF Asino (© 4] (Moms Bn ‘Asinot () H(M+m)o*Asinot Space for Rough Work In the given vernier ealliper both jaws touch each other. The least count of the instrument is 0.1 mm. The side callipers has Qin Soam 10m Srm20mm 25cm (A) no zero error (B) zero error = 0.5 mm (©) zero erro 0.5 mm 0.5 mm (D) zero error ‘The length of a square plate is given to be 1.5m. The area of the this plate in correct significant digits is = (A) 2.25 m* (B) 2.3 m* (©)2.2m* (D) 2 m* Space for Rough Work SECTION-I(ii) : (Maximum Marks: 28) ‘This section contains SEVEN questions. Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct option(s). For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question, Answer to cach question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Full Marks +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen. Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen. Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct options. Partial Marks: +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option. Zero Marks 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered) Negative Marks : -2 In all other cases For Example : If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options), without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks. Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option), without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result. in +1 marks, Selecting any incorrect option(s) (Second option in this ease), with or without selection of any correct option(s) will result in -2 marks ‘The pitch of a screw gauge is 0.5 mm, The instrument reads +2 circular scale divisions when nothing is put in-between its jaws. In measuring the diameter of a wire, there are 8 divisions on the main scale and 83rd cixcular scale division coincides with the reference line, (A) The diameter of the wire if there are 100 divisions on the circular scale is 4.405 mm (B) The radius of the wire if there are 100 divisions on the cixcular scale is 2.2025 mm (©) The diameter of the wire if there are 200 divisions on the circular scale is 4.2025 mm (D) The diameter of the wire if there are 200 divisions on the circular scale is 4.202 mm. Space for Rough Work 9. 10. ‘The graph between object distance u and image distance v for a lens is given below. ‘The value of w and v are in centimeter. Then mark the correct statement(). (A) The focal length of the lens is 5em. (B) The focal length of the lens is 0.5m. (©) The error in focal length is 0.05 em (D) The fractional error in focal length is 0.1 ( iML¢ In tho determination of Young's modutus (¥-“*42) py using Searle's method, a wire of Tength L = 2 m and diameter d= 0.5 mm is used. For a load M = 2.5 kg, an extension £ = 0.25mm in the length of the wire is observed. Quantities d and # are measured using a serew gauge and & micrometer, respectively. They have the same pitch of 0.5 mm. The number of divisions on their circular scale is 100. Then mark the incorrect statement(s)rogarding contributions to the maximum probable error of the Y measurement (A) due to the errors in the measurements of d and £ are the same. (B) duo to the error in the measurement of dis twice that due to the error in the measurement of £ (© due to the error in the measurement of £ is twice that due to the error in the measurement of d (D) due to the error in the measurement of d is four time that due measurement of f the error in the ‘Space for Rough Work

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