Citizenship Quiz

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Answer the following questions below. (10 points each)

1. Give atleast three( 3 ) rights of Filipino Citizenship.

Those who regain Filipino citizenship under RA 9225 are entitled to full civil,
economic, and political rights under Philippine law.
The right to:
1. Travel with a Philippine passport.
2. To be able to own real estate in the Philippines.
3. As a Filipino, to participate in business and trade.

2. Give the two (2) types of Citizenship in the Philippines and explain the difference
between the two.
There are two (2) commonly acknowledged forms of getting Philippine citizenship,
according to the Bureau of Immigration of the Republic of the Philippines:
1. Filipino by birth
2. Filipino by naturalisation
-Filipino by birth have two various. The first is the legal theory of Jus soli
(right of soil), which states that a person's nationality at birth is defined by
their birthplace (e.g. the territory of a given state). The second is the Jus
sanguinis (blood right), which is the legal premise that a person inherits the
nationality of his or her natural parents at birth. This is a principle that the
Philippines follows.
Naturalization, on the other hand, refers to the legal process of adopting a
foreigner and bestowing upon him the rights and advantages of a native-born
citizen. It entails the renunciation of a previous nationality and the
establishment of a comparable relationship with a new political authority

3. Does being born in a country make you a citizen? Defend your answer
- Yes, most likely. Because a natural-born citizen is defined as a person born to
one or both Filipino citizens at the time of birth, according to the Philippine
Constitution. Birthright citizenship refers to a child's legal right to become a
citizen of the nation in which he or she was born. In many countries, birthright
citizenship is a constitutional requirement, although this idea is not required to be
recognized as law.
4. Give atleast five (5) qualifications of Native Born Aliens to become a Naturalized
1. He must be at least twenty-one years old on the day of the petition's hearing.
2. He had to have lived in the Philippines for a minimum of ten years.
3. He must be of excellent moral character and believe in the ideas underlying
the Philippine Constitution, and he must have acted in a proper and
irreproachable way in his dealings with the constituted government as well as the
society in which he lives during his entire stay in the Philippines.
4. He must either possess real land in the Philippines worth at least 5,000 pesos
(Philippine currency) or have a well-known profitable trade, profession, or
legitimate vocation in the Philippines.
5. He must be able to communicate in English, Spanish, and at least one of the
Philippine languages.

Reference: C.A. No. 473 (

I. Write a short Essay titled “A Good Citizen” (10 pts.)

Many attributes must be ingrained in a good citizen. True, he has some tasks and
responsibilities to bear. He does, however, have some rights and advantages as a
citizen of a free state. While he has every right to engage in the nation's legislative,
economic, political, religious, and social activities, he also bears some obligations. He
must not harm others' feelings and must defend the vulnerable from the powerful. His
first and main obligation is to be loyal to the nation and society under all situations.

A good citizen must be willing to give his life for the cause of his country. He must love
his country and be a patriot. He must have a strong and profound trust in his motherland.
He must follow the rules of the nation. He must, however, consider the welfare of the
state, the benefit of society, and the nation's long-term interests.
A good citizen must cherish his country's cultural history. He should revere his country's
heroes, prophets, sages, and saints. He owes it to the race to which he belongs to show
respect. He must always consider his country's long-term prospects. By working
honestly, he can help his country's level of life rise.
A good citizen must coexist peacefully with his or her neighbors and fellow citizens. He
must respect his country's institutions. A good citizen must constantly obey the rules of
the land and have zero tolerance for criminals and anti-social groups.

A good citizen should be cooperative, kind, humane, and dedicated to his family and
society. He must respect the beliefs of others. He must not do something that may bring
shame to his culture or nation. His guiding philosophy should be "the greatest good for
the greatest number of people." All of these positive characteristics, if present, make us
excellent citizens.

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